CHAMP Jastrow Factor

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The Jastrow factor depends on the electronic (\(\mathbf{r}\)) and nuclear (\(\mathbf{R}\)) coordinates. Its defined as \(\exp(J(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}))\), where

\[ J(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}) = J_{\text{eN}}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}) + J_{\text{ee}}(\mathbf{r}) + J_{\text{eeN}}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}) \]

In the following, we use the notations \(r_{ij} = |\mathbf{r}_i - \mathbf{r}_j|\) and \(R_{i\alpha} = |\mathbf{r}_i - \mathbf{R}_\alpha|\).

\(J_{\text{eN}}\) contains electron-nucleus terms:

\[ J_{\text{eN}}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}) = \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_\text{nucl}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_\text{elec}} \frac{a_{1\,\alpha}\, f_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}{1+a_{2\,\alpha}\, f_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})} + \sum_{p=2}^{N_\text{ord}^a} a_{p+1\,\alpha}\, [f_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})]^p - J_{\text{eN}}^{\infty \alpha} \]

\(J_{\text{ee}}\) contains electron-electron terms: \[ J_{\text{ee}}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{i=1}^{N_\text{elec}} \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \frac{\frac{1}{2}(1+\delta^{\uparrow\downarrow}_{ij}) b_1\, f_{\text{ee}}(r_{ij})}{1+b_2\, f_{\text{ee}}(r_{ij})} + \sum_{p=2}^{N_\text{ord}^b} b_{p+1}\, [f_{\text{ee}}(r_{ij})]^p - J_{ee}^\infty \]

and \(J_{\text{eeN}}\) contains electron-electron-Nucleus terms:

\[ J_{\text{eeN}}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{R}) = \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \sum_{p=2}^{N_{\text{ord}}} \sum_{k=0}^{p-1} \sum_{l=0}^{p-k-2\delta_{k,0}} c_{lkp\alpha} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^l + \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^l \right] \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\,\alpha}) \, g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{(p-k-l)/2} \]

\(c_{lkp\alpha}\) are non-zero only when \(p-k-l\) is even.

\(f\) and \(g\) are scaling function defined as

\[ f_\alpha(r) = \frac{1-e^{-\kappa_\alpha\, r}}{\kappa_\alpha} \text{ and } g_\alpha(r) = e^{-\kappa_\alpha\, r} = 1-\kappa_\alpha f_\alpha(r). \]

The terms \(J_{\text{ee}}^\infty\) and \(J_{\text{eN}}^\infty\) are shifts to ensure that \(J_{\text{ee}}\) and \(J_{\text{eN}}\) have an asymptotic value of zero.

The eN and eeN parameters are the same of all identical nuclei. Warning: The types of nuclei use zero-based indexing.

The derivatives are computed with respect to the electron \(i\) for \[ r_{ij} = |r_i - r_j| \]

1.1 Reformulation of the three-body part

To accelerate the computation of the three-body part, the Jastrow factor is re-expressed as follows, with \(m=(p-k)/2 -l/2\):

\begin{eqnarray*} J_{kpl} & = & \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} c_{lkp\alpha} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^l + \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^l \right] \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\,\alpha}) \, g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} \\ & = & \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} c_{lkp\alpha} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^l + \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^l \right] \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\,\alpha}) \, g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} \\ & = & \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} c_{lkp\alpha} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^{l+m} \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} + \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^{l} \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{l+m} \right] \\ & = & \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} c_{lkp\alpha} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^{l+m} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} \\ & = & \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} c_{lkp\alpha} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^{l+m} P_{i\alpha}^{km}, \text{ with } P_{i\alpha}^{km} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m}. \\ J & = & \sum_{p=2}^{N_{\text{ord}}} \sum_{k=0}^{p-1} \sum_{l=0}^{p-k-2\delta_{k,0}} \sum_{\alpha=1}^{N_{\text{nucl}}} c_{lkp\alpha} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{i\alpha}) \right]^{(p-k+l)/2} P_{i\alpha}^{k, (p-k-l)/2} \end{eqnarray*}

The computation of \(P\) scales as \(\mathcal{O}(N_\text{elec}^2 N_\text{nucl}n^2)\), and the computation of \(J\) scales as \(\mathcal{O}(N_\text{elec}N_\text{nucl}n^2)\).

2 Context

The following data stored in the context:

Variable Type Description
uninitialized int32_t Keeps bits set for uninitialized data
rescale_factor_ee double The distance scaling factor
rescale_factor_en double[type_nucl_num] The distance scaling factor
aord_num int64_t The number of a coeffecients
bord_num int64_t The number of b coeffecients
cord_num int64_t The number of c coeffecients
type_nucl_num int64_t Number of Nuclei types
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] IDs of types of Nuclei. These use 0-based indexing as in C.
a_vector double[aord_num + 1][type_nucl_num] a polynomial coefficients
b_vector double[bord_num + 1] b polynomial coefficients
c_vector double[dim_c_vector][type_nucl_num] c polynomial coefficients
c_vector double[dim_c_vector][type_nucl_num] c polynomial coefficients
spin_independent int32_t If 1, use same parameters for parallel and anti-parallel spins. Otherwise, 0.

