group leader of the Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). \\
2013-2015 &\textbf{Australian Research Council Research Fellow},
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council,
group leader of the Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry Group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). \\
2008-2012 &\textbf{Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Quantum Chemistry},
Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Group, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). Supervisor: Prof.~Peter Gill. \\
\subsection*{Fellowships \& Grants}
2020-2024 &\textbf{ERC Consolidator grant H2020} (PI),
Sebastian Sitkiewicz (2017), Mickael V\'eril (2018), Thomas Colle (2019), Antoine Marie (2020 \& 2021), Pierre Racine (2020), Roberto Orlando (2020), Maia Courtiel (2021). \\
Visiting fellows & Denis Jacquemin (2016), Universit\'e de Nantes (hosted as the Craig lecturer at the Research School of Chemistry of the Australian National University),
2021- &\textbf{Lecturer}, \'Ecole Normale de Lyon, Master of Advanced Computational Chemistry (correlation methods). \\
2021- &\textbf{Lecturer}, International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (Aussois, France). \\
2018- &\textbf{Lecturer}, TCCM winter school LTTC in Theoretical Chemistry, (Luchon, France). \\
\subsection*{Community service et administrative activities}
2018--2023 & Foundation member of the ``Groupement de Recherche'' \href{}{NBODY} (previously \href{}{CORREL}). \\
2023 & 5th edition of the \href{}{Mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics} (Paris, France).\\
2023 & Workshop on \href{}{emerging excited-state methods in electronic structure} (Toulouse, France).\\
2022 & 4th edition of the \href{}{Mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics} (Paris, France).\\
2020- & Member of the organisation committee of the \href{}{International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry} (Aussois, France). \\
2019 & 3rd edition of the \href{}{Mini-school on mathematics for theoretical chemistry and physics} (Paris, France).\\
2018 & Annual meeting of the \href{}{IRSAMC} institute (Toulouse, France). \\
2018- & Alternate leader of the theoretical method development group (\href{}{THEO}) at the LCPQ (Toulouse, France). \\
2013- & Reviewer, Australian Research Council (Australia), National Science Center (Poland), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada) \\