
Table of Contents

The context variable is a handle for the state of the library, and is stored in a data structure which can't be seen outside of the library. To simplify compatibility with other languages, the pointer to the internal data structure is converted into a 64-bit signed integer, defined in the qmckl_context type. A value of QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT for the context is equivalent to a NULL pointer.

typedef int64_t qmckl_context ;
#define QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT (qmckl_context) 0

1 Context handling

The context appears as an immutable data structure: modifying a context returns a new context with the modifications. Therefore, it is necessary to store a pointer to the old version of context so that it can be freed when necessary. Note that we also provide a possibility to mutate the context, but this should be done with caution, only when it is justified.

By convention, in this file context is a qmckl_context variable and ctx is a qmckl_context_struct* pointer.

1.1 Data structure

The main data structure contains pointers to other data structures, containing the data specific to each given domain, such that the modified contexts don't need to duplicate the data but only the pointers.

typedef struct qmckl_context_struct {

  /* Pointer to the previous context, before modification */
  struct qmckl_context_struct * prev;

  /* Molecular system */
  qmckl_ao_basis_struct    * ao_basis;

  /* To be implemented:
  qmckl_nucleus_struct     * nucleus;
  qmckl_electron_struct    * electron;
  qmckl_mo_struct          * mo;
  qmckl_determinant_struct * det;

  /* Numerical precision */
  qmckl_precision_struct   * fp;

  /* Error handling */
  qmckl_error_struct       * error;

  /* Memory allocation */
  qmckl_memory_struct      * alloc;

  /* Thread lock */
  int                        lock_count;
  pthread_mutex_t            mutex;

  /* Validity checking */
  uint32_t                   tag;

} qmckl_context_struct;

A tag is used internally to check if the memory domain pointed by a pointer is a valid context. This allows to check that even if the pointer associated with a context is non-null, we can still verify that it points to the expected data structure.


The qmckl_context_check function checks if the domain pointed by the pointer is a valid context. It returns the input qmckl_context if the context is valid, QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT otherwise.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_check(const qmckl_context context) ;
qmckl_context qmckl_context_check(const qmckl_context context) {

  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)

  const qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;

  /* Try to access memory */
  if (ctx->tag != VALID_TAG) {
      return QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT;

  return context;

1.2 Creation

To create a new context, qmckl_context_create() should be used.

  • Upon success, it returns a pointer to a new context with the qmckl_context type
  • It returns QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT upon failure to allocate the internal data structure
qmckl_context qmckl_context_create() {

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx =
    (qmckl_context_struct*) qmckl_malloc (QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT, sizeof(qmckl_context_struct));

  if (ctx == NULL) {

  /* Set all pointers to NULL */
  memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(qmckl_context_struct));

  /* Initialize lock */

  /* Initialize data */
  ctx->tag = VALID_TAG;

  const qmckl_context context = (qmckl_context) ctx;
  assert ( qmckl_context_check(context) != QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT );

  return context;

1.3 Access to the previous context

qmckl_context_previous returns the previous context. It returns QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT for the initial context and for the NULL context.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_previous(const qmckl_context context) {

  const qmckl_context checked_context = qmckl_context_check(context);
  if (checked_context == (qmckl_context) 0) {
    return (qmckl_context) 0;

  const qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) checked_context;
  return qmckl_context_check((qmckl_context) ctx->prev);

1.4 Locking

For thread safety, the context may be locked/unlocked. The lock is initialized with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE attribute, and the number of times the thread has locked it is saved in the lock_count attribute.

void init_lock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) {
  pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
  int rc;

  rc = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); 
  assert (rc == 0);

