results SF-TDDFT

This commit is contained in:
EnzoMonino 2021-03-02 16:40:19 +01:00
parent 47046bd456
commit e024ba8890
42 changed files with 6053 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.inp_40427.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.inp_40427.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 16:28:05 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Q-Chem warning in module forms1/BasisType.C, line 1983:
You are not using the predefined 5D/6D in this basis set.
Requested basis set is 6-31+G(d)
There are 28 shells and 80 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 406 shell pairs
There are 3352 function pairs ( 3702 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 2.41E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.5300 Hartree-Fock + 0.4700 B88
Correlation: 0.7300 LYP
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.3814731929 4.08e-02
2 -154.2644890159 2.55e-03
3 -154.2829903729 1.58e-03
4 -154.2917706304 3.05e-04
5 -154.2921521364 3.53e-05
6 -154.2921623474 1.37e-05
7 -154.2921642743 2.99e-06
8 -154.2921643676 4.64e-07
9 -154.2921643696 9.52e-08
10 -154.2921643700 1.82e-08
11 -154.2921643696 2.70e-09
12 -154.2921643698 3.10e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 4.14s wall 4.00s
<S^2> = 2.008564739
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.2921643698
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.2921643698
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.007489 0.001555
2 0 8 0.001621 0.000350
3 0 8 0.003349 0.002984
4 1 7 0.000461 0.000327
5 3 5 0.001214 0.001067
6 4 4 0.000456 0.000413
7 5 3 0.000093 0.000084
8 7 1 0.000015 0.000012
9 7 1 0.000005 0.000002
10 8 0 0.000004 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.9319
Total energy for state 1: -154.32640924 au
<S**2> : 0.0307
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.1569 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9704 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 0.6056
Total energy for state 2: -154.26990847 au
<S**2> : 2.0173
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6749 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.7008 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.1934 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.8951
Total energy for state 3: -154.22252250 au
<S**2> : 0.0247
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7205 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = -0.6771 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.5301
Total energy for state 4: -154.16243623 au
<S**2> : 0.0441
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9462 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.2327 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1873 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 4.0590
Total energy for state 5: -154.14299816 au
<S**2> : 1.0113
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9863 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 4.0865
Total energy for state 6: -154.14198974 au
<S**2> : 1.0116
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9525 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.1545 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 17) amplitude = -0.1822 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.2914
Total energy for state 7: -154.13445698 au
<S**2> : 1.0118
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9873 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.5927
Total energy for state 8: -154.12338423 au
<S**2> : 1.0204
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9682
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = -0.1567 alpha
Setting up for CIS(D)
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 3.27s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 3.94s
Algorithm is semi-direct
Memory given = 190 MB Disk given = -1 MB
not enough memory
not enough disk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-B2PLYP
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.inp CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/B2PLYP/6-31+G_d
input file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_6_31G_d.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem40427
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427/hostfile
# env setting
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/bin/qchem : ligne 124 : 40437 Exception en point flottant ${QCPROG_S} ${inp} ${scr}
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40427

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.inp_40855.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.inp_40855.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 16:28:16 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVDZ
There are 56 shells and 128 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 1596 shell pairs
There are 8396 function pairs ( 9496 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.04E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.5300 Hartree-Fock + 0.4700 B88
Correlation: 0.7300 LYP
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.4214770981 2.64e-02
2 -154.2685030934 1.90e-03
3 -154.2885084929 1.34e-03
4 -154.3047385604 1.84e-04
5 -154.3051066064 2.23e-05
6 -154.3051163278 9.05e-06
7 -154.3051185109 2.03e-06
8 -154.3051186221 3.33e-07
9 -154.3051186234 6.60e-08
10 -154.3051186227 1.21e-08
11 -154.3051186228 1.74e-09
12 -154.3051186245 3.27e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 10.79s wall 11.00s
<S^2> = 2.009100425
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.3051186245
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.3051186245
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.005369 0.001188
2 0 8 0.001133 0.000258
3 0 8 0.002412 0.002160
4 1 7 0.000307 0.000239
5 3 5 0.000097 0.000047
6 5 3 0.000514 0.000484
7 5 3 0.000126 0.000118
8 7 1 0.000021 0.000019
9 7 1 0.000005 0.000003
10 8 0 0.000003 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.9336
Total energy for state 1: -154.33942962 au
<S**2> : 0.0309
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.1550 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9715 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 0.5977
Total energy for state 2: -154.28315379 au
<S**2> : 2.0187
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6744 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.7013 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = -0.1910 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.8544
Total energy for state 3: -154.23696986 au
<S**2> : 0.0271
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7214 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = -0.6745 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.5218
Total energy for state 4: -154.17569565 au
<S**2> : 0.0443
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9459 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 14) amplitude = -0.2314 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1846 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 3.5730
Total energy for state 5: -154.17381239 au
<S**2> : 1.0108
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9787 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = 0.1889 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 3.8891
Total energy for state 6: -154.16219743 au
<S**2> : 1.0112
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9328 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.2924 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.0011
Total energy for state 7: -154.15808092 au
<S**2> : 1.0114
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9642 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = -0.2229 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.4764
Total energy for state 8: -154.14061452 au
<S**2> : 1.0217
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9700
Setting up for CIS(D)
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 20.90s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 22.04s
Algorithm is semi-direct
Memory given = 190 MB Disk given = -1 MB
not enough memory
not enough disk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-B2PLYP
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.inp CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/B2PLYP/AVDZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avdz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem40855
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855/hostfile
# env setting
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/bin/qchem : ligne 124 : 40865 Exception en point flottant ${QCPROG_S} ${inp} ${scr}
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem40855

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.inp_41787.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.inp_41787.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 16:39:04 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVQZ
There are 136 shells and 504 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 214 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 9126 shell pairs
There are 126486 function pairs ( 204852 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 6.08E-07
Linear dependence detected in AO basis
Tighter screening thresholds may be required for diffuse basis sets
Use S2THRESH > 14 and THRESH = 14 in case of SCF convergence issues
Number of orthogonalized atomic orbitals = 503
Maximum deviation from orthogonality = 1.349E-10
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.5300 Hartree-Fock + 0.4700 B88
Correlation: 0.7300 LYP
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-B2PLYP
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.inp CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/B2PLYP/AVQZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avqz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem41787
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41787/hostfile
# env setting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.inp_41287.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.inp_41287.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 16:28:54 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVTZ
There are 92 shells and 276 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 4260 shell pairs
There are 38516 function pairs ( 51904 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 3.19E-06
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.5300 Hartree-Fock + 0.4700 B88
Correlation: 0.7300 LYP
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.4281645362 1.23e-02
2 -154.3043781371 9.46e-04
3 -154.3248601667 6.80e-04
4 -154.3430366459 9.61e-05
5 -154.3434630172 1.19e-05
6 -154.3434735104 4.59e-06
7 -154.3434758541 1.22e-06
8 -154.3434761190 2.25e-07
9 -154.3434761163 4.58e-08
10 -154.3434761345 8.30e-09
11 -154.3434760433 5.47e-09
12 -154.3434760834 1.44e-09
13 -154.3434761158 2.03e-09
14 -154.3434761079 2.15e-09
15 -154.3434760193 5.30e-09
16 -154.3434761102 1.80e-09
17 -154.3434760657 1.14e-09
18 -154.3434761221 1.68e-09
19 -154.3434761064 1.92e-09
20 -154.3434761230 1.82e-09
21 -154.3434760938 3.69e-09
22 -154.3434760611 3.74e-09
23 -154.3434761068 9.00e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 178.07s wall 178.00s
<S^2> = 2.009803844
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.3434761068
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.3434761068
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.003544 0.000818
2 0 8 0.000764 0.000173
3 0 8 0.001632 0.001454
4 1 7 0.000212 0.000165
5 4 4 0.000066 0.000032
6 5 3 0.000346 0.000326
7 6 2 0.000109 0.000102
8 7 1 0.000020 0.000016
9 7 1 0.000006 0.000003
10 8 0 0.000004 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.9095
Total energy for state 1: -154.37689836 au
<S**2> : 0.0318
S( 1) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.1533 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9713 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 0.6151
Total energy for state 2: -154.32087200 au
<S**2> : 2.0200
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6729 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.6972 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = -0.2017 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.8664
Total energy for state 3: -154.27488853 au
<S**2> : 0.0284
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7223 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = -0.6694 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.5387
Total energy for state 4: -154.21343069 au
<S**2> : 0.0454
S( 1) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9393 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 13) amplitude = -0.2478 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1845 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 3.5563
Total energy for state 5: -154.21278552 au
<S**2> : 1.0114
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9689 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = 0.2319 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 3.8773
Total energy for state 6: -154.20098793 au
<S**2> : 1.0118
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9192 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.3292 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 3.9797
Total energy for state 7: -154.19722641 au
<S**2> : 1.0120
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9511 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.2742 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.4768
Total energy for state 8: -154.17895559 au
<S**2> : 1.0226
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9687
Setting up for CIS(D)
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 423.78s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 425.66s
Algorithm is semi-direct
Memory given = 190 MB Disk given = -1 MB
not enough memory
not enough disk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-B2PLYP
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.inp CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/B2PLYP/AVTZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_B2PLYP_avtz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem41287
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287/hostfile
# env setting
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/bin/qchem : ligne 124 : 41297 Exception en point flottant ${QCPROG_S} ${inp} ${scr}
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem41287

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.inp_37342.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.inp_37342.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 12:01:37 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Q-Chem warning in module forms1/BasisType.C, line 1983:
You are not using the predefined 5D/6D in this basis set.
Requested basis set is 6-31+G(d)
There are 28 shells and 80 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 406 shell pairs
There are 3352 function pairs ( 3702 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 2.41E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.4280 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 M11 + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 M11
Using SG-3 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.7457383296 4.01e-02
2 -154.5004172976 2.19e-03
3 -154.5173729511 1.07e-03
4 -154.5212110863 2.64e-04
5 -154.5215152595 2.35e-05
6 -154.5215199763 5.28e-06
7 -154.5215202199 1.28e-06
8 -154.5215202357 2.89e-07
9 -154.5215202362 4.78e-08
10 -154.5215202367 9.59e-09
11 -154.5215202366 1.63e-09
12 -154.5215202364 2.23e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 32.64s wall 32.00s
<S^2> = 2.003904706
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5215202364
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5215202364
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.008152 0.001665
2 0 8 0.002271 0.000397
3 0 8 0.003745 0.003098
4 0 8 0.001050 0.000841
5 2 6 0.000288 0.000191
6 3 5 0.000103 0.000066
7 6 2 0.000052 0.000043
8 6 2 0.000020 0.000015
9 7 1 0.000008 0.000004
10 8 0 0.000005 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -1.6026
Total energy for state 1: -154.58041405 au
<S**2> : 0.0247
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9586 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.2136 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = -0.0363
