#+TITLE: Building tools This file contains all the tools needed to build the QMCkl library. * Helper functions #+NAME: header #+begin_src sh :tangle no :exports none :output none echo "This file was created by tools/Building.org" #+end_src #+NAME: check-src #+begin_src bash if [[ $(basename $PWD) != "src" ]] ; then echo "This script needs to be run in the src directory" exit -1 fi #+end_src #+NAME: url-issues : https://github.com/trex-coe/qmckl/issues #+NAME: url-web : https://trex-coe.github.io/qmckl #+NAME: license #+begin_example BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2020, TREX Center of Excellence All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #+end_example * Makefile :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle ../src/Makefile :noweb yes :comments org :END: This is the main Makefile invoked by the ~make~ command. The Makefile compiling the library is =Makefile.generated=, and is generated by the script detailed in the next section. ** Header :noexport: #+begin_src makefile # <> #+end_src ** Variables #+begin_src makefile QMCKL_ROOT=$(shell dirname $(CURDIR)) export CC CFLAGS FC FFLAGS LIBS QMCKL_ROOT ORG_SOURCE_FILES=$(wildcard *.org) OBJECT_FILES=$(filter-out $(EXCLUDED_OBJECTS), $(patsubst %.org,%.o,$(ORG_SOURCE_FILES))) INCLUDE=-I$(QMCKL_ROOT)/include/ #+end_src ** Compiler options GNU, Intel and LLVM compilers are supported. Choose here: #+begin_src makefile COMPILER=GNU #COMPILER=INTEL #COMPILER=LLVM #+end_src *** GNU #+begin_src makefile ifeq ($(COMPILER),GNU) #---------------------------------------------------------- CC=gcc -g CFLAGS=-fPIC $(INCLUDE) \ -fexceptions -Wall -Werror -Wpedantic -Wextra -fmax-errors=3 FC=gfortran -g FFLAGS=-fPIC $(INCLUDE) \ -fcheck=all -Waliasing -Wampersand -Wconversion -Wsurprising \ -Wintrinsics-std -Wno-tabs -Wintrinsic-shadow -Wline-truncation \ -Wreal-q-constant -Wuninitialized -fbacktrace -finit-real=nan \ -ffpe-trap=zero,overflow,underflow LIBS=-lgfortran -lm #---------------------------------------------------------- endif #+end_src *** Intel #+begin_src makefile ifeq ($(COMPILER),INTEL) #---------------------------------------------------------- CC=icc -xHost CFLAGS=-fPIC -g -O2 $(INCLUDE) FC=ifort -xHost FFLAGS=-fPIC -g -O2 $(INCLUDE) LIBS=-lm -lifcore -lirc #---------------------------------------------------------- CC=icc -xHost endif #+end_src *** LLVM #+begin_src makefile ifeq ($(COMPILER),LLVM) #---------------------------------------------------------- CC=clang CFLAGS=-fPIC -g -O2 $(INCLUDE) FC=flang FFLAGS=fPIC -g -O2 $(INCLUDE) LIBS=-lm #---------------------------------------------------------- endif #+end_src ** Rules The source files are created during the generation of the file ~Makefile.generated~. #+begin_src makefile .PHONY: clean .SECONDARY: # Needed to keep the produced C and Fortran files libqmckl.so: Makefile.generated $(MAKE) -f Makefile.generated test: Makefile.generated $(MAKE) -f Makefile.generated test doc: $(ORG_SOURCE_FILES) $(QMCKL_ROOT)/tools/create_doc.sh clean: $(RM) qmckl.h test_qmckl_* test_qmckl.c test_qmckl \ qmckl_*.f90 qmckl_*.c qmckl_*.o qmckl_*.h \ Makefile.generated libqmckl.so *.html *.mod Makefile.generated: Makefile $(QMCKL_ROOT)/tools/create_makefile.sh $(ORG_SOURCE_FILES) $(QMCKL_ROOT)/tools/create_makefile.sh #+end_src * Script to tangle the org-mode files :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle tangle.sh :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/bash :comments org :END: #+begin_src bash # <> <> #+end_src This file needs to be run from the QMCKL =src= directory. It tangles all the files in the directory. It uses the =config_tangle.el= file, which contains information required to compute the current file names using for example ~(eval c)~ to get the name of the produced C file. The