+We consider here basis functions centered on nuclei. Hence, we enable
+the possibility to define dummy atoms to place basis functions in
+random positions.
+The atomic basis set is defined as a list of shells. Each shell \(s\) is
+centered on a center \(A\), possesses a given angular momentum \(l\) and a
+radial function \(R_s\). The radial function is a linear combination of
+\(N_{\text{prim}}\) primitive functions that can be of type
+Slater (\(p=1\)) or Gaussian (\(p=2\)),
+parameterized by exponents \(\gamma_{ks}\) and coefficients \(a_{ks}\):
+ R_s(\mathbf{r}) = \mathcal{N}_s \vert\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}_A\vert^{n_s}
+ \sum_{k=1}^{N_{\text{prim}}} a_{ks}\, f_{ks}(\gamma_{ks},p)\,
+ \exp \left( - \gamma_{ks}
+ \vert \mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}_A \vert ^p \right).
+ \]
+In the case of Gaussian functions, \(n_s\) is always zero.
+Different codes normalize functions at different levels. Computing
+normalization factors requires the ability to compute overlap
+integrals, so the normalization factors should be written in the
+file to ensure that the file is self-contained and does not need the
+client program to have the ability to compute such integrals.
+Some codes assume that the contraction coefficients are for a linear
+combination of normalized primitives. This implies that a normalization
+constant for the primitive \(ks\) needs to be computed and stored. If
+this normalization factor is not required, \(f_{ks}=1\).
+Some codes assume that the basis function are normalized. This
+implies the computation of an extra normalization factor, \(\mathcal{N}_s\).
+If the the basis function is not considered normalized, \(\mathcal{N}_s=1\).
+All the basis set parameters are stored in one-dimensional arrays:
+type |
+str |
+ |
+Type of basis set: "Gaussian" or "Slater" |
+num |
+int |
+ |
+Total Number of shells |
+prim_num |
+int |
+ |
+Total number of primitives |
+nucleus_index |
+index |
+(nucleus.num) |
+Index of the first shell of each nucleus (\(A\)) |
+nucleus_shell_num |
+int |
+(nucleus.num) |
+Number of shells for each nucleus |
+shell_ang_mom |
+int |
+(basis.num) |
+Angular momentum 0:S, 1:P, 2:D, ... |
+shell_prim_num |
+int |
+(basis.num) |
+Number of primitives in the shell (\(N_{\text{prim}}\)) |
+shell_factor |
+float |
+(basis.num) |
+Normalization factor of the shell (\(\mathcal{N}_s\)) |
+shell_prim_index |
+index |
+(basis.num) |
+Index of the first primitive in the complete list |
+exponent |
+float |
+(basis.prim_num) |
+Exponents of the primitives ($γks) |
+coefficient |
+float |
+(basis.prim_num) |
+Coefficients of the primitives (\(a_{ks}\)) |
+prim_factor |
+float |
+(basis.prim_num) |
+Normalization coefficients for the primitives (\(f_{ks}\)) |
"basis": {
+ "type" : [ "str" , [] ]
+ , "num" : [ "int" , [] ]
+ , "prim_num" : [ "int" , [] ]
+ , "nucleus_index" : [ "index", [ "nucleus.num" ] ]
+ , "nucleus_shell_num" : [ "int" , [ "nucleus.num" ] ]
+ , "shell_ang_mom" : [ "int" , [ "basis.num" ] ]
+ , "shell_prim_num" : [ "int" , [ "basis.num" ] ]
+ , "shell_factor" : [ "float", [ "basis.num" ] ]
+ , "shell_prim_index" : [ "index", [ "basis.num" ] ]
+ , "exponent" : [ "float", [ "basis.prim_num" ] ]
+ , "coefficient" : [ "float", [ "basis.prim_num" ] ]
+ , "prim_factor" : [ "float", [ "basis.prim_num" ] ]
+} ,
+For example, consider H2 with the following basis set (in GAMESS
+format), where both the AOs and primitives are considered normalized:
+S 5
+1 3.387000E+01 6.068000E-03
+2 5.095000E+00 4.530800E-02
+3 1.159000E+00 2.028220E-01
+4 3.258000E-01 5.039030E-01
+5 1.027000E-01 3.834210E-01
+S 1
+1 3.258000E-01 1.000000E+00
+S 1
+1 1.027000E-01 1.000000E+00
+P 1
+1 1.407000E+00 1.000000E+00
+P 1
+1 3.880000E-01 1.000000E+00
+D 1
+1 1.057000E+00 1.0000000
+we have:
+type = "Gaussian"
+num = 12
+prim_num = 20
+nucleus_index = [0 , 6]
+shell_ang_mom = [0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 ]
+shell_prim_num = [5 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 5 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ]
+shell_prim_index = [0 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
+shell_factor = [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]
+exponent =
+[ 33.87, 5.095, 1.159, 0.3258, 0.1027, 0.3258, 0.1027, 1.407,
+ 0.388, 1.057, 33.87, 5.095, 1.159, 0.3258, 0.1027, 0.3258, 0.1027, 1.407,
+ 0.388, 1.057]
+coefficient =
+[ 0.006068, 0.045308, 0.202822, 0.503903, 0.383421, 1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.006068, 0.045308, 0.202822, 0.503903, 0.383421, 1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+prim_factor =
+[ 1.0006253235944540e+01, 2.4169531573445120e+00, 7.9610924849766440e-01
+ 3.0734305383061117e-01, 1.2929684417481876e-01, 3.0734305383061117e-01,
+ 1.2929684417481876e-01, 2.1842769845268308e+00, 4.3649547399719840e-01,
+ 1.8135965626177861e+00, 1.0006253235944540e+01, 2.4169531573445120e+00,
+ 7.9610924849766440e-01, 3.0734305383061117e-01, 1.2929684417481876e-01,
+ 3.0734305383061117e-01, 1.2929684417481876e-01, 2.1842769845268308e+00,
+ 4.3649547399719840e-01, 1.8135965626177861e+00 ]