Total energy for state 2: -154.52285323 au
<S**2> : 2.0082
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6777 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.1661 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = -0.6414 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.3140 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.0842
Total energy for state 3: -154.48167625 au
<S**2> : 0.0185
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6977 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.6557 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.2461 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 2.6893
Total energy for state 4: -154.42269129 au
<S**2> : 0.0416
S( 1) --> V( 2) amplitude = -0.8871 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.4074 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1782 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 3.1350
Total energy for state 5: -154.40631103 au
<S**2> : 1.0088
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9822 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 3.1969
Total energy for state 6: -154.40403484 au
<S**2> : 1.0099
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9825 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 3.2044
Total energy for state 7: -154.40375907 au
<S**2> : 1.0068
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9565 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 17) amplitude = 0.1842 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 3.6370
Total energy for state 8: -154.38786437 au
<S**2> : 1.0067
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9964 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 6.28s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 6.80s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.463 -10.463 -10.463 -10.462 -1.033 -0.826 -0.752 -0.651
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.646 -0.516 -0.512 -0.510 -0.429 -0.322 -0.238
2 B1g 3 B3u 1 B1u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.033 0.039 0.044 0.052 0.097 0.100 0.105 0.116
4 B3u 4 B2u 5 Ag 3 B1g 6 Ag 2 B1u 1 Au 5 B3u
0.120 0.122 0.137 0.144 0.166 0.189 0.215 0.222
2 B2g 5 B2u 2 B3g 7 Ag 4 B1g 2 Au 6 B3u 6 B2u
0.237 0.253 0.279 0.318 0.338 0.351 0.415 0.416
7 B3u 5 B1g 8 Ag 6 B1g 7 B2u 8 B3u 7 B1g 8 B2u
0.658 0.680 0.752 0.755 0.761 0.779 0.783 0.823
9 Ag 8 B1g 3 B1u 9 B3u 3 B2g 10 Ag 3 B3g 3 Au
0.856 0.915 0.934 0.956 0.999 1.035 1.085 1.119
9 B2u 11 Ag 9 B1g 10 B3u 10 B1g 10 B2u 11 B3u 12 Ag
1.144 1.282 1.311 1.370 1.384 1.462 1.612 1.670
11 B2u 12 B3u 11 B1g 12 B2u 4 B1u 5 B1u 4 B2g 4 B3g
1.712 1.734 1.839 1.985 2.106 2.112 2.171 2.331
12 B1g 13 Ag 14 Ag 13 B2u 5 B2g 13 B3u 15 Ag 4 Au
2.389 2.486 2.529 2.581 2.643 2.723 2.823 3.052
5 B3g 14 B3u 5 Au 14 B2u 15 B3u 13 B1g 15 B2u 14 B1g
15 B1g
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.454 -10.454 -10.454 -10.453 -1.006 -0.791 -0.722 -0.639
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.627 -0.498 -0.492 -0.420 -0.413
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 1 B1u 3 B2u
-- Virtual --
-0.032 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.025 0.041 0.064 0.077
1 B2g 4 B2u 4 B3u 1 B3g 5 Ag 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.091 0.094 0.101 0.106 0.119 0.132 0.152 0.194
2 B2g 1 Au 5 B3u 5 B2u 2 B3g 7 Ag 4 B1g 6 B3u
0.200 0.230 0.241 0.247 0.270 0.309 0.337 0.344
6 B2u 5 B1g 7 B3u 2 Au 8 Ag 6 B1g 7 B2u 8 B3u
0.411 0.414 0.661 0.684 0.750 0.775 0.796 0.808
7 B1g 8 B2u 9 Ag 8 B1g 9 B3u 10 Ag 3 B1u 3 B2g
0.834 0.842 0.870 0.920 0.922 0.950 0.984 1.017
3 B3g 9 B2u 3 Au 11 Ag 9 B1g 10 B3u 10 B1g 10 B2u
1.090 1.109 1.150 1.279 1.286 1.365 1.407 1.490
11 B3u 12 Ag 11 B2u 12 B3u 11 B1g 12 B2u 4 B1u 5 B1u
1.633 1.693 1.704 1.719 1.833 2.015 2.108 2.135
4 B2g 4 B3g 13 Ag 12 B1g 14 Ag 13 B2u 13 B3u 5 B2g
2.201 2.367 2.419 2.459 2.531 2.552 2.647 2.763
15 Ag 4 Au 5 B3g 14 B3u 14 B2u 5 Au 15 B3u 13 B1g
2.801 2.962 3.082
15 B2u 14 B1g 15 B1g
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C -0.212026 0.530103
2 C -0.212026 0.530103
3 C -0.212026 0.530103
4 C -0.212026 0.530103
5 H 0.212026 -0.030103
6 H 0.212026 -0.030103
7 H 0.212026 -0.030103
8 H 0.212026 -0.030103
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X 0.0000 Y -0.0000 Z -0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.5830 XY -0.0000 YY -22.4523
XZ -0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.5481
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX 0.0000 XXY -0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY -0.0000 XXZ -0.0000 XYZ 0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ -0.0000 YZZ 0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -134.1871 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -32.3946
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -116.9177 XXXZ -0.0000
XXYZ -0.0000 XYYZ -0.0000 YYYZ -0.0000
XXZZ -32.9491 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -30.3412
XZZZ -0.0000 YZZZ 0.0000 ZZZZ -36.2160
Archival summary:
Total job time: 39.80s(wall), 39.03s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 12:02:17 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-M11
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.inp CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/M11/6-31+G_d
input file: CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_M11_6_31G_d.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem37342
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342/hostfile
# env setting
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37342

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.inp_37772.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.inp_37772.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 12:02:22 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVDZ
There are 56 shells and 128 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 1596 shell pairs
There are 8396 function pairs ( 9496 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.04E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.4280 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 M11 + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 M11
Using SG-3 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.8153765377 2.59e-02
2 -154.5097018255 1.62e-03
3 -154.5299682276 9.05e-04
4 -154.5369447414 1.67e-04
5 -154.5372792561 1.44e-05
6 -154.5372838297 3.50e-06
7 -154.5372841040 7.80e-07
8 -154.5372841181 1.85e-07
9 -154.5372841192 3.30e-08
10 -154.5372841188 7.02e-09
11 -154.5372841180 1.38e-09
12 -154.5372841189 4.84e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 67.63s wall 68.00s
<S^2> = 2.004626835
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5372841189
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5372841189
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.006262 0.001280
2 0 8 0.001745 0.000358
3 0 8 0.002616 0.002162
4 0 8 0.000789 0.000657
5 2 6 0.000198 0.000152
6 4 4 0.000063 0.000032
7 6 2 0.000029 0.000021
8 6 2 0.000013 0.000008
9 7 1 0.000005 0.000002
10 8 0 0.000004 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -1.5796
Total energy for state 1: -154.59533393 au
<S**2> : 0.0252
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9564 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.2196 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = -0.0338
Total energy for state 2: -154.53852683 au
<S**2> : 2.0104
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6749 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.1685 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.5962 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.3930 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.0604
Total energy for state 3: -154.49831632 au
<S**2> : 0.0227
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6967 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.1517 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = -0.6182 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.3248 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 2.3504
Total energy for state 4: -154.45090994 au
<S**2> : 1.0076
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9708 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 17) amplitude = -0.2148 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 2.6876
Total energy for state 5: -154.43851652 au
<S**2> : 0.0436
S( 1) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.8271 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.5154 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1788 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 2.8023
Total energy for state 6: -154.43430018 au
<S**2> : 1.0093
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9584 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = -0.1928 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = 0.1745 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 2.9361
Total energy for state 7: -154.42938346 au
<S**2> : 1.0067
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9458 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.2001 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = -0.1969 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 3.3102
Total energy for state 8: -154.41563587 au
<S**2> : 1.0074
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9963 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 44.42s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 45.44s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.466 -10.466 -10.465 -10.465 -1.034 -0.826 -0.751 -0.651
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.646 -0.514 -0.513 -0.510 -0.427 -0.323 -0.239
2 B1g 3 B3u 1 B1u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.001 0.006 0.009 0.024 0.076 0.081 0.086 0.089
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 6 Ag 2 B1u 5 B3u 5 B2u
0.098 0.098 0.098 0.111 0.124 0.127 0.128 0.141
1 Au 2 B2g 7 Ag 2 B3g 4 B1g 6 B3u 6 B2u 5 B1g
0.150 0.160 0.204 0.216 0.230 0.257 0.289 0.303
8 Ag 2 Au 7 B3u 8 B3u 7 B2u 9 Ag 6 B1g 7 B1g
0.306 0.343 0.350 0.366 0.372 0.376 0.403 0.405
8 B2u 3 B1u 9 B3u 8 B1g 9 B2u 10 Ag 11 Ag 3 B2g
0.411 0.424 0.443 0.462 0.472 0.508 0.511 0.512
3 B3g 4 B1u 10 B3u 3 Au 12 Ag 10 B2u 9 B1g 11 B3u
0.531 0.556 0.557 0.557 0.560 0.597 0.605 0.611
11 B2u 4 B2g 13 Ag 4 B3g 12 B3u 10 B1g 12 B2u 5 B1u
0.634 0.650 0.669 0.672 0.699 0.737 0.752 0.757
11 B1g 14 Ag 13 B3u 13 B2u 6 B1u 5 B2g 12 B1g 4 Au
0.767 0.783 0.851 0.861 0.914 0.923 0.938 0.965
5 B3g 5 Au 14 B3u 13 B1g 6 B3g 6 B2g 14 B2u 15 B2u
0.984 1.032 1.042 1.161 1.161 1.195 1.229 1.298
14 B1g 15 B3u 15 Ag 16 Ag 15 B1g 17 Ag 6 Au 7 B1u
1.344 1.356 1.363 1.419 1.433 1.473 1.487 1.509
16 B3u 8 B1u 16 B2u 18 Ag 17 B3u 17 B2u 19 Ag 16 B1g
1.566 1.572 1.613 1.615 1.640 1.661 1.673 1.735
7 B2g 20 Ag 17 B1g 7 B3g 18 B3u 8 B2g 18 B2u 8 B3g
1.761 1.804 1.847 1.952 1.957 1.972 2.010 2.027
7 Au 19 B3u 9 B1u 18 B1g 19 B2u 21 Ag 20 B3u 19 B1g
2.043 2.063 2.142 2.165 2.263 2.389 2.477 2.489
8 Au 9 B2g 20 B2u 9 B3g 22 Ag 20 B1g 9 Au 21 B3u
2.502 2.505 2.526 2.660 2.765 3.223 3.327 3.391
21 B2u 22 B2u 23 Ag 22 B3u 21 B1g 22 B1g 23 B3u 23 B2u
23 B1g
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.456 -10.456 -10.456 -10.456 -1.008 -0.792 -0.722 -0.637
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.625 -0.497 -0.493 -0.423 -0.412
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 1 B1u 3 B2u
-- Virtual --
-0.033 -0.023 -0.012 -0.008 0.013 0.016 0.044 0.054
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B2u 4 B3u 3 B1g 1 B3g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.067 0.073 0.075 0.076 0.080 0.089 0.117 0.118
2 B2g 5 B2u 5 B3u 1 Au 7 Ag 2 B3g 6 B2u 6 B3u
0.118 0.129 0.132 0.173 0.197 0.218 0.221 0.248
4 B1g 5 B1g 8 Ag 7 B3u 7 B2u 8 B3u 2 Au 9 Ag
0.254 0.296 0.301 0.342 0.342 0.361 0.366 0.370
6 B1g 7 B1g 8 B2u 3 B1u 9 B3u 8 B1g 9 B2u 10 Ag
0.400 0.405 0.410 0.442 0.445 0.464 0.468 0.508
3 B2g 3 B3g 11 Ag 10 B3u 4 B1u 3 Au 12 Ag 10 B2u
0.510 0.510 0.528 0.552 0.566 0.570 0.570 0.597
11 B3u 9 B1g 11 B2u 13 Ag 4 B2g 12 B3u 4 B3g 10 B1g
0.609 0.621 0.629 0.650 0.663 0.664 0.739 0.753
12 B2u 5 B1u 11 B1g 14 Ag 13 B3u 13 B2u 6 B1u 12 B1g
0.755 0.759 0.783 0.800 0.845 0.857 0.930 0.949
5 B2g 4 Au 5 B3g 5 Au 14 B3u 13 B1g 14 B2u 6 B3g
0.955 0.957 0.972 1.025 1.046 1.151 1.152 1.206
15 B2u 6 B2g 14 B1g 15 B3u 15 Ag 15 B1g 16 Ag 17 Ag
1.259 1.316 1.333 1.344 1.361 1.419 1.440 1.470
6 Au 7 B1u 16 B3u 16 B2u 8 B1u 18 Ag 17 B3u 19 Ag
1.481 1.495 1.570 1.574 1.608 1.622 1.664 1.677
17 B2u 16 B1g 20 Ag 7 B2g 17 B1g 7 B3g 18 B3u 8 B2g
1.693 1.745 1.753 1.777 1.843 1.930 1.931 1.968
18 B2u 8 B3g 7 Au 19 B3u 9 B1u 19 B2u 18 B1g 21 Ag
1.993 2.038 2.074 2.083 2.127 2.184 2.268 2.373
20 B3u 19 B1g 9 B2g 8 Au 20 B2u 9 B3g 22 Ag 20 B1g
2.469 2.471 2.477 2.495 2.501 2.631 2.730 3.197
21 B2u 23 Ag 21 B3u 22 B2u 9 Au 22 B3u 21 B1g 22 B1g
3.312 3.359 4.111
23 B3u 23 B2u 23 B1g
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C 0.234301 0.558283
2 C 0.234301 0.558283
3 C 0.234301 0.558283
4 C 0.234301 0.558283
5 H -0.234301 -0.058283
6 H -0.234301 -0.058283
7 H -0.234301 -0.058283
8 H -0.234301 -0.058283
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X -0.0000 Y 0.0000 Z 0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.5801 XY -0.0000 YY -22.5266
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.4200
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX 0.0000 XXY 0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY -0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ -0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ -0.0000 YZZ 0.0000
ZZZ 0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -134.5524 XXXY -0.0000 XXYY -31.8199
XYYY -0.0000 YYYY -117.3018 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -32.4371 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -29.8376
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ -0.0000 ZZZZ -35.2723
Archival summary:
Total job time: 113.74s(wall), 112.20s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 12:04:16 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

SF-TDDFT/M11/AVDZ/q_chem Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-M11
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.inp CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/M11/AVDZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avdz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem37772
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772/hostfile
# env setting
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem37772

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.inp_38802.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.inp_38802.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
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J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 12:40:09 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVQZ
There are 136 shells and 504 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 9126 shell pairs
There are 126486 function pairs ( 204852 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 6.08E-07
Linear dependence detected in AO basis
Tighter screening thresholds may be required for diffuse basis sets
Use S2THRESH > 14 and THRESH = 14 in case of SCF convergence issues
Number of orthogonalized atomic orbitals = 503
Maximum deviation from orthogonality = 1.349E-10
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.4280 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 M11 + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 M11
Using SG-3 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.8239030007 6.70e-03
2 -154.5593992016 6.58e-04
3 -154.5863554178 3.18e-04
4 -154.5967285837 9.07e-05
5 -154.5976388785 9.01e-06
6 -154.5976511298 2.00e-06
7 -154.5976520231 5.39e-07
8 -154.5976520947 1.18e-07
9 -154.5976521042 3.38e-08
10 -154.5976521014 6.16e-09
11 -154.5976521038 1.45e-09
12 -154.5976521010 4.03e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 1781.17s wall 1784.00s
<S^2> = 2.004955572
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5976521010
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5976521010
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.002711 0.000602
2 0 8 0.001024 0.000378
3 0 8 0.001864 0.000987
4 0 8 0.001113 0.000465
5 0 8 0.000191 0.000085
6 3 5 0.000047 0.000021
7 5 3 0.000021 0.000015
