mirror of https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker synced 2025-01-10 13:08:14 +01:00

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No commits in common. "8ddf6b2d6d172fe7d2b1fb451df2d452edb8dbec" and "6abe1bc62bbf17f36a7b227b936466776f192da3" have entirely different histories.

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@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ exit_cleanup()
[ -n "$kerneltmp" ] && [ -f "$kerneltmp" ] && rm -f "$kerneltmp"
[ -n "$kerneltmp2" ] && [ -f "$kerneltmp2" ] && rm -f "$kerneltmp2"
[ -n "$mcedb_tmp" ] && [ -f "$mcedb_tmp" ] && rm -f "$mcedb_tmp"
[ -n "$intel_tmp" ] && [ -f "$intel_tmp" ] && rm -rf "$intel_tmp"
[ "$mounted_debugfs" = 1 ] && umount /sys/kernel/debug 2>/dev/null
[ "$mounted_procfs" = 1 ] && umount "$procfs" 2>/dev/null
[ "$insmod_cpuid" = 1 ] && rmmod cpuid 2>/dev/null
@ -90,9 +89,8 @@ show_usage()
--hw-only only check for CPU information, don't check for any variant
--no-hw skip CPU information and checks, if you're inspecting a kernel not to be run on this host
--vmm [auto,yes,no] override the detection of the presence of a hypervisor (for CVE-2018-3646), default: auto
--update-fwdb update our local copy of the CPU microcodes versions database (using the awesome MCExtractor project
and the Intel firmwares GitHub repository)
--update-builtin-fwdb same as --update-fwdb but update builtin DB inside the script itself
--update-mcedb update our local copy of the CPU microcodes versions database (from the awesome MCExtractor project)
--update-builtin-mcedb same as --update-mcedb but update builtin DB inside the script itself
--dump-mock-data used to mimick a CPU on an other system, mainly used to help debugging this script
Return codes:
@ -708,15 +706,16 @@ show_header()
[ -z "$HOME" ] && HOME="$(getent passwd "$(whoami)" | cut -d: -f6)"
# We're using MCE.db from the excellent platomav's MCExtractor project
if [ -r "$mcedb_cache" ]; then
previous_dbversion=$(awk '/^# %%% MCEDB / { print $4 }' "$mcedb_cache")
previous_mcedb_revision=$(awk '/^# %%% MCEDB / { print $4 }' "$mcedb_cache")
# first, download the MCE.db from the excellent platomav's MCExtractor project
# first download the database
mcedb_tmp="$(mktemp /tmp/mcedb-XXXXXX)"
_info_nol "Fetching MCE.db from the MCExtractor project... "
@ -736,29 +735,8 @@ update_fwdb()
echo DONE
# second, get the Intel firmwares from GitHub
intel_tmp="$(mktemp -d /tmp/intelfw-XXXXXX)"
_info_nol "Fetching Intel firmwares... "
## https://github.com/intel/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files.git
if command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then
wget -q "$intel_url" -O "$intel_tmp/fw.zip"; ret=$?
elif command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
curl -sL "$intel_url" -o "$intel_tmp/fw.zip"; ret=$?
elif command -v fetch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
fetch -q "$intel_url" -o "$intel_tmp/fw.zip"; ret=$?