Computed data:

Variable Type In/Out
dim_c_vector int64_t Number of unique C coefficients
dim_c_vector_date uint64_t Number of unique C coefficients
asymp_jasa double[type_nucl_num] Asymptotic component
asymp_jasa_date uint64_t Ladt modification of the asymptotic component
asymp_jasb double[2] Asymptotic component (up- or down-spin)
asymp_jasb_date uint64_t Ladt modification of the asymptotic component
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] vector of non-zero coefficients
c_vector_full_date uint64_t Keep track of changes here
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] Transform l,k,p, and m into consecutive indices
lkpm_combined_index_date uint64_t Transform l,k,p, and m into consecutive indices
tmp_c double[walk_num][cord_num][cord_num+1][nucl_num][elec_num] vector of non-zero coefficients
dtmp_c double[walk_num][elec_num][4][nucl_num][cord_num+1][cord_num] vector of non-zero coefficients
ee_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][num][num] Electron-electron rescaled distances
ee_distance_rescaled_date uint64_t Last modification date of the electron-electron distances
ee_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][num][num][4] Electron-electron rescaled distances derivatives
ee_distance_rescaled_gl_date uint64_t Last modification date of the electron-electron distance derivatives
en_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][nucl_num][num] Electron-nucleus distances
en_distance_rescaled_date uint64_t Last modification date of the electron-electron distances
en_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][nucl_num][num][4] Electron-electron rescaled distances derivatives
en_distance_rescaled_gl_date uint64_t Last modification date of the electron-electron distance derivatives
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][cord_num+1][nucl_num][elec_num] The electron-electron rescaled distances raised to the powers defined by cord
een_rescaled_n_date uint64_t Keep track of the date of creation
een_rescaled_e_gl double[walk_num][cord_num+1][elec_num][4][elec_num] The electron-electron rescaled distances raised to the powers defined by cord derivatives wrt electrons
een_rescaled_e_gl_date uint64_t Keep track of the date of creation
een_rescaled_n_gl double[walk_num][cord_num+1][nucl_num][4][elec_num] The electron-electron rescaled distances raised to the powers defined by cord derivatives wrt electrons
een_rescaled_n_gl_date uint64_t Keep track of the date of creation
factor_ee double[walk_num] Jastrow factor: electron-electron part
factor_ee_date uint64_t Jastrow factor: electron-electron part
factor_en double[walk_num] Jastrow factor: electron-nucleus part
factor_en_date uint64_t Jastrow factor: electron-nucleus part
factor_een double[walk_num] Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_een_date uint64_t Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_ee_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_ee_gl_date uint64_t Keep track of the date for the derivative
factor_en_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_en_gl_date uint64_t Keep track of the date for the en derivative
factor_een_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] Derivative of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_een_gl_date uint64_t Keep track of the date for the een derivative
factor_een_grad double[walk_num][3][elec_num] Gradient of the Jastrow factor: electron-electron-nucleus part
factor_een_grad_date uint64_t Keep track of the date for the een derivative
value double[walk_num] Value of the Jastrow factor
value_date uint64_t Keep track of the date
gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] Gradient and Laplacian of the Jastrow factor
grad double[walk_num][3][elec_num] Gradient of the Jastrow factor
value_date uint64_t Keep track of the date

2.1 Data structure

typedef struct qmckl_jastrow_champ_struct{
  int64_t * restrict lkpm_combined_index;
  int64_t * restrict type_nucl_vector;
  double  * restrict asymp_jasa;
  double             asymp_jasb[2];
  double  * restrict a_vector;
  double  * restrict b_vector;
  double  * restrict c_vector;
  double  * restrict c_vector_full;
  double  * restrict dtmp_c;
  double  * restrict ee_distance_rescaled;
  double  * restrict ee_distance_rescaled_gl;
  double  * restrict een_rescaled_e;
  double  * restrict een_rescaled_e_gl;
  double  * restrict een_rescaled_n;
  double  * restrict een_rescaled_n_gl;
  double  * restrict en_distance_rescaled;
  double  * restrict en_distance_rescaled_gl;
  double  * restrict factor_ee;
  double  * restrict factor_ee_gl;
  double  * restrict factor_een;
  double  * restrict factor_een_gl;
  double  * restrict factor_een_grad;
  double  * restrict factor_en;
  double  * restrict factor_en_gl;
  double  * restrict rescale_factor_en;
  double  * restrict tmp_c;
  double  * restrict value;
  double  * restrict gl;
  double  * restrict grad;
  int64_t   aord_num;
  int64_t   bord_num;
  int64_t   cord_num;
  int64_t   dim_c_vector;
  int64_t   type_nucl_num;
  uint64_t  asymp_jasa_date;
  uint64_t  asymp_jasb_date;
  uint64_t  c_vector_full_date;
  uint64_t  dim_c_vector_date;
  uint64_t  dtmp_c_date;
  uint64_t  ee_distance_rescaled_date;
  uint64_t  ee_distance_rescaled_gl_date;
  uint64_t  een_rescaled_e_date;
  uint64_t  een_rescaled_e_gl_date;
  uint64_t  een_rescaled_n_date;
  uint64_t  een_rescaled_n_gl_date;
  uint64_t  en_distance_rescaled_date;
  uint64_t  en_distance_rescaled_gl_date;
  uint64_t  factor_ee_date;
  uint64_t  factor_ee_gl_date;
  uint64_t  factor_een_date;
  uint64_t  factor_een_gl_date;
  uint64_t  factor_een_grad_date;
  uint64_t  factor_en_date;
  uint64_t  factor_en_gl_date;
  uint64_t  lkpm_combined_index_date;
  uint64_t  tmp_c_date;
  uint64_t  value_date;
  uint64_t  gl_date;
  uint64_t  grad_date;
  double    rescale_factor_ee;
  int32_t   uninitialized;
  int32_t   spin_independent;
  bool      provided;