8 7 1 0.000009 0.000007
9 7 1 0.000004 0.000001
10 8 0 0.000003 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -1.5612
Total energy for state 1: -154.65502447 au
<S**2> : 0.0255
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9508 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.2335 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = -0.0040
Total energy for state 2: -154.59779929 au
<S**2> : 2.0114
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6728 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.1753 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.4435 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.5489 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.0889
Total energy for state 3: -154.55763521 au
<S**2> : 0.0220
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6905 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.1637 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.4802 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.5057 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 2.4961
Total energy for state 4: -154.50592101 au
<S**2> : 1.0079
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9523 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.2443 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 2.7374
Total energy for state 5: -154.49705381 au
<S**2> : 0.0435
S( 1) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.6238 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.7396 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1780 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 2.9023
Total energy for state 6: -154.49099399 au
<S**2> : 1.0094
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9461 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = -0.2017 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = -0.1992 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 3.0104
Total energy for state 7: -154.48702317 au
<S**2> : 1.0070
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.9910 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 3.0266
Total energy for state 8: -154.48642533 au
<S**2> : 1.0071
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9237 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.2253 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = -0.2166 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 21) amplitude = 0.1726 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 11878.56s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 11884.11s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.451 -10.451 -10.450 -10.450 -1.032 -0.825 -0.750 -0.651
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.645 -0.516 -0.515 -0.511 -0.426 -0.325 -0.241
2 B1g 1 B1u 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
-0.003 0.004 0.006 0.022 0.045 0.046 0.058 0.062
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 6 Ag 2 B1u 2 B2g 2 B3g
0.062 0.066 0.070 0.076 0.086 0.086 0.092 0.099
7 Ag 5 B3u 5 B2u 1 Au 6 B3u 6 B2u 4 B1g 8 Ag
0.109 0.127 0.151 0.171 0.173 0.186 0.193 0.199
5 B1g 2 Au 7 B3u 7 B2u 8 B3u 9 Ag 3 B1u 8 B2u
0.206 0.212 0.215 0.221 0.235 0.236 0.240 0.242
10 Ag 6 B1g 11 Ag 7 B1g 3 B2g 9 B3u 3 B3g 9 B2u
0.242 0.252 0.258 0.269 0.275 0.285 0.285 0.295
4 B1u 4 B2g 4 B3g 8 B1g 10 B3u 12 Ag 3 Au 11 B3u
0.295 0.309 0.311 0.320 0.335 0.337 0.338 0.353
10 B2u 13 Ag 5 B1u 14 Ag 4 Au 12 B3u 11 B2u 5 Au
0.357 0.365 0.367 0.372 0.377 0.403 0.407 0.414
9 B1g 5 B3g 12 B2u 5 B2g 13 B3u 13 B2u 10 B1g 11 B1g
0.414 0.421 0.427 0.439 0.443 0.466 0.480 0.483
14 B3u 12 B1g 6 B1u 13 B1g 14 B2u 15 Ag 16 Ag 15 B3u
0.499 0.515 0.516 0.537 0.566 0.573 0.591 0.597
15 B2u 17 Ag 6 B2g 6 B3g 16 B3u 7 B1u 6 Au 8 B1u
0.604 0.605 0.610 0.614 0.632 0.655 0.663 0.672
14 B1g 7 B3g 18 Ag 7 B2g 15 B1g 16 B2u 19 Ag 17 B3u
0.673 0.674 0.687 0.702 0.703 0.720 0.727 0.731
17 B2u 8 B2g 8 B3g 18 B3u 16 B1g 20 Ag 18 B2u 9 B1u
0.738 0.759 0.765 0.767 0.769 0.773 0.775 0.813
21 Ag 10 B1u 19 B2u 19 B3u 17 B1g 7 Au 22 Ag 8 Au
0.835 0.847 0.852 0.861 0.871 0.877 0.893 0.894
20 B3u 20 B2u 9 B3g 9 B2g 21 B3u 21 B2u 10 B2g 10 B3g
0.903 0.913 0.924 0.942 0.950 0.963 0.973 0.993
11 B1u 23 Ag 18 B1g 19 B1g 20 B1g 22 B3u 22 B2u 9 Au
1.005 1.018 1.031 1.035 1.037 1.048 1.053 1.056
24 Ag 25 Ag 21 B1g 23 B2u 23 B3u 10 Au 11 B2g 11 B3g
1.064 1.097 1.106 1.132 1.139 1.139 1.142 1.163
24 B3u 24 B2u 12 B1u 22 B1g 11 Au 26 Ag 13 B1u 25 B3u
1.170 1.177 1.195 1.217 1.225 1.226 1.243 1.270
12 B2g 25 B2u 14 B1u 27 Ag 23 B1g 12 B3g 28 Ag 13 B3g
1.281 1.286 1.302 1.334 1.363 1.369 1.387 1.391
24 B1g 13 B2g 12 Au 26 B3u 26 B2u 27 B3u 27 B2u 14 B3g
1.392 1.442 1.475 1.476 1.481 1.491 1.491 1.504
14 B2g 25 B1g 29 Ag 13 Au 28 B3u 15 B1u 28 B2u 30 Ag
1.539 1.540 1.589 1.597 1.608 1.642 1.647 1.655
14 Au 29 B3u 26 B1g 29 B2u 27 B1g 31 Ag 30 B3u 30 B2u
1.655 1.675 1.707 1.707 1.720 1.723 1.732 1.736
28 B1g 16 B1u 17 B1u 29 B1g 15 B2g 32 Ag 31 B2u 15 B3g
1.767 1.823 1.833 1.836 1.850 1.866 1.871 1.886
31 B3u 33 Ag 16 B2g 32 B2u 16 B3g 34 Ag 32 B3u 17 B2g
1.905 1.908 1.920 1.926 1.930 1.930 1.943 1.963
17 B3g 18 B1u 35 Ag 30 B1g 33 B3u 15 Au 31 B1g 16 Au
1.963 1.964 1.970 1.995 2.006 2.029 2.042 2.058
36 Ag 33 B2u 19 B1u 32 B1g 37 Ag 18 B3g 17 Au 38 Ag
2.063 2.075 2.082 2.117 2.125 2.127 2.135 2.144
20 B1u 19 B3g 18 B2g 34 B3u 34 B2u 35 B3u 39 Ag 19 B2g
2.148 2.181 2.187 2.212 2.213 2.221 2.244 2.251
35 B2u 36 B3u 21 B1u 33 B1g 36 B2u 20 B2g 37 B2u 37 B3u
2.255 2.260 2.278 2.280 2.287 2.287 2.301 2.327
22 B1u 20 B3g 18 Au 40 Ag 23 B1u 21 B2g 21 B3g 38 B3u
2.342 2.364 2.379 2.404 2.404 2.424 2.444 2.451
34 B1g 22 B2g 38 B2u 19 Au 39 B2u 41 Ag 22 B3g 35 B1g
2.467 2.484 2.522 2.536 2.544 2.550 2.584 2.593
39 B3u 40 B2u 24 B1u 36 B1g 20 Au 40 B3u 23 B2g 21 Au
2.625 2.628 2.635 2.658 2.675 2.679 2.692 2.696
42 Ag 37 B1g 23 B3g 41 B3u 43 Ag 41 B2u 22 Au 25 B1u
2.739 2.742 2.790 2.848 2.864 2.871 2.886 2.917
38 B1g 44 Ag 39 B1g 45 Ag 42 B2u 42 B3u 46 Ag 43 B2u
2.919 2.925 2.928 2.966 2.986 3.010 3.033 3.036
23 Au 40 B1g 43 B3u 47 Ag 26 B1u 41 B1g 24 B2g 24 B3g
3.060 3.109 3.188 3.212 3.274 3.299 3.320 3.327
44 B3u 44 B2u 25 B2g 45 B3u 27 B1u 48 Ag 25 B3g 42 B1g
3.349 3.369 3.402 3.405 3.413 3.416 3.431 3.470
45 B2u 46 B3u 49 Ag 26 B2g 46 B2u 24 Au 26 B3g 47 B3u
3.492 3.569 3.576 3.593 3.595 3.644 3.645 3.691
43 B1g 27 B2g 47 B2u 25 Au 27 B3g 44 B1g 48 B2u 28 B1u
3.710 3.710 3.744 3.748 3.780 3.791 3.796 3.827
29 B1u 48 B3u 50 Ag 49 B2u 45 B1g 49 B3u 51 Ag 50 B2u
3.843 3.869 3.918 3.998 4.009 4.012 4.041 4.091
26 Au 50 B3u 46 B1g 28 B3g 28 B2g 47 B1g 29 B2g 27 Au
4.092 4.112 4.120 4.147 4.148 4.251 4.251 4.255
52 Ag 48 B1g 29 B3g 51 B2u 51 B3u 28 Au 30 B1u 53 Ag
4.345 4.369 4.381 4.404 4.412 4.445 4.462 4.564
30 B3g 54 Ag 29 Au 49 B1g 30 B2g 52 B2u 52 B3u 53 B2u
4.658 4.666 4.751 4.759 4.766 4.770 4.928 4.985
53 B3u 55 Ag 30 Au 50 B1g 54 B2u 54 B3u 51 B1g 52 B1g
5.001 5.121 5.151 5.298 5.317 5.336 5.397 5.434
55 B3u 55 B2u 53 B1g 54 B1g 31 B1u 56 Ag 57 Ag 32 B1u
5.495 5.516 5.587 5.624 5.651 5.662 5.751 5.772
33 B1u 58 Ag 34 B1u 56 B3u 31 B3g 31 B2g 32 B3g 56 B2u
5.800 5.830 5.841 5.892 5.924 5.948 5.977 5.980
59 Ag 32 B2g 31 Au 35 B1u 57 B3u 58 B3u 60 Ag 33 B2g
6.023 6.046 6.052 6.091 6.106 6.121 6.131 6.176
33 B3g 36 B1u 34 B2g 57 B2u 61 Ag 32 Au 58 B2u 55 B1g
6.181 6.212 6.216 6.223 6.253 6.305 6.318 6.319
34 B3g 59 B3u 37 B1u 62 Ag 35 B2g 33 Au 59 B2u 56 B1g
6.347 6.382 6.391 6.426 6.427 6.432 6.439 6.459
38 B1u 60 B2u 60 B3u 35 B3g 63 Ag 36 B2g 57 B1g 36 B3g
6.464 6.515 6.531 6.540 6.562 6.575 6.647 6.647
39 B1u 61 B3u 34 Au 37 B2g 64 Ag 61 B2u 62 B3u 37 B3g
6.700 6.704 6.721 6.722 6.746 6.769 6.820 6.832
58 B1g 35 Au 62 B2u 65 Ag 66 Ag 63 B3u 63 B2u 64 B3u
6.832 6.837 6.894 6.915 6.971 6.996 7.034 7.037
59 B1g 38 B2g 40 B1u 39 B2g 60 B1g 38 B3g 36 Au 61 B1g
7.059 7.130 7.146 7.177 7.191 7.244 7.279 7.303
67 Ag 41 B1u 64 B2u 40 B2g 39 B3g 65 B3u 37 Au 40 B3g
7.401 7.427 7.439 7.455 7.496 7.522 7.557 7.585
66 B3u 38 Au 65 B2u 62 B1g 68 Ag 63 B1g 66 B2u 67 B2u
7.606 7.648 7.682 7.730 7.784 7.853 7.917 7.948
39 Au 41 B2g 67 B3u 69 Ag 68 B2u 42 B1u 40 Au 64 B1g
7.957 8.021 8.093 8.101 8.120 8.175 8.228 8.232
68 B3u 41 B3g 70 Ag 65 B1g 43 B1u 69 B3u 71 Ag 42 B3g
8.239 8.329 8.352 8.361 8.368 8.423 8.488 8.579
42 B2g 41 Au 43 B2g 69 B2u 66 B1g 42 Au 67 B1g 72 Ag
8.642 8.643 8.676 8.677 8.759 8.761 8.850 8.862
70 B2u 70 B3u 43 B3g 68 B1g 44 B1u 71 B3u 71 B2u 73 Ag
8.886 8.966 9.019 9.052 9.064 9.087 9.087 9.093
69 B1g 44 B2g 74 Ag 72 B2u 44 B3g 72 B3u 45 B1u 43 Au
9.161 9.185 9.194 9.218 9.246 9.255 9.424 9.449
70 B1g 73 B3u 44 Au 45 B2g 45 B3g 73 B2u 74 B3u 75 Ag
9.473 9.476 9.570 9.602 9.635 9.714 9.724 9.790
71 B1g 45 Au 76 Ag 72 B1g 74 B2u 75 B3u 46 B1u 73 B1g
10.100 10.103 10.135 10.189 10.251 10.285 10.462 10.550
46 B2g 75 B2u 74 B1g 46 B3g 76 B3u 76 B2u 77 Ag 78 Ag
10.555 10.681 10.899 11.006 11.158 11.260 11.263 11.953
75 B1g 77 B2u 77 B3u 46 Au 78 B3u 76 B1g 78 B2u 79 Ag
12.040 12.424 12.608 13.347 24.932 25.099 25.207 25.422
77 B1g 79 B2u 79 B3u 78 B1g 80 Ag 80 B2u 79 B1g 80 B3u
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.442 -10.441 -10.441 -10.441 -1.007 -0.792 -0.722 -0.639
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.626 -0.499 -0.495 -0.425 -0.412
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 1 B1u 3 B2u
-- Virtual --
-0.034 -0.023 -0.013 -0.009 0.005 0.009 0.012 0.026
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B2u 4 B3u 1 B3g 2 B1u 3 B1g 6 Ag
0.034 0.042 0.051 0.054 0.055 0.055 0.077 0.078
2 B2g 7 Ag 1 Au 5 B2u 2 B3g 5 B3u 6 B2u 6 B3u
0.085 0.085 0.100 0.119 0.132 0.172 0.172 0.177
4 B1g 8 Ag 5 B1g 7 B3u 7 B2u 3 B1u 8 B3u 9 Ag
0.181 0.184 0.187 0.195 0.206 0.211 0.212 0.216
6 B1g 2 Au 8 B2u 10 Ag 11 Ag 7 B1g 4 B1u 3 B3g
0.217 0.225 0.227 0.228 0.234 0.262 0.273 0.275
3 B2g 4 B2g 4 B3g 9 B3u 9 B2u 8 B1g 12 Ag 10 B3u
0.284 0.284 0.285 0.292 0.297 0.302 0.307 0.311
11 B3u 10 B2u 3 Au 13 Ag 4 Au 5 B1u 14 Ag 12 B3u
0.312 0.318 0.331 0.340 0.359 0.360 0.365 0.382
11 B2u 5 Au 5 B3g 5 B2g 9 B1g 12 B2u 13 B3u 10 B1g
0.384 0.391 0.394 0.404 0.419 0.421 0.425 0.459
11 B1g 14 B3u 13 B2u 12 B1g 13 B1g 14 B2u 6 B1u 15 Ag
0.469 0.473 0.486 0.500 0.507 0.530 0.559 0.574
15 B3u 16 Ag 15 B2u 17 Ag 6 B2g 6 B3g 16 B3u 7 B1u
0.593 0.600 0.603 0.605 0.606 0.608 0.623 0.648
6 Au 7 B3g 14 B1g 18 Ag 8 B1u 7 B2g 15 B1g 16 B2u
0.652 0.664 0.669 0.669 0.673 0.697 0.699 0.717
19 Ag 8 B2g 17 B3u 17 B2u 8 B3g 18 B3u 16 B1g 20 Ag
0.718 0.732 0.735 0.748 0.759 0.759 0.760 0.766
18 B2u 21 Ag 9 B1u 10 B1u 19 B2u 7 Au 19 B3u 17 B1g
0.772 0.801 0.824 0.836 0.854 0.863 0.864 0.865
22 Ag 8 Au 20 B3u 20 B2u 9 B3g 21 B3u 9 B2g 21 B2u
0.888 0.891 0.903 0.906 0.912 0.927 0.940 0.959
10 B2g 10 B3g 11 B1u 18 B1g 23 Ag 19 B1g 20 B1g 22 B3u
0.968 0.982 1.003 1.014 1.023 1.030 1.030 1.043
22 B2u 9 Au 24 Ag 25 Ag 21 B1g 23 B2u 23 B3u 10 Au
1.062 1.066 1.069 1.085 1.112 1.126 1.135 1.143
24 B3u 11 B2g 11 B3g 24 B2u 12 B1u 22 B1g 26 Ag 11 Au
1.145 1.165 1.169 1.178 1.206 1.217 1.223 1.225
13 B1u 25 B3u 12 B2g 25 B2u 14 B1u 27 Ag 23 B1g 12 B3g
1.244 1.266 1.274 1.282 1.293 1.330 1.360 1.365
28 Ag 13 B3g 24 B1g 13 B2g 12 Au 26 B3u 26 B2u 27 B3u
1.379 1.396 1.399 1.443 1.474 1.476 1.477 1.485
27 B2u 14 B3g 14 B2g 25 B1g 28 B3u 29 Ag 13 Au 28 B2u
1.500 1.512 1.538 1.540 1.569 1.593 1.596 1.624
30 Ag 15 B1u 29 B3u 14 Au 26 B1g 29 B2u 27 B1g 31 Ag
1.643 1.649 1.657 1.678 1.700 1.712 1.725 1.726
30 B3u 28 B1g 30 B2u 16 B1u 29 B1g 17 B1u 15 B2g 32 Ag
1.727 1.733 1.765 1.823 1.833 1.846 1.849 1.867
31 B2u 15 B3g 31 B3u 33 Ag 32 B2u 16 B2g 16 B3g 32 B3u
1.876 1.884 1.907 1.912 1.919 1.923 1.924 1.931
34 Ag 17 B2g 18 B1u 17 B3g 35 Ag 33 B3u 30 B1g 15 Au
1.939 1.954 1.966 1.972 1.984 1.994 2.012 2.045
31 B1g 33 B2u 16 Au 36 Ag 19 B1u 32 B1g 37 Ag 17 Au
2.049 2.051 2.082 2.097 2.104 2.126 2.129 2.130
18 B3g 38 Ag 20 B1u 18 B2g 19 B3g 34 B3u 34 B2u 35 B3u
2.134 2.150 2.181 2.185 2.196 2.211 2.218 2.244
39 Ag 35 B2u 19 B2g 36 B3u 21 B1u 33 B1g 36 B2u 20 B2g
2.259 2.260 2.275 2.293 2.296 2.299 2.304 2.315
37 B3u 37 B2u 22 B1u 20 B3g 23 B1u 40 Ag 21 B2g 21 B3g
2.334 2.335 2.345 2.379 2.379 2.408 2.418 2.433
18 Au 38 B3u 34 B1g 22 B2g 38 B2u 39 B2u 19 Au 41 Ag
2.470 2.473 2.476 2.504 2.536 2.548 2.556 2.563
22 B3g 39 B3u 35 B1g 40 B2u 24 B1u 36 B1g 20 Au 40 B3u
2.595 2.624 2.630 2.631 2.647 2.670 2.679 2.690
23 B2g 21 Au 37 B1g 42 Ag 23 B3g 41 B3u 41 B2u 43 Ag
2.708 2.711 2.734 2.760 2.787 2.848 2.868 2.884
25 B1u 22 Au 38 B1g 44 Ag 39 B1g 45 Ag 42 B2u 46 Ag
2.889 2.915 2.927 2.932 2.938 2.963 3.010 3.015
42 B3u 43 B2u 40 B1g 43 B3u 23 Au 47 Ag 41 B1g 26 B1u
3.044 3.047 3.083 3.134 3.206 3.223 3.298 3.318
24 B2g 24 B3g 44 B3u 44 B2u 25 B2g 45 B3u 48 Ag 27 B1u
3.340 3.340 3.356 3.366 3.401 3.401 3.436 3.448
25 B3g 46 B3u 45 B2u 42 B1g 49 Ag 46 B2u 24 Au 26 B2g
3.468 3.473 3.508 3.604 3.614 3.616 3.627 3.638
26 B3g 47 B3u 43 B1g 47 B2u 25 Au 27 B2g 27 B3g 48 B2u
3.655 3.706 3.708 3.724 3.738 3.742 3.774 3.801
44 B1g 48 B3u 28 B1u 29 B1u 50 Ag 49 B2u 51 Ag 45 B1g
3.810 3.845 3.866 3.885 3.914 4.025 4.032 4.035
49 B3u 50 B2u 50 B3u 26 Au 46 B1g 28 B3g 47 B1g 28 B2g
4.072 4.085 4.106 4.122 4.125 4.139 4.147 4.256
29 B2g 52 Ag 48 B1g 51 B2u 51 B3u 27 Au 29 B3g 53 Ag
4.273 4.273 4.338 4.345 4.368 4.420 4.431 4.431
28 Au 30 B1u 54 Ag 49 B1g 30 B3g 52 B2u 30 B2g 29 Au
4.443 4.540 4.634 4.636 4.757 4.782 4.785 4.786
52 B3u 53 B2u 53 B3u 55 Ag 54 B2u 50 B1g 30 Au 54 B3u
4.898 4.961 4.991 5.118 5.131 5.285 5.362 5.362
51 B1g 52 B1g 55 B3u 55 B2u 53 B1g 54 B1g 31 B1u 56 Ag
5.429 5.480 5.504 5.532 5.617 5.666 5.684 5.717
32 B1u 57 Ag 33 B1u 58 Ag 34 B1u 31 B3g 56 B3u 31 B2g
5.757 5.793 5.829 5.855 5.862 5.863 5.890 5.904
59 Ag 32 B3g 32 B2g 31 Au 56 B2u 57 B3u 35 B1u 60 Ag
5.988 6.008 6.056 6.071 6.101 6.112 6.152 6.159
33 B2g 58 B3u 57 B2u 36 B1u 61 Ag 33 B3g 32 Au 34 B2g
6.174 6.176 6.203 6.223 6.228 6.229 6.260 6.301
55 B1g 58 B2u 59 B3u 34 B3g 62 Ag 37 B1u 35 B2g 59 B2u
6.322 6.348 6.353 6.373 6.387 6.389 6.401 6.416
60 B2u 56 B1g 38 B1u 33 Au 36 B2g 60 B3u 35 B3g 63 Ag
6.423 6.479 6.482 6.498 6.511 6.538 6.566 6.615
57 B1g 36 B3g 39 B1u 61 B3u 34 Au 37 B2g 64 Ag 61 B2u
6.637 6.638 6.653 6.661 6.718 6.729 6.748 6.768
62 B3u 37 B3g 58 B1g 65 Ag 66 Ag 62 B2u 35 Au 63 B3u
6.808 6.834 6.865 6.891 6.922 6.945 6.949 6.983
63 B2u 64 B3u 59 B1g 38 B2g 40 B1u 67 Ag 39 B2g 60 B1g
7.043 7.107 7.129 7.140 7.152 7.174 7.192 7.214
38 B3g 61 B1g 36 Au 65 B3u 41 B1u 64 B2u 40 B2g 39 B3g
7.290 7.309 7.362 7.373 7.422 7.426 7.446 7.463
66 B3u 37 Au 40 B3g 65 B2u 68 Ag 62 B1g 66 B2u 38 Au
7.466 7.541 7.586 7.628 7.659 7.685 7.732 7.845
67 B2u 63 B1g 67 B3u 39 Au 69 Ag 41 B2g 68 B2u 42 B1u
7.867 7.913 7.927 8.007 8.012 8.015 8.060 8.066
68 B3u 64 B1g 40 Au 41 B3g 70 Ag 65 B1g 69 B3u 43 B1u
8.131 8.187 8.190 8.283 8.285 8.297 8.356 8.374
71 Ag 42 B3g 42 B2g 66 B1g 69 B2u 41 Au 43 B2g 67 B1g
8.444 8.494 8.551 8.582 8.588 8.673 8.681 8.685
42 Au 72 Ag 70 B3u 70 B2u 68 B1g 44 B1u 71 B3u 43 B3g
8.776 8.797 8.804 8.885 8.934 8.935 8.974 9.000
71 B2u 73 Ag 69 B1g 44 B2g 72 B2u 74 Ag 45 B1u 72 B3u
9.003 9.032 9.075 9.087 9.095 9.138 9.139 9.182
44 B3g 43 Au 70 B1g 73 B3u 45 B2g 45 B3g 73 B2u 44 Au
9.284 9.318 9.351 9.379 9.401 9.460 9.480 9.540
75 Ag 74 B3u 71 B1g 45 Au 76 Ag 74 B2u 72 B1g 75 B3u
9.559 9.629 9.976 9.997 10.015 10.095 10.105 10.106
73 B1g 46 B1u 74 B1g 75 B2u 46 B2g 46 B3g 76 B3u 76 B2u
10.237 10.366 10.383 10.474 10.681 10.937 10.987 11.089
77 Ag 78 Ag 75 B1g 77 B2u 77 B3u 46 Au 78 B3u 78 B2u
11.097 11.616 11.872 11.968 12.209 12.841 24.906 25.071
76 B1g 79 Ag 77 B1g 79 B2u 79 B3u 78 B1g 80 Ag 80 B2u
25.182 25.404
79 B1g 80 B3u
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C 0.597407 0.596696
2 C 0.597407 0.596696
3 C 0.597407 0.596696
4 C 0.597407 0.596696
5 H -0.597407 -0.096696
6 H -0.597407 -0.096696
7 H -0.597407 -0.096696
8 H -0.597407 -0.096696
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X 0.0000 Y -0.0000 Z 0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.6020 XY 0.0000 YY -22.4762
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.2908
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX -0.0000 XXY 0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY 0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ 0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ -0.0000 YZZ -0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -134.1783 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -31.9000