echo ERROR "please install one of \`wget\`, \`curl\` of \`fetch\` programs"
return 1
if [ "$ret" != 0 ]; then
echo ERROR "error $ret while downloading Intel firmwares"
return $ret
echo DONE
# now extract MCEdb contents using sqlite
_info_nol "Extracting MCEdb data... "
# now extract contents using sqlite
_info_nol "Extracting data... "
if ! command -v sqlite3 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo ERROR "please install the \`sqlite3\` program"
return 1
@ -769,68 +747,17 @@ update_fwdb()
echo ERROR "downloaded file seems invalid"
return 1
echo OK "MCExtractor database revision $mcedb_revision dated $mcedb_date"
# parse Intel firmwares to get their versions
_info_nol "Integrating Intel firmwares data to db... "
if ! command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo ERROR "please install the \`unzip\` program"
return 1
( cd "$intel_tmp" && unzip fw.zip >/dev/null; )
if ! [ -d "$intel_tmp/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files-master/intel-ucode" ]; then
echo ERROR "expected the 'intel-ucode' folder in the downloaded zip file"
return 1
if ! command -v iucode_tool >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if ! command -v iucode-tool >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo ERROR "please install the \`iucode-tool\` program"
return 1
# 079/001: sig 0x000106c2, pf_mask 0x01, 2009-04-10, rev 0x0217, size 5120
# 078/004: sig 0x000106ca, pf_mask 0x10, 2009-08-25, rev 0x0107, size 5120
$iucode_tool -l "$intel_tmp/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files-master/intel-ucode" | grep -wF sig | while read -r _line
_line=$( echo "$_line" | tr -d ',')
_cpuid=$( echo "$_line" | awk '{print $3}')
_cpuid=$(( _cpuid ))
_cpuid=$(printf "0x%08X" "$_cpuid")
_date=$( echo "$_line" | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d '-')
_version=$(echo "$_line" | awk '{print $8}')
_version=$(( _version ))
_version=$(printf "0x%08X" "$_version")
_sqlstm="$(printf "INSERT INTO Intel (cpuid,version,yyyymmdd) VALUES (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\");" "$(printf "%08X" "$_cpuid")" "$(printf "%08X" "$_version")" "$_date")"
sqlite3 "$mcedb_tmp" "$_sqlstm"
_intel_latest_date=$(sqlite3 "$mcedb_tmp" "SELECT yyyymmdd from Intel ORDER BY yyyymmdd DESC LIMIT 1;")
echo DONE "(version $_intel_latest_date)"
dbdate=$(echo "$mcedb_date" | tr -d '/')
if [ "$dbdate" -lt "$_intel_latest_date" ]; then
if [ "$1" != builtin ] && [ -n "$previous_dbversion" ] && [ "$previous_dbversion" = "v$dbversion" ]; then
if [ -n "$previous_mcedb_revision" ]; then
if [ "$previous_mcedb_revision" = "v$mcedb_revision" ]; then
echo "We already have this version locally, no update needed"
return 0
[ "$1" != builtin ] && return 0
_info_nol "Building local database... "
echo "# Spectre & Meltdown Checker";
echo "# %%% MCEDB v$dbversion";
sqlite3 "$mcedb_tmp" "SELECT '# I,0x'||t1.cpuid||',0x'||MAX(t1.version)||','||t1.yyyymmdd FROM Intel AS t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Intel AS t2 ON t2.cpuid=t1.cpuid AND t2.yyyymmdd > t1.yyyymmdd WHERE t2.yyyymmdd IS NULL GROUP BY t1.cpuid ORDER BY t1.cpuid ASC;" | grep -v '^# .,0x00000000,';
sqlite3 "$mcedb_tmp" "SELECT '# A,0x'||t1.cpuid||',0x'||MAX(t1.version)||','||t1.yyyymmdd FROM AMD AS t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN AMD AS t2 ON t2.cpuid=t1.cpuid AND t2.yyyymmdd > t1.yyyymmdd WHERE t2.yyyymmdd IS NULL GROUP BY t1.cpuid ORDER BY t1.cpuid ASC;" | grep -v '^# .,0x00000000,';
} > "$mcedb_cache"
echo DONE "(version $dbversion)"
echo "# Spectre & Meltdown Checker" > "$mcedb_cache"
echo "# %%% MCEDB v$mcedb_revision - $mcedb_date" >> "$mcedb_cache"
sqlite3 "$mcedb_tmp" "select '# I,0x'||cpuid||',0x'||version||','||max(yyyymmdd) from Intel group by cpuid order by cpuid asc; select '# A,0x'||cpuid||',0x'||version||','||max(yyyymmdd) from AMD group by cpuid order by cpuid asc" | grep -v '^# .,0x00000000,' >> "$mcedb_cache"
echo OK "local version updated"
if [ "$1" = builtin ]; then
newfile=$(mktemp /tmp/smc-XXXXXX)
@ -916,11 +843,11 @@ while [ -n "$1" ]; do
# deprecated, kept for compatibility
elif [ "$1" = "--update-fwdb" ] || [ "$1" = "--update-mcedb" ]; then
elif [ "$1" = "--update-mcedb" ]; then
exit $?