} qmckl_jastrow_champ_struct;

The uninitialized integer contains one bit set to one for each initialization function which has not been called. It becomes equal to zero after all initialization functions have been called. The struct is then initialized and provided == true. Some values are initialized by default, and are not concerned by this mechanism.

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_init_jastrow_champ(qmckl_context context);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_init_jastrow_champ(qmckl_context context) {

  if (qmckl_context_check(context) == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {
    return false;

  qmckl_context_struct* const ctx = (qmckl_context_struct*) context;
  assert (ctx != NULL);

  ctx->jastrow_champ.uninitialized = (1 << 11) - 1;

  /* Default values */
  ctx->jastrow_champ.aord_num = -1;
  ctx->jastrow_champ.bord_num = -1;
  ctx->jastrow_champ.cord_num = -1;
  ctx->jastrow_champ.dim_c_vector = -1;
  ctx->jastrow_champ.type_nucl_num = -1;
  ctx->jastrow_champ.spin_independent = -1;


2.2 Initialization functions

To prepare for the Jastrow and its derivative, all the following functions need to be called.

qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_ee (qmckl_context context, const double  kappa_ee);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_en (qmckl_context context, const double* kappa_en, const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_aord_num          (qmckl_context context, const int64_t aord_num);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_bord_num          (qmckl_context context, const int64_t bord_num);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_cord_num          (qmckl_context context, const int64_t cord_num);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_num     (qmckl_context context, const int64_t type_nucl_num);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_vector  (qmckl_context context, const int64_t* type_nucl_vector, const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_a_vector          (qmckl_context context, const double * a_vector, const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_b_vector          (qmckl_context context, const double * b_vector, const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_c_vector          (qmckl_context context, const double * c_vector, const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_exit_code  qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_spin_independent  (qmckl_context context, const int32_t spin_independent);

When the required information is completely entered, other data structures are computed to accelerate the calculations. The intermediates factors are precontracted using BLAS LEVEL 3 operations. Fortran interface
   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_ee (context, &
        kappa_ee) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     real(c_double),   intent(in), value  :: kappa_ee
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_ee

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_en (context, &
        kappa_en, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(in) :: kappa_en(size_max)
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_en

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_aord_num (context, &
        aord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: aord_num
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_aord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_bord_num (context, &
        bord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: bord_num
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_bord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_cord_num (context, &
        cord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: cord_num
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_cord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_num (context, &
        type_nucl_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: type_nucl_num
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_vector (context, &
        type_nucl_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: size_max
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in) :: type_nucl_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_a_vector(context, &
        a_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(in) :: a_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_a_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_b_vector(context, &
        b_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(in) :: b_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_b_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_c_vector(context, &
        c_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value  :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(in) :: c_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_c_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_spin_independent(context, &
        spin_independent) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer(qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int32_t),    intent(in), value  :: spin_independent
   end function qmckl_set_jastrow_champ_spin_independent

end interface

2.3 Access functions

Along with these core functions, calculation of the jastrow factor requires the following additional information to be set:

When all the data for the AOs have been provided, the following function returns true.

bool      qmckl_jastrow_champ_provided           (const qmckl_context context); Fortran interface
   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_ee (context, &
        kappa_ee) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     real(c_double),   intent(out) :: kappa_ee
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_ee

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_en (context, &
        kappa_en, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: kappa_en(size_max)
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_rescale_factor_en

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_aord_num (context, &
        aord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(out)             :: aord_num
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_aord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_bord_num (context, &
        bord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(out)             :: bord_num
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_bord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_cord_num (context, &
        cord_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(out)             :: cord_num
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_cord_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_num (context, &
        type_nucl_num) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(out)              :: type_nucl_num
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_num

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_vector (context, &
        type_nucl_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value      :: size_max
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(out)            :: type_nucl_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_type_nucl_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_a_vector(context, &
        a_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: a_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_a_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_b_vector(context, &
        b_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value         :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(out)                 :: b_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_b_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_c_vector(context, &
        c_vector, size_max) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value         :: size_max
     real(c_double),   intent(out)                 :: c_vector(size_max)
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_c_vector

   integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_spin_independent(context, &
        spin_independent) bind(C)
     use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     implicit none
     integer(qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
     integer(c_int32_t),   intent(out)                :: spin_independent
   end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_spin_independent

end interface

3 Computation

The computed data is stored in the context so that it can be reused by different kernels. To ensure that the data is valid, for each computed data the date of the context is stored when it is computed. To know if some data needs to be recomputed, we check if the date of the dependencies are more recent than the date of the data to compute. If it is the case, then the data is recomputed and the current date is stored.