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -116.3778 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -32.4910 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -29.6932
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ 0.0000 ZZZZ -34.2853
Archival summary:
Total job time: 13671.30s(wall), 13662.50s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 16:28:01 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

SF-TDDFT/M11/AVQZ/q_chem Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-M11
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.inp CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/M11/AVQZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avqz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem38802
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802/hostfile
# env setting
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38802

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.inp
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.inp_38207.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.inp_38207.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207/
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S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 12:04:21 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVTZ
There are 92 shells and 276 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 4260 shell pairs
There are 38516 function pairs ( 51904 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 3.19E-06
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: 0.4280 Hartree-Fock + 1.0000 M11 + LR-HF
Correlation: 1.0000 M11
Using SG-3 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.8196153224 1.21e-02
2 -154.5538169145 9.38e-04
3 -154.5770945703 5.37e-04
4 -154.5873378756 1.03e-04
5 -154.5878140494 1.05e-05
6 -154.5878225255 2.53e-06
7 -154.5878229986 6.25e-07
8 -154.5878230582 1.26e-07
9 -154.5878230492 2.74e-08
10 -154.5878230342 1.02e-08
11 -154.5878230844 1.47e-08
12 -154.5878230625 3.79e-09
13 -154.5878230840 7.92e-09
14 -154.5878230617 4.75e-09
15 -154.5878230507 1.61e-09
16 -154.5878230731 3.43e-09
17 -154.5878230407 4.55e-09
18 -154.5878230812 2.02e-09
19 -154.5878230324 8.19e-09
20 -154.5878230491 3.75e-09
21 -154.5878230806 2.10e-09
22 -154.5878230685 1.18e-09
23 -154.5878230425 7.69e-09
24 -154.5878230698 2.34e-09
25 -154.5878230401 6.99e-09
26 -154.5878230898 3.55e-09
27 -154.5878230378 3.13e-09
28 -154.5878230625 1.91e-09
29 -154.5878230761 4.16e-09
30 -154.5878230558 1.41e-09
31 -154.5878230679 1.13e-09
32 -154.5878230387 2.69e-09
33 -154.5878230527 3.24e-09
34 -154.5878230650 1.09e-09
35 -154.5878230819 2.34e-09
36 -154.5878230497 1.56e-09
37 -154.5878230496 1.46e-09
38 -154.5878230685 1.12e-09
39 -154.5878230487 6.88e-09
40 -154.5878230520 3.99e-09
41 -154.5878230801 6.05e-09
42 -154.5878230606 1.87e-09
43 -154.5878230573 2.91e-09
44 -154.5878230597 4.38e-09
45 -154.5878230728 1.22e-09
46 -154.5878230482 4.46e-09
47 -154.5878230527 2.71e-09
48 -154.5878230849 6.08e-09
49 -154.5878230804 2.30e-09
50 -154.5878230588 3.79e-09
51 -154.5878230480 7.54e-09
52 -154.5878230758 2.97e-09
53 -154.5878230505 2.22e-09
54 -154.5878230661 1.07e-09
55 -154.5878230880 5.26e-09
56 -154.5878230683 7.28e-09
57 -154.5878230455 2.74e-09
58 -154.5878230258 6.74e-09
59 -154.5878230584 3.73e-09
60 -154.5878230557 9.59e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 1347.43s wall 1348.00s
<S^2> = 2.004946522
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5878230557
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5878230557
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.003704 0.000814
2 0 8 0.001312 0.000464
3 0 8 0.002929 0.001396
4 0 8 0.001347 0.000518
5 0 8 0.000231 0.000112
6 3 5 0.000058 0.000027
7 6 2 0.000025 0.000019
8 7 1 0.000012 0.000008
9 7 1 0.000006 0.000002
10 8 0 0.000005 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -1.5789
Total energy for state 1: -154.64584649 au
<S**2> : 0.0255
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9522 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.2334 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = -0.0198
Total energy for state 2: -154.58855250 au
<S**2> : 2.0112
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.6751 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.1769 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.4953 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.5061 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.0721
Total energy for state 3: -154.54842255 au
<S**2> : 0.0231
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.6900 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.1625 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.5338 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.4540 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 2.4073
Total energy for state 4: -154.49935537 au
<S**2> : 1.0079
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9596 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = 0.2420 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 2.7212
Total energy for state 5: -154.48782258 au
<S**2> : 0.0447
S( 1) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.6963 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.6777 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.1784 alpha
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 2.8211
Total energy for state 6: -154.48415012 au
<S**2> : 1.0094
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9521 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = -0.1999 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = -0.1828 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 2.9724
Total energy for state 7: -154.47859014 au
<S**2> : 1.0070
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9326 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.2222 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = -0.2021 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 3.0847
Total energy for state 8: -154.47446396 au
<S**2> : 1.0072
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9949 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 793.06s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 794.48s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.451 -10.451 -10.450 -10.450 -1.032 -0.825 -0.751 -0.652
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.645 -0.515 -0.515 -0.511 -0.426 -0.325 -0.240
2 B1g 3 B3u 1 B1u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
-0.001 0.006 0.008 0.023 0.057 0.062 0.074 0.075
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 6 Ag 2 B1u 5 B3u 2 B2g
0.076 0.078 0.081 0.086 0.103 0.103 0.104 0.118
7 Ag 5 B2u 2 B3g 1 Au 4 B1g 6 B3u 6 B2u 8 Ag
0.124 0.137 0.169 0.187 0.191 0.213 0.239 0.239
5 B1g 2 Au 7 B3u 7 B2u 8 B3u 9 Ag 6 B1g 8 B2u
0.241 0.256 0.260 0.283 0.284 0.284 0.288 0.295
3 B1u 7 B1g 10 Ag 11 Ag 9 B3u 3 B2g 3 B3g 9 B2u
0.313 0.316 0.322 0.345 0.351 0.352 0.353 0.354
8 B1g 4 B1u 10 B3u 12 Ag 4 B3g 3 Au 4 B2g 10 B2u
0.367 0.384 0.403 0.413 0.420 0.423 0.430 0.437
11 B3u 13 Ag 9 B1g 12 B3u 14 Ag 11 B2u 4 Au 12 B2u
0.446 0.448 0.448 0.450 0.488 0.493 0.508 0.517
5 B1u 10 B1g 13 B3u 13 B2u 6 B1u 5 Au 11 B1g 5 B2g
0.528 0.531 0.564 0.564 0.622 0.632 0.636 0.647
12 B1g 5 B3g 14 B3u 13 B1g 15 Ag 16 Ag 14 B2u 14 B1g
0.654 0.666 0.668 0.683 0.719 0.735 0.749 0.790
15 B2u 15 B3u 6 B2g 6 B3g 17 Ag 16 B3u 6 Au 7 B1u
0.798 0.809 0.811 0.840 0.840 0.847 0.848 0.854
15 B1g 8 B1u 16 B2u 18 Ag 7 B3g 17 B3u 7 B2g 17 B2u
0.870 0.882 0.921 0.925 0.930 0.935 0.936 0.944
16 B1g 19 Ag 8 B2g 20 Ag 9 B1u 8 B3g 18 B3u 18 B2u
0.950 1.003 1.005 1.010 1.020 1.028 1.043 1.063
17 B1g 19 B2u 19 B3u 21 Ag 10 B1u 7 Au 22 Ag 20 B2u
1.072 1.080 1.084 1.114 1.121 1.137 1.148 1.149
18 B1g 20 B3u 8 Au 9 B2g 9 B3g 19 B1g 21 B3u 10 B2g
1.152 1.166 1.209 1.242 1.263 1.267 1.289 1.306
10 B3g 21 B2u 20 B1g 11 B1u 21 B1g 23 Ag 22 B3u 24 Ag
1.309 1.334 1.360 1.398 1.400 1.415 1.425 1.436
9 Au 22 B2u 23 B2u 10 Au 25 Ag 23 B3u 12 B1u 11 B3g
1.446 1.522 1.544 1.569 1.573 1.583 1.622 1.645
11 B2g 22 B1g 24 B3u 13 B1u 26 Ag 24 B2u 11 Au 25 B2u
1.647 1.671 1.687 1.698 1.720 1.727 1.753 1.780
25 B3u 12 B2g 27 Ag 23 B1g 14 B1u 12 B3g 24 B1g 26 B3u
1.802 1.806 1.811 1.820 1.872 1.882 1.904 1.905
13 B2g 25 B1g 13 B3g 26 B2u 27 B3u 28 Ag 26 B1g 27 B2u
1.922 1.990 2.009 2.055 2.058 2.092 2.148 2.173
12 Au 14 B2g 29 Ag 28 B3u 14 B3g 28 B2u 13 Au 29 B2u
2.193 2.195 2.221 2.265 2.388 2.499 2.523 2.601
14 Au 27 B1g 28 B1g 29 B3u 30 Ag 15 B1u 30 B2u 29 B1g
2.718 2.740 2.781 2.809 2.861 2.892 2.923 2.950
31 Ag 30 B3u 30 B1g 15 B2g 32 Ag 16 B1u 15 B3g 17 B1u
2.952 2.959 3.001 3.044 3.044 3.075 3.081 3.177
31 B3u 33 Ag 15 Au 31 B2u 18 B1u 32 B3u 34 Ag 16 B2g
3.210 3.237 3.255 3.260 3.266 3.307 3.308 3.309
32 B2u 31 B1g 16 B3g 19 B1u 35 Ag 17 B3g 33 B3u 36 Ag
3.358 3.385 3.396 3.442 3.492 3.502 3.503 3.524
33 B2u 17 B2g 20 B1u 18 B2g 37 Ag 34 B2u 32 B1g 34 B3u
3.529 3.578 3.593 3.594 3.649 3.676 3.708 3.712
18 B3g 19 B2g 35 B3u 33 B1g 16 Au 38 Ag 35 B2u 17 Au
3.743 3.758 3.768 3.779 3.793 3.801 3.895 3.911
36 B3u 19 B3g 36 B2u 39 Ag 20 B2g 34 B1g 37 B3u 35 B1g
3.917 3.925 3.951 3.971 4.002 4.039 4.062 4.084
20 B3g 40 Ag 38 B3u 37 B2u 18 Au 21 B1u 19 Au 38 B2u
4.170 4.195 4.278 4.304 4.307 4.311 4.327 4.357
36 B1g 39 B3u 39 B2u 40 B3u 37 B1g 20 Au 21 B2g 40 B2u
4.383 4.484 4.553 4.579 4.616 4.740 4.743 4.744
38 B1g 41 Ag 22 B1u 21 B3g 22 B2g 21 Au 42 Ag 22 B3g
4.774 4.783 4.856 4.863 4.880 4.959 5.054 5.144
39 B1g 23 B1u 41 B3u 22 Au 41 B2u 40 B1g 43 Ag 42 B3u
5.169 5.216 5.349 5.374 5.412 5.417 5.471 5.703
23 B2g 23 B3g 41 B1g 42 B2u 42 B1g 44 Ag 43 B2u 43 B3u
5.769 5.776 5.834 5.996 6.017 6.496 6.581 6.688
44 B3u 45 Ag 23 Au 44 B2u 43 B1g 45 B3u 44 B1g 45 B2u
7.421 14.048 16.225 16.662 16.688
45 B1g 46 Ag 46 B3u 46 B1g 46 B2u
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.442 -10.442 -10.441 -10.441 -1.007 -0.792 -0.722 -0.639
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.626 -0.499 -0.495 -0.425 -0.412
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 1 B1u 3 B2u
-- Virtual --
-0.034 -0.025 -0.015 -0.009 0.008 0.011 0.022 0.034
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B2u 4 B3u 1 B3g 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.044 0.054 0.056 0.060 0.062 0.064 0.092 0.092
2 B2g 7 Ag 1 Au 5 B2u 5 B3u 2 B3g 6 B2u 6 B3u
0.095 0.100 0.110 0.135 0.145 0.192 0.200 0.205
4 B1g 8 Ag 5 B1g 7 B3u 7 B2u 8 B3u 2 Au 9 Ag
0.212 0.223 0.229 0.239 0.250 0.267 0.267 0.276
6 B1g 3 B1u 8 B2u 7 B1g 10 Ag 3 B2g 3 B3g 9 B3u
0.281 0.288 0.308 0.309 0.321 0.332 0.336 0.338
11 Ag 9 B2u 4 B1u 8 B1g 10 B3u 4 B3g 4 B2g 12 Ag
0.347 0.347 0.358 0.375 0.399 0.404 0.406 0.412
10 B2u 3 Au 11 B3u 13 Ag 4 Au 9 B1g 12 B3u 11 B2u
0.413 0.435 0.437 0.438 0.442 0.447 0.464 0.494
14 Ag 12 B2u 13 B2u 13 B3u 10 B1g 5 B1u 5 Au 11 B1g
0.498 0.513 0.517 0.525 0.536 0.551 0.620 0.622
6 B1u 5 B2g 12 B1g 5 B3g 13 B1g 14 B3u 15 Ag 14 B2u
0.624 0.627 0.640 0.652 0.668 0.689 0.711 0.726
14 B1g 16 Ag 15 B2u 15 B3u 6 B2g 6 B3g 17 Ag 16 B3u
0.753 0.789 0.798 0.800 0.820 0.832 0.841 0.842
6 Au 15 B1g 7 B1u 16 B2u 8 B1u 7 B3g 17 B3u 7 B2g
0.845 0.850 0.861 0.880 0.923 0.929 0.934 0.936
18 Ag 17 B2u 16 B1g 19 Ag 8 B2g 20 Ag 8 B3g 9 B1u
0.941 0.943 0.946 1.007 1.010 1.011 1.019 1.035
18 B3u 18 B2u 17 B1g 19 B2u 19 B3u 21 Ag 10 B1u 7 Au
1.041 1.055 1.067 1.074 1.080 1.122 1.129 1.132
22 Ag 20 B2u 18 B1g 20 B3u 8 Au 9 B2g 19 B1g 9 B3g
1.144 1.157 1.159 1.162 1.203 1.254 1.256 1.264
21 B3u 10 B2g 21 B2u 10 B3g 20 B1g 11 B1u 21 B1g 23 Ag
1.290 1.309 1.315 1.334 1.353 1.401 1.404 1.414
22 B3u 24 Ag 9 Au 22 B2u 23 B2u 25 Ag 10 Au 23 B3u
1.435 1.463 1.474 1.510 1.553 1.579 1.588 1.596
12 B1u 11 B3g 11 B2g 22 B1g 24 B3u 26 Ag 13 B1u 24 B2u
1.643 1.652 1.663 1.686 1.687 1.713 1.741 1.751
11 Au 25 B2u 25 B3u 12 B2g 27 Ag 23 B1g 12 B3g 14 B1u
1.756 1.773 1.807 1.819 1.828 1.835 1.867 1.877
24 B1g 26 B3u 25 B1g 26 B2u 13 B2g 13 B3g 28 Ag 27 B3u
1.911 1.911 1.932 2.006 2.010 2.051 2.074 2.080
26 B1g 27 B2u 12 Au 29 Ag 14 B2g 28 B3u 14 B3g 28 B2u
2.175 2.176 2.189 2.225 2.232 2.264 2.400 2.527
29 B2u 13 Au 27 B1g 28 B1g 14 Au 29 B3u 30 Ag 30 B2u
2.557 2.600 2.722 2.745 2.774 2.867 2.878 2.917
15 B1u 29 B1g 31 Ag 30 B3u 30 B1g 32 Ag 15 B2g 31 B3u
2.920 2.946 2.976 2.985 3.016 3.045 3.058 3.092
16 B1u 17 B1u 33 Ag 15 B3g 31 B2u 15 Au 18 B1u 32 B3u
3.096 3.179 3.213 3.216 3.227 3.268 3.274 3.280
34 Ag 16 B2g 31 B1g 32 B2u 35 Ag 19 B1u 36 Ag 16 B3g
3.299 3.313 3.371 3.378 3.406 3.463 3.476 3.478
17 B3g 33 B3u 33 B2u 17 B2g 20 B1u 18 B2g 37 Ag 32 B1g
3.502 3.517 3.551 3.594 3.603 3.614 3.671 3.677
34 B2u 34 B3u 18 B3g 19 B2g 33 B1g 35 B3u 38 Ag 16 Au
3.683 3.702 3.740 3.752 3.795 3.806 3.819 3.844
35 B2u 17 Au 36 B3u 39 Ag 19 B3g 36 B2u 34 B1g 20 B2g
3.853 3.879 3.923 3.929 3.936 3.950 4.042 4.043
37 B3u 40 Ag 38 B3u 20 B3g 37 B2u 35 B1g 18 Au 21 B1u
4.069 4.078 4.163 4.183 4.272 4.275 4.293 4.324
38 B2u 19 Au 39 B3u 36 B1g 39 B2u 40 B3u 37 B1g 40 B2u
4.348 4.357 4.366 4.474 4.526 4.576 4.593 4.710
21 B2g 38 B1g 20 Au 41 Ag 22 B1u 21 B3g 22 B2g 42 Ag
4.716 4.725 4.755 4.762 4.818 4.825 4.891 4.898
39 B1g 21 Au 22 B3g 23 B1u 41 B3u 41 B2u 40 B1g 22 Au
5.007 5.097 5.161 5.213 5.285 5.302 5.334 5.344
43 Ag 42 B3u 23 B2g 23 B3g 42 B2u 41 B1g 44 Ag 42 B1g
5.412 5.608 5.636 5.691 5.850 5.893 5.906 6.326
43 B2u 45 Ag 43 B3u 44 B3u 23 Au 43 B1g 44 B2u 45 B3u
6.506 6.511 7.280 14.031 16.201 16.623 16.664
44 B1g 45 B2u 45 B1g 46 Ag 46 B3u 46 B1g 46 B2u
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C 0.117249 0.560862
2 C 0.117249 0.560862
3 C 0.117249 0.560862
4 C 0.117249 0.560862
5 H -0.117249 -0.060862
6 H -0.117249 -0.060862
7 H -0.117249 -0.060862
8 H -0.117249 -0.060862
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X 0.0000 Y -0.0000 Z -0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.5518 XY -0.0000 YY -22.4331
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.3637
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX -0.0000 XXY -0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY -0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ -0.0000
YYZ -0.0000 XZZ -0.0000 YZZ -0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -133.7967 XXXY -0.0000 XXYY -31.7905
XYYY -0.0000 YYYY -116.1815 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ -0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -32.5414 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -29.8034
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ -0.0000 ZZZZ -34.6330
Archival summary:
Total job time: 2143.29s(wall), 2141.01s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 12:40:05 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

SF-TDDFT/M11/AVTZ/q_chem Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-M11
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.inp CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.log

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: compute-3-0.local
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/CBD/SF-TDDFT/M11/AVTZ
input file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.inp
output file: CBD_sf_td_M11_avtz.log
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem38207
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207/hostfile
# env setting
remove work dirs /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207.0 -- /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207.-1
rm -rf /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem38207

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 6-31+G_d/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_6_31G_d.inp
qchem 6-31+G_d/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_6_31G_d.inp_31441.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31441/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s 6-31+G_d/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_6_31G_d.inp_31441.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31441/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
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S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
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C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 08:19:07 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31441//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = 6-31+G*
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Q-Chem warning in module forms1/BasisType.C, line 1983:
You are not using the predefined 5D/6D in this basis set.
