#!/bin/bash # Check that script is executed from tools directory if [[ $(basename $PWD) != "tools" ]] ; then echo "This script should run in the tools directory" exit -1 fi TREXIO_ROOT=$(dirname "${PWD}../") # First define readonly global variables. readonly SRC=${TREXIO_ROOT}/src readonly TOOLS=${TREXIO_ROOT}/tools # We want the script to crash on the 1st error: set -e NUMPY_SRC=${SRC}/numpy.i NUMPY_LATEST=${TOOLS}/numpy.i # Download the latest numpy.i file from NumPy GitHub wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/numpy/numpy/main/tools/swig/numpy.i -O ${NUMPY_LATEST} # Execute diff to check if the numpy.i file in the src/ directory is updated if ! diff -q ${NUMPY_LATEST} ${NUMPY_SRC} &>/dev/null; then >&2 echo "numpy.i SWIG interface file in the source tree is outdated; replacing ..." mv ${NUMPY_LATEST} ${NUMPY_SRC} else >&2 echo "numpy.i SWIG interface file in the source tree is up-to-date." rm ${NUMPY_LATEST} fi