#+TITLE: Examples #+STARTUP: latexpreview #+SETUPFILE: docs/theme.setup * Accessing sparse quantities ** Fortran :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle print_energy.f90 :END: #+begin_src f90 program print_energy use trexio implicit none character*(128) :: filename ! Name of the input file integer :: rc ! Return code for error checking integer(8) :: f ! TREXIO file handle character*(128) :: err_msg ! Error message #+end_src This program computes the energy as: \[ E = E_{\text{NN}} + \sum_{ij} \gamma_{ij}\, \langle j | h | i \rangle\, +\, \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl} \Gamma_{ijkl}\, \langle k l | i j \rangle\; \textrm{ with } \; 0 < i,j,k,l \le n \] One needs to read from the TREXIO file: - $n$ :: The number of molecular orbitals - $E_{\text{NN}}$ :: The nuclear repulsion energy - $\gamma_{ij}$ :: The one-body reduced density matrix - $\langle j |h| i \rangle$ :: The one-electron Hamiltonian integrals - $\Gamma_{ijkl}$ :: The two-body reduced density matrix - $\langle k l | i j \rangle$ :: The electron repulsion integrals #+begin_src f90 integer :: n double precision :: E, E_nn double precision, allocatable :: D(:,:), h0(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: G(:,:,:,:), W(:,:,:,:) #+end_src *** Declare Temporary variables #+begin_src f90 integer :: i, j, k, l, m integer(8), parameter :: BUFSIZE = 100000_8 integer(8) :: offset, icount, size_max integer :: buffer_index(4,BUFSIZE) double precision :: buffer_values(BUFSIZE) double precision, external :: ddot ! BLAS dot product #+end_src *** Obtain the name of the TREXIO file from the command line, and open it for reading #+begin_src f90 call getarg(1, filename) f = trexio_open (filename, 'r', TREXIO_HDF5, rc) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error opening TREXIO file: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if #+end_src *** Read the nuclear repulsion energy #+begin_src f90 rc = trexio_read_nucleus_repulsion(f, E_nn) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading nuclear repulsion: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if #+end_src *** Read the number of molecular orbitals #+begin_src f90 rc = trexio_read_mo_num(f, n) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading number of MOs: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if #+end_src *** Allocate memory #+begin_src f90 allocate( D(n,n), h0(n,n) ) allocate( G(n,n,n,n), W(n,n,n,n) ) G(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 W(:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 #+end_src *** Read one-electron quantities #+begin_src f90 rc = trexio_has_mo_1e_int_core_hamiltonian(f) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then stop 'No core hamiltonian in file' end if rc = trexio_read_mo_1e_int_core_hamiltonian(f, h0) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading core Hamiltonian: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if rc = trexio_has_rdm_1e(f) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then stop 'No 1e RDM in file' end if rc = trexio_read_rdm_1e(f, D) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading one-body RDM: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if #+end_src *** Read two-electron quantities Reading is done with OpenMP. Each thread reads its own buffer, and the buffers are then processed in parallel. Reading the file requires a lock, so it is done in a critical section. The ~offset~ variable is shared, and it is incremented in the critical section. For each read, the function returns in ~icount~ the number of read integrals, so this variable needs also to be protected in the critical section when modified. **** Electron repulsion integrals #+begin_src f90 rc = trexio_has_mo_2e_int_eri(f) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then stop 'No electron repulsion integrals in file' end if rc = trexio_read_mo_2e_int_eri_size (f, size_max) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading number of ERIs: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if offset = 0_8 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(icount, i, j, k, l, & !$OMP buffer_index, buffer_values, m) icount = BUFSIZE do while (icount == BUFSIZE) !$OMP CRITICAL if (offset < size_max) then rc = trexio_read_mo_2e_int_eri(f, offset, icount, buffer_index, buffer_values) offset = offset + icount else icount = 0 end if !$OMP END CRITICAL do m=1,icount i = buffer_index(1,m) j = buffer_index(2,m) k = buffer_index(3,m) l = buffer_index(4,m) W(i,j,k,l) = buffer_values(m) W(k,j,i,l) = buffer_values(m) W(i,l,k,j) = buffer_values(m) W(k,l,i,j) = buffer_values(m) W(j,i,l,k) = buffer_values(m) W(j,k,l,i) = buffer_values(m) W(l,i,j,k) = buffer_values(m) W(l,k,j,i) = buffer_values(m) end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL #+end_src **** Reduced density matrix #+begin_src f90 rc = trexio_has_rdm_2e(f) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then stop 'No two-body density matrix in file' end if rc = trexio_read_rdm_2e_size (f, size_max) if (rc /= TREXIO_SUCCESS) then call trexio_string_of_error(rc, err_msg) print *, 'Error reading number of 2-RDM elements: '//trim(err_msg) stop end if offset = 0_8 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(icount, i, j, k, l, & !$OMP buffer_index, buffer_values, m) icount = bufsize do while (offset < size_max) !$OMP CRITICAL if (offset < size_max) then rc = trexio_read_rdm_2e(f, offset, icount, buffer_index, buffer_values) offset = offset + icount else icount = 0 end if !$OMP END CRITICAL do m=1,icount i = buffer_index(1,m) j = buffer_index(2,m) k = buffer_index(3,m) l = buffer_index(4,m) G(i,j,k,l) = buffer_values(m) end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL #+end_src *** Compute the energy When the orbitals are real, we can use \begin{eqnarray*} E &=& E_{\text{NN}} + \sum_{ij} \gamma_{ij}\, \langle j | h | i \rangle\, +\, \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl} \Gamma_{ijkl}\, \langle k l | i j \rangle \\ &=& E_{\text{NN}} + \sum_{ij} \gamma_{ij}\, \langle i | h | j \rangle\, +\, \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ijkl} \Gamma_{ijkl}\, \langle i j | k l \rangle \\ \end{eqnarray*} As $(n,m)$ 2D arrays are stored in memory as $(n \times m)$ 1D arrays, we could pass the matrices to the ~ddot~ BLAS function to perform the summations in a single call for the 1-electron quantities. Instead, we prefer to interleave the 1-electron (negative) and 2-electron (positive) summations to have a better cancellation of numerical errors. Here $n^4$ can be larger than the largest possible 32-bit integer, so it is not safe to pass $n^4$ to the ~ddot~ BLAS function. Hence, we perform $n^2$ loops, using vectors of size $n^2$. #+begin_src f90 E = 0.d0 do l=1,n E = E + ddot( n, D(1,l), 1, h0(1,l), 1 ) do k=1,n E = E + 0.5d0 * ddot( n*n, G(1,1,k,l), 1, W(1,1,k,l), 1 ) end do end do E = E + E_nn print *, 'Energy: ', E #+end_src *** Terminate #+begin_src f90 deallocate( D, h0, G, W ) end program #+end_src