Requested basis set is 6-31+G(d)
There are 28 shells and 80 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 406 shell pairs
There are 3352 function pairs ( 3702 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 2.41E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: wPBE + LR-HF Correlation: PBE
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.7220496810 3.94e-02
2 -154.4883089995 2.13e-03
3 -154.5070703769 7.81e-04
4 -154.5091992666 2.85e-04
5 -154.5095301306 3.20e-05
6 -154.5095399505 1.00e-05
7 -154.5095410616 2.65e-06
8 -154.5095411438 4.83e-07
9 -154.5095411469 7.97e-08
10 -154.5095411461 1.57e-08
11 -154.5095411456 3.22e-09
12 -154.5095411466 5.73e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 5.03s wall 6.00s
<S^2> = 2.005497392
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5095411466
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5095411466
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 20 0.019920 0.001553
2 0 20 0.006194 0.001062
3 0 20 0.002137 0.000645
4 0 20 0.002024 0.001226
5 4 16 0.000461 0.000177
6 9 11 0.003950 0.002135
7 13 7 0.001612 0.000608
8 14 6 0.000450 0.000201
9 15 5 0.000087 0.000038
10 17 3 0.000021 0.000008
11 20 0 0.000008 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.7048
Total energy for state 1: -154.53544256 au
<S**2> : 0.0164
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9844 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 1.2125
Total energy for state 2: -154.46498345 au
<S**2> : 1.9831
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6194 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.7516 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.2039 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.7404
Total energy for state 3: -154.44558278 au
<S**2> : 0.0347
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7703 alpha
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = -0.6081 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.1509 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.6480
Total energy for state 4: -154.37548015 au
<S**2> : 0.0283
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9554 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.2650 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 4.3522
Total energy for state 5: -154.34960221 au
<S**2> : 1.0142
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9792
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 4.9376
Total energy for state 6: -154.32808724 au
<S**2> : 1.0090
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.9012 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.2512 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = 0.1971 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 17) amplitude = 0.2763 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.9816
Total energy for state 7: -154.32647054 au
<S**2> : 1.0115
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9610 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = -0.2124 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 5.1738
Total energy for state 8: -154.31940885 au
<S**2> : 1.0133
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9693 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 15) amplitude = 0.1633 alpha
Excited state 9: excitation energy (eV) = 5.6038
Total energy for state 9: -154.30360392 au
<S**2> : 1.0060
D( 10) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.5614
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.6400 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = 0.5157 alpha
Excited state 10: excitation energy (eV) = 5.7520
Total energy for state 10: -154.29815750 au
<S**2> : 1.0092
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9963 alpha
Excited state 11: excitation energy (eV) = 5.9482
Total energy for state 11: -154.29094990 au
<S**2> : 1.0092
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.2012 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = 0.9577 alpha
Excited state 12: excitation energy (eV) = 5.9673
Total energy for state 12: -154.29024521 au
<S**2> : 1.0124
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.9561 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = 0.1998 alpha
Excited state 13: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2384
Total energy for state 13: -154.28028419 au
<S**2> : 1.0221
D( 12) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.9768
D( 12) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.1554
Excited state 14: excitation energy (eV) = 6.3516
Total energy for state 14: -154.27612254 au
<S**2> : 1.0158
D( 11) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.4865
D( 13) --> S( 2) amplitude = -0.8325
D( 13) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.2327
Excited state 15: excitation energy (eV) = 6.3867
Total energy for state 15: -154.27483497 au
<S**2> : 1.0113
S( 2) --> V( 6) amplitude = 0.9832 alpha
Excited state 16: excitation energy (eV) = 6.4766
Total energy for state 16: -154.27152888 au
<S**2> : 1.0109
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.3712 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.7653 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 17) amplitude = -0.4617 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 22) amplitude = 0.1673 alpha
Excited state 17: excitation energy (eV) = 6.8597
Total energy for state 17: -154.25745034 au
<S**2> : 1.0095
D( 11) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.8518
D( 13) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.4754
Excited state 18: excitation energy (eV) = 7.0828
Total energy for state 18: -154.24925145 au
<S**2> : 1.0062
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.9859 alpha
Excited state 19: excitation energy (eV) = 7.1139
Total energy for state 19: -154.24811146 au
<S**2> : 1.0209
S( 1) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.8538 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.2675 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 14) amplitude = 0.1974 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 17) amplitude = 0.2514 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.2732 alpha
Excited state 20: excitation energy (eV) = 7.1881
Total energy for state 20: -154.24538280 au
<S**2> : 1.0049
D( 10) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7794
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = -0.5754 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = -0.1612 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 5.35s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 8.23s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.167 -10.167 -10.166 -10.166 -1.062 -0.854 -0.783 -0.672
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.669 -0.546 -0.534 -0.531 -0.450 -0.348 -0.259
2 B1g 1 B1u 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.079 0.082 0.083 0.099 0.114 0.123 0.136 0.153
4 B3u 4 B2u 5 Ag 3 B1g 1 Au 2 B1u 6 Ag 2 B2g
0.159 0.160 0.161 0.169 0.217 0.217 0.240 0.242
5 B3u 7 Ag 2 B3g 5 B2u 4 B1g 2 Au 6 B3u 6 B2u
0.261 0.277 0.303 0.346 0.359 0.377 0.441 0.443
7 B3u 5 B1g 8 Ag 6 B1g 7 B2u 8 B3u 7 B1g 8 B2u
0.693 0.706 0.787 0.791 0.799 0.813 0.821 0.865
9 Ag 8 B1g 3 B1u 9 B3u 3 B2g 10 Ag 3 B3g 3 Au
0.887 0.945 0.969 0.981 1.037 1.056 1.136 1.145
9 B2u 11 Ag 9 B1g 10 B3u 10 B1g 10 B2u 11 B3u 12 Ag
1.194 1.310 1.348 1.394 1.407 1.468 1.619 1.682
11 B2u 12 B3u 11 B1g 4 B1u 12 B2u 5 B1u 4 B2g 4 B3g
1.741 1.762 1.856 2.017 2.137 2.139 2.199 2.371
13 Ag 12 B1g 14 Ag 13 B2u 5 B2g 13 B3u 15 Ag 4 Au
2.421 2.509 2.556 2.604 2.684 2.773 2.858 3.068
5 B3g 14 B3u 5 Au 14 B2u 15 B3u 13 B1g 15 B2u 14 B1g
15 B1g
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.160 -10.160 -10.160 -10.159 -1.037 -0.821 -0.753 -0.663
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.653 -0.526 -0.519 -0.441 -0.426
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B1u
-- Virtual --
-0.012 0.053 0.080 0.083 0.085 0.100 0.130 0.137
1 B2g 1 B3g 4 B3u 4 B2u 5 Ag 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.161 0.164 0.166 0.168 0.170 0.186 0.217 0.246
5 B3u 1 Au 2 B2g 7 Ag 5 B2u 2 B3g 4 B1g 6 B3u
0.250 0.281 0.282 0.287 0.307 0.360 0.375 0.381
6 B2u 5 B1g 7 B3u 2 Au 8 Ag 6 B1g 7 B2u 8 B3u
0.451 0.451 0.702 0.729 0.799 0.819 0.824 0.839
7 B1g 8 B2u 9 Ag 8 B1g 9 B3u 10 Ag 3 B1u 3 B2g
0.865 0.901 0.903 0.959 0.977 0.995 1.048 1.064
3 B3g 9 B2u 3 Au 11 Ag 9 B1g 10 B3u 10 B1g 10 B2u
1.152 1.155 1.213 1.327 1.357 1.421 1.436 1.517
11 B3u 12 Ag 11 B2u 12 B3u 11 B1g 12 B2u 4 B1u 5 B1u
1.662 1.723 1.751 1.784 1.873 2.052 2.160 2.176
4 B2g 4 B3g 13 Ag 12 B1g 14 Ag 13 B2u 13 B3u 5 B2g
2.234 2.412 2.462 2.529 2.596 2.614 2.707 2.812
15 Ag 4 Au 5 B3g 14 B3u 5 Au 14 B2u 15 B3u 13 B1g
2.879 3.077 3.168
15 B2u 14 B1g 15 B1g
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C -0.223235 0.533042
2 C -0.223235 0.533042
3 C -0.223235 0.533042
4 C -0.223235 0.533042
5 H 0.223235 -0.033042
6 H 0.223235 -0.033042
7 H 0.223235 -0.033042
8 H 0.223235 -0.033042
Sum of atomic charges = 0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X 0.0000 Y -0.0000 Z -0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.4124 XY 0.0000 YY -22.2417
XZ -0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.2941
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX -0.0000 XXY 0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY -0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ 0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ 0.0000 YZZ 0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -132.5287 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -31.7468
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -115.0951 XXXZ -0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ -0.0000 YYYZ -0.0000
XXZZ -32.4348 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -29.6669
XZZZ -0.0000 YZZZ 0.0000 ZZZZ -34.9687
Archival summary:
Total job time: 14.31s(wall), 10.48s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 08:19:21 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 AVDZ/CBD_sf_td_blyp_avdz.inp
qchem AVDZ/CBD_sf_td_blyp_avdz.inp_31881.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31881/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s AVDZ/CBD_sf_td_blyp_avdz.inp_31881.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31881/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
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S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
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WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
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Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 08:21:25 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem31881//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVDZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVDZ
There are 56 shells and 128 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 1596 shell pairs
There are 8396 function pairs ( 9496 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.04E-05
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: wPBE + LR-HF Correlation: PBE
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.7881826250 2.55e-02
2 -154.4987538232 1.52e-03
3 -154.5202162546 6.81e-04
4 -154.5243110028 1.83e-04
5 -154.5246950342 1.99e-05
6 -154.5247043412 6.68e-06
7 -154.5247056139 1.80e-06
8 -154.5247057116 3.37e-07
9 -154.5247057135 5.79e-08
10 -154.5247057138 1.30e-08
11 -154.5247057135 2.79e-09
12 -154.5247057141 5.33e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 14.66s wall 15.00s
<S^2> = 2.007162900
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5247057141
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5247057141
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 20 0.014454 0.001200
2 0 20 0.007205 0.002054
3 0 20 0.002111 0.000473
4 0 20 0.002561 0.001296
5 4 16 0.001442 0.000912
6 6 14 0.004480 0.002408
7 10 10 0.001519 0.000529
8 11 9 0.000626 0.000389
9 15 5 0.000121 0.000078
10 17 3 0.000029 0.000017
11 18 2 0.000008 0.000002
12 20 0 0.000005 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.6901
Total energy for state 1: -154.55006771 au
<S**2> : 0.0180
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9846 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 1.2069
Total energy for state 2: -154.48035151 au
<S**2> : 1.9848
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6144 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.7520 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = 0.2141 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.7246
Total energy for state 3: -154.46132700 au
<S**2> : 0.0416
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7741 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.6000 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = -0.1576 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.6554
Total energy for state 4: -154.39037256 au
<S**2> : 0.0304
S( 1) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.9509 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 13) amplitude = 0.2762 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 4.2788
Total energy for state 5: -154.36746123 au
<S**2> : 1.0165
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9796
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 4.4115
Total energy for state 6: -154.36258734 au
<S**2> : 1.0109
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9441 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.3088 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.7516
Total energy for state 7: -154.35008756 au
<S**2> : 1.0100
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.8456 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.4272 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 14) amplitude = 0.1711 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = 0.1767 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 19) amplitude = 0.1773 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.8699
Total energy for state 8: -154.34573981 au
<S**2> : 1.0130
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.9113 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.3417 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 15) amplitude = 0.1754 alpha
Excited state 9: excitation energy (eV) = 5.5303
Total energy for state 9: -154.32147238 au
<S**2> : 1.0077
D( 10) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.5509
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.5791 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 20) amplitude = 0.5871 alpha
Excited state 10: excitation energy (eV) = 5.5534
Total energy for state 10: -154.32062291 au
<S**2> : 1.0110
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9948 alpha
Excited state 11: excitation energy (eV) = 5.6295
Total energy for state 11: -154.31782715 au
<S**2> : 1.0115
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.9148 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.3611 alpha