  (void) pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);

  rc = pthread_mutex_init ( mutex, &attr);
  assert (rc == 0);


void qmckl_lock(qmckl_context context) {
  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)
    return ;
  qmckl_context_struct *ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  errno = 0;
  int rc = pthread_mutex_lock( &(ctx->mutex) );
  if (rc != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "qmckl_lock:%s\n", strerror(rc) );
  assert (rc == 0);
  printf("  lock : %d\n", ctx->lock_count);

void qmckl_unlock(qmckl_context context) {
  qmckl_context_struct *ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  int rc = pthread_mutex_unlock( &(ctx->mutex) );
  if (rc != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "qmckl_unlock:%s\n", strerror(rc) );
  assert (rc == 0);
  printf("unlock : %d\n", ctx->lock_count);

1.5 Copy

qmckl_context_copy makes a shallow copy of a context. It returns QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT upon failure.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_copy(const qmckl_context context) {


  const qmckl_context checked_context = qmckl_context_check(context);

  if (checked_context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {

  qmckl_context_struct* old_ctx =
    (qmckl_context_struct*) checked_context;

  qmckl_context_struct* new_ctx =
    (qmckl_context_struct*) qmckl_malloc (context, sizeof(qmckl_context_struct));

  if (new_ctx == NULL) {

  /* Copy the old context on the new one */
  memcpy(new_ctx, old_ctx, sizeof(qmckl_context_struct));

  new_ctx->prev = old_ctx;

  qmckl_unlock( (qmckl_context) new_ctx );
  qmckl_unlock( (qmckl_context) old_ctx );

  return (qmckl_context) new_ctx;

1.6 Destroy

The context is destroyed with qmckl_context_destroy, leaving the ancestors untouched. It frees the context, and returns the previous context.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_destroy(const qmckl_context context) {

  const qmckl_context checked_context = qmckl_context_check(context);
  if (checked_context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) return QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT;


  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  assert (ctx != NULL);  /* Shouldn't be true because the context is valid */


  const qmckl_context prev_context = (qmckl_context) ctx->prev;
  if (prev_context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
    /* This is the first context, free all memory. */
    struct qmckl_memory_struct* new = NULL;
    while (ctx->alloc != NULL) {
       new = ctx->alloc->next;
       ctx->alloc->pointer = NULL;
       ctx->alloc = new;

  qmckl_exit_code rc;
  rc = qmckl_context_remove_memory(context,ctx);
  assert (rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  ctx->tag = INVALID_TAG;

  const int rc_destroy = pthread_mutex_destroy( &(ctx->mutex) );
  if (rc_destroy != 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "qmckl_context_destroy: %s (count = %d)\n", strerror(rc_destroy), ctx->lock_count);

  rc = qmckl_free(context,ctx);
  assert (rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  //memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(qmckl_context_struct));

  return prev_context;

2 Memory allocation handling

2.1 Data structure

Pointers to all allocated memory domains are stored in the context, in a linked list. The size is also stored, to enable the computation of the amount of currently used memory by the library.

typedef struct qmckl_memory_struct {
  struct qmckl_memory_struct * next    ;
  void                       * pointer ;
  size_t                       size    ;
} qmckl_memory_struct;

2.2 Append memory

The following function, called in qmckl_memory.c, appends a new pair (pointer, size) to the data structure. It is forbidden to pass the NULL pointer, or a zero size. If the context is QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT, the function returns immediately with QMCKL_SUCCESS.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_context_append_memory(qmckl_context context,
                                            void* pointer,
                                            const size_t size) {
  assert (pointer != NULL);
  assert (size > 0L);


  if ( qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT ) {
    return QMCKL_SUCCESS;

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context; 

  qmckl_memory_struct* new_alloc = (qmckl_memory_struct*)

  if (new_alloc == NULL) {

  new_alloc->next    = NULL;
  new_alloc->pointer = pointer;
  new_alloc->size    = size;

  qmckl_memory_struct* alloc = ctx->alloc;
  if (alloc == NULL) {
    ctx->alloc = new_alloc;
  } else {
    while (alloc != NULL) {
      alloc = alloc->next;
    alloc->next = new_alloc;




