# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- org -*- file ... #+TITLE: Org mode syntax example #+AUTHOR: Fabrice Niessen #+EMAIL: fniessen@pirilampo.org #+DESCRIPTION: Org mode syntax example #+KEYWORDS: syntax, org, document #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:5 num:nil toc:2 p:t #+SETUPFILE: ~/org/theme-readtheorg.setup #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export This is an Org mode document. *Org mode* is a easy-to-write /plain text/ formatting syntax for authoring LaTeX documents, creating Web pages and much more! #+begin_html Tweet #+end_html * Basics ** Biggest heading New chapter. *** Bigger heading New section. **** Big heading New sub-section. **** Text breaks A single newline has no effect. This line is part of the same paragraph. But an empty line demarcates paragraphs. By entering two consecutive backslashes, you can force to break lines \\ without starting a new paragraph. For an horizontal line, insert at least 5 dashes: this is some text above an horizontal rule ----- and some text below it. **** Numbered headings You can create numbered headings up to a certain level by setting an option: #+begin_src org ,#+OPTIONS: H:4 #+end_src *** Text width # Premiere Elements, page 111 # # Vous pouvez créer ces objets en cliquant sur le bouton Nouvel| élément de le # fenêtre Média. (Le Chapitre 14 explique comment créer| des titres ; le # Chapitre 15 montre l'utilisation des barres et ton, de la| vidéo noir et de # l'amorce SMPTE.) # # The principles of beautiful Web design, page 6 # # In a figurative sense, the concept of visual balance is similar to that of # physical balance| illustrated by a seesaw. Just as physical objects have # weight, so do the elements of a layout.| If the elements on either side of a # layout are of equal weight, they balance one another.| There are two main forms # of visual balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ** Lists Org markup allows you to create bulleted or numbered lists. It allows any combination of the two list types. *** Unordered lists Itemized lists are marked with bullets. They are convenient to: - organize data, and - make the document + prettier, and + easier to read. Create them with a minus or a plus sign. *** Ordered lists Enumerated lists are marked with numbers or letters: 1. First element 1) First sub-item 2) Last sub-item 2. Second element You can have ordered lists with jumping numbers: 1. [@1] First 2. [@2] Second 5. [@5] Jump to 5th *** Definition lists - Definition list :: List containing definitions. - Term to define :: Explication of the term. *** Checkboxes - [ ] First item not checked - [-] Second item half done - [ ] Another first - [ ] Another second - [X] Third item checked ** Miscellaneous effects *** Include Org files You can include another Org file and skip its title by using the ~:lines~ argument to ~#+INCLUDE~: #+begin_src org ,#+INCLUDE: chapter1.org :lines "2-" #+end_src #+begin_note File inclusion, through INCLUDE keywords, is an *export-only feature*. #+end_note *** Inline HTML You can include raw HTML in your Org documents and it will get kept as HTML when it's exported. XXX #+HTML_BEGIN:
Text can be preformatted (in a fixed-width font).
It is especially useful for more advanced stuff like images or tables where you need more control of the HTML options than Org mode actually gives you. Similarly, you can incorporate JS or do anything else you can do in a Web page (such as importing a CSS file). You can create named classes (to get style control from your CSS) with: #+begin_example ,#+begin_info ,*Info example* \\ Did you know... ,#+end_info #+end_example You can also add interactive elements to the HTML such as interactive R plots. Finally, you can include an HTML file verbatim (during export) with: #+begin_src org ,#+INCLUDE: file.html html #+end_src Don't edit the exported HTML file! *** Inline LaTeX You can also use raw LaTeX. XXX #+LaTeX_BEGIN: \begin{verbatim} Text can be preformatted (in a fixed-width font). #+LaTeX_END: \end{verbatim} *** Centered text #+begin_center This text is centered! #+end_center ** Code blocks *** COMMENT Syntax highlighting The source code blocks support syntax highlighting: #+begin_src cpp :eval no /* * Application that displays a "Hello" message to the standard output. */ int main(int arc, char **argv) { printf("Hello, %s!