Excited state 12: excitation energy (eV) = 5.7550
Total energy for state 12: -154.31321515 au
<S**2> : 1.0106
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.9196 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.2489 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 22) amplitude = 0.1952 alpha
Excited state 13: excitation energy (eV) = 5.9767
Total energy for state 13: -154.30506647 au
<S**2> : 1.0110
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.4692 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.6438 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = -0.2881 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 19) amplitude = -0.4983 alpha
Excited state 14: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2216
Total energy for state 14: -154.29606718 au
<S**2> : 1.0129
S( 2) --> V( 6) amplitude = 0.9788 alpha
Excited state 15: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2250
Total energy for state 15: -154.29594104 au
<S**2> : 1.0251
D( 12) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.9777
Excited state 16: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2559
Total energy for state 16: -154.29480492 au
<S**2> : 1.0199
D( 11) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.4811
D( 13) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.8308
D( 13) --> V( 13) amplitude = 0.2432
Excited state 17: excitation energy (eV) = 6.7787
Total energy for state 17: -154.27559167 au
<S**2> : 1.0157
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9241 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.3118 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = -0.1521 alpha
Excited state 18: excitation energy (eV) = 6.7839
Total energy for state 18: -154.27540261 au
<S**2> : 1.0126
D( 11) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.8527
D( 13) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.4674
Excited state 19: excitation energy (eV) = 6.8422
Total energy for state 19: -154.27326129 au
<S**2> : 1.0079
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = 0.9843 alpha
Excited state 20: excitation energy (eV) = 6.8611
Total energy for state 20: -154.27256647 au
<S**2> : 1.0144
S( 1) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.3326 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 7) amplitude = -0.2098 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = -0.3018 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.8110 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 24) amplitude = 0.1770 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 33.84s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 42.17s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.169 -10.169 -10.168 -10.168 -1.062 -0.855 -0.782 -0.670
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.668 -0.546 -0.532 -0.531 -0.448 -0.348 -0.260
2 B1g 1 B1u 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.036 0.042 0.043 0.057 0.111 0.111 0.121 0.126
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 1 Au 2 B1u 6 Ag 5 B3u
0.130 0.134 0.137 0.144 0.154 0.163 0.164 0.171
5 B2u 7 Ag 2 B2g 2 B3g 4 B1g 6 B3u 6 B2u 8 Ag
0.190 0.191 0.237 0.242 0.259 0.285 0.319 0.328
2 Au 5 B1g 7 B3u 8 B3u 7 B2u 9 Ag 6 B1g 8 B2u
0.337 0.365 0.378 0.391 0.400 0.402 0.432 0.439
7 B1g 3 B1u 9 B3u 8 B1g 9 B2u 10 Ag 3 B2g 3 B3g
0.441 0.443 0.478 0.494 0.507 0.550 0.551 0.555
11 Ag 4 B1u 10 B3u 3 Au 12 Ag 9 B1g 10 B2u 11 B3u
0.572 0.586 0.587 0.594 0.607 0.632 0.650 0.651
11 B2u 4 B3g 4 B2g 13 Ag 12 B3u 10 B1g 12 B2u 5 B1u
0.689 0.699 0.713 0.717 0.728 0.785 0.805 0.809
11 B1g 14 Ag 13 B3u 13 B2u 6 B1u 5 B2g 4 Au 12 B1g
0.819 0.838 0.902 0.919 0.959 0.970 0.982 1.017
5 B3g 5 Au 14 B3u 13 B1g 6 B3g 6 B2g 14 B2u 15 B2u
1.035 1.079 1.085 1.199 1.225 1.254 1.291 1.318
14 B1g 15 B3u 15 Ag 16 Ag 15 B1g 17 Ag 6 Au 7 B1u
1.370 1.401 1.413 1.465 1.488 1.502 1.535 1.568
8 B1u 16 B3u 16 B2u 18 Ag 17 B3u 19 Ag 17 B2u 16 B1g
1.590 1.606 1.642 1.681 1.690 1.700 1.720 1.764
7 B2g 20 Ag 7 B3g 17 B1g 8 B2g 18 B3u 18 B2u 8 B3g
1.789 1.832 1.894 1.985 1.992 2.024 2.053 2.080
7 Au 19 B3u 9 B1u 18 B1g 19 B2u 21 Ag 20 B3u 19 B1g
2.087 2.114 2.197 2.219 2.318 2.464 2.532 2.554
8 Au 9 B2g 20 B2u 9 B3g 22 Ag 20 B1g 9 Au 21 B3u
2.561 2.571 2.576 2.719 2.821 3.279 3.377 3.445
21 B2u 22 B2u 23 Ag 22 B3u 21 B1g 22 B1g 23 B3u 23 B2u
23 B1g
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.162 -10.162 -10.161 -10.161 -1.037 -0.822 -0.752 -0.661
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.651 -0.524 -0.519 -0.439 -0.430
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B1u
-- Virtual --
-0.013 0.037 0.043 0.043 0.051 0.058 0.116 0.122
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 1 B3g 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.128 0.131 0.137 0.147 0.152 0.156 0.164 0.164
5 B3u 5 B2u 7 Ag 2 B2g 1 Au 4 B1g 2 B3g 6 B3u
0.165 0.174 0.191 0.244 0.256 0.258 0.266 0.290
6 B2u 8 Ag 5 B1g 7 B3u 8 B3u 2 Au 7 B2u 9 Ag
0.325 0.338 0.345 0.375 0.383 0.396 0.403 0.403
6 B1g 8 B2u 7 B1g 3 B1u 9 B3u 8 B1g 9 B2u 10 Ag
0.441 0.448 0.452 0.474 0.485 0.509 0.512 0.557
3 B2g 3 B3g 11 Ag 4 B1u 10 B3u 3 Au 12 Ag 9 B1g
0.560 0.562 0.584 0.597 0.605 0.609 0.620 0.650
10 B2u 11 B3u 11 B2u 13 Ag 4 B2g 4 B3g 12 B3u 10 B1g
0.662 0.665 0.693 0.702 0.718 0.722 0.762 0.807
12 B2u 5 B1u 11 B1g 14 Ag 13 B3u 13 B2u 6 B1u 5 B2g
0.816 0.816 0.839 0.858 0.906 0.928 0.988 0.988
4 Au 12 B1g 5 B3g 5 Au 14 B3u 13 B1g 6 B3g 14 B2u
0.997 1.024 1.047 1.086 1.096 1.206 1.229 1.269
6 B2g 15 B2u 14 B1g 15 B3u 15 Ag 16 Ag 15 B1g 17 Ag
1.314 1.348 1.392 1.408 1.417 1.476 1.505 1.507
6 Au 7 B1u 8 B1u 16 B3u 16 B2u 18 Ag 17 B3u 19 Ag
1.550 1.573 1.614 1.626 1.663 1.691 1.718 1.728
17 B2u 16 B1g 7 B2g 20 Ag 7 B3g 17 B1g 8 B2g 18 B3u
1.747 1.788 1.805 1.835 1.905 1.991 1.999 2.036
18 B2u 8 B3g 7 Au 19 B3u 9 B1u 18 B1g 19 B2u 21 Ag
2.060 2.106 2.124 2.132 2.203 2.241 2.332 2.468
20 B3u 19 B1g 8 Au 9 B2g 20 B2u 9 B3g 22 Ag 20 B1g
2.557 2.560 2.566 2.579 2.587 2.732 2.828 3.295
9 Au 21 B3u 21 B2u 23 Ag 22 B2u 22 B3u 21 B1g 22 B1g
3.395 3.459 4.228
23 B3u 23 B2u 23 B1g
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C 0.322375 0.560909
2 C 0.322375 0.560909
3 C 0.322375 0.560909
4 C 0.322375 0.560909
5 H -0.322375 -0.060909
6 H -0.322375 -0.060909
7 H -0.322375 -0.060909
8 H -0.322375 -0.060909
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X -0.0000 Y 0.0000 Z 0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.3883 XY 0.0000 YY -22.2981
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.1136
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX -0.0000 XXY -0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY 0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ -0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ -0.0000 YZZ 0.0000
ZZZ 0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -132.8944 XXXY -0.0000 XXYY -31.2234
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -115.4725 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -31.8354 XYZZ -0.0000 YYZZ -29.0535
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ -0.0000 ZZZZ -33.8949
Archival summary:
Total job time: 57.72s(wall), 48.64s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 08:22:22 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 AVQZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avqz.inp
qchem AVQZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avqz.inp_33535.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem33535/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s AVQZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avqz.inp_33535.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem33535/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
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S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
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WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
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C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 09:31:58 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem33535//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVQZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVQZ
There are 136 shells and 504 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 9126 shell pairs
There are 126486 function pairs ( 204852 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 6.08E-07
Linear dependence detected in AO basis
Tighter screening thresholds may be required for diffuse basis sets
Use S2THRESH > 14 and THRESH = 14 in case of SCF convergence issues
Number of orthogonalized atomic orbitals = 503
Maximum deviation from orthogonality = 1.349E-10
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: wPBE + LR-HF Correlation: PBE
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.7944917186 6.56e-03
2 -154.5440432797 4.36e-04
3 -154.5666451576 2.07e-04
4 -154.5717794025 5.42e-05
5 -154.5722361676 5.95e-06
6 -154.5722473812 2.01e-06
7 -154.5722488791 6.86e-07
8 -154.5722490814 1.63e-07
9 -154.5722490936 2.55e-08
10 -154.5722490933 5.36e-09
11 -154.5722490942 1.30e-09
12 -154.5722490932 5.41e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 1381.86s wall 1383.00s
<S^2> = 2.007961197
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5722490932
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5722490932
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 8 0.002884 0.000576
2 0 8 0.000971 0.000171
3 0 8 0.000361 0.000127
4 0 8 0.000692 0.000553
5 2 6 0.000154 0.000104
6 3 5 0.000076 0.000048
7 4 4 0.000789 0.000672
8 6 2 0.000261 0.000237
9 6 2 0.000044 0.000038
10 7 1 0.000012 0.000008
11 7 1 0.000005 0.000002
12 8 0 0.000003 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.6650
Total energy for state 1: -154.59668788 au
<S**2> : 0.0189
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9834 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 1.2316
Total energy for state 2: -154.52698976 au
<S**2> : 1.9846
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6111 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.7223 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.2928 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.7495
Total energy for state 3: -154.50795702 au
<S**2> : 0.0442
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7751 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = -0.5735 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = 0.2222 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.6828
Total energy for state 4: -154.43690867 au
<S**2> : 0.0313
S( 1) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.9107 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.3725 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 4.2676
Total energy for state 5: -154.41541589 au
<S**2> : 1.0174
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9785
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 4.4107
Total energy for state 6: -154.41016058 au
<S**2> : 1.0116
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.8934 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = 0.1661 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.3937 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.7565
Total energy for state 7: -154.39744923 au
<S**2> : 1.0107
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.7866 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.4842 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = -0.1728 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 19) amplitude = -0.2713 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.8594
Total energy for state 8: -154.39366969 au
<S**2> : 1.0134
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.8517 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = -0.4556 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 6711.89s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 6718.19s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.158 -10.158 -10.158 -10.157 -1.059 -0.853 -0.781 -0.670
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.667 -0.547 -0.532 -0.531 -0.448 -0.350 -0.261
2 B1g 1 B1u 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.027 0.031 0.031 0.044 0.076 0.084 0.093 0.093
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag 2 B2g 2 B3g
0.094 0.096 0.096 0.100 0.116 0.117 0.118 0.118
5 B3u 5 B2u 7 Ag 1 Au 4 B1g 6 B3u 8 Ag 6 B2u
0.137 0.141 0.186 0.194 0.202 0.211 0.225 0.226
2 Au 5 B1g 7 B3u 8 B3u 7 B2u 9 Ag 3 B1u 8 B2u
0.234 0.237 0.258 0.261 0.264 0.265 0.269 0.271
6 B1g 10 Ag 11 Ag 7 B1g 9 B3u 3 B2g 4 B1u 3 B3g
0.273 0.297 0.301 0.307 0.314 0.315 0.318 0.345
9 B2u 4 B3g 4 B2g 8 B1g 10 B3u 12 Ag 3 Au 5 B1u
0.352 0.354 0.357 0.369 0.388 0.389 0.390 0.394
10 B2u 11 B3u 13 Ag 14 Ag 12 B3u 4 Au 11 B2u 9 B1g
0.405 0.410 0.411 0.413 0.417 0.433 0.445 0.463
12 B2u 13 B3u 5 Au 5 B3g 5 B2g 13 B2u 10 B1g 11 B1g
0.467 0.468 0.478 0.486 0.497 0.508 0.527 0.537
6 B1u 14 B3u 12 B1g 13 B1g 14 B2u 15 Ag 16 Ag 15 B3u
0.550 0.562 0.563 0.581 0.609 0.619 0.634 0.638
15 B2u 17 Ag 6 B2g 6 B3g 16 B3u 7 B1u 6 Au 8 B1u
0.651 0.651 0.659 0.668 0.682 0.698 0.712 0.724
14 B1g 7 B3g 7 B2g 18 Ag 15 B1g 16 B2u 19 Ag 17 B3u
0.724 0.725 0.741 0.755 0.764 0.773 0.776 0.789
17 B2u 8 B2g 8 B3g 16 B1g 18 B3u 20 Ag 9 B1u 18 B2u
0.794 0.823 0.823 0.824 0.831 0.834 0.836 0.873
21 Ag 10 B1u 19 B3u 19 B2u 17 B1g 7 Au 22 Ag 8 Au
0.893 0.903 0.915 0.923 0.943 0.953 0.959 0.960
20 B3u 20 B2u 9 B3g 9 B2g 21 B3u 21 B2u 10 B3g 11 B1u
0.960 0.977 1.000 1.002 1.026 1.038 1.052 1.077
10 B2g 23 Ag 18 B1g 19 B1g 20 B1g 22 B3u 22 B2u 24 Ag
1.081 1.093 1.104 1.114 1.119 1.123 1.127 1.131
9 Au 25 Ag 21 B1g 23 B2u 23 B3u 11 B2g 11 B3g 10 Au
1.143 1.173 1.174 1.204 1.215 1.223 1.223 1.248
24 B3u 24 B2u 12 B1u 26 Ag 13 B1u 11 Au 22 B1g 25 B3u
1.249 1.259 1.269 1.298 1.305 1.325 1.326 1.346
12 B2g 25 B2u 14 B1u 27 Ag 12 B3g 23 B1g 28 Ag 13 B3g
1.359 1.360 1.401 1.412 1.448 1.464 1.480 1.484
13 B2g 24 B1g 12 Au 26 B3u 26 B2u 27 B3u 27 B2u 14 B2g
1.485 1.536 1.562 1.568 1.575 1.583 1.595 1.610
14 B3g 25 B1g 29 Ag 13 Au 15 B1u 28 B3u 28 B2u 30 Ag
1.639 1.644 1.676 1.689 1.692 1.737 1.741 1.753
29 B3u 14 Au 31 Ag 29 B2u 26 B1g 30 B2u 27 B1g 16 B1u
1.756 1.765 1.789 1.794 1.810 1.819 1.827 1.844
30 B3u 28 B1g 17 B1u 32 Ag 29 B1g 15 B2g 31 B2u 31 B3u
1.845 1.902 1.930 1.959 1.975 1.976 1.985 2.003
15 B3g 33 Ag 16 B2g 32 B2u 16 B3g 34 Ag 32 B3u 18 B1u
2.008 2.014 2.025 2.032 2.037 2.037 2.048 2.052
17 B3g 17 B2g 33 B3u 15 Au 35 Ag 30 B1g 19 B1u 36 Ag
2.062 2.065 2.068 2.077 2.115 2.121 2.125 2.150
33 B2u 31 B1g 16 Au 37 Ag 32 B1g 18 B3g 20 B1u 38 Ag
2.166 2.167 2.191 2.204 2.207 2.234 2.242 2.243
18 B2g 19 B3g 17 Au 34 B3u 39 Ag 35 B3u 34 B2u 19 B2g
2.256 2.267 2.308 2.313 2.317 2.323 2.344 2.354
21 B1u 35 B2u 36 B3u 22 B1u 20 B2g 36 B2u 33 B1g 40 Ag
2.356 2.357 2.359 2.376 2.377 2.381 2.387 2.405
21 B2g 37 B2u 20 B3g 37 B3u 23 B1u 21 B3g 18 Au 38 B3u
2.453 2.462 2.476 2.484 2.495 2.507 2.518 2.554
22 B2g 38 B2u 34 B1g 41 Ag 39 B2u 19 Au 22 B3g 35 B1g
