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synced 2024-11-20 04:52:47 +01:00
This system adds an additional field to the QMCkl context to store the offload mode currently in use for each kernel (in this commit, this has been implemented for Jastrow as an example). This will be useful to test different offloading versions that can be easily toggled on/off at compilation and at runtime.
115 lines
3.2 KiB
115 lines
3.2 KiB
subroutine qmckl_check_error(rc, message)
use qmckl
implicit none
integer(qmckl_exit_code), intent(in) :: rc
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: message
character(len=128) :: str_buffer
if (rc /= QMCKL_SUCCESS) then
print *, message
call qmckl_string_of_error(rc, str_buffer)
print *, str_buffer
call exit(rc)
end if
end subroutine qmckl_check_error
program ao_grid
use qmckl
implicit none
integer(qmckl_context) :: qmckl_ctx ! QMCkl context
integer(qmckl_exit_code) :: rc ! Exit code of QMCkl functions
character(len=128) :: trexio_filename
character(len=128) :: str_buffer
integer :: ao_id
integer :: point_num_x
integer(c_int64_t) :: nucl_num
double precision, allocatable :: nucl_coord(:,:)
integer(c_int64_t) :: point_num
integer(c_int64_t) :: ao_num
integer(c_int64_t) :: ipoint, i, j, k
double precision :: x, y, z, dr(3)
double precision :: rmin(3), rmax(3)
double precision, allocatable :: points(:,:)
double precision, allocatable :: ao_vgl(:,:,:)
if (iargc() /= 3) then
print *, 'Syntax: ao_grid <trexio_file> <AO_id> <point_num>'
call exit(-1)
end if
call getarg(1, trexio_filename)
call getarg(2, str_buffer)
read(str_buffer, *) ao_id
call getarg(3, str_buffer)
read(str_buffer, *) point_num_x
if (point_num_x < 0 .or. point_num_x > 300) then
print *, 'Error: 0 < point_num < 300'
call exit(-1)
end if
qmckl_ctx = qmckl_context_create()
rc = qmckl_trexio_read(qmckl_ctx, trexio_filename, 1_8*len(trim(trexio_filename)))
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Read TREXIO')
rc = qmckl_get_ao_basis_ao_num(qmckl_ctx, ao_num)
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Getting ao_num')
if (ao_id < 0 .or. ao_id > ao_num) then
print *, 'Error: 0 < ao_id < ', ao_num
call exit(-1)
end if
rc = qmckl_get_nucleus_num(qmckl_ctx, nucl_num)
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Get nucleus num')
allocate( nucl_coord(3, nucl_num) )
rc = qmckl_get_nucleus_coord(qmckl_ctx, 'N', nucl_coord, 3_8*nucl_num)
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Get nucleus coord')
rmin(1) = minval( nucl_coord(1,:) ) - 5.d0
rmin(2) = minval( nucl_coord(2,:) ) - 5.d0
rmin(3) = minval( nucl_coord(3,:) ) - 5.d0
rmax(1) = maxval( nucl_coord(1,:) ) + 5.d0
rmax(2) = maxval( nucl_coord(2,:) ) + 5.d0
rmax(3) = maxval( nucl_coord(3,:) ) + 5.d0
dr(1:3) = (rmax(1:3) - rmin(1:3)) / dble(point_num_x-1)
point_num = point_num_x**3
allocate( points(point_num, 3) )
z = rmin(3)
do k=1,point_num_x
y = rmin(2)
do j=1,point_num_x
x = rmin(1)
do i=1,point_num_x
ipoint = ipoint+1
points(ipoint,1) = x
points(ipoint,2) = y
points(ipoint,3) = z
x = x + dr(1)
end do
y = y + dr(2)
end do
z = z + dr(3)
end do
rc = qmckl_set_point(qmckl_ctx, 'T', points, point_num)
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Setting points')
allocate( ao_vgl(ao_num, 5, point_num) )
rc = qmckl_get_ao_basis_ao_vgl(qmckl_ctx, ao_vgl, ao_num*5_8*point_num)
call qmckl_check_error(rc, 'Setting points')
do ipoint=1, point_num
print '(3(F16.10,X),E20.10)', points(ipoint, 1:3), ao_vgl(ao_id,1,ipoint)
end do
deallocate( nucl_coord, points, ao_vgl )
end program ao_grid