3.1 Electron-electron component

3.1.1 Asymptotic component

Calculate the asymptotic component asymp_jasb to be subtracted from the electron-electron jastrow factor \(J_{\text{ee}}\). Two values are computed. The first one is for parallel spin pairs, and the second one for antiparallel spin pairs. If the spin_independent variable is set to 1, then \(\delta^{\uparrow \downarrow}\) is always equal to one.

\[ J_{\text{ee}}^{\infty} = \frac{\frac{1}{2}(1+\delta^{\uparrow \downarrow})\,b_1 \kappa_\text{ee}^{-1}}{1 + b_2\, \kappa_\text{ee}^{-1}} + \sum_{p=2}^{N_\text{ord}^b} b_{p+1}\, \kappa_\text{ee}^{-p} \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb(qmckl_context context,
                             double* const asymp_jasb,
                             const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb(context, &
            asymp_jasb, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: asymp_jasb(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
bord_num int64_t in Order of the polynomial
b_vector double[bord_num+1] in Values of b
rescale_factor_ee double in Electron coordinates
spin_independent int32_t in If 1, same parameters for parallel and anti-parallel pairs
asymp_jasb double[2] out Asymptotic value
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb_doc(context, &
     bord_num, b_vector, rescale_factor_ee, spin_independent, asymp_jasb) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in)  , value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: bord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: b_vector(bord_num+1)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)  , value :: rescale_factor_ee
  integer (c_int32_t) , intent(in)  , value :: spin_independent
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: asymp_jasb(2)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, p
  double precision   :: kappa_inv, x, asym_one
  kappa_inv = 1.0d0 / rescale_factor_ee


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (bord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  asym_one = b_vector(1) * kappa_inv / (1.0d0 + b_vector(2) * kappa_inv)
  if (spin_independent == 1) then
     asymp_jasb(:) = (/asym_one, asym_one/)
     asymp_jasb(:) = (/0.5d0*asym_one, asym_one/)
  end if

  x = kappa_inv
  do p = 2, bord_num
     x = x * kappa_inv
     do i = 1, 2
        asymp_jasb(i) = asymp_jasb(i) + b_vector(p + 1) * x
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb_doc
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb_hpc (const qmckl_context context,
                                            const int64_t bord_num,
                                            const double* b_vector,
                                            const double rescale_factor_ee,
                                            const int32_t spin_independent,
                                            double* const asymp_jasb )

  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {

  if (bord_num < 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;

  const double kappa_inv = 1.0 / rescale_factor_ee;
  const double asym_one = b_vector[0] * kappa_inv / (1.0 + b_vector[1] * kappa_inv);

  double f = 0.;
  double x = kappa_inv;
  for (int k = 2; k <= bord_num; ++k) {
    x *= kappa_inv;
    f = f + b_vector[k]*x;

  asymp_jasb[0] = spin_independent == 1 ? asym_one + f : 0.5 * asym_one + f;
  asymp_jasb[1] = asym_one + f;

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb (const qmckl_context context,
                                                        const int64_t bord_num,
                                                        const double* b_vector,
                                                        const double rescale_factor_ee,
                                                        const int32_t spin_independent,
                                                        double* const asymp_jasb )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasb_doc
    (context, bord_num, b_vector, rescale_factor_ee, spin_independent, asymp_jasb);

3.1.2 Electron-electron rescaled distances

ee_distance_rescaled stores the matrix of the rescaled distances between all pairs of electrons:

\[ C_{ij} = \frac{ 1 - e^{-\kappa r_{ij}}}{\kappa} \]

where \(r_{ij}\) is the matrix of electron-electron distances. Get
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_ee_distance_rescaled(qmckl_context context,
                                                             double* const distance_rescaled,
                                                             int64_t const size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
rescale_factor_ee double in Factor to rescale ee distances
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
coord double[3][walk_num][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
ee_distance double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num] out Electron-electron rescaled distances
function qmckl_compute_ee_distance_rescaled_doc(context, &
     elec_num, rescale_factor_ee, walk_num, &
     coord, ee_distance_rescaled) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)  , value :: rescale_factor_ee
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: coord(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: ee_distance_rescaled(elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: k


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  do k=1,walk_num
     info = qmckl_distance_rescaled(context, 'T', 'T', elec_num, elec_num, &
          coord(1,k,1), elec_num * walk_num, &
          coord(1,k,1), elec_num * walk_num, &
          ee_distance_rescaled(1,1,k), elec_num, rescale_factor_ee)
     if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS) then
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_ee_distance_rescaled_doc