elif [ "$1" = "--update-builtin-fwdb" ] || [ "$1" = "--update-builtin-mcedb" ]; then
update_fwdb builtin
elif [ "$1" = "--update-builtin-mcedb" ]; then
update_mcedb builtin
exit $?
elif [ "$1" = "--dump-mock-data" ]; then
@ -1090,8 +1017,7 @@ pvulnstatus()
OK) is_vuln="false";;
*) echo "$0: error: unknown status '$2' passed to pvulnstatus()" >&2; exit 255;;
[ -z "$json_output" ] && json_output='['
nrpe) [ "$2" = VULN ] && nrpe_vuln="$nrpe_vuln $1";;
@ -1765,21 +1691,12 @@ is_xen_domU()
builtin_dbversion=$(awk '/^# %%% MCEDB / { print $4 }' "$0")
if [ -r "$mcedb_cache" ]; then
# we have a local cache file, but it might be older than the builtin version we have
local_dbversion=$( awk '/^# %%% MCEDB / { print $4 }' "$mcedb_cache")
# sort -V sorts by version number
older_dbversion=$(printf "%b\n%b" "$local_dbversion" "$builtin_dbversion" | sort -V | head -n1)
if [ "$older_dbversion" = "$builtin_dbversion" ]; then
mcedb_info="local firmwares DB $local_dbversion"
# if mcedb_source is not set, either we don't have a local cached db, or it is older than the builtin db
if [ -z "$mcedb_source" ]; then
mcedb_info="local MCExtractor DB "$(grep -E '^# %%% MCEDB ' "$mcedb_source" | cut -c13-)
mcedb_info="builtin firmwares DB $builtin_dbversion"
mcedb_info="builtin MCExtractor DB "$(grep -E '^# %%% MCEDB ' "$mcedb_source" | cut -c13-)
@ -2182,7 +2099,6 @@ write_msr()
if [ -n "$(eval echo \$$_mockvarname)" ]; then
_debug "write_msr: MOCKING enabled for msr $_msr func returns $(eval echo \$$_mockvarname)"
[ "$(eval echo \$$_mockvarname)" = 202 ] && msr_locked_down=1
return "$(eval echo \$$_mockvarname)"
@ -2211,19 +2127,6 @@ write_msr()
mockme=$(printf "%b\n%b" "$mockme" "SMC_MOCK_WRMSR_${_msr}_RET=201")
return 201 # missing tool error
if [ "$ret" = 1 ]; then
# Fedora (and probably Red Hat) have a "kernel lock down" feature that prevents us to write to MSRs
# when this mode is enabled and EFI secure boot is enabled (see issue #303)
# https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/kernel/blob/master/f/efi-lockdown.patch
# when this happens, any write will fail and dmesg will have a msg printed "msr: Direct access to MSR"
# we don't use dmesg_grep() because we don't care if dmesg is truncated here, as the message has just been printed
if dmesg | grep -qF "msr: Direct access to MSR"; then
_debug "write_msr: locked down kernel detected"
mockme=$(printf "%b\n%b" "$mockme" "SMC_MOCK_WRMSR_${_msr}_RET=202")
return 202 # lockdown error
# normalize ret
[ "$ret" != 0 ] && ret=1
@ -2360,9 +2263,6 @@ check_cpu()
elif [ $val -eq 201 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "missing tool, install either msr-tools or perl"
elif [ $val -eq 202 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "your kernel is locked down (Fedora/Red Hat), please reboot without secure boot and retry"
pstatus yellow NO
@ -2451,10 +2351,6 @@ check_cpu()
elif [ $val -eq 200 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "is msr kernel module available?"
elif [ $val -eq 201 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "missing tool, install either msr-tools or perl"
elif [ $val -eq 202 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "your kernel is locked down (Fedora/Red Hat), please reboot without secure boot and retry"
pstatus yellow NO
@ -2633,10 +2529,6 @@ check_cpu()
elif [ $val -eq 200 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "is msr kernel module available?"