2.569 2.594 2.596 2.634 2.647 2.653 2.667 2.694
39 B3u 24 B1u 40 B2u 20 Au 23 B2g 40 B3u 36 B1g 21 Au
2.703 2.721 2.724 2.749 2.754 2.764 2.770 2.776
23 B3g 41 B3u 42 Ag 37 B1g 43 Ag 25 B1u 41 B2u 22 Au
2.834 2.842 2.901 2.948 2.959 2.977 2.998 3.010
38 B1g 44 Ag 39 B1g 45 Ag 42 B3u 42 B2u 46 Ag 23 Au
3.014 3.037 3.049 3.065 3.078 3.117 3.127 3.151
43 B2u 40 B1g 43 B3u 26 B1u 47 Ag 24 B2g 24 B3g 44 B3u
3.167 3.197 3.278 3.304 3.353 3.375 3.403 3.418
41 B1g 44 B2u 25 B2g 45 B3u 27 B1u 48 Ag 25 B3g 42 B1g
3.434 3.466 3.481 3.488 3.511 3.512 3.512 3.551
45 B2u 46 B3u 49 Ag 26 B2g 46 B2u 24 Au 26 B3g 47 B3u
3.597 3.648 3.656 3.683 3.683 3.749 3.751 3.778
43 B1g 27 B2g 47 B2u 25 Au 27 B3g 44 B1g 48 B2u 28 B1u
3.779 3.832 3.835 3.869 3.869 3.878 3.912 3.922
29 B1u 48 B3u 50 Ag 51 Ag 49 B2u 49 B3u 45 B1g 50 B2u
3.943 3.988 4.010 4.095 4.096 4.099 4.132 4.189
26 Au 50 B3u 46 B1g 28 B3g 47 B1g 28 B2g 29 B2g 27 Au
4.208 4.212 4.219 4.247 4.261 4.325 4.358 4.363
29 B3g 52 Ag 48 B1g 51 B3u 51 B2u 30 B1u 53 Ag 28 Au
4.422 4.460 4.487 4.492 4.501 4.529 4.545 4.655
30 B3g 54 Ag 29 Au 30 B2g 49 B1g 52 B2u 52 B3u 53 B2u
4.741 4.756 4.839 4.871 4.873 4.876 5.045 5.088
55 Ag 53 B3u 30 Au 50 B1g 54 B2u 54 B3u 51 B1g 52 B1g
5.101 5.211 5.245 5.396 5.456 5.463 5.548 5.575
55 B3u 55 B2u 53 B1g 54 B1g 31 B1u 56 Ag 57 Ag 32 B1u
5.630 5.658 5.710 5.771 5.781 5.803 5.910 5.925
33 B1u 58 Ag 34 B1u 31 B3g 56 B3u 31 B2g 59 Ag 32 B3g
5.937 5.956 5.968 5.980 6.029 6.090 6.102 6.102
32 B2g 56 B2u 31 Au 35 B1u 57 B3u 58 B3u 36 B1u 60 Ag
6.116 6.128 6.153 6.221 6.239 6.243 6.274 6.301
33 B2g 33 B3g 34 B2g 32 Au 57 B2u 61 Ag 58 B2u 34 B3g
6.317 6.345 6.353 6.354 6.360 6.398 6.440 6.448
55 B1g 37 B1u 59 B3u 62 Ag 33 Au 35 B2g 56 B1g 59 B2u
6.474 6.476 6.507 6.512 6.520 6.552 6.594 6.600
38 B1u 60 B2u 60 B3u 35 B3g 36 B2g 63 Ag 57 B1g 36 B3g
6.615 6.636 6.656 6.669 6.703 6.733 6.757 6.781
39 B1u 34 Au 61 B3u 37 B2g 64 Ag 61 B2u 37 B3g 62 B3u
6.805 6.834 6.843 6.866 6.880 6.907 6.928 6.969
58 B1g 65 Ag 62 B2u 66 Ag 35 Au 63 B3u 63 B2u 64 B3u
6.990 7.015 7.033 7.069 7.105 7.167 7.207 7.226
59 B1g 38 B2g 40 B1u 39 B2g 60 B1g 38 B3g 61 B1g 36 Au
7.231 7.291 7.318 7.340 7.350 7.385 7.450 7.489
67 Ag 41 B1u 64 B2u 40 B2g 39 B3g 65 B3u 37 Au 40 B3g
7.541 7.584 7.594 7.617 7.622 7.683 7.703 7.740
66 B3u 65 B2u 62 B1g 38 Au 68 Ag 63 B1g 66 B2u 67 B2u
7.794 7.837 7.863 7.885 7.963 8.014 8.059 8.059
39 Au 41 B2g 69 Ag 67 B3u 68 B2u 42 B1u 64 B1g 68 B3u
8.077 8.203 8.242 8.247 8.313 8.325 8.355 8.427
40 Au 41 B3g 70 Ag 65 B1g 69 B3u 43 B1u 71 Ag 42 B3g
8.444 8.504 8.518 8.519 8.537 8.616 8.643 8.720
42 B2g 69 B2u 41 Au 43 B2g 66 B1g 42 Au 67 B1g 72 Ag
8.777 8.790 8.846 8.867 8.894 9.004 9.013 9.037
70 B2u 70 B3u 68 B1g 43 B3g 71 B3u 44 B1u 71 B2u 69 B1g
9.041 9.215 9.230 9.240 9.242 9.290 9.319 9.333
73 Ag 44 B2g 74 Ag 72 B3u 72 B2u 43 Au 70 B1g 44 B3g
9.396 9.416 9.427 9.480 9.532 9.573 9.610 9.665
45 B1u 73 B3u 73 B2u 44 Au 45 B2g 45 B3g 74 B3u 71 B1g
9.700 9.802 9.862 9.893 9.917 9.947 9.971 10.112
75 Ag 72 B1g 45 Au 46 B1u 76 Ag 74 B2u 73 B1g 75 B3u
10.290 10.352 10.363 10.430 10.442 10.532 10.550 10.714
46 B2g 75 B2u 46 B3g 76 B3u 76 B2u 77 Ag 74 B1g 78 Ag
10.865 10.947 11.102 11.209 11.372 11.409 11.457 12.311
77 B2u 75 B1g 77 B3u 46 Au 76 B1g 78 B3u 78 B2u 77 B1g
12.471 12.969 13.095 13.847 25.045 25.204 25.310 25.531
79 Ag 79 B2u 79 B3u 78 B1g 80 Ag 80 B2u 79 B1g 80 B3u
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.151 -10.151 -10.151 -10.150 -1.034 -0.820 -0.752 -0.661
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.651 -0.525 -0.520 -0.439 -0.431
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B1u
-- Virtual --
-0.013 0.027 0.031 0.032 0.044 0.049 0.079 0.084
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 1 B3g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.095 0.097 0.098 0.098 0.106 0.113 0.117 0.118
5 B3u 5 B2u 2 B2g 7 Ag 2 B3g 1 Au 4 B1g 6 B3u
0.119 0.120 0.141 0.188 0.202 0.205 0.217 0.217
6 B2u 8 Ag 5 B1g 7 B3u 8 B3u 7 B2u 9 Ag 2 Au
0.229 0.229 0.238 0.238 0.260 0.262 0.266 0.274
3 B1u 8 B2u 10 Ag 6 B1g 11 Ag 7 B1g 9 B3u 9 B2u
0.274 0.278 0.284 0.300 0.303 0.309 0.317 0.325
3 B2g 4 B1u 3 B3g 4 B3g 4 B2g 8 B1g 12 Ag 10 B3u
0.343 0.352 0.354 0.355 0.358 0.370 0.391 0.391
3 Au 5 B1u 10 B2u 11 B3u 13 Ag 14 Ag 4 Au 11 B2u
0.391 0.406 0.411 0.413 0.414 0.416 0.421 0.445
12 B3u 9 B1g 5 Au 12 B2u 13 B3u 5 B3g 5 B2g 13 B2u
0.451 0.467 0.470 0.478 0.479 0.488 0.498 0.511
10 B1g 11 B1g 14 B3u 6 B1u 12 B1g 13 B1g 14 B2u 15 Ag
0.529 0.542 0.555 0.566 0.576 0.598 0.613 0.635
16 Ag 15 B3u 15 B2u 17 Ag 6 B2g 6 B3g 16 B3u 7 B1u
0.652 0.660 0.660 0.662 0.667 0.674 0.687 0.707
6 Au 14 B1g 7 B3g 8 B1u 7 B2g 18 Ag 15 B1g 16 B2u
0.716 0.727 0.727 0.733 0.746 0.761 0.774 0.780
19 Ag 17 B2u 17 B3u 8 B2g 8 B3g 16 B1g 18 B3u 20 Ag
0.788 0.796 0.797 0.826 0.828 0.829 0.837 0.838
9 B1u 21 Ag 18 B2u 19 B3u 10 B1u 19 B2u 22 Ag 7 Au
0.841 0.877 0.896 0.906 0.927 0.936 0.946 0.954
17 B1g 8 Au 20 B3u 20 B2u 9 B3g 9 B2g 21 B3u 21 B2u
0.966 0.967 0.972 0.982 1.003 1.011 1.029 1.043
10 B3g 10 B2g 11 B1u 23 Ag 18 B1g 19 B1g 20 B1g 22 B3u
1.056 1.082 1.088 1.098 1.109 1.119 1.122 1.140
22 B2u 24 Ag 9 Au 25 Ag 21 B1g 23 B2u 23 B3u 10 Au
1.145 1.150 1.151 1.179 1.190 1.208 1.223 1.225
11 B2g 24 B3u 11 B3g 24 B2u 12 B1u 26 Ag 13 B1u 22 B1g
1.237 1.258 1.258 1.270 1.286 1.307 1.315 1.330
11 Au 12 B2g 25 B3u 25 B2u 14 B1u 27 Ag 12 B3g 23 B1g
1.335 1.358 1.367 1.374 1.407 1.420 1.459 1.470
28 Ag 13 B3g 24 B1g 13 B2g 12 Au 26 B3u 26 B2u 27 B3u
1.483 1.493 1.493 1.551 1.570 1.581 1.587 1.593
27 B2u 14 B2g 14 B3g 25 B1g 29 Ag 13 Au 28 B3u 15 B1u
1.598 1.614 1.644 1.653 1.681 1.693 1.696 1.742
28 B2u 30 Ag 29 B3u 14 Au 31 Ag 26 B1g 29 B2u 27 B1g
1.748 1.760 1.764 1.769 1.800 1.802 1.815 1.830
30 B2u 30 B3u 16 B1u 28 B1g 17 B1u 32 Ag 29 B1g 15 B2g
1.833 1.848 1.855 1.913 1.942 1.959 1.983 1.984
31 B2u 15 B3g 31 B3u 33 Ag 16 B2g 32 B2u 16 B3g 34 Ag
1.987 2.011 2.019 2.021 2.029 2.041 2.044 2.045
32 B3u 18 B1u 17 B2g 17 B3g 33 B3u 35 Ag 15 Au 30 B1g
2.058 2.064 2.067 2.069 2.077 2.088 2.120 2.133
19 B1u 36 Ag 33 B2u 31 B1g 16 Au 37 Ag 32 B1g 18 B3g
2.146 2.153 2.182 2.189 2.198 2.214 2.222 2.243
20 B1u 38 Ag 18 B2g 19 B3g 17 Au 39 Ag 34 B3u 35 B3u
2.257 2.267 2.272 2.277 2.315 2.329 2.330 2.339
34 B2u 19 B2g 21 B1u 35 B2u 36 B3u 22 B1u 36 B2u 20 B2g
2.352 2.365 2.370 2.375 2.382 2.386 2.391 2.401
33 B1g 37 B2u 40 Ag 21 B2g 20 B3g 37 B3u 23 B1u 21 B3g
2.414 2.417 2.465 2.469 2.487 2.499 2.510 2.522
38 B3u 18 Au 22 B2g 38 B2u 34 B1g 41 Ag 39 B2u 19 Au
2.537 2.575 2.579 2.608 2.611 2.649 2.661 2.668
22 B3g 35 B1g 39 B3u 24 B1u 40 B2u 20 Au 23 B2g 40 B3u
2.676 2.716 2.717 2.732 2.736 2.755 2.769 2.777
36 B1g 23 B3g 21 Au 42 Ag 41 B3u 37 B1g 43 Ag 41 B2u
2.777 2.794 2.845 2.854 2.907 2.955 2.976 2.986
25 B1u 22 Au 38 B1g 44 Ag 39 B1g 45 Ag 42 B3u 42 B2u
3.005 3.022 3.025 3.044 3.057 3.083 3.085 3.129
46 Ag 43 B2u 23 Au 40 B1g 43 B3u 26 B1u 47 Ag 24 B2g
3.139 3.165 3.175 3.212 3.293 3.312 3.376 3.384
24 B3g 44 B3u 41 B1g 44 B2u 25 B2g 45 B3u 27 B1u 48 Ag
3.420 3.440 3.446 3.473 3.490 3.515 3.519 3.527
25 B3g 42 B1g 45 B2u 46 B3u 49 Ag 26 B2g 46 B2u 24 Au
3.532 3.563 3.610 3.673 3.679 3.699 3.709 3.757
26 B3g 47 B3u 43 B1g 27 B2g 47 B2u 25 Au 27 B3g 48 B2u
3.761 3.789 3.793 3.840 3.843 3.875 3.877 3.891
44 B1g 28 B1u 29 B1u 48 B3u 50 Ag 51 Ag 49 B2u 49 B3u
3.930 3.937 3.975 3.998 4.020 4.111 4.114 4.118
45 B1g 50 B2u 26 Au 50 B3u 46 B1g 47 B1g 28 B2g 28 B3g
4.153 4.214 4.224 4.224 4.232 4.254 4.267 4.342
29 B2g 27 Au 29 B3g 52 Ag 48 B1g 51 B3u 51 B2u 30 B1u
4.368 4.380 4.439 4.469 4.508 4.508 4.511 4.533
53 Ag 28 Au 30 B3g 54 Ag 30 B2g 49 B1g 29 Au 52 B2u
4.550 4.661 4.746 4.764 4.855 4.886 4.894 4.897
52 B3u 53 B2u 55 Ag 53 B3u 30 Au 54 B2u 50 B1g 54 B3u
5.051 5.099 5.110 5.221 5.252 5.404 5.482 5.482
51 B1g 52 B1g 55 B3u 55 B2u 53 B1g 54 B1g 31 B1u 56 Ag
5.578 5.593 5.649 5.675 5.742 5.794 5.810 5.837
57 Ag 32 B1u 33 B1u 58 Ag 34 B1u 31 B3g 56 B3u 31 B2g
5.926 5.952 5.958 5.983 5.994 6.011 6.040 6.114
59 Ag 32 B3g 32 B2g 56 B2u 31 Au 35 B1u 57 B3u 60 Ag
6.114 6.131 6.140 6.172 6.202 6.254 6.262 6.268
58 B3u 36 B1u 33 B2g 33 B3g 34 B2g 57 B2u 32 Au 61 Ag
6.302 6.328 6.340 6.371 6.378 6.383 6.391 6.416
58 B2u 34 B3g 55 B1g 37 B1u 62 Ag 59 B3u 33 Au 35 B2g
6.464 6.470 6.491 6.499 6.528 6.533 6.538 6.568
56 B1g 59 B2u 38 B1u 60 B2u 60 B3u 35 B3g 36 B2g 63 Ag
6.616 6.617 6.642 6.646 6.668 6.683 6.726 6.758
57 B1g 36 B3g 34 Au 39 B1u 61 B3u 37 B2g 64 Ag 61 B2u
6.770 6.802 6.817 6.841 6.862 6.876 6.904 6.931
37 B3g 62 B3u 58 B1g 65 Ag 62 B2u 66 Ag 35 Au 63 B3u
6.941 6.986 7.015 7.044 7.054 7.094 7.126 7.195
63 B2u 64 B3u 59 B1g 38 B2g 40 B1u 39 B2g 60 B1g 38 B3g
7.235 7.238 7.259 7.325 7.344 7.371 7.381 7.391
61 B1g 67 Ag 36 Au 41 B1u 64 B2u 40 B2g 39 B3g 65 B3u
7.473 7.523 7.547 7.596 7.606 7.626 7.644 7.709
37 Au 40 B3g 66 B3u 65 B2u 62 B1g 68 Ag 38 Au 63 B1g
7.715 7.744 7.823 7.869 7.869 7.892 7.967 8.032
66 B2u 67 B2u 39 Au 41 B2g 69 Ag 67 B3u 68 B2u 42 B1u
8.061 8.067 8.102 8.220 8.244 8.258 8.319 8.330
68 B3u 64 B1g 40 Au 41 B3g 70 Ag 65 B1g 69 B3u 43 B1u
8.355 8.434 8.449 8.507 8.529 8.539 8.543 8.641
71 Ag 42 B3g 42 B2g 69 B2u 41 Au 43 B2g 66 B1g 42 Au
8.649 8.726 8.783 8.792 8.858 8.891 8.895 9.005
67 B1g 72 Ag 70 B2u 70 B3u 68 B1g 43 B3g 71 B3u 44 B1u
9.014 9.039 9.044 9.215 9.235 9.244 9.245 9.300
71 B2u 69 B1g 73 Ag 44 B2g 74 Ag 72 B2u 72 B3u 43 Au
9.320 9.339 9.400 9.421 9.430 9.497 9.535 9.577
70 B1g 44 B3g 45 B1u 73 B3u 73 B2u 44 Au 45 B2g 45 B3g
9.619 9.671 9.701 9.809 9.867 9.906 9.915 9.951
74 B3u 71 B1g 75 Ag 72 B1g 45 Au 46 B1u 76 Ag 74 B2u
9.977 10.110 10.304 10.355 10.375 10.431 10.443 10.535
73 B1g 75 B3u 46 B2g 75 B2u 46 B3g 76 B3u 76 B2u 77 Ag
10.549 10.714 10.868 10.948 11.106 11.225 11.376 11.411
74 B1g 78 Ag 77 B2u 75 B1g 77 B3u 46 Au 76 B1g 78 B3u
11.460 12.314 12.471 12.970 13.096 13.849 25.056 25.215
78 B2u 77 B1g 79 Ag 79 B2u 79 B3u 78 B1g 80 Ag 80 B2u
25.321 25.543
79 B1g 80 B3u
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C -0.722292 0.478342
2 C -0.722292 0.478342
3 C -0.722292 0.478342
4 C -0.722292 0.478342
5 H 0.722292 0.021658
6 H 0.722292 0.021658
7 H 0.722292 0.021658
8 H 0.722292 0.021658
Sum of atomic charges = 0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X -0.0000 Y 0.0000 Z -0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.3597 XY 0.0000 YY -22.2336
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.0183
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX 0.0000 XXY 0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY 0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ -0.0000
YYZ -0.0000 XZZ 0.0000 YZZ -0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -132.0827 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -31.2174
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -114.3847 XXXZ -0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -31.8660 XYZZ 0.0000 YYZZ -28.9992
XZZZ -0.0000 YZZZ 0.0000 ZZZZ -33.2565
Archival summary:
Total job time: 8104.29s(wall), 8096.51s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 11:47:02 2021
* *
* Thank you very much for using Q-Chem. Have a nice day. *
* *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ

View File

@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
Running Job 1 of 1 AVTZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avtz.inp
qchem AVTZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avtz.inp_32315.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem32315/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s AVTZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avtz.inp_32315.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem32315/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
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S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
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E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
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WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
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C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
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C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Mar 2 08:24:45 2021
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem32315//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 30
NElect 28
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
C -0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 -0.67208001 0.00000000
C -0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
C 0.78248546 0.67208001 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 -1.43404123 -0.00000000
H 1.54227765 -1.43404123 0.00000000
H -1.54227765 1.43404123 0.00000000
H 1.54227765 1.43404123 -0.00000000
BASIS = aug-cc-pVTZ
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 C 0.7824854600 0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
2 C -0.7824854600 0.6720800100 0.0000000000
3 C 0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 -0.0000000000
4 C -0.7824854600 -0.6720800100 0.0000000000
5 H 1.5422776500 1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
6 H -1.5422776500 1.4340412300 0.0000000000
7 H 1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 -0.0000000000
8 H -1.5422776500 -1.4340412300 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 98.83857161 hartrees
There are 15 alpha and 13 beta electrons
Requested basis set is aug-cc-pVTZ
There are 92 shells and 276 basis functions
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 5000 MB
Mega-Array Size 188 MB
MEM_STATIC part 192 MB
Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
C ( 1) C ( 2) C ( 3) C ( 4) H ( 5) H ( 6)
C ( 2) 1.564971
C ( 3) 1.344160 2.062983
C ( 4) 2.062983 1.344160 1.564971
H ( 5) 1.076043 2.446448 2.238980 3.136920
H ( 6) 2.446448 1.076043 3.136920 2.238980 3.084555
H ( 7) 2.238980 3.136920 1.076043 2.446448 2.868082 4.211933
H ( 8) 3.136920 2.238980 2.446448 1.076043 4.211933 2.868082
H ( 7)
H ( 8) 3.084555
A cutoff of 1.0D-12 yielded 4260 shell pairs
There are 38516 function pairs ( 51904 Cartesian)
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 3.19E-06
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Nucleus-field energy = 0.0000000022 hartrees
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 28.000000 electrons
General SCF calculation program by
Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
Bang C. Huynh
Exchange: wPBE + LR-HF Correlation: PBE
Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
A unrestricted SCF calculation will be
performed using DIIS
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0e-09
Cycle Energy DIIS error
1 -155.7902013305 1.19e-02
2 -154.5334728728 7.75e-04
3 -154.5558379715 3.71e-04
4 -154.5609028606 9.45e-05
5 -154.5613404825 1.03e-05
6 -154.5613509738 3.51e-06
7 -154.5613524096 1.17e-06
8 -154.5613525756 2.75e-07
9 -154.5613526034 4.16e-08
10 -154.5613526031 8.83e-09
11 -154.5613525976 2.56e-09
12 -154.5613525975 1.20e-09
