#!/bin/bash # Check that script is executed from tools directory if [[ $(basename $PWD) != "tools" ]] ; then echo "This script should run in the tools directory" exit -1 fi TREXIO_ROOT=$(dirname "${PWD}../") # First define readonly global variables. readonly SRC=${TREXIO_ROOT}/src readonly TOOLS=${TREXIO_ROOT}/tools # Go to src directory cd ${SRC} # We want the script to crash on the 1st error: set -e # Create directories for templates echo "create populated directories" mkdir -p templates_front/populated mkdir -p templates_text/populated mkdir -p templates_hdf5/populated # It is important to ad '--' to rm because it tells rm that what follows are # not options. It is safer. # Cleaning of existing data echo "remove existing templates" rm -f -- templates_front/*.{c,h,f90} rm -f -- templates_text/*.{c,h} rm -f -- templates_hdf5/*.{c,h} echo "clean populated directories" rm -f -- templates_front/populated/* rm -f -- templates_text/populated/* rm -f -- templates_hdf5/populated/* # Function to produce TREXIO source files from org-mode files function tangle() { local command="(org-babel-tangle-file \"$1\")" emacs --batch \ --eval "(require 'org)" \ --eval "(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((python . t)))" \ --eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" \ --eval "$command" } # Produce source files for front end echo "tangle org files to generate templates" cd templates_front tangle templator_front.org cd .. # Produce source files for TEXT back end cd templates_text tangle templator_text.org cd .. # Produce source files for HDF5 back end cd templates_hdf5 tangle templator_hdf5.org cd .. # Populate templates with TREXIO structure according to trex.json file echo "run generator script to populate templates" cp ${TOOLS}/generator.py ${SRC} python3 generator.py rm -f -- ${SRC}/generator.py # Put pieces of source files together echo "compile populated files in the lib source files " cd templates_front source build.sh cp trexio* ../ cd .. mv trexio.h trexio_f.f90 ../include cd templates_text source build.sh cp trexio* ../ cd .. cd templates_hdf5 source build.sh cp trexio* ../ cd ..