elif [ $val -eq 201 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "missing tool, install either msr-tools or perl"
elif [ $val -eq 202 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "your kernel is locked down (Fedora/Red Hat), please reboot without secure boot and retry"
pstatus yellow NO
@ -2646,7 +2538,6 @@ check_cpu()
read_cpuid 0x7 $EDX 28 1 1; ret=$?
if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
pstatus green YES "L1D flush feature bit"
elif [ $ret -eq 1 ]; then
pstatus yellow NO
elif [ $ret -eq 2 ]; then
@ -2775,8 +2666,6 @@ check_cpu()
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "is msr kernel module available?"
elif [ $val -eq 201 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "missing tool, install either msr-tools or perl"
elif [ $val -eq 202 ]; then
pstatus yellow UNKNOWN "your kernel is locked down (Fedora/Red Hat), please reboot without secure boot and retry"
pstatus yellow NO
@ -4099,9 +3988,8 @@ check_CVE_2018_3639_linux()
if [ "$kernel_ssbd_enabled" = 1 ]; then
_info_nol "* SSB mitigation currently active for selected processes: "
# silence grep's stderr here to avoid ENOENT errors from processes that have exited since the shell's expansion of the *
mitigated_processes=$(find /proc -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name status -print0 2>/dev/null \
| xargs -r0 grep -El 'Speculation.?Store.?Bypass:[[:space:]]+thread (force )?mitigated' 2>/dev/null \
| sed s/status/exe/ | xargs -r -n1 readlink -f 2>/dev/null | xargs -r -n1 basename | sort -u | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ $//')
mitigated_processes=$(grep -El 'Speculation.?Store.?Bypass:[[:space:]]+thread (force )?mitigated' /proc/*/status 2>/dev/null \
| sed s/status/exe/ | xargs -r -n1 readlink -f | xargs -r -n1 basename | sort -u | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ $//')
if [ -n "$mitigated_processes" ]; then
pstatus green YES "$mitigated_processes"
@ -4210,15 +4098,10 @@ check_CVE_2018_3615()
_info "\033[1;34m$cve aka '$(cve2name "$cve")'\033[0m"
_info_nol "* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: "
if ( [ "$cpu_flush_cmd" = 1 ] || ( [ "$msr_locked_down" = 1 ] && [ "$cpuid_l1df" = 1 ] ) ) && [ "$cpuid_sgx" = 1 ]; then
if [ "$cpu_flush_cmd" = 1 ] && [ "$cpuid_sgx" = 1 ]; then
# no easy way to detect a fixed SGX but we know that
# microcodes that have the FLUSH_CMD MSR also have the
# fixed SGX (for CPUs that support it), because Intel
# delivered fixed microcodes for both issues at the same time
# if the system we're running on is locked down (no way to write MSRs),
# make the assumption that if the L1D flush CPUID bit is set, probably
# that FLUSH_CMD MSR is here too
# fixed SGX (for CPUs that support it)
pstatus green YES
elif [ "$cpuid_sgx" = 1 ]; then
pstatus red NO
@ -4229,7 +4112,7 @@ check_CVE_2018_3615()
if ! is_cpu_vulnerable "$cve"; then
# override status & msg in case CPU is not vulnerable after all
pvulnstatus $cve OK "your CPU vendor reported your CPU model as not vulnerable"
elif [ "$cpu_flush_cmd" = 1 ] || ( [ "$msr_locked_down" = 1 ] && [ "$cpuid_l1df" = 1 ] ) ; then
elif [ "$cpu_flush_cmd" = 1 ]; then
pvulnstatus $cve OK "your CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability"
pvulnstatus $cve VULN "your CPU supports SGX and the microcode is not up to date"
@ -5064,10 +4947,13 @@ fi
exit 0 # ok