2.3 Remove memory

The following function, called in qmckl_memory.c, removes a pointer from the data structure. It is forbidden to pass the NULL pointer. If the context is QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT, the function returns immediately with QMCKL_SUCCESS.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_context_remove_memory(qmckl_context context,
                                            const void* pointer) {
  assert (pointer != NULL);


  if ( qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT ) {
    return QMCKL_SUCCESS;

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context; 

  qmckl_memory_struct* alloc = ctx->alloc;
  qmckl_memory_struct* prev  = ctx->alloc;

  while ( (alloc != NULL) && (alloc->pointer != pointer) ) {
    prev = alloc;
    alloc = alloc->next;

  if (alloc != NULL) {
    prev->next = alloc->next;


  if (alloc != NULL) {
    return QMCKL_SUCCESS;
  } else {

3 Error handling

3.1 Data structure

#define  QMCKL_MAX_FUN_LEN   256
#define  QMCKL_MAX_MSG_LEN  1024

typedef struct qmckl_error_struct {

  qmckl_exit_code exit_code;
  char function[QMCKL_MAX_FUN_LEN];
  char message [QMCKL_MAX_MSG_LEN];

} qmckl_error_struct;

3.2 Updating errors

The error is updated in the context using qmckl_context_update_error, although it is recommended to use qmckl_context_set_error for the immutable variant. When the error is set in the context, it is mandatory to specify from which function the error is triggered, and a message explaining the error. The exit code can't be QMCKL_SUCCESS.

qmckl_context_update_error(qmckl_context context,
                           const qmckl_exit_code exit_code,
                           const char* function_name,
                           const char* message)
  /* Passing a function name and a message is mandatory. */
  assert (function_name != NULL);
  assert (message != NULL);

  /* Exit codes are assumed valid. */
  assert (exit_code >= 0);
  assert (exit_code != QMCKL_SUCCESS);
  assert (exit_code < QMCKL_INVALID_EXIT_CODE);


  /* The context is assumed to exist. */
  assert (qmckl_context_check(context) != QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT);

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  assert (ctx != NULL); /* Impossible because the context is valid. */

  if (ctx->error != NULL) {
    ctx->error = NULL;

  qmckl_error_struct* error =
    (qmckl_error_struct*) qmckl_malloc (context, sizeof(qmckl_error_struct));
  error->exit_code = exit_code;
  strcpy(error->function, function_name);
  strcpy(error->message, message);

  ctx->error = error;



The qmckl_context_set_error function returns a new context with the error domain updated.

qmckl_context_set_error(qmckl_context context,
                        const qmckl_exit_code exit_code,
                        const char* function_name,
                        const char* message)
  /* Passing a function name and a message is mandatory. */
  assert (function_name != NULL);
  assert (message != NULL);

  /* Exit codes are assumed valid. */
  assert (exit_code >= 0);
  assert (exit_code != QMCKL_SUCCESS);
  assert (exit_code < QMCKL_INVALID_EXIT_CODE);

  /* The context is assumed to be valid */
  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)

  qmckl_context new_context = qmckl_context_copy(context);

  /* Should be impossible because the context is valid */
  assert (new_context != QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT);

  if (qmckl_context_update_error(new_context,
                                 message) != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
    return context;

  return new_context;

To make a function fail, the qmckl_failwith function should be called, such that information about the failure is stored in the context. The desired exit code is given as an argument, as well as the name of the function and an error message. The return code of the function is the desired return code.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_failwith(qmckl_context context,
                               const qmckl_exit_code exit_code,
                               const char* function,
                               const char* message) {

  assert (exit_code > 0);
  assert (exit_code < QMCKL_INVALID_EXIT_CODE);
  assert (function != NULL);
  assert (message  != NULL);
  assert (strlen(function) < QMCKL_MAX_FUN_LEN);
  assert (strlen(message)  < QMCKL_MAX_MSG_LEN);

  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)

  const qmckl_exit_code rc = 
    qmckl_context_update_error(context, exit_code, function, message);

  assert (rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  return exit_code;

For example, this function can be used as

if (x < 0) {
  return qmckl_failwith(context,
                        "Expected x >= 0");

4 Control of the numerical precision

Controlling numerical precision enables optimizations. Here, the default parameters determining the target numerical precision and range are defined.

