#!/bin/bash # # Creates all the dependencies from the org-mode files if [[ -z ${srcdir} ]] ; then echo "Error: srcdir environment variable is not defined" exit 1 fi WD=$PWD function make_src() { cd ${srcdir} declare -A DEPS DEPS_ORG C_FILES= F_FILES= FH_FUNC_FILES= FH_TYPE_FILES= H_FUNC_FILES= H_TYPE_FILES= H_PRIVATE_FUNC_FILES= H_PRIVATE_TYPE_FILES= C_TEST_FILES= F_TEST_FILES= TANGLED_FILES= for org in org/*.org ; do tangled="\$(srcdir)/${org%.org}.tangled" i=${org%.org} c_test_o="\$(srcdir)/src/test_${i}.o" f_test_o="\$(srcdir)/src/test_${i}_f.o" c_test="\$(srcdir)/src/test_${i}.c" f_test="\$(srcdir)/src/test_${i}_f.f90" i="\$(srcdir)/src/${i#org/}" c="${i}.c" o="${i}.o" h_func="${i}_func.h" h_type="${i}_type.h" h_private_func="${i}_private_func.h" h_private_type="${i}_private_type.h" f90="${i}_f.f90" fo="${i}_f.o" fh_func="${i}_fh_func.f90" fh_type="${i}_fh_type.f90" ORG_FILES+="\$(srcdir)/$org " TANGLED_FILES+="$tangled " DEPS_ORG["\$(srcdir)/$org"]=$tangled grep -q "(eval c)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$c]+=" $tangled" DEPS[$o]+=" $c " C_FILES+=" $c" C_O_FILES+=" $o" fi grep -q "(eval h_func)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$o]+=" $h_func" DEPS[$h_func]+=" $tangled" H_FUNC_FILES+=" $h_func" fi grep -q "(eval h_type)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$o]+=" $h_type" DEPS[$h_type]+=" $tangled" H_TYPE_FILES+=" $h_type" fi grep -q "(eval h_private_type)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$o]+=" $h_private_type" DEPS[$h_private_type]+=" $tangled" H_PRIVATE_TYPE_FILES+=" $h_private_type" fi grep -q "(eval h_private_func)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$o]+=" $h_private_func" DEPS[$h_private_func]+=" $tangled" H_PRIVATE_FUNC_FILES+=" $h_private_func" fi grep -q "(eval f)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$f90]+="$tangled " DEPS[$fo]+="$f90 " F_FILES+=" $f90" fi grep -q "(eval fh_func)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$fo]+=" $fh_func" DEPS[$fh_func]+=" $tangled" FH_FUNC_FILES+=" $fh_func" fi grep -q "(eval fh_type)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS[$fo]+=" $fh_type" DEPS[$fh_type]+=" $tangled" FH_TYPE_FILES+=" $fh_type" fi grep -q "(eval c_test)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS["$c_test"]="${tangled} " DEPS["$c_test_o"]+=" $c_test $o" C_TEST_FILES+=" $c_test" fi grep -q "(eval f_test)" $org if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then DEPS["$f_test"]+="${tangled} " DEPS["$f_test_o"]+=" $f_test $fo" F_TEST_FILES+=" $f_test" fi done for org in org/*.org ; do i=${org%.org} i="\$(srcdir)/src/${i#org/}" c="${i}.c" o="${i}.o" fo="${i}_f.o" for i in ${!DEPS[@]} ; do extension="${i##*.}" grep -q "$i" $org if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then if [[ "$extension" == h ]] ; then DEPS[$o]+=" $i" elif [[ "$extension" == f90 ]] ; then DEPS[$fo]+=" $i" fi fi done done for f in ${!DEPS[@]} ; do if [[ "${f/_f.o/_f.ox}" == ${f}x ]] ; then DEPS["${f}"]+=" qmckl_f.o" elif [[ "${f/.o/.ox}" == ${f}x ]] ; then DEPS["$f"]+=" \$(qmckl_h)" fi done OUTPUT=${WD}/generated.mk echo > ${OUTPUT} echo "## Source files" > ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} echo "ORG_FILES=${ORG_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "TANGLED_FILES=${TANGLED_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "C_FILES=${C_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "F_FILES=${F_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "C_O_FILES=${C_O_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "F_O_FILES=${F_O_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "FH_FUNC_FILES=${FH_FUNC_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "FH_TYPE_FILES=${FH_TYPE_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "H_FUNC_FILES=${H_FUNC_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "H_TYPE_FILES=${H_TYPE_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "H_PRIVATE_FUNC_FILES=${H_PRIVATE_FUNC_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "H_PRIVATE_TYPE_FILES=${H_PRIVATE_TYPE_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "C_TEST_FILES=${C_TEST_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo "F_TEST_FILES=${F_TEST_FILES}" >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} echo "## Org-mode inherited dependencies" >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} for f in ${!DEPS_ORG[@]} ; do echo ${DEPS_ORG[$f]}: $f echo " \$(tangle_verbose)\$(srcdir)/tools/tangle.sh $f" echo "" done >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} echo "## Source dependencies" >> ${OUTPUT} echo >> ${OUTPUT} for f in ${!DEPS[@]} ; do echo ${f}: ${DEPS[$f]} done | sort >> ${OUTPUT} } make_src