group leader of the Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). \\
2013-2015 &\textbf{Australian Research Council Research Fellow},
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council,
group leader of the Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry Group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). \\
2008-2012 &\textbf{Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Chemistry},
Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). Supervisor: Prof.~Peter Gill. \\
\subsection*{Fellowships \& Grants}
2020-2024 &\textbf{ERC Consolidator grant H2020} (PI),
Sebastian Sitkiewicz (2017), Mickael V\'eril (2018), Thomas Colle (2019), Antoine Marie (2020 \& 2021), Pierre Racine (2020), Roberto Orlando (2020), Maia Courtiel (2021). \\
Visiting fellows & Denis Jacquemin (2016), Universit\'e de Nantes (hosted as the Craig lecturer at the Research School of Chemistry of the Australian National University),
Xavier Assfeld (2016) Universi\'e de Lorraine, Joshua Hollett (2018) University of Winnipeg and Peter Gill (2019) University of Sydney. \\
2018-2021 &\textbf{Lecturer}, International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (Aussois, France). \\
2018-2021 &\textbf{Lecturer}, TCCM winter school LTTC in Theoretical Chemistry, (Luchon, France). \\
2014 \& 2016 &\textbf{Lecturer}, Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference (Cass, New Zealand). \\
2017-2020 &\textbf{Teaching assistant}, Engineering school ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse, France). \\
\subsection*{Community service et administrative activities}
2018--2023 & Foundation member of the ``Groupement de Recherche'' \href{}{NBODY} (previously \href{}{CORREL}). \\
2022 & 2nd general meeting of the \href{}{GDR NBODY} (Toulouse, France). \\
2021 &\href{}{Quantum Chemistry/Nuclear Physics workshop} (on line). \\
2020 & Member of the organisation committee of the \href{}{International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry} (Aussois, France). \\
2019 & 3rd edition of the \href{}{Mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics} (Paris, France).\\
2018 & Annual meeting of the \href{}{IRSAMC} institute (Toulouse, France). \\
2018- & Alternate leader of the theoretical method development group (\href{}{THEO}) at the LCPQ (Toulouse, France). \\
Dr Sara Giarrusso (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
Dr Alberto Fabrizio (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland),
Dr Bang Huynh (Cambridge, UK),
Dr Mikael Frosini (CEA Saclay, France). \\
2013- & Reviewer, Australian Research Council (Australia), National Science Center (Poland), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada) \\