""" This script generates the C and Fortran constants for the error
    codes from the org-mode table.

result = [ "#+begin_src c :comments org :tangle (eval h)" ]
for (text, code) in table:
    result += [ f"#define  {text:30s} {code:d}" ]
result += [ "#+end_src" ]

result += [ "" ]

result += [ "#+begin_src f90 :comments org :tangle (eval fh) :exports none" ]
for (text, code) in table:
    result += [ f"   integer, parameter :: {text:30s} = {code:d}" ]
result += [ "#+end_src" ]

return '\n'.join(result)

typedef struct qmckl_precision_struct {
  int  precision;
  int  range;
} qmckl_precision_struct;

The following functions set and get the required precision and range. precision is an integer between 2 and 53, and range is an integer between 2 and 11.

The setter functions functions return a new context as a 64-bit integer. The getter functions return the value, as a 32-bit integer. The update functions return QMCKL_SUCCESS or QMCKL_FAILURE.

4.1 Precision

qmckl_context_update_precision modifies the parameter for the numerical precision in a context. If the context doesn't have any precision set yet, the default values are used.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_context_update_precision(const qmckl_context context, const int precision) {

  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)

  if (precision <  2) {
    return qmckl_failwith(context,
                          "precision < 2");

  if (precision > 53) {
    return qmckl_failwith(context,
                          "precision > 53");

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;

  /* This should be always true */
  assert (ctx != NULL);


  if (ctx->fp == NULL) {

    ctx->fp = (qmckl_precision_struct*)
      qmckl_malloc(context, sizeof(qmckl_precision_struct));

    if (ctx->fp == NULL) {
      return qmckl_failwith(context,

    ctx->fp->precision = QMCKL_DEFAULT_PRECISION;
    ctx->fp->range     = QMCKL_DEFAULT_RANGE;

  ctx->fp->precision = precision;


   integer (c_int32_t) function qmckl_context_update_precision(context, precision) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: context
     integer (c_int32_t), intent(in), value :: precision
   end function qmckl_context_update_precision
end interface

qmckl_context_set_precision returns a copy of the context with a different precision parameter.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_set_precision(const qmckl_context context, const int precision) {
  qmckl_context new_context = qmckl_context_copy(context);
  if (new_context == 0) return 0;

  if (qmckl_context_update_precision(new_context, precision) == QMCKL_FAILURE) return 0;

  return new_context;

qmckl_context_get_precision returns the value of the numerical precision in the context.

int qmckl_context_get_precision(const qmckl_context context) {
  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
      return qmckl_failwith(context,

  const qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  if (ctx->fp != NULL) 
    return ctx->fp->precision;
   integer (c_int32_t) function qmckl_context_get_precision(context) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: context
   end function qmckl_context_get_precision
end interface

4.2 Range

qmckl_context_update_range modifies the parameter for the numerical range in a given context.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_context_update_range(const qmckl_context context, const int range) {

  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT)

  if (range <  2) {
    return qmckl_failwith(context,
                    "range < 2");

  if (range > 11) {
    return qmckl_failwith(context,
                    "range > 11");

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;

  /* This should be always true */
  assert (ctx != NULL);


  if (ctx->fp == NULL) {

    ctx->fp = (qmckl_precision_struct*)
      qmckl_malloc(context, sizeof(qmckl_precision_struct));

    if (ctx->fp == NULL) {
      return qmckl_failwith(context,

    ctx->fp->precision = QMCKL_DEFAULT_PRECISION;
    ctx->fp->range     = QMCKL_DEFAULT_RANGE;

  ctx->fp->range = range;


   integer (c_int32_t) function qmckl_context_update_range(context, range) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: context
     integer (c_int32_t), intent(in), value :: range
   end function qmckl_context_update_range
end interface

qmckl_context_set_range returns a copy of the context with a different precision parameter.

