2022-05-20 13:28:11 +02:00

71 lines
1.8 KiB

%ANU etterhead Yves
%version 1.0 12/06/08
%need to be improved
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE USER-SPECIFIC MACROS BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\Who {Pierre-Fran\c{c}ois Loos}
\def\What {Dr}
\def\Where {Universit\'e Paul Sabatier}
\def\Address {Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques}
\def\CityZip {Toulouse, France}
\def\Email {loos@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr}
\def\TEL {+33 5 61 55 73 39}
\def\URL {} % NOTE: use $\sim$ for tilde
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{\small \What~\Who\hspace*{\fill} Telephone:\ \TEL
\Where\hspace*{\fill} Email:\ \Email
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%I do not know what does the macro below
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