# We're using MCE.db from the excellent platomav's MCExtractor project
# The builtin version follows, but the user can download an up-to-date copy (to be stored in his $HOME) by using --update-fwdb
# To update the builtin version itself (by *modifying* this very file), use --update-builtin-fwdb
# The builtin version follows, but the user can download an up-to-date copy (to be stored in his $HOME) by using --update-mcedb
# To update the builtin version itself (by *modifying* this very file), use --update-builtin-mcedb
# %%% MCEDB v130.20191104+i20191027
# wget https://github.com/platomav/MCExtractor/raw/master/MCE.db
# sqlite3 MCE.db "select '%%% MCEDB v'||revision||' - '||strftime('%Y/%m/%d', date, 'unixepoch') from MCE; select '# I,0x'||cpuid||',0x'||version||','||max(yyyymmdd) from Intel group by cpuid order by cpuid asc; select '# A,0x'||cpuid||',0x'||version||','||max(yyyymmdd) from AMD group by cpuid order by cpuid asc"
# %%% MCEDB v130 - 2019/11/04
# I,0x00000611,0x00000B27,19961218
# I,0x00000612,0x000000C6,19961210
# I,0x00000616,0x000000C6,19961210
@ -5077,28 +4963,28 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x00000632,0x00000020,19960903
# I,0x00000633,0x00000036,19980923
# I,0x00000634,0x00000037,19980923
# I,0x00000650,0x00000045,19990525
# I,0x00000651,0x00000042,19990525
# I,0x00000650,0x00000040,19990525
# I,0x00000651,0x00000040,19990525
# I,0x00000652,0x0000002D,19990518
# I,0x00000653,0x00000010,19990628
# I,0x00000660,0x0000000A,19990505
# I,0x00000665,0x00000003,19990505
# I,0x0000066A,0x0000000D,19990505
# I,0x0000066A,0x0000000C,19990505
# I,0x0000066D,0x00000007,19990505
# I,0x00000670,0x00000007,19980602
# I,0x00000671,0x00000014,19980811
# I,0x00000672,0x00000038,19990922
# I,0x00000673,0x0000002E,19990910
# I,0x00000680,0x00000017,19990610
# I,0x00000671,0x00000003,19980811
# I,0x00000672,0x00000010,19990922
# I,0x00000673,0x0000000E,19990910
# I,0x00000680,0x00000014,19990610
# I,0x00000681,0x00000014,19991209
# I,0x00000683,0x00000014,20010206
# I,0x00000686,0x00000008,20000505
# I,0x0000068A,0x00000005,20001207
# I,0x00000683,0x00000013,20010206
# I,0x00000686,0x00000007,20000505
# I,0x0000068A,0x00000004,20001207
# I,0x00000690,0x00000004,20000206
# I,0x00000691,0x00000001,20020527
# I,0x00000692,0x00000001,20020620
# I,0x00000694,0x00000002,20020926
# I,0x00000695,0x00000047,20041109
# I,0x00000695,0x00000007,20041109
# I,0x00000696,0x00000001,20000707
# I,0x000006A0,0x00000003,20000110
# I,0x000006A1,0x00000001,20000306
@ -5122,7 +5008,7 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x000006F4,0x00000028,20060417
# I,0x000006F5,0x00000039,20060727
# I,0x000006F6,0x000000D2,20101001
# I,0x000006F7,0x0000006B,20101002
# I,0x000006F7,0x0000006A,20101002
# I,0x000006F9,0x00000084,20061012
# I,0x000006FA,0x00000095,20101002
# I,0x000006FB,0x000000C1,20111004
@ -5132,24 +5018,24 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x00000F02,0xFFFF000B,20000518
# I,0x00000F03,0xFFFF0001,20000518
# I,0x00000F04,0xFFFF0010,20000803
# I,0x00000F05,0x0000000C,20000824
# I,0x00000F05,0x0000000B,20000824
# I,0x00000F06,0x00000004,20000911
# I,0x00000F07,0x00000012,20020716
# I,0x00000F08,0x00000008,20001101
# I,0x00000F09,0x00000008,20010104
# I,0x00000F0A,0x00000015,20020821
# I,0x00000F11,0x0000000A,20030729
# I,0x00000F12,0x0000002F,20030502
# I,0x00000F12,0x0000002D,20030502
# I,0x00000F13,0x00000005,20030508
# I,0x00000F20,0x00000001,20010423
# I,0x00000F21,0x00000003,20010529
# I,0x00000F21,0x00000002,20010529
# I,0x00000F22,0x00000005,20030729
# I,0x00000F23,0x0000000D,20010817
# I,0x00000F24,0x00000021,20030610
# I,0x00000F25,0x0000002C,20040826
# I,0x00000F26,0x00000010,20040805
# I,0x00000F27,0x00000039,20030604
# I,0x00000F29,0x0000002F,20040811
# I,0x00000F27,0x00000038,20030604
# I,0x00000F29,0x0000002D,20040811
# I,0x00000F30,0x00000013,20030815
# I,0x00000F31,0x0000000B,20031021
# I,0x00000F32,0x0000000A,20040511
@ -5178,7 +5064,7 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x00001632,0x00000002,19980610