qmckl_context qmckl_context_set_range(const qmckl_context context, const int range) {
  qmckl_context new_context = qmckl_context_copy(context);
  if (new_context == 0) return 0;

  if (qmckl_context_update_range(new_context, range) == QMCKL_FAILURE) return 0;

  return new_context;

qmckl_context_get_range returns the value of the numerical range in the context.

int qmckl_context_get_range(const qmckl_context context) {
  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
      return qmckl_failwith(context,

  const qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  if (ctx->fp != NULL) 
    return ctx->fp->range;

4.3 Helper functions

qmckl_context_get_epsilon returns \(\epsilon = 2^{1-n}\) where n is the precision.

double qmckl_context_get_epsilon(const qmckl_context context) {
  const int precision = qmckl_context_get_precision(context);
  return 1. /  (double) (1L << (precision-1));

5 TODO Basis set

For H2 with the following basis set,

S   5
1         3.387000E+01           6.068000E-03
2         5.095000E+00           4.530800E-02
3         1.159000E+00           2.028220E-01
4         3.258000E-01           5.039030E-01
5         1.027000E-01           3.834210E-01
S   1
1         3.258000E-01           1.000000E+00
S   1
1         1.027000E-01           1.000000E+00
P   1
1         1.407000E+00           1.000000E+00
P   1
1         3.880000E-01           1.000000E+00
D   1
1         1.057000E+00           1.0000000

we have:

type = 'G'
shell_num = 12
prim_num = 20
SHELL_CENTER = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
SHELL_ANG_MOM = ['S', 'S', 'S', 'P', 'P', 'D', 'S', 'S', 'S', 'P', 'P', 'D']
SHELL_PRIM_NUM = [5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
prim_index = [1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
EXPONENT = [ 33.87, 5.095, 1.159, 0.3258, 0.1027, 0.3258, 0.1027,
             1.407, 0.388, 1.057, 33.87, 5.095, 1.159, 0.3258, 0.1027,
             0.3258, 0.1027, 1.407, 0.388, 1.057]
COEFFICIENT = [ 0.006068, 0.045308, 0.202822, 0.503903, 0.383421,
                1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.006068, 0.045308, 0.202822,
                0.503903, 0.383421, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

5.1 Data structure

typedef struct qmckl_ao_basis_struct {

  int64_t   shell_num;
  int64_t   prim_num;
  int64_t * shell_center;
  int32_t * shell_ang_mom;
  double  * shell_factor;
  double  * exponent    ;
  double  * coefficient ;
  int64_t * shell_prim_num;
  char      type;

} qmckl_ao_basis_struct;

5.2 qmckl_context_update_ao_basis

Updates the data describing the AO basis set into the context.

type Gaussian or Slater
shell_num Number of shells
prim_num Total number of primitives
SHELL_CENTER(shell_num) Id of the nucleus on which the shell is centered
SHELL_ANG_MOM(shell_num) Id of the nucleus on which the shell is centered
SHELL_FACTOR(shell_num) Normalization factor for the shell
SHELL_PRIM_NUM(shell_num) Number of primitives in the shell
SHELL_PRIM_INDEX(shell_num) Address of the first primitive of the shelll in the EXPONENT array
EXPONENT(prim_num) Array of exponents
COEFFICIENT(prim_num) Array of coefficients
qmckl_context_update_ao_basis(qmckl_context   context         ,
                              const char      type            ,
                              const int64_t   shell_num       ,
                              const int64_t   prim_num        ,
                              const int64_t * SHELL_CENTER    ,
                              const int32_t * SHELL_ANG_MOM   ,
                              const double  * SHELL_FACTOR    ,
                              const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_NUM  ,
                              const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_INDEX,
                              const double  * EXPONENT        ,
                              const double  * COEFFICIENT);

