program test_trexio call test_write() call test_read() end program test_trexio subroutine test_write() ! ============ Test write functionality =============== ! use trexio implicit none integer(8) :: trex_file integer :: rc = 1 integer(8) :: num double precision :: charge(12) double precision :: coord(36) ! parameters to be written num = 12 charge = (/6., 6., 6., 6., 6., 6., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. /) coord = (/ 0.00000000d0, 1.39250319d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & -1.20594314d0, 0.69625160d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & -1.20594314d0, -0.69625160d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 0.00000000d0, -1.39250319d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 1.20594314d0, -0.69625160d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 1.20594314d0, 0.69625160d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & -2.14171677d0, 1.23652075d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & -2.14171677d0, -1.23652075d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 0.00000000d0, -2.47304151d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 2.14171677d0, -1.23652075d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 2.14171677d0, 1.23652075d0 , 0.00000000d0 , & 0.00000000d0, 2.47304151d0 , 0.00000000d0 /) ! ================= START OF TEST ===================== ! trex_file = trexio_open('trexio_test_fort', 'w', TREXIO_TEXT) ! trex_file = trexio_open('test_hdf5_fort.h5', 'w', TREXIO_HDF5) rc = trexio_has_nucleus_num(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_HAS_NOT) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS HAS NOT 1' rc = trexio_has_nucleus_charge(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_HAS_NOT) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS HAS NOT 2' rc = trexio_write_nucleus_num(trex_file, num) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS WRITE NUM' rc = trexio_write_nucleus_charge(trex_file, charge) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS WRITE CHARGE' rc = trexio_write_nucleus_coord(trex_file, coord) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS WRITE COORD' rc = trexio_has_nucleus_num(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS HAS 1' rc = trexio_has_nucleus_coord(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS HAS 2' rc = trexio_close(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS CLOSE' ! ---------------------------------- ! ! to modify fiels of existing file: ! text backend -> open with 'w' ! hdf5 backend -> open with 'a' ! ---------------------------------- ! !! trex_file = trexio_open('trexio_test_fort', 'w', TREXIO_TEXT); !! trex_file = trexio_open('test_hdf5_fort.h5', 'a', TREXIO_HDF5) ! coord(1) = 666.666 ! rc = trexio_write_nucleus_coord(trex_file,coord) ! if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS MODIFY COORD' ! rc = trexio_close(trex_file) ! if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS CLOSE' ! ================= END OF TEST ===================== ! end subroutine test_write subroutine test_read() ! ============ Test read functionality =============== ! use trexio implicit none integer(8) :: trex_file integer :: rc = 1 integer(8) :: num, num_read double precision :: charge(12) double precision :: coord(3,12) character*(128) :: str num = 12 ! ================= START OF TEST ===================== ! trex_file = trexio_open('trexio_test_fort', 'r', TREXIO_TEXT) ! trex_file = trexio_open('test_hdf5_fort.h5', 'r', TREXIO_HDF5) rc = trexio_read_nucleus_num(trex_file, num_read) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS .and. num_read == num) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS READ NUM' rc = trexio_read_nucleus_charge(trex_file, charge) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS .and. (abs(charge(11) - 1.0) < 1.0D-8) ) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS READ CHARGE' rc = trexio_read_nucleus_coord(trex_file, coord) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS .and. (abs(coord(2,1) - 1.39250319d0) < 1.0D-8) ) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS READ COORD' rc = trexio_close(trex_file) if (rc == TREXIO_SUCCESS) write(*,*) 'SUCCESS CLOSE' call trexio_string_of_error(TREXIO_READONLY,str) write(*,*) str ! ================= END OF TEST ===================== ! end subroutine test_read