4. Export custom environment variables needed for the installation. Steps 1 and 2 can be skipped if HDF5 is properly configured for `pkg-config` (i.e. if executing `pkg-config --libs hdf5` returns a list of options).
1.`export H5_CFLAGS=-I/path/to/hdf5/include`
2.`export H5_LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/hdf5/lib`
3.`source tools/set_NUMPY_INCLUDEDIR.sh`
5. Run `pip3 install .` (this installs `trexio` in your environment)
6. Run `cd test && python3 test_api.py` (this executes several tests that verify the installation)
Jupyter can be installed using `pip install jupyter`. If you are not familiar with it, feel free to consult the [Jupyter documentation](https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notebook.html).
In some cases, it may happen that the Jupyter kernels in the activated virtual environment (e.g. `myvenv`) still point to the system-wide python binaries and not to the environment ones.
This will result in `ImportError` when importing `trexio` in the notebook cell. In order to avoid this, the `myvenv` has to be installed as an additional kernel.
This requires `ipykernel` python package, which usually comes together with the Jupyter installation. If this is not the case, run `pip install ipykernel`.