3.1.3 Electron-electron rescaled distance gradients and Laplacian with respect to electron coordinates

The rescaled distances, represented by \(C_{ij} = (1 - e^{-\kappa_\text{e} r_{ij}})/\kappa_\text{e}\) are differentiated with respect to the electron coordinates. This information is stored in the tensor ee_distance_rescaled_gl. The initial three sequential elements of this three-dimensional tensor provide the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) direction derivatives, while the fourth index corresponds to the Laplacian. Get
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_ee_distance_rescaled_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                                                double* const distance_rescaled_gl,
                                                                const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
rescale_factor_ee double in Factor to rescale ee distances
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
coord double[3][walk_num][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
ee_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num][4] out Electron-electron rescaled distance derivatives
function qmckl_compute_ee_distance_rescaled_gl_doc(context,  &
     elec_num, rescale_factor_ee, walk_num, coord, ee_distance_rescaled_gl) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)  , value :: rescale_factor_ee
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: coord(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: ee_distance_rescaled_gl(4,elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: k


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  do k=1,walk_num
     info = qmckl_distance_rescaled_gl(context, 'T', 'T', elec_num, elec_num, &
          coord(1,k,1), elec_num*walk_num, &
          coord(1,k,1), elec_num*walk_num, &
          ee_distance_rescaled_gl(1,1,1,k), elec_num, rescale_factor_ee)
     if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS) then
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_ee_distance_rescaled_gl_doc

3.1.4 Electron-electron component

Calculate the electron-electron jastrow component factor_ee using the asymp_jasb component and the electron-electron rescaled distances ee_distance_rescaled. If the spin_independent variable is set to 1, then \(\delta^{\uparrow \downarrow}\) is always equal to one.

\[ f_\text{ee} = \sum_{i,j

\(\delta\) is the spin factor, \(B\) is the vector of \(b\) parameters, \(C\) is the array of rescaled distances.

\(f_{\text{ee}}\) can be rewritten as:

\[ f_\text{ee} = \frac{1}{2} \left[ \sum_{i,j} \frac{\delta_{ij}^{\uparrow\downarrow} B_0\, C_{ij}}{1 + B_1\, C_{ij}} + \sum_{i,j} \sum_{k=2}^{n_\text{ord}} B_k\, C_{ij}^k \right] - \left[ \frac{n_\uparrow (n_\uparrow-1) + n_\downarrow (n_\downarrow-1)}{2}\, J_{\text{ee}}^{\infty}}_{\uparrow \uparrow} + n_\uparrow\,n_\downarrow\, J_{\text{ee}}^{\infty}}_{\uparrow \downarrow} \right] \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const factor_ee,
                            const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee (context, &
            factor_ee, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_ee(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
up_num int64_t in Number of alpha electrons
bord_num int64_t in Number of coefficients
b_vector double[bord_num+1] in List of coefficients
ee_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron distances
asymp_jasb double[2] in Asymptotic value of the Jastrow
factor_ee double[walk_num] out \(f_{ee}\)
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_doc(context, &
     walk_num, elec_num, up_num, bord_num, b_vector, &
     ee_distance_rescaled, asymp_jasb, spin_independent, factor_ee) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value :: up_num
  integer (c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value :: bord_num
  real    (c_double )    , intent(in)        :: b_vector(bord_num+1)
  real    (c_double )    , intent(in)        :: ee_distance_rescaled(elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double )    , intent(in)        :: asymp_jasb(2)
  integer (c_int32_t)    , intent(in), value :: spin_independent
  real    (c_double )    , intent(out)       :: factor_ee(walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                   :: info

  integer*8 :: i, j, k, nw
  double precision   :: x, xk


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (bord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  do nw =1, walk_num

     factor_ee(nw) = 0.0d0
     do j=1,elec_num
        do i=1,j-1
           x = ee_distance_rescaled(i,j,nw)
           if (spin_independent == 1) then
              factor_ee(nw) = factor_ee(nw) + b_vector(1) * x / (1.d0 + b_vector(2) * x) - asymp_jasb(2)
              if ( (j <= up_num).or.(i > up_num) ) then
                 factor_ee(nw) = factor_ee(nw) + 0.5d0 * b_vector(1) * x / (1.d0 + b_vector(2) * x) - asymp_jasb(1)
                 factor_ee(nw) = factor_ee(nw) + b_vector(1) * x / (1.d0 + b_vector(2) * x) - asymp_jasb(2)

           xk = x
           do k=2,bord_num
              xk = xk * x
              factor_ee(nw) = factor_ee(nw) + b_vector(k+1)* xk
           end do
        end do
     end do

  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_doc
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_hpc (const qmckl_context context,
                                           const int64_t walk_num,
                                           const int64_t elec_num,
                                           const int64_t up_num,
                                           const int64_t bord_num,
                                           const double* b_vector,
                                           const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                           const double* asymp_jasb,
                                           const int32_t spin_independent,
                                           double* const factor_ee )