\n", (argc>1) ? argv[1] : "World"); return 0; } #+end_src The following language strings are currently recognized: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results drawer :exports results (concat (mapconcat (lambda (widget) (widget-get widget :tag)) (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (it) (and (consp it) (eq (car it) 'const))) (cdr (widget-get (get 'org-babel-load-languages 'custom-type) :key-type))) ", ") ".") #+end_src #+results: :RESULTS: Awk, C, R, Asymptote, Calc, Clojure, CSS, Ditaa, Dot, Emacs Lisp, Fortran, Gnuplot, Haskell, IO, J, Java, Javascript, LaTeX, Ledger, Lilypond, Lisp, Makefile, Maxima, Matlab, Mscgen, Ocaml, Octave, Org, Perl, Pico Lisp, PlantUML, Python, Ruby, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Screen, Shell Script, Shen, Sql, Sqlite, ebnf2ps. :END: Code block with long lines: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 #+end_src For PDF (LaTeX), one solution is to surround the code block such as: #+latex: \scriptsize #+begin_src R print("This block is in scriptsize") #+end_src #+latex: \normalize *** Line numbers Both in ~example~ and in ~src~ snippets, you can add a ~-n~ switch to the end of the ~begin~ line, to get the lines of the example numbered. #+header: :eval no #+begin_src emacs-lisp -n (defun org-xor (a b) "Exclusive or." #+end_src If you use a ~+n~ switch, the numbering from the previous numbered snippet will be continued in the current one: #+header: :eval no #+begin_src emacs-lisp +n (if a (not b) b)) #+end_src In literal examples, Org will interpret strings like ~(ref:name)~ as labels, and use them as targets for special hyperlinks like ~[[(name)]]~ (i.e., the reference name enclosed in single parenthesis). In HTML, hovering the mouse over such a link will remote-highlight the corresponding code line, which is kind of cool. You can also add a ~-r~ switch which removes the labels from the source code. With the ~-n~ switch, links to these references will be labeled by the line numbers from the code listing, otherwise links will use the labels with no parentheses. Here is an example: #+header: :eval no #+begin_src emacs-lisp -n -r (save-excursion ; (ref:sc) (goto-char (point-min))) ; (ref:jump) #+end_src In line [[(sc)]], we remember the current position. [[(jump)][Line (jump)]] jumps to ~point-min~. *** Output The output from the *execution* of programs, scripts or commands can be inserted in the document itself, allowing you to work in the /reproducible research/ mindset. **** Text A one-liner result: #+begin_src sh :exports both :results verbatim date +"%Y-%m-%d" #+end_src #+results: : 2014-03-15 # A multiple-line result: # # #+name: list-of-styles # #+begin_src sh :exports both :results verbatim # # output all styles, but the default one (if any) # ls styles | grep -v "default" # #+end_src # # #+results: list-of-styles # #+begin_example # bigblow # leuven # maunakea # #+end_example **** Graphics Data to be charted: #+name: data | Month | Degrees | |-------+---------| | 1 | 3.8 | | 2 | 4.1 | | 3 | 6.3 | | 4 | 9.0 | | 5 | 11.9 | | 6 | 15.1 | | 7 | 17.1 | | 8 | 17.4 | | 9 | 15.7 | | 10 | 11.8 | | 11 | 7.7 | | 12 | 4.8 | Code: #+name: R-plot #+begin_src R :var data=data :results graphics :file ../../images/Rplot.png :exports both plot(data, type="b", bty="l", col=c("#ABD249"), las=1, lwd=4) grid(nx=NULL, ny=NULL, col=c("#E8E8E8"), lwd=1) legend("bottom", legend=c("Degrees"), col=c("#ABD249"), pch=c(19)) #+end_src The resulting chart: #+results: R-plot [[file:../../images/Rplot.png]] **** R code block #+begin_src R library(ggplot2) summary(cars) #+end_src Plot: #+begin_src R library(ggplot2) qplot(speed, dist, data = cars) + geom_smooth() #+end_src ** Inline code You can also evaluate code inline as follows: 1 + 1 is src_R{1 + 1}. ** Notes at the footer It is possible to define named footnotes[fn:myfootnote], or ones with automatic anchors[fn:2]. ** Formatting text *** Text effects /Emphasize/ (italics), *strongly* (bold), and */very strongly/* (bold italics). Markup elements could be nested: this is /italic text which contains _underlined text_ within it/, whereas _this is normal underlined text_. Markup can span across multiple lines, by default *no more than 2*: *This is not bold* Other elements to use sparingly are: - monospaced typewriter font for ~inline code~ - monospaced typewriter font for =verbatim text= - +deleted+ text (vs. _inserted_ text) - text with^{superscript} (for example: ~m/s^{2}~ gives m/s^{2}) - text with_{subscript} (for example: ~H_{2}O~ gives H_{2}O) *** Quotations Use the ~quote~ block to typeset quoted text. #+begin_quote Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do. The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style. Such an author, with thesaurus in hand, chooses the names of variables carefully and explains what each variable means. He or she strives for a program that is comprehensible because its concepts have been introduced in an order that is best for human understanding, using a mixture of formal and informal methods that reinforce each other. --- Donald Knuth #+end_quote A short one: #+begin_quote Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein #+end_quote In a ~verse~ environment, there is an implicit line break at the end of each line, and indentation and vertical space are preserved: #+begin_verse Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein #+end_verse Typically used for quoting passages of an email message: #+begin_verse >> This is an email message with "nested" quoting. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, >> consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. >> Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. > > Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse id sem > consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing. Itemized or unordered lists (~ul~): - This is the first list item. - This is the second list item. Enumerated or ordered Lists (~ol~): 1. This is the first list item. 2. This is the second list item. Maybe an equation here? See http://www.google.com/ for more information... #+end_verse *** Spaces Using non-breaking spaces. Insert the Unicode character ~00A0~ to add a non-breaking space. FIXME Or add/use an Org entity? ** Mathematical formulae You can embed LaTeX math formatting in Org mode files using the following syntax: - For *inline math* expressions, use ~\(...\)~: \(x^2\) or \(1 < 2\). It's /not/ advised to use the constructs ~$...$~ (both for Org and MathJax). - Centered display equation (the /Euler theorem/): \[ \int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {{\sqrt{\pi}} \over {2}} \] The use of ~\[...\]~ is for mathematical expressions which you want to make *stand out, on their own lines*. LaTeX allows to inline such ~\[...\]~ constructs (/quadratic formula/): \[ \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c}}{2a} \] *Double dollar signs (~$$~) should not be used*. - The /sinus theorem/ can then be written as the equation: \begin{equation} \label{eqn:sinalpha} \frac{\sin\alpha}{a}=\frac{\sin\beta}{b} \end{equation} - See Equation [[the-first]], #+name: the-first \begin{equation} n_{i+1} = \frac{n_{i} (d-i) (e-1)}{(i+1)} \end{equation} Only captioned equations are numbered - Other alternative: use \begin{equation*} or \begin{displaymath} (= the verbose form of the ~\[...\]~ construct). M-q does not fill those. Differently from $...$ and \(...\), an equation environment produces a *numbered* equation to which you can add a label and reference the equation by (label) name in other parts of the text. This is not possibly with unnumbered math environments ($$, ...). ** Special characters Some of the widely used special characters (converted from text characters to their typographically correct entitites): *** Accents \Agrave \Aacute *** Punctuation Dash: \ndash \mdash Marks: \iexcl \iquest Quotations: \laquo \raquo Miscellaneous: \para \ordf *** Commercial symbols Property marks: \copy \reg Currency: \cent \EUR \yen \pound *** Greek characters The Greek letters \alpha, \beta, and \gamma are used to denote angles. *** Math characters Science: \pm \div Arrows: \to \rarr \larr \harr \rArr \lArr \hArr Function names: \arccos \cos Signs and symbols: \bull \star *** Misc # Smilies: \smiley \sad Suits: \clubs \spades ** Comments It's possible to add comments in the document. # This Org comment here won't be displayed. ** Tables You can create tables with an optional header row (by using an horizontal line of dashes to separate it from the rest of the table). #+CAPTION: An example of table | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | |-------------+---------------+----------| | Top left | Top middle | | | | | Right | | Bottom left | Bottom middle | | Columns are automatically aligned: - Number-rich columns to the right, and - String-rich columns to the left. If you want to override the automatic alignment, use ~~, ~~ or ~~. #+CAPTION: Table with alignment | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | | right | center | left | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | Placement: #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil | a | b | | 1 | 2 | XXX Different from the following: | a | b | | 1 | 2 | *** Align tables on the page Here is a table on the left side: #+LATEX: \noindent #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil | a | b | c | |---+---+---| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | #+LATEX: \hfill The noindent just gets rid of the indentation of the first line of a paragraph which in this case is the table. The hfill adds infinite stretch after the table, so it pushes the table to the left. Here is a centered table: | a | b | c | |---+---+---| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | And here's a table on the right side: #+LATEX: \hfill #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil | a | b | c | |---+---+---| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | Here the hfill adds infinite stretch before the table, so it pushes the table to the right. ** Images, video and audio *** Images You can insert *image* files of different *formats* to a page: | | HTML | PDF | |------+------------------------------+-----| | gif | yes | | | jpeg | yes | | | png | yes | | | bmp | (depends on browser support) | | In-line picture: #+CAPTION: Org mode logo #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 0.25\linewidth [[file:../../images/org-mode-unicorn.png]] Direct link to just the [[file:org-mode-unicorn.png][Unicorn picture file]]. XXX Available HTML image tags include: - align - border - bordercolor - hspace - vspace - width - height - title - alt Place images side by side: XXX *** Video Videos can't be added directly but you can add an image with a link to the video like this: [[http://img.youtube.com/vi/YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_HERE/0.jpg][http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID_HERE]] *** Sounds ** Special text boxes Simple box ("inline task"): XXX # *************** TODO Do this task # Description of inline task. # *************** END # # or: # # *************** WAIT [#B] Do also this other task :phone: # *************** END *** Example You can have ~example~ blocks. Find entries with an *exact phrase* -- To do this, put the phrase in quotes: : "hd ready" You can create several other boxes (~info~, ~tip~, ~note~ or ~warning~) which all have a different default image. *** Info An info box is displayed as follows: #+begin_info *Info example* \\ Did you know... #+end_info *** Tip A tip box is displayed as follows: #+begin_tip *Tip example* \\ Try doing it this way... #+end_tip *** Note A note box is displayed as follows: #+begin_note *Note example* \\ This is a useful note... #+end_note *** Warning A warning box is displayed as follows: #+begin_warning *Warning example* \\ Be careful! Check that you have... #+end_warning ** Links :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: links :END: *** Anchors :PROPERTIES: :ID: 0d2b0cb2-116c-4a61-a076-4c641faf4346 :END: Links generally point to an headline. They can also point to a link anchor <> in the current document or in another document. *** Hyperlinks This document is available in [[file:example.txt][plain text]], [[file:example.html][HTML]] and [[file:example.pdf][PDF]]. The links are delimited by ~[square brackets]~. **** Internal links See: - chapter [[#links][Links]] - section [[id:0d2b0cb2-116c-4a61-a076-4c641faf4346][Anchors]] - [[name-of-anchor-here][target in the document]] **** External links See the [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode Web site]]. # Clicking on the image [[http://orgmode.org/][file:org-mode-unicorn.png]] leads to the Org mode home # page. [[mailto:concat.fni.at-sign.pirilampo.org][Mailto link]] * Org miscellaneous ** Dates Timestamps: [2014-01-16 Thu] and <2014-01-16 Thu>. ** DONE [#A] Buy GTD book :online: :LOGBOOK: - State "TODO" -> "DONE" [2014-01-16 Thu 09:52] :END: By default, ~DONE~ actions will be collapsed. Note that I should probably implement that default behavior only for ~ARCHIVE~'d items. ** TODO [#A] Read GTD book SCHEDULED: <2014-09-11 Thu> By default, *all* (active) entries will be expanded at page load, so that their contents is visible. That can be changed by adding such a line (into your Org document): #+begin_src org ,#+HTML_HEAD: #+end_src ** TODO [#B] Apply GTD methodoloy DEADLINE: <2014-12-01 Mon> :PROPERTIES: :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS: hsCollapsed :END: This section will be collapsed when loading the page because the entry has the value ~hsCollapsed~ for the property ~:HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS:~. Powerful, no? ** Some note :computer:write: You can add tags to any entry, and hightlight all entries having some specific tag by clicking on the buttons made accessible to you in the "Dashboard". ** Weekly review :computer: Now, you can even make your weekly review in the HTML export... Press the ~r~ key to start entering the "review mode" where all but one active entry are collapsed, so that you can really focus on one item at a time! * Org macros #+MACRO: color @@html:$2@@ {{{color(blue, This text is colored in blue.)}}} {{{color(red, This other text is in red.)}}} Find more macros on [[https://github.com/fniessen/org-macros][GitHub]]. * BigBlow addons The string ~fixme~ (in *upper case*) gets replaced by a "Fix Me!" image: FIXME Delete this... * Footnotes [fn:myfootnote] Extensively used in large documents. [fn:2] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.