#! /bin/sh # Spectre & Meltdown checker # Stephane Lesimple, v0.00.01 VERSION=0.01 pstatus() { case "$1" in red) col="\033[101m\033[30m";; green) col="\033[102m\033[30m";; yellow) col="\033[103m\033[30m";; *) col="";; esac echo -n "$col$2\033[0m" [ -n "$3" ] && echo -n " ($3)" echo } echo "Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v$VERSION" echo # SPECTRE 1 echo "\033[1;34mCVE-2017-5753 [bounds check bypass] aka 'Spectre Variant 1'\033[0m" echo -n "* Kernel recompiled with LFENCE opcode insertion: " pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "check not yet implemented" echo -n "> \033[46m\033[30mSTATUS:\033[0m " pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "not implemented, but real answer is most probably VULNERABLE at this stage" # VARIANT 2 echo echo "\033[1;34mCVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection] aka 'Spectre Variant 2'\033[0m" echo "* Mitigation 1" echo -n "* Hardware (CPU microcode) support for mitigation: " if [ ! -e /dev/cpu/0/msr ]; then modprobe msr 2>/dev/null && insmod_msr=1 fi if [ ! -e /dev/cpu/0/msr ]; then pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "couldn't read /dev/cpu/0/msr, is msr support enabled in your kernel?" else dd if=/dev/cpu/0/msr of=/dev/null bs=1 count=8 skip=72 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then pstatus green YES else pstatus red NO fi #dd if=/dev/cpu/0/msr of=/dev/null bs=1 count=8 skip=73 2>/dev/null #echo $? fi if [ "$insmod_msr" = 1 ]; then rmmod msr 2>/dev/null fi echo -n "* Kernel support for IBRS: " if [ -e /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features ]; then mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug 2>/dev/null && mounted_debugfs=1 fi if [ -e /sys/kernel/debug/ibrs_enabled ]; then pstatus green YES ibrs_supported=1 else pstatus red NO fi ibrs_enabled=$(cat /sys/kernel/debug/ibrs_enabled 2>/dev/null) echo -n "* IBRS enabled for Kernel space: " case "$ibrs_enabled" in "") [ "$ibrs_supported" = 1 ] && pstatus yellow UNKNOWN || pstatus red NO;; 0) pstatus red NO;; 1 | 2) pstatus green YES;; *) pstatus yellow UNKNOWN;; esac echo -n "* IBRS enabled for User space: " case "$ibrs_enabled" in "") [ "$ibrs_supported" = 1 ] && pstatus yellow UNKNOWN || pstatus red NO;; 0 | 1) pstatus red NO;; 2) pstatus green YES;; *) pstatus yellow unknown;; esac if [ "$mounted_debugfs" = 1 ]; then umount /sys/kernel/debug fi echo "* Mitigation 2" echo -n "* Kernel recompiled with retpoline: " pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "check not yet implemented" echo -n "> \033[46m\033[30mSTATUS:\033[0m " if grep -q AMD /proc/cpuinfo; then pstatus green "NOT VULNERABLE" "your CPU is not vulnerable as per the vendor" elif [ "$ibrs_enabled" = 1 -o "$ibrs_enabled" = 2 ]; then pstatus green "NOT VULNERABLE" "IBRS mitigates the vulnerability" else pstatus red VULNERABLE "IBRS hardware + kernel support OR retpoline-compiled kernel are needed to mitigate the vulnerability" fi # MELTDOWN echo echo "\033[1;34mCVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load] aka 'Meltdown' aka 'Variant 3'\033[0m" echo -n "* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): " if [ -e /proc/config.gz ]; then if zgrep -q '^CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION=y' /proc/config.gz; then pstatus green YES kpti_support=1 else pstatus red NO fi elif [ -e /boot/config-$(uname -r) ]; then if grep -q '^CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION=y' /boot/config-$(uname -r); then pstatus green YES kpti_support=1 else pstatus red NO fi elif [ -e /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) ]; then if grep -qw kpti_force_enabled /boot/System.map-$(uname -r); then pstatus green YES kpti_support=1 else pstatus red NO fi else pstatus yellow UNKNOWN fi echo -n "* PTI enabled and active: " if grep ^flags /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qw pti; then pstatus green YES kpti_enabled=1 elif dmesg | grep -q 'Kernel/User page tables isolation: enabled'; then pstatus green YES kpti_enabled=1 else pstatus red NO fi echo -n "> \033[46m\033[30mSTATUS:\033[0m " if grep -q AMD /proc/cpuinfo; then pstatus green "NOT VULNERABLE" "your CPU is not vulnerable as per the vendor" elif [ "$kpti_enabled" = 1 ]; then pstatus green "NOT VULNERABLE" "PTI mitigates the vulnerability" else pstatus red "VULNERABLE" "PTI is needed to mitigate the vulnerability" fi echo if [ "$USER" != root ]; then echo "Note that you should launch this script with root privileges to get accurate information" echo "You can try the following command: sudo $0" fi