#+TITLE: Testing #+SETUPFILE: ../docs/theme.setup * QMCkl test :noexport: This file is the main program of the unit tests. The tests rely on the $\mu$unit framework, which is provided as a git submodule. First, we use a script to find the list of all the generated test files: #+NAME: test-files #+begin_src sh :exports none FILES=$(cat table_of_contents) grep begin_src $FILES \ | grep c_test \ | cut -d '.' -f 1 \ | uniq #+end_src #+RESULTS: test-files | qmckl_error | | qmckl_context | | qmckl_memory | | qmckl_distance | | qmckl_ao | We generate the function headers #+begin_src sh :var files=test-files :exports output :results drawer echo "#+NAME: headers" echo "#+begin_src c :tangle no" for file in $files do routine=test_${file%.c} echo "MunitResult ${routine}();" done echo "#+end_src" #+end_src #+RESULTS: :results: #+NAME: headers #+begin_src c :tangle no MunitResult test_qmckl_error(); MunitResult test_qmckl_context(); MunitResult test_qmckl_memory(); MunitResult test_qmckl_distance(); MunitResult test_qmckl_ao(); #+end_src :end: and the required function calls: #+begin_src sh :var files=test-files :exports output :results drawer echo "#+NAME: calls" echo "#+begin_src c :tangle no" for file in $files do routine=test_${file%.c} echo " { (const char*) \"${routine}\", ${routine}, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}," done echo "#+end_src" #+end_src #+RESULTS: :results: #+NAME: calls #+begin_src c :tangle no { (const char*) "test_qmckl_error", test_qmckl_error, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}, { (const char*) "test_qmckl_context", test_qmckl_context, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}, { (const char*) "test_qmckl_memory", test_qmckl_memory, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}, { (const char*) "test_qmckl_distance", test_qmckl_distance, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}, { (const char*) "test_qmckl_ao", test_qmckl_ao, NULL,NULL,MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE,NULL}, #+end_src :end: We include the =mcheck.h= header to enable the debugging of allocations with ~mtrace~. Memory allocations will be traced in the file specified by the ~MALLOC_TRACE~ environment variable. #+begin_src c :comments link :noweb yes :tangle test_qmckl.c #include "qmckl.h" #include "munit.h" #include "mcheck.h" <> int main(int argc, char* argv[MUNIT_ARRAY_PARAM(argc + 1)]) { mtrace(); static MunitTest test_suite_tests[] = { <> { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, MUNIT_TEST_OPTION_NONE, NULL } }; static const MunitSuite test_suite = { (const char*) "", test_suite_tests, NULL, 1, MUNIT_SUITE_OPTION_NONE }; int result = munit_suite_main(&test_suite, (const void*) "µnit", argc, argv); muntrace(); return result; } #+end_src