5.2.1 Source

qmckl_context_update_ao_basis(qmckl_context   context     , const char      type,
                              const int64_t   shell_num   , const int64_t   prim_num,
                              const int64_t * SHELL_CENTER, const int32_t * SHELL_ANG_MOM,
                              const double  * SHELL_FACTOR, const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_NUM,
                              const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_INDEX,
                              const double  * EXPONENT    , const double  * COEFFICIENT)

  int64_t i;

  /* Check input */

  if (type != 'G' && type != 'S') return QMCKL_FAILURE;
  if (shell_num <= 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;
  if (prim_num  <= 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;
  if (prim_num  < shell_num) return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  for (i=0 ; i<shell_num ; i++) {
    if (SHELL_CENTER[i] <= 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;
    if (SHELL_PRIM_NUM[i] <= 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;
    if (SHELL_ANG_MOM[i] < 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;
    if (SHELL_PRIM_INDEX[i] < 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  for (i=0 ; i<prim_num ; i++) {
    if (EXPONENT[i] <= 0) return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  qmckl_context_struct* ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  if (ctx == NULL) return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  qmckl_ao_basis_struct* basis =
    (qmckl_ao_basis_struct*) qmckl_malloc (context, sizeof(qmckl_ao_basis_struct));
  if (basis == NULL) return QMCKL_ALLOCATION_FAILED;

  /* Memory allocations */

  assert (basis->shell_center == NULL);
  basis->shell_center  = (int64_t*) qmckl_malloc (context, shell_num * sizeof(int64_t));
  if (basis->shell_center == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  assert (basis->shell_ang_mom == NULL);
  basis->shell_ang_mom = (int32_t*) qmckl_malloc (context, shell_num * sizeof(int32_t));
  if (basis->shell_ang_mom == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_center);
    basis->shell_center = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  assert (basis->shell_prim_num == NULL);
  basis->shell_prim_num= (int64_t*) qmckl_malloc (context, shell_num * sizeof(int64_t));
  if (basis->shell_prim_num == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_ang_mom);
    basis->shell_ang_mom = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_center);
    basis->shell_center = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  assert (basis->shell_factor == NULL);
  basis->shell_factor  = (double *) qmckl_malloc (context, shell_num * sizeof(double));
  if (basis->shell_factor == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_prim_num);
    basis->shell_prim_num = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_ang_mom);
    basis->shell_ang_mom = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_center);
    basis->shell_center = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  assert (basis->exponent == NULL);
  basis->exponent      = (double *) qmckl_malloc (context, prim_num * sizeof(double));
  if (basis->exponent == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_factor);
    basis->shell_factor = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_prim_num);
    basis->shell_prim_num = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_ang_mom);
    basis->shell_ang_mom = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_center);
    basis->shell_center = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  assert (basis->coefficient == NULL);
  basis->coefficient   = (double *) qmckl_malloc (context, prim_num * sizeof(double));
  if (basis->coefficient == NULL) {
    qmckl_free(context, basis->exponent);
    basis->exponent = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_factor);
    basis->shell_factor = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_prim_num);
    basis->shell_prim_num = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_ang_mom);
    basis->shell_ang_mom = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis->shell_center);
    basis->shell_center = NULL;
    qmckl_free(context, basis);
    basis = NULL;
    return QMCKL_FAILURE;

  /* Assign data */

  basis->type      = type;
  basis->shell_num = shell_num;
  basis->prim_num  = prim_num;

  for (i=0 ; i<shell_num ; i++) {
    basis->shell_center  [i] = SHELL_CENTER  [i];
    basis->shell_ang_mom [i] = SHELL_ANG_MOM [i];
    basis->shell_prim_num[i] = SHELL_PRIM_NUM[i];
    basis->shell_factor  [i] = SHELL_FACTOR  [i];

  for (i=0 ; i<prim_num ; i++) {
    basis->exponent   [i] = EXPONENT[i];
    basis->coefficient[i] = COEFFICIENT[i];

  ctx->ao_basis = basis;