  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {

  if (walk_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;

  if (elec_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;

  if (bord_num < 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;

  const int64_t dn_num = elec_num - up_num;
  const double fshift = 0.5 * (double) ((dn_num-1)*dn_num + (up_num-1)*up_num) * asymp_jasb[0] +
    (float) (up_num*dn_num) * asymp_jasb[1];

  #pragma omp parallel
  for (int nw = 0; nw < walk_num; ++nw) {
    double result = 0.;

    size_t ishift = nw * elec_num * elec_num;

    if (spin_independent == 1) {

      for (int j = 0; j < elec_num; ++j ) {
        const double* xj = &(ee_distance_rescaled[j * elec_num + ishift]);
        for (int i = 0; i < j ; ++i) {
          result = result + b_vector[0]*xj[i] / (1. + b_vector[1]*xj[i]);

    } else {

      for (int j = 0; j < up_num; ++j ) {
        const double* xj = &(ee_distance_rescaled[j * elec_num + ishift]);
        for (int i = 0; i < j ; ++i) {
          result = result + 0.5 * b_vector[0]*xj[i] / (1. + b_vector[1]*xj[i]);

      for (int j = up_num ; j < elec_num; ++j ) {
        const double* xj = &(ee_distance_rescaled[j * elec_num + ishift]);
        for (int i = 0; i < up_num; ++i) {
          result = result + b_vector[0]*xj[i] / (1. + b_vector[1]*xj[i]);
        for (int i = up_num ; i < j ; ++i) {
          result = result + 0.5 * b_vector[0]*xj[i] / (1. + b_vector[1]*xj[i]);


    result = result - fshift;

    for (int j=0; j < elec_num; ++j ) {
      const double* xj = &(ee_distance_rescaled[j * elec_num + ishift]);
      for (int i=0; i < j ; ++i) {
        const double x = xj[i];
        double xk = x;
        for (int k = 2; k <= bord_num; ++k) {
          xk *= x;
          result = result + b_vector[k] * xk;

    factor_ee[nw] = result;

qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee (const qmckl_context context,
                                       const int64_t walk_num,
                                       const int64_t elec_num,
                                       const int64_t up_num,
                                       const int64_t bord_num,
                                       const double* b_vector,
                                       const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                       const double* asymp_jasb,
                                       const int32_t spin_independent,
                                       double* const factor_ee )

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, up_num, bord_num, b_vector,
     ee_distance_rescaled, asymp_jasb, spin_independent, factor_ee);

3.1.5 Derivative

The derivative of factor_ee is computed using the ee_distance_rescaled and the electron-electron rescaled distances derivatives ee_distance_rescaled_gl. There are four components, the gradient which has 3 components in the \(x, y, z\) directions and the laplacian as the last component.

\[ \nabla_i f_\text{ee} = \sum_{j\ne i} \left[\frac{\delta_{ij}^{\uparrow\downarrow} B_0\, \nabla_i C_{ij}}{(1 + B_1\, C_{ij})^2} + \sum^{n_\text{ord}}_{k=2} B_k\, k\, C_{ij}^{k-1} \nabla C_{ij} \right] \]

\[ \Delta_i f_\text{ee} = \sum_{j \ne i} \left[ \delta_{ij}^{\uparrow\downarrow} B_0 \left(\frac{ \Delta_i C_{ij}}{(1 + B_1\, C_{ij})^2} -\frac{2\,B_1 \left(\nabla_i C_{ij}\right)^2 }{(1 + B_1\, C_{ij})^3} \right) + \sum^{n_\text{ord}}_{k=2} B_k\, k\, \left((k-1)\, C_{ij}^{k-2} \left(\nabla_i C_{ij}\right)^2 + C_{ij}^{k-1} \Delta_i C_{ij} \right) \right] \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                    double* const factor_ee_gl,
                                    const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl (context, &
            factor_ee_gl, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_ee_gl(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
up_num int64_t in Number of alpha electrons
bord_num int64_t in Number of coefficients
b_vector double[bord_num+1] in List of coefficients
ee_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron distances
ee_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num][4] in Electron-electron distances
spin_independent int32_t in If 1, same parameters for parallel and antiparallel spins
factor_ee_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] out Electron-electron distances
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, up_num, bord_num, &
     b_vector, ee_distance_rescaled, ee_distance_rescaled_gl,  &
     spin_independent, factor_ee_gl) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: up_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: bord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: b_vector(bord_num+1)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: ee_distance_rescaled(elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: ee_distance_rescaled_gl(4,elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  integer (c_int32_t) , intent(in)  , value :: spin_independent
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_ee_gl(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, j, k, nw, ii
  double precision   :: x, x1, kf
  double precision   :: denom, invdenom, invdenom2, f
  double precision   :: grad_c2
  double precision   :: dx(4)


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (bord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if ((spin_independent < 0).or.(spin_independent > 1)) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_8