# I,0x00010650,0x00000002,20060513
# I,0x00010660,0x00000004,20060612
# I,0x00010661,0x00000045,20101004
# I,0x00010661,0x00000043,20101004
# I,0x00010670,0x00000005,20070209
# I,0x00010671,0x00000106,20070329
# I,0x00010674,0x84050100,20070726
@ -5192,7 +5078,7 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x000106A5,0x0000001D,20180511
# I,0x000106C0,0x00000007,20070824
# I,0x000106C1,0x00000109,20071203
# I,0x000106C2,0x00000219,20090410
# I,0x000106C2,0x00000217,20090410
# I,0x000106C9,0x00000007,20090213
# I,0x000106CA,0x00000107,20090825
# I,0x000106D0,0x00000005,20071204
@ -5288,17 +5174,17 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x000406C3,0x00000368,20190423
# I,0x000406C4,0x00000411,20190423
# I,0x000406D0,0x0000000E,20130612
# I,0x000406D8,0x0000012D,20190916
# I,0x000406D8,0x0000012A,20180104
# I,0x000406E1,0x00000020,20141111
# I,0x000406E2,0x0000002C,20150521
# I,0x000406E3,0x000000D6,20191003
# I,0x000406E3,0x000000D4,20190814
# I,0x000406E8,0x00000026,20160414
# I,0x000406F0,0x00000014,20150702
# I,0x000406F1,0x0B000038,20190618
# I,0x00050650,0x8000002B,20160208
# I,0x00050651,0x8000002B,20160208
# I,0x00050652,0x80000037,20170502
# I,0x00050653,0x01000151,20190909
# I,0x00050653,0x01000146,20180824
# I,0x00050654,0x02000065,20190905
# I,0x00050655,0x03000012,20190412
# I,0x00050656,0x0400002C,20190905
@ -5319,7 +5205,7 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x000506E0,0x00000018,20141119
# I,0x000506E1,0x0000002A,20150602
# I,0x000506E2,0x0000002E,20150815
# I,0x000506E3,0x000000D6,20191003
# I,0x000506E3,0x000000D4,20190814
# I,0x000506E8,0x00000034,20160710
# I,0x000506F0,0x00000010,20160607
# I,0x000506F1,0x0000002E,20190321
@ -5337,17 +5223,17 @@ exit 0 # ok
# I,0x000706E4,0x00000036,20190718
# I,0x000706E5,0x00000050,20191027
# I,0x00080650,0x00000018,20180108
# I,0x000806E9,0x000000CA,20191015
# I,0x000806EA,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000806EB,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000806EC,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000906E9,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000906EA,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000906EB,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000906EC,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000906ED,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000806E9,0x000000C8,20191003
# I,0x000806EA,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000806EB,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000806EC,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000906E9,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000906EA,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000906EB,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000906EC,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000906ED,0x000000C6,20190814
# I,0x000A0650,0x000000AE,20190410
# I,0x000A0660,0x000000CA,20191003
# I,0x000A0660,0x000000C6,20190827
# A,0x00000F00,0x02000008,20070614
# A,0x00000F01,0x0000001C,20021031
# A,0x00000F10,0x00000003,20020325