5.2.2 Fortran interface

   integer (c_int32_t) function qmckl_context_update_ao_basis(context, &
        typ, shell_num, prim_num, SHELL_CENTER, SHELL_ANG_MOM, SHELL_FACTOR, &
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: context
     character(c_char)  , intent(in), value :: typ
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: shell_num
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: prim_num
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_CENTER(shell_num)
     integer (c_int32_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_ANG_MOM(shell_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: SHELL_FACTOR(shell_num)
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_PRIM_NUM(shell_num)
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_PRIM_INDEX(shell_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: EXPONENT(prim_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: COEFFICIENT(prim_num)
   end function qmckl_context_update_ao_basis
end interface

5.2.3 TODO Test

5.3 qmckl_context_set_ao_basis

Sets the data describing the AO basis set into the context.

type Gaussian or Slater
shell_num Number of shells
prim_num Total number of primitives
SHELL_CENTER(shell_num) Id of the nucleus on which the shell is centered
SHELL_ANG_MOM(shell_num) Id of the nucleus on which the shell is centered
SHELL_FACTOR(shell_num) Normalization factor for the shell
SHELL_PRIM_NUM(shell_num) Number of primitives in the shell
SHELL_PRIM_INDEX(shell_num) Address of the first primitive of the shelll in the EXPONENT array
EXPONENT(prim_num) Array of exponents
COEFFICIENT(prim_num) Array of coefficients
qmckl_context_set_ao_basis(const qmckl_context context     , const char      type,
                           const int64_t       shell_num   , const int64_t   prim_num,
                           const int64_t *     SHELL_CENTER, const int32_t * SHELL_ANG_MOM,
                           const double  *     SHELL_FACTOR, const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_NUM,
                           const int64_t *     SHELL_PRIM_INDEX,
                           const double  *     EXPONENT    , const double  * COEFFICIENT);

5.3.1 Source

qmckl_context_set_ao_basis(const qmckl_context context     , const char      type,
                           const int64_t       shell_num   , const int64_t   prim_num,
                           const int64_t *     SHELL_CENTER, const int32_t * SHELL_ANG_MOM,
                           const double  *     SHELL_FACTOR, const int64_t * SHELL_PRIM_NUM,
                           const int64_t *     SHELL_PRIM_INDEX,
                           const double  *     EXPONENT    , const double  * COEFFICIENT)

  qmckl_context new_context = qmckl_context_copy(context);
  if (new_context == 0) return 0;

  if (qmckl_context_update_ao_basis(new_context, type, shell_num, prim_num,
                                    SHELL_CENTER, SHELL_ANG_MOM, SHELL_FACTOR,
                                    SHELL_PRIM_NUM, SHELL_PRIM_INDEX, EXPONENT,
                                    ) == QMCKL_FAILURE)
    return 0;

  return new_context;

5.3.2 Fortran interface

   integer (c_int64_t) function qmckl_context_set_ao_basis(context, &
        typ, shell_num, prim_num, SHELL_CENTER, SHELL_ANG_MOM, SHELL_FACTOR, &
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: context
     character(c_char)  , intent(in), value :: typ
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: shell_num
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: prim_num
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_CENTER(shell_num)
     integer (c_int32_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_ANG_MOM(shell_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: SHELL_FACTOR(shell_num)
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_PRIM_NUM(shell_num)
     integer (c_int64_t), intent(in)        :: SHELL_PRIM_INDEX(shell_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: EXPONENT(prim_num)
     double precision   , intent(in)        :: COEFFICIENT(prim_num)
   end function qmckl_context_set_ao_basis
end interface

5.3.3 TODO Test

Author: TREX CoE

Created: 2021-03-23 Tue 21:25