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_ee_gl(:,:,nw) = 0.0d0

     do j = 1, elec_num
        do i = 1, elec_num
           if (i == j) cycle

           x = ee_distance_rescaled(i,j,nw)

           denom         = 1.0d0 + b_vector(2) * x
           invdenom      = 1.0d0 / denom
           invdenom2     = invdenom * invdenom

           dx(1) = ee_distance_rescaled_gl(1, i, j, nw)
           dx(2) = ee_distance_rescaled_gl(2, i, j, nw)
           dx(3) = ee_distance_rescaled_gl(3, i, j, nw)
           dx(4) = ee_distance_rescaled_gl(4, i, j, nw)

           grad_c2 = dx(1)*dx(1) + dx(2)*dx(2) + dx(3)*dx(3)

           if (spin_independent == 1) then
              f = b_vector(1) * invdenom2
              if((i <= up_num .and. j <= up_num ) .or. (i >  up_num .and. j >  up_num)) then
                 f = 0.5d0 * b_vector(1) * invdenom2
                 f = b_vector(1) * invdenom2
              end if
           end if

           factor_ee_gl(i,1,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,1,nw) + f * dx(1)
           factor_ee_gl(i,2,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,2,nw) + f * dx(2)
           factor_ee_gl(i,3,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,3,nw) + f * dx(3)
           factor_ee_gl(i,4,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,4,nw) &
                + f * (dx(4) - 2.d0 * b_vector(2) * grad_c2 * invdenom)

           kf = 2.d0
           x1 = x
           x = 1.d0
           do k=2, bord_num
              f = b_vector(k+1) * kf * x
              factor_ee_gl(i,1,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,1,nw) + f * x1 * dx(1)
              factor_ee_gl(i,2,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,2,nw) + f * x1 * dx(2)
              factor_ee_gl(i,3,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,3,nw) + f * x1 * dx(3)
              factor_ee_gl(i,4,nw) = factor_ee_gl(i,4,nw) &
                   + f * (x1 * dx(4) + (kf-1.d0) * grad_c2)
              x = x*x1
              kf = kf + 1.d0
           end do

        end do
     end do

  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_doc
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_hpc(const qmckl_context context,
                                             const int64_t walk_num,
                                             const int64_t elec_num,
                                             const int64_t up_num,
                                             const int64_t bord_num,
                                             const double* b_vector,
                                             const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                             const double* ee_distance_rescaled_gl,
                                             const int32_t spin_independent,
                                             double* const factor_ee_gl )

  if (walk_num <= 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;
  if (elec_num <= 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;
  if (up_num <= 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;
  if (bord_num < 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5;
  if (b_vector == NULL) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_6;
  if (ee_distance_rescaled == NULL) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_7;
  if (ee_distance_rescaled_gl == NULL) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_8;
  if (spin_independent & (int32_t) (-2)) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_8;
  if (factor_ee_gl == NULL) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_9;

  double kf[bord_num+1];
  for (int k=0 ; k<=bord_num ; ++k) {
    kf[k] = (double) k;

#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int nw = 0; nw < walk_num; ++nw) {
    double xk[bord_num+1];
    bool touched = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < elec_num; ++j) {
      const double* dxj = &ee_distance_rescaled_gl[4*elec_num*(j+nw*elec_num)];
      const double*  xj = &ee_distance_rescaled   [  elec_num*(j+nw*elec_num)];

      double * restrict factor_ee_gl_0 = &(factor_ee_gl[nw*elec_num*4]);
      double * restrict factor_ee_gl_1 = factor_ee_gl_0 + elec_num;
      double * restrict factor_ee_gl_2 = factor_ee_gl_1 + elec_num;
      double * restrict factor_ee_gl_3 = factor_ee_gl_2 + elec_num;

      for (int i = 0; i < elec_num; ++i) {
        if (j == i) {
          if (j == 0) {
            factor_ee_gl_0[i] = 0.0;
            factor_ee_gl_1[i] = 0.0;
            factor_ee_gl_2[i] = 0.0;
            factor_ee_gl_3[i] = 0.0;

        double x = xj[i];

        const double denom      = 1.0 + b_vector[1]*x;
        const double invdenom   = 1.0  / denom;
        const double invdenom2  = invdenom * invdenom;

        const double* restrict dx = dxj + 4*i;

        const double grad_c2 = dx[0]*dx[0] + dx[1]*dx[1] + dx[2]*dx[2];

        double f = b_vector[0] * invdenom2;
        if ((spin_independent == 0) && (
            ((i <  up_num) && (j <  up_num)) ||
            ((i >= up_num) && (j >= up_num))) ) {
          f *= 0.5;

        if (touched) {
          factor_ee_gl_0[i] = factor_ee_gl_0[i] + f*dx[0];
          factor_ee_gl_1[i] = factor_ee_gl_1[i] + f*dx[1];
          factor_ee_gl_2[i] = factor_ee_gl_2[i] + f*dx[2];
          factor_ee_gl_3[i] = factor_ee_gl_3[i] + f*dx[3];
        } else {
          factor_ee_gl_0[i] = f*dx[0];
          factor_ee_gl_1[i] = f*dx[1];
          factor_ee_gl_2[i] = f*dx[2];
          factor_ee_gl_3[i] = f*dx[3];
        factor_ee_gl_3[i] = factor_ee_gl_3[i] - f*grad_c2*invdenom*2.0 * b_vector[1];

