This commit is contained in:
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\section*{Oral communications}
\section*{Oral communications}
\item (Invited talk) July 2022, Selected configuration interaction, coupled cluster, Green’s function, and density-functional methods for excited states,\\
WATOC 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
\item (Invited talk) June 2022, The elephant in the room of Green’s function methods,\\
Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Bordeaux, France.
\item (Summer school lecture) June 2022, GW/BSE methods in chemistry: Computational aspects,\\
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), Aussois, France.
\item (Summer school lecture) June 2022, Hartree-Fock and post-Hartree-Fock methods: Computational aspects,\\
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), Aussois, France.
\item (Invited talk) June 2022, Accurate FCI correlation energies and reduced density matrices,\\
International Conference on reduced density matrix theory for quantum many-fermion systems, San Sebastian, Spain.
\item (Invited talk) June 2022, Benchmarking multiconfigurational methods for vertical excitation energies,\\
10th OpenMolcas Developers’ meeting, Upssala, Sweden, jointly with Martial Boggio-Pasqua.
\item (Invited talk) May 2022, Systèmes quantiques simples pour mieux comprendre la physique et chimie des systèmes complexes,\\
Seminaire SFP Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France.
\item (Invited talk) April 2022, Unphysical Discontinuities, Intruder States and Regularization in GW Methods,\\
Discussion meeting on correlation (GDR REST), Palaiseau, France.
\item (Invited talk) March 2022, Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,\\
NanoX-FeRMI days 2022, Toulouse, France.
\item (Departmental seminar) December 2021, Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,\\
University of New Brunswick, Department of Chemistry, online.
\item (Invited talk) July 2021, TSRC workshop ``Advances in Theory of Electronic Resonances'' (Telluride, US)\\
\item (Invited talk) July 2021, TSRC workshop ``Advances in Theory of Electronic Resonances'' (Telluride, US)\\
Traditional and variational coupled cluster for ground and excited states
Traditional and variational coupled cluster for ground and excited states
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\item (Selected talk) September 2020, Faraday Discussion (Cambridge, UK)\\
\item (Selected talk) September 2020, Faraday Discussion (Cambridge, UK)\\
Weight dependence of local exchange-correlation functionals in ensemble density-functional theory: double excitations in two-electron systems
Weight dependence of local exchange-correlation functionals in ensemble density-functional theory: double excitations in two-electron systems
\item (Invited departmental seminar) March 2020, Vrije University (Amsterdam, Netherland)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) March 2020, Vrije University (Amsterdam, Netherland)\\
GW, BSE, eDFT, RPA, and pina colada
GW, BSE, eDFT, RPA, and pina colada
\item (Invited talk) September 2019, Computation and Understanding in Quantum Molecular Science (Toulouse, France)\\
\item (Invited talk) September 2019, Computation and Understanding in Quantum Molecular Science (Toulouse, France)\\
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\item (Invited talk) May 2019, CECAM workshop: Green's function methods: the next generation 4 (Lausanne, Switzerland)\\
\item (Invited talk) May 2019, CECAM workshop: Green's function methods: the next generation 4 (Lausanne, Switzerland)\\
Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?
Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?
\item (Invited departmental seminar) March 2019, Vrije University (Amsterdam, Netherland)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) March 2019, Vrije University (Amsterdam, Netherland)\\
Quantum chemistry in the complex domain
Quantum chemistry in the complex domain
\item (Winter school lecture) January 2019, TCCM Winter School LTTC (Luchon, France)\\
\item (Winter school lecture) January 2019, TCCM Winter School LTTC (Luchon, France)\\
Theory and implementation of DFT-based methods
Theory and implementation of DFT-based methods
\item (Invited departmental seminar) December 2018, Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) December 2018, Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)\\
Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for excited states
Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for excited states
\item (Invited talk) August 2018, Molecular Electronic Structure (Metz, France)\\
\item (Invited talk) August 2018, Molecular Electronic Structure (Metz, France)\\
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\item (Selected talk) June 2018, Strong correlation in electronic structure theory (Strasbourg, France)\\
\item (Selected talk) June 2018, Strong correlation in electronic structure theory (Strasbourg, France)\\
Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?
Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?