13 -154.5613526079 2.01e-09
14 -154.5613525762 8.83e-09
15 -154.5613525868 7.62e-09
16 -154.5613525978 1.81e-09
17 -154.5613525809 5.58e-09
18 -154.5613525959 2.18e-09
19 -154.5613526146 2.24e-09
20 -154.5613525986 9.70e-10 Convergence criterion met
SCF time: CPU 197.57s wall 198.00s
<S^2> = 2.007908074
SCF energy in the final basis set = -154.5613525986
Total energy in the final basis set = -154.5613525986
Spin-flip DFT calculation will be performed
CIS energy converged when residual is below 10e- 6
Iter Rts Conv Rts Left Ttl Dev Max Dev
1 0 20 0.008531 0.000620
2 0 20 0.004264 0.000690
3 0 20 0.003553 0.002052
4 2 18 0.000972 0.000291
5 3 17 0.001566 0.001095
6 6 14 0.002373 0.001048
7 10 10 0.001234 0.000640
8 12 8 0.000227 0.000103
9 16 4 0.000048 0.000021
10 18 2 0.000013 0.000005
11 19 1 0.000008 0.000001
12 20 0 0.000007 0.000001 Roots Converged
SF-DFT Excitation Energies
(The first "excited" state might be the ground state)
Excited state 1: excitation energy (eV) = -0.6671
Total energy for state 1: -154.58586782 au
<S**2> : 0.0189
S( 2) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9840 alpha
Excited state 2: excitation energy (eV) = 1.2296
Total energy for state 2: -154.51616707 au
<S**2> : 1.9843
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.6112 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.7414 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.2498 alpha
Excited state 3: excitation energy (eV) = 1.7474
Total energy for state 3: -154.49713740 au
<S**2> : 0.0443
S( 1) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.7758 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = -0.5875 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.1864 alpha
Excited state 4: excitation energy (eV) = 3.6808
Total energy for state 4: -154.42608428 au
<S**2> : 0.0312
S( 1) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.9346 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 12) amplitude = -0.3189 alpha
Excited state 5: excitation energy (eV) = 4.2707
Total energy for state 5: -154.40440801 au
<S**2> : 1.0173
D( 13) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9791
Excited state 6: excitation energy (eV) = 4.4139
Total energy for state 6: -154.39914510 au
<S**2> : 1.0116
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.9180 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.3742 alpha
Excited state 7: excitation energy (eV) = 4.7591
Total energy for state 7: -154.38645872 au
<S**2> : 1.0107
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = 0.8144 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.4599 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = 0.1681 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 20) amplitude = -0.2449 alpha
Excited state 8: excitation energy (eV) = 4.8676
Total energy for state 8: -154.38247314 au
<S**2> : 1.0135
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = 0.8812 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.4047 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 15) amplitude = -0.1596 alpha
Excited state 9: excitation energy (eV) = 5.3533
Total energy for state 9: -154.36462225 au
<S**2> : 1.0113
S( 2) --> V( 5) amplitude = 0.9906 alpha
Excited state 10: excitation energy (eV) = 5.5469
Total energy for state 10: -154.35750762 au
<S**2> : 1.0084
D( 10) --> S( 1) amplitude = -0.5485
S( 2) --> V( 13) amplitude = 0.4654 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 21) amplitude = 0.6701 alpha
Excited state 11: excitation energy (eV) = 5.6085
Total energy for state 11: -154.35524576 au
<S**2> : 1.0118
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = 0.8899 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 11) amplitude = -0.4112 alpha
Excited state 12: excitation energy (eV) = 5.6340
Total energy for state 12: -154.35430753 au
<S**2> : 1.0111
S( 2) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.1601 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 9) amplitude = 0.9000 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 16) amplitude = 0.2172 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 22) amplitude = 0.2747 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 31) amplitude = 0.1644 alpha
Excited state 13: excitation energy (eV) = 5.9269
Total energy for state 13: -154.34354259 au
<S**2> : 1.0115
S( 2) --> V( 1) amplitude = -0.5062 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 7) amplitude = 0.5353 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 18) amplitude = 0.1602 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 20) amplitude = -0.6054 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 35) amplitude = 0.1677 alpha
Excited state 14: excitation energy (eV) = 6.0278
Total energy for state 14: -154.33983543 au
<S**2> : 1.0127
S( 2) --> V( 6) amplitude = 0.9757 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 26) amplitude = -0.1795 alpha
Excited state 15: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2206
Total energy for state 15: -154.33274875 au
<S**2> : 1.0259
D( 12) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.9771
Excited state 16: excitation energy (eV) = 6.2466
Total energy for state 16: -154.33179431 au
<S**2> : 1.0208
D( 11) --> S( 1) amplitude = 0.4754
D( 13) --> V( 4) amplitude = -0.8195
D( 13) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.2813
Excited state 17: excitation energy (eV) = 6.5206
Total energy for state 17: -154.32172410 au
<S**2> : 1.0085
S( 2) --> V( 10) amplitude = 0.9794 alpha
Excited state 18: excitation energy (eV) = 6.6203
Total energy for state 18: -154.31805947 au
<S**2> : 1.0118
S( 2) --> V( 4) amplitude = 0.3186 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 12) amplitude = 0.9328 alpha
Excited state 19: excitation energy (eV) = 6.6685
Total energy for state 19: -154.31628811 au
<S**2> : 1.0125
S( 2) --> V( 2) amplitude = -0.4264 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 8) amplitude = 0.8396 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 19) amplitude = -0.1615 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 24) amplitude = 0.2470 alpha
Excited state 20: excitation energy (eV) = 6.7746
Total energy for state 20: -154.31238919 au
<S**2> : 1.0168
S( 1) --> S( 2) amplitude = 0.8865 alpha
S( 1) --> V( 16) amplitude = -0.3739 alpha
S( 2) --> V( 3) amplitude = -0.1788 alpha
SETman timing summary (seconds)
CPU time 693.58s
System time 0.00s
Wall time 711.65s
Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.161 -10.161 -10.161 -10.160 -1.059 -0.853 -0.781 -0.670
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.667 -0.547 -0.532 -0.531 -0.448 -0.349 -0.261
2 B1g 1 B1u 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B2g 1 B3g
-- Virtual --
0.030 0.035 0.036 0.048 0.092 0.100 0.106 0.107
5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 2 B1u 6 Ag 1 Au 5 B3u
0.109 0.112 0.113 0.115 0.128 0.137 0.137 0.139
5 B2u 2 B2g 7 Ag 2 B3g 4 B1g 6 B3u 8 Ag 6 B2u
0.156 0.164 0.204 0.211 0.217 0.241 0.260 0.266
2 Au 5 B1g 7 B3u 8 B3u 7 B2u 9 Ag 6 B1g 8 B2u
0.272 0.290 0.298 0.311 0.320 0.325 0.328 0.328
3 B1u 10 Ag 7 B1g 9 B3u 3 B2g 9 B2u 3 B3g 11 Ag
0.335 0.346 0.366 0.378 0.379 0.385 0.389 0.415
4 B1u 8 B1g 10 B3u 12 Ag 4 B3g 3 Au 4 B2g 10 B2u
0.423 0.429 0.448 0.453 0.467 0.477 0.478 0.479
13 Ag 11 B3u 9 B1g 12 B3u 11 B2u 5 B1u 14 Ag 12 B2u
0.482 0.495 0.497 0.498 0.526 0.547 0.558 0.560
4 Au 10 B1g 13 B2u 13 B3u 6 B1u 5 Au 11 B1g 5 B2g
0.575 0.583 0.619 0.626 0.667 0.689 0.699 0.711
5 B3g 12 B1g 14 B3u 13 B1g 15 Ag 14 B2u 16 Ag 15 B2u
0.711 0.719 0.721 0.733 0.761 0.793 0.809 0.828
14 B1g 15 B3u 6 B2g 6 B3g 17 Ag 16 B3u 6 Au 7 B1u
0.852 0.853 0.860 0.897 0.898 0.902 0.903 0.916
8 B1u 15 B1g 16 B2u 18 Ag 7 B3g 7 B2g 17 B3u 17 B2u
0.923 0.930 0.973 0.976 0.977 0.991 1.002 1.010
16 B1g 19 Ag 20 Ag 8 B2g 9 B1u 8 B3g 18 B3u 18 B2u
1.020 1.065 1.065 1.067 1.079 1.092 1.111 1.129
17 B1g 19 B2u 21 Ag 19 B3u 10 B1u 7 Au 22 Ag 20 B2u
1.134 1.149 1.151 1.162 1.171 1.199 1.210 1.211
18 B1g 20 B3u 8 Au 9 B2g 9 B3g 19 B1g 10 B3g 10 B2g
1.224 1.245 1.290 1.291 1.322 1.347 1.347 1.365
21 B3u 21 B2u 20 B1g 11 B1u 23 Ag 22 B3u 21 B1g 24 Ag
1.374 1.397 1.421 1.464 1.480 1.480 1.482 1.510
9 Au 22 B2u 23 B2u 25 Ag 10 Au 23 B3u 12 B1u 11 B3g
1.519 1.596 1.618 1.623 1.642 1.654 1.705 1.716
11 B2g 22 B1g 24 B3u 13 B1u 26 Ag 24 B2u 11 Au 25 B2u
1.722 1.735 1.757 1.783 1.792 1.794 1.832 1.854
25 B3u 12 B2g 27 Ag 23 B1g 14 B1u 12 B3g 24 B1g 26 B3u
1.864 1.878 1.897 1.899 1.931 1.965 1.991 1.998
13 B2g 13 B3g 26 B2u 25 B1g 28 Ag 27 B3u 27 B2u 26 B1g
2.010 2.062 2.066 2.132 2.141 2.162 2.226 2.253
12 Au 29 Ag 14 B2g 28 B3u 14 B3g 28 B2u 13 Au 29 B2u
2.257 2.291 2.315 2.331 2.479 2.564 2.598 2.716
14 Au 27 B1g 28 B1g 29 B3u 30 Ag 15 B1u 30 B2u 29 B1g
2.794 2.821 2.856 2.871 2.936 2.955 2.979 3.004
31 Ag 30 B3u 30 B1g 15 B2g 32 Ag 16 B1u 15 B3g 17 B1u
3.022 3.023 3.049 3.114 3.130 3.131 3.152 3.244
33 Ag 31 B3u 15 Au 18 B1u 31 B2u 32 B3u 34 Ag 16 B2g
3.261 3.301 3.313 3.323 3.346 3.346 3.373 3.374
32 B2u 19 B1u 35 Ag 16 B3g 31 B1g 17 B3g 33 B3u 36 Ag
3.403 3.416 3.448 3.496 3.541 3.556 3.581 3.589
33 B2u 17 B2g 20 B1u 18 B2g 32 B1g 37 Ag 34 B3u 18 B3g
3.591 3.647 3.663 3.677 3.693 3.732 3.764 3.772
34 B2u 19 B2g 33 B1g 35 B3u 16 Au 38 Ag 17 Au 35 B2u
3.818 3.840 3.853 3.856 3.880 3.892 3.956 3.958
36 B3u 19 B3g 36 B2u 39 Ag 34 B1g 20 B2g 40 Ag 37 B3u
3.972 3.998 4.015 4.059 4.110 4.117 4.146 4.164
35 B1g 20 B3g 38 B3u 37 B2u 18 Au 21 B1u 19 Au 38 B2u
4.246 4.286 4.360 4.369 4.388 4.399 4.414 4.419
36 B1g 39 B3u 39 B2u 40 B3u 37 B1g 20 Au 21 B2g 40 B2u
4.455 4.577 4.643 4.672 4.711 4.821 4.835 4.845
38 B1g 41 Ag 22 B1u 21 B3g 22 B2g 42 Ag 21 Au 22 B3g
4.854 4.861 4.934 4.951 4.966 5.033 5.149 5.238
39 B1g 23 B1u 41 B3u 41 B2u 22 Au 40 B1g 43 Ag 42 B3u
5.262 5.313 5.436 5.454 5.485 5.501 5.586 5.783
23 B2g 23 B3g 41 B1g 42 B2u 44 Ag 42 B1g 43 B2u 45 Ag
5.843 5.850 5.944 6.136 6.165 6.488 6.688 6.701
43 B3u 44 B3u 23 Au 44 B2u 43 B1g 45 B3u 45 B2u 44 B1g
7.392 14.111 16.287 16.704 16.736
45 B1g 46 Ag 46 B3u 46 B1g 46 B2u
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-10.154 -10.154 -10.154 -10.153 -1.035 -0.820 -0.752 -0.661
1 Ag 1 B3u 1 B2u 1 B1g 2 Ag 2 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag
-0.651 -0.525 -0.520 -0.439 -0.431
2 B1g 3 B3u 4 Ag 3 B2u 1 B1u
-- Virtual --
-0.013 0.030 0.036 0.036 0.048 0.050 0.096 0.100
1 B2g 5 Ag 4 B3u 4 B2u 3 B1g 1 B3g 2 B1u 6 Ag
0.108 0.110 0.115 0.119 0.129 0.130 0.130 0.138
5 B3u 5 B2u 7 Ag 2 B2g 4 B1g 2 B3g 1 Au 6 B3u
0.139 0.139 0.164 0.207 0.220 0.223 0.233 0.246
6 B2u 8 Ag 5 B1g 7 B3u 7 B2u 8 B3u 2 Au 9 Ag
0.265 0.271 0.277 0.291 0.301 0.314 0.327 0.327
6 B1g 8 B2u 3 B1u 10 Ag 7 B1g 9 B3u 9 B2u 3 B2g
0.332 0.334 0.349 0.351 0.375 0.382 0.391 0.397
11 Ag 3 B3g 8 B1g 4 B1u 10 B3u 12 Ag 4 B3g 4 B2g
0.406 0.418 0.425 0.430 0.459 0.464 0.479 0.480
3 Au 10 B2u 13 Ag 11 B3u 9 B1g 12 B3u 11 B2u 14 Ag
0.488 0.489 0.491 0.501 0.501 0.503 0.541 0.549
4 Au 12 B2u 5 B1u 13 B3u 10 B1g 13 B2u 6 B1u 5 Au
0.565 0.573 0.586 0.588 0.621 0.628 0.670 0.691
11 B1g 5 B2g 5 B3g 12 B1g 14 B3u 13 B1g 15 Ag 14 B2u
0.703 0.714 0.717 0.723 0.734 0.753 0.769 0.796
16 Ag 15 B2u 14 B1g 15 B3u 6 B2g 6 B3g 17 Ag 16 B3u
0.826 0.853 0.861 0.867 0.874 0.904 0.906 0.907
6 Au 7 B1u 15 B1g 16 B2u 8 B1u 7 B3g 18 Ag 17 B3u
0.909 0.920 0.933 0.936 0.983 0.990 0.991 1.003
7 B2g 17 B2u 16 B1g 19 Ag 20 Ag 9 B1u 8 B2g 8 B3g
1.018 1.023 1.029 1.069 1.076 1.077 1.085 1.104
18 B3u 18 B2u 17 B1g 21 Ag 19 B3u 19 B2u 10 B1u 7 Au
1.115 1.132 1.135 1.154 1.159 1.181 1.189 1.208
22 Ag 20 B2u 18 B1g 20 B3u 8 Au 9 B2g 9 B3g 19 B1g
1.221 1.223 1.228 1.248 1.294 1.308 1.327 1.351
10 B3g 10 B2g 21 B3u 21 B2u 20 B1g 11 B1u 23 Ag 21 B1g
1.355 1.373 1.387 1.404 1.428 1.472 1.488 1.492
22 B3u 24 Ag 9 Au 22 B2u 23 B2u 25 Ag 23 B3u 10 Au
1.495 1.538 1.545 1.600 1.629 1.640 1.655 1.669
12 B1u 11 B3g 11 B2g 22 B1g 24 B3u 13 B1u 26 Ag 24 B2u
1.727 1.729 1.738 1.752 1.763 1.797 1.811 1.816
11 Au 25 B2u 25 B3u 12 B2g 27 Ag 23 B1g 12 B3g 14 B1u
1.844 1.858 1.885 1.897 1.903 1.914 1.940 1.978
24 B1g 26 B3u 13 B2g 13 B3g 26 B2u 25 B1g 28 Ag 27 B3u
2.005 2.010 2.023 2.070 2.084 2.139 2.155 2.169
27 B2u 26 B1g 12 Au 29 Ag 14 B2g 28 B3u 14 B3g 28 B2u
2.246 2.262 2.286 2.293 2.325 2.341 2.503 2.595
13 Au 29 B2u 14 Au 27 B1g 28 B1g 29 B3u 30 Ag 15 B1u
2.613 2.723 2.803 2.838 2.867 2.907 2.951 2.978
30 B2u 29 B1g 31 Ag 30 B3u 30 B1g 15 B2g 32 Ag 16 B1u
3.016 3.028 3.032 3.039 3.085 3.136 3.138 3.150
15 B3g 17 B1u 31 B3u 33 Ag 15 Au 18 B1u 31 B2u 32 B3u
3.170 3.270 3.275 3.318 3.330 3.345 3.354 3.370
34 Ag 16 B2g 32 B2u 35 Ag 19 B1u 16 B3g 31 B1g 17 B3g
3.384 3.394 3.431 3.439 3.471 3.518 3.556 3.567
36 Ag 33 B3u 33 B2u 17 B2g 20 B1u 18 B2g 32 B1g 37 Ag
3.599 3.603 3.614 3.668 3.689 3.700 3.722 3.746
34 B3u 34 B2u 18 B3g 19 B2g 33 B1g 35 B3u 16 Au 38 Ag
3.777 3.784 3.832 3.864 3.867 3.874 3.899 3.926
17 Au 35 B2u 36 B3u 39 Ag 19 B3g 36 B2u 34 B1g 20 B2g
3.962 3.965 3.997 4.018 4.019 4.064 4.130 4.144
37 B3u 40 Ag 35 B1g 20 B3g 38 B3u 37 B2u 21 B1u 18 Au
4.171 4.175 4.263 4.293 4.374 4.380 4.397 4.423
19 Au 38 B2u 36 B1g 39 B3u 39 B2u 40 B3u 37 B1g 40 B2u
4.431 4.432 4.463 4.585 4.648 4.693 4.716 4.825
20 Au 21 B2g 38 B1g 41 Ag 22 B1u 21 B3g 22 B2g 42 Ag
4.841 4.858 4.858 4.876 4.936 4.952 4.990 5.038
21 Au 22 B3g 39 B1g 23 B1u 41 B3u 41 B2u 22 Au 40 B1g
5.154 5.243 5.279 5.328 5.447 5.460 5.488 5.507
43 Ag 42 B3u 23 B2g 23 B3g 41 B1g 42 B2u 44 Ag 42 B1g
5.592 5.787 5.851 5.854 5.963 6.142 6.167 6.493
43 B2u 45 Ag 43 B3u 44 B3u 23 Au 44 B2u 43 B1g 45 B3u
6.692 6.708 7.397 14.123 16.297 16.714 16.747
45 B2u 44 B1g 45 B1g 46 Ag 46 B3u 46 B1g 46 B2u
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 C -0.479738 0.517893
2 C -0.479738 0.517893
3 C -0.479738 0.517893
4 C -0.479738 0.517893
5 H 0.479738 -0.017893
6 H 0.479738 -0.017893
7 H 0.479738 -0.017893
8 H 0.479738 -0.017893
Sum of atomic charges = -0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X -0.0000 Y -0.0000 Z -0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -20.3609 XY 0.0000 YY -22.2403
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -27.0586
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX 0.0000 XXY -0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY -0.0000 XXZ -0.0000 XYZ -0.0000
YYZ -0.0000 XZZ 0.0000 YZZ -0.0000
ZZZ -0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -132.0663 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -31.2328
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -114.4444 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -31.9220 XYZZ 0.0000 YYZZ -29.0749
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ -0.0000 ZZZZ -33.4147
Archival summary:
Total job time: 910.72s(wall), 891.66s(cpu)
Tue Mar 2 08:39:55 2021
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SF-TDDFT/lc_wpbe08/q_chem Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=SF-LC-wPBE08
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p q-chem
qchem AVQZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avqz.inp AVQZ/CBD_sf_td_lc_wpbe08_avqz.log