file is not tangled if the last modification date of the org file is less recent than one of the tangled files. #+begin_src bash function tangle() { if [[ -f ${1%.org}.c && $1 -ot ${1%.org}.c ]] then return elif [[ -f ${1%.org}.f90 && $1 -ot ${1%.org}.f90 ]] then return fi emacs --batch $1 --load=../tools/config_tangle.el -f org-babel-tangle } for i in $@ do echo "--- $i ----" tangle $i done #+end_src * Script to generate auto-generated Makefile :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :tangle create_makefile.sh :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/bash :comments org :END: This script generates the Makefile that compiles the library. The ~OUTPUT~ variable contains the name of the generated Makefile,typically =Makefile.generated=. #+begin_src bash # <> <> OUTPUT=Makefile.generated #+end_src We start by tangling all the org-mode files. #+begin_src bash ${QMCKL_ROOT}/tools/tangle.sh *.org #+end_src Then we create the list of ~*.o~ files to be created, for library functions: #+begin_src bash OBJECTS="" for i in $(ls qmckl_*.c) ; do FILE=${i%.c} OBJECTS="${OBJECTS} ${FILE}.o" done >> $OUTPUT for i in $(ls qmckl_*_f.f90) ; do FILE=${i%.f90} OBJECTS="${OBJECTS} ${FILE}.o" done >> $OUTPUT #+end_src for tests in C: #+begin_src bash TESTS="" for i in $(ls test_qmckl_*.c) ; do FILE=${i%.c}.o TESTS="${TESTS} ${FILE}" done >> $OUTPUT #+end_src and for tests in Fortran: #+begin_src bash TESTS_F="" for i in $(ls test_qmckl_*_f.f90) ; do FILE=${i%.f90}.o TESTS_F="${TESTS_F} ${FILE}" done >> $OUTPUT #+end_src Finally, we append the rules to the Makefile #+begin_src bash cat << EOF > ${OUTPUT} CC=$CC CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -I../munit/ FC=$FC FFLAGS=$FFLAGS OBJECT_FILES=$OBJECTS TESTS=$TESTS TESTS_F=$TESTS_F LIBS=$LIBS libqmckl.so: \$(OBJECT_FILES) \$(CC) -shared \$(OBJECT_FILES) -o libqmckl.so %.o: %.c \$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) -c \$*.c -o \$*.o qmckl_f.o: ../include/qmckl_f.f90 \$(FC) \$(FFLAGS) -c ../include/qmckl_f.f90 -o qmckl_f.o %.o: %.f90 qmckl_f.o \$(FC) \$(FFLAGS) -c \$*.f90 -o \$*.o test_qmckl: test_qmckl.c libqmckl.so \$(TESTS) \$(TESTS_F) \$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath,$PWD -L. \ ../munit/munit.c \$(TESTS) \$(TESTS_F) -lqmckl \$(LIBS) test_qmckl.c -o test_qmckl test: test_qmckl ./test_qmckl .PHONY: test EOF #+end_src * Script to build the final qmckl.h file :PROPERTIES: :header-args:bash: :tangle build_qmckl_h.sh :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/bash :comments org :END: #+begin_src bash :noweb yes # <> #+end_src #+NAME: qmckl-header #+begin_src text :noweb yes ------------------------------------------ QMCkl - Quantum Monte Carlo kernel library ------------------------------------------ Documentation : <> Issues : <> <> #+end_src All the produced header files are concatenated in the =qmckl.h= file, located in the include directory. The =*_private.h= files are excluded. Put =.h= files in the correct order: #+begin_src bash HEADERS="" for i in $(cat table_of_contents) do HEADERS+="${i%.org}.h " done #+end_src Generate C header file #+begin_src bash OUTPUT="../include/qmckl.h" cat << EOF > ${OUTPUT} /* ,* <> ,*/ #ifndef __QMCKL_H__ #define __QMCKL_H__ #include #include EOF for i in ${HEADERS} do if [[ -f $i ]] ; then cat $i >> ${OUTPUT} fi done cat << EOF >> ${OUTPUT} #endif EOF #+end_src Generate Fortran interface file from all =qmckl_*_fh.f90= files #+begin_src bash HEADERS="qmckl_*_fh.f90" OUTPUT="../include/qmckl_f.f90" cat << EOF > ${OUTPUT} ! ! <> ! module qmckl use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding EOF for i in ${HEADERS} do cat $i >> ${OUTPUT} done cat << EOF >> ${OUTPUT} end module qmckl EOF #+end_src * Script to build the documentation * Script to build the documentation