% this file is called up by thesis.tex % content in this file will be fed into the main document % Glossary entries are defined with the command \nomenclature{1}{2} % 1 = Entry name, e.g. abbreviation; 2 = Explanation % You can place all explanations in this separate file or declare them in the middle of the text. Either way they will be collected in the glossary. % required to print nomenclature name to page header \markboth{\MakeUppercase{\nomname}}{\MakeUppercase{\nomname}} % ----------------------- contents from here ------------------------ \nomenclature{PAH}{polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; p. 4} \nomenclature{PES}{potential energy surface; page 5} \nomenclature{MD}{molecular dynamics; p. 30} \nomenclature{FF}{force field; p. 17} \nomenclature{BO}{Born-Op­pen­heimer; p. 18} \nomenclature{HF}{Hartree-Fock; p. 20 } \nomenclature{KS}{Kohn-Sham p. 20} \nomenclature{DFT}{densituy functional theory p.} \nomenclature{DFTB}{} \nomenclature{SCC-DFTB}{Density Functional based Tight-Binding p. XX} \nomenclature{PTMD}{Parallel-tempering molecular dynamics p. XX} \nomenclature{QM}{quantum chemical; p. } \nomenclature{MM}{molecular mechanics p. } \nomenclature{CAD}{collisionally activated dissociation p, 84} \nomenclature{CID}{collision‐induced dissociation p, 84} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{} \nomenclature{}{}