\item (Invited departmental seminar) May 2018, University of Cambridge (UK)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) May 2018, University of Cambridge (UK)\\
Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for Chemistry
Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for Chemistry
\item (Winter school lecture) January 2018, TCCM Winter School LTTC (Luchon, France)\\
\item (Winter school lecture) January 2018, TCCM Winter School LTTC (Luchon, France)\\
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\item (Selected talk) August 2017, TouCAM 2017 (Toulouse, France)\\
\item (Selected talk) August 2017, TouCAM 2017 (Toulouse, France)\\
Dressing the CI matrix with explicit correlation
Dressing the CI matrix with explicit correlation
\item (Invited departmental seminar) September 2017, University of Basel (Basel, Switzerland)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) September 2017, University of Basel (Basel, Switzerland)\\
Expensive methods, cusps, integrals and other stuff
Expensive methods, cusps, integrals and other stuff
\item (Selected talk) August 2017, WATOC 2017 (Munich, Germany)\\
\item (Selected talk) August 2017, WATOC 2017 (Munich, Germany)\\
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\item (Invited talk) July 2017, 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (Cadiz, Spain)\\
\item (Invited talk) July 2017, 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (Cadiz, Spain)\\
Electron-nucleus cusp dressing in single-determinant wave functions
Electron-nucleus cusp dressing in single-determinant wave functions
\item (Invited departmental seminar) June 2017, University of Aix-Marseille (Marseille, France)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) June 2017, University of Aix-Marseille (Marseille, France)\\
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
\item (Invited talk) May 2017, Workshop on ``Theory and applications of RPA and beyond in physics and chemistry'', (Paris, France)\\
\item (Invited talk) May 2017, Workshop on ``Theory and applications of RPA and beyond in physics and chemistry'', (Paris, France)\\
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
\item (Invited departmental seminar) March 2017, University of Nantes (Nantes, France)\\
\item (Departmental seminar) March 2017, University of Nantes (Nantes, France)\\
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases
\item (Invited talk) December 2016, Australian Symposium in Computational Chemistry (Perth, Australia)\\
\item (Invited talk) December 2016, Australian Symposium in Computational Chemistry (Perth, Australia)\\
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\item (Organizer \& Lecturer) June 2016, 2nd Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference (Cass, New Zealand)\\
\item (Organizer \& Lecturer) June 2016, 2nd Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference (Cass, New Zealand)\\
Density-functional theory for molecules
Density-functional theory for molecules
\item (Invited departmental seminar) June 2016, Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University (Palmerston North, New Zealand):\\
\item (Departmental seminar) June 2016, Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University (Palmerston North, New Zealand):\\
Density-functional theory using finite and infinite uniform electron gases
Density-functional theory using finite and infinite uniform electron gases
\item (Invited departmental seminar) May 2016, Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand):\\
\item (Departmental seminar) May 2016, Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand):\\
Density-functional theory using finite and infinite uniform electron gases
Density-functional theory using finite and infinite uniform electron gases
\item (Invited talk) January 2016, 7th Asia-Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)\\
\item (Invited talk) January 2016, 7th Asia-Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)\\
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\item (Invited talk) July 2013, Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps VIII (Vallico Sotto, Italy):\\
\item (Invited talk) July 2013, Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps VIII (Vallico Sotto, Italy):\\
Generalized Local Density Approximation in One Dimension
Generalized Local Density Approximation in One Dimension
\item (Invited departmental seminar) June 2013, Physics Colloquium, University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia):\\
\item (Departmental seminar) June 2013, Physics Colloquium, University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia):\\
Lessons from electron(s) on a (hyper)sphere
Lessons from electron(s) on a (hyper)sphere
\item (Invited talk) June 2011, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry (Oberwolfach, Germany):\\
\item (Invited talk) June 2011, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry (Oberwolfach, Germany):\\
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\item \href{https://chemrxiv.org/engage/api-gateway/chemrxiv/assets/orp/resource/item/62974da519595958f0bcc339/original/dft-exchange-sharing-perspectives-on-the-workhorse-of-quantum-chemistry-and-materials-science.pdf}{DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science},\\
A. M. Teale,* T. Helgaker,* A. Savin,* C. Adamo, B. Aradi, A. V. Arbuznikov, P. W. Ayers, E. J. Baerends, V. Barone, P. Calaminici, E. Cancès, E. A. Carter, P. K. Chattaraj, H. Chermette, I. Ciofini, T. D. Crawford, F. De Proft, J. F. Dobson, C. Draxl, T. Frauenheim, E. Fromager, P. Fuentealba, L. Gagliardi, G. Galli, J. Gao, P. Geerlings, N. Gidopoulos, P. M. W. Gill, P. Gori-Giorgi, A. Görling, T. Gould, S. Grimme, O. Gritsenko, H. J. A. Jensen, E. R. Johnson, R. O. Jones, M. Kaupp, A. M. Köster, L. Kronik, A. I. Krylov, S. Kvaal, A. Laestadius, M. Levy, M. Lewin, S. Liu, \textbf{P. F. Loos}, N. T. Maitra, F. Neese, J. P. Perdew, K. Pernal, P. Pernot, P. Piecuch, E. Rebolini, L. Reining, P. Romaniello, A. Ruzsinszky, D. R. Salahub, M. Scheffler, P. Schwerdtfeger, V. N. Staroverov, J. Sun, E. Tellgren, D. J. Tozer, S. B. Trickey, C. A. Ullrich, A. Vela, G. Vignale, T. A. Wesolowski, W. Yang, and X. Xu.\\
\textit{Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.11658.pdf}{A mountaineering strategy to excited states: revising reference values with EOM-CC4},\\
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.11658.pdf}{A mountaineering strategy to excited states: revising reference values with EOM-CC4},\\
\textbf{P. F. Loos*}, F. Lipparini, D. A. Matthews, A. Blondel, and D. Jacquemin*,\\
\textbf{P. F. Loos*}, F. Lipparini, D. A. Matthews, A. Blondel, and D. Jacquemin*,\\
\textit{J. Chem. Theory Comput.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\textit{J. Chem. Theory Comput.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.06480.pdf}{Benchmarking CASPT3 vertical excitation energies},\\
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.06480.pdf}{Benchmarking CASPT3 vertical excitation energies},\\
M. Boggio-Pasqua*, D. Jacquemin*, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
M. Boggio-Pasqua*, D. Jacquemin*, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05098.pdf}{Reference energies for cyclobutadiene: automerization and excited states},\\
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05098.pdf}{Reference energies for cyclobutadiene: automerization and excited states},\\
E. Monino*, M. Boggio-Pasqua, A. Scemama, D. Jacquemin, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
E. Monino*, M. Boggio-Pasqua, A. Scemama, D. Jacquemin, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\textit{J. Phys. Chem. A}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.06154.pdf}{Hierarchy configuration interaction: combining seniority number and excitation degree},\\
\href{https://www.irsamc.ups-tlse.fr/loos/pub/114.pdf}{Hierarchy configuration interaction: combining seniority number and excitation degree},\\
F. Kossoski*, Y. Damour, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
F. Kossoski*, Y. Damour, and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
\textit{J. Phys. Chem. Lett.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\textit{J. Phys. Chem. Lett.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{13}, 4342.
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.05246.pdf}{Transient uniform electron gases},\\
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.05246.pdf}{Transient uniform electron gases},\\
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\textit{Mol. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\textit{Mol. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.11589.pdf}{Unphysical discontinuities, intruder states and regularization in $GW$ methods},\\
\href{https://www.irsamc.ups-tlse.fr/loos/pub/112.pdf}{Unphysical discontinuities, intruder states and regularization in $GW$ methods},\\
E. Monino and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
E. Monino and \textbf{P. F. Loos*},\\
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (submitted).
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{156}, 231101.
\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.07936.pdf}{Static and dynamic Bethe-Salpeter equations in the $T$-matrix approximation},\\
\href{https://www.irsamc.ups-tlse.fr/loos/pub/111.pdf}{Static and dynamic Bethe-Salpeter equations in the $T$-matrix approximation},\\
\textbf{P. F. Loos*} and P. Romaniello*,\\
\textbf{P. F. Loos*} and P. Romaniello*,\\
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{} (in press).
\textit{J. Chem. Phys.}, \textbf{2022}, \textit{156}, 164101.
\href{https://www.irsamc.ups-tlse.fr/loos/pub/110.pdf}{Assessing the performances of CASPT2 and NEVPT2 for vertical excitation energies},\\
\href{https://www.irsamc.ups-tlse.fr/loos/pub/110.pdf}{Assessing the performances of CASPT2 and NEVPT2 for vertical excitation energies},\\
Reference in New Issue
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