        xk[0] = 1.0;
        for (int k=1 ; k<= bord_num ; ++k) {
          xk[k] = xk[k-1]*x;

        for (int k=2 ; k<= bord_num ; ++k) {
          const double f1 = b_vector[k] * kf[k] * xk[k-2];
          const double f2 = f1*xk[1];
          factor_ee_gl_0[i] = factor_ee_gl_0[i] + f2*dx[0];
          factor_ee_gl_1[i] = factor_ee_gl_1[i] + f2*dx[1];
          factor_ee_gl_2[i] = factor_ee_gl_2[i] + f2*dx[2];
          factor_ee_gl_3[i] = factor_ee_gl_3[i] + f2*dx[3];
          factor_ee_gl_3[i] = factor_ee_gl_3[i] + f1*kf[k-1]*grad_c2;
      touched = true;
    if (!touched) {
      memset(&(factor_ee_gl[nw*4*elec_num]), 0, elec_num*4*sizeof(double));

qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_hpc (const qmckl_context context,
                                              const int64_t walk_num,
                                              const int64_t elec_num,
                                              const int64_t up_num,
                                              const int64_t bord_num,
                                              const double* b_vector,
                                              const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                              const double* ee_distance_rescaled_gl,
                                              const int32_t spin_independent,
                                              double* const factor_ee_gl );

qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_doc (const qmckl_context context,
                                              const int64_t walk_num,
                                              const int64_t elec_num,
                                              const int64_t up_num,
                                              const int64_t bord_num,
                                              const double* b_vector,
                                              const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                              const double* ee_distance_rescaled_gl,
                                              const int32_t spin_independent,
                                              double* const factor_ee_gl );
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl (const qmckl_context context,
                                          const int64_t walk_num,
                                          const int64_t elec_num,
                                          const int64_t up_num,
                                          const int64_t bord_num,
                                          const double* b_vector,
                                          const double* ee_distance_rescaled,
                                          const double* ee_distance_rescaled_gl,
                                          const int32_t spin_independent,
                                          double* const factor_ee_gl )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_hpc
    return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, up_num, bord_num, b_vector,
     ee_distance_rescaled, ee_distance_rescaled_gl, spin_independent, factor_ee_gl );

3.2 Electron-nucleus component

3.2.1 Asymptotic component

Calculate the asymptotic component asymp_jasa to be subtracted from the final electron-nucleus jastrow factor \(J_{\text{eN}}\). The asymptotic component is calculated via the a_vector and the electron-nucleus rescale factors rescale_factor_en.

\[ J_{\text{en}}^{\infty \alpha} = -\frac{a_1 \kappa_\alpha^{-1}}{1 + a_2 \kappa_\alpha^{-1}} \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa(qmckl_context context,
                                   double* const asymp_jasa,
                                   const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa(context, &
            asymp_jasa, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: asymp_jasa(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
aord_num int64_t in Order of the polynomial
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of nucleus types
a_vector double[type_nucl_num][aord_num+1] in Values of a
rescale_factor_en double[type_nucl_num] in Electron nucleus distances
asymp_jasa double[type_nucl_num] out Asymptotic value
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa(context, aord_num, type_nucl_num, a_vector, &
     rescale_factor_en, asymp_jasa) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: aord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: a_vector(aord_num+1,type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: asymp_jasa(type_nucl_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, j, p
  double precision   :: kappa_inv, x, asym_one


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (aord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  do i=1,type_nucl_num

     kappa_inv = 1.0d0 / rescale_factor_en(i)

     asymp_jasa(i) = a_vector(1,i) * kappa_inv / (1.0d0 + a_vector(2,i) * kappa_inv)

     x = kappa_inv
     do p = 2, aord_num
        x = x * kappa_inv
        asymp_jasa(i) = asymp_jasa(i) + a_vector(p+1, i) * x
     end do

  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_asymp_jasa (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t aord_num,
      const int64_t type_nucl_num,
      const double* a_vector,
      const double* rescale_factor_en,
      double* const asymp_jasa ); 

3.2.2 Electron-nucleus rescaled distances

en_distance_rescaled stores the matrix of the rescaled distances between electrons and nuclei.

\[ C_{i\alpha} = \frac{ 1 - e^{-\kappa_\alpha R_{i\alpha}}}{\kappa_\alpha} \]

where \(R_{i\alpha}\) is the matrix of electron-nucleus distances. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_en_distance_rescaled(qmckl_context context,
                                             double* const distance_rescaled,
                                             const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of types of nuclei
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in Number of types of nuclei
rescale_factor_en double[type_nucl_num] in The factor for rescaled distances
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_coord double[3][walk_num][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
nucl_coord double[3][nucl_num] in Nuclear coordinates
en_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num] out Electron-nucleus distances
function qmckl_compute_en_distance_rescaled_doc(context, &
     elec_num, nucl_num, type_nucl_num, &
     type_nucl_vector, rescale_factor_en, walk_num, elec_coord, &
     nucl_coord, en_distance_rescaled) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: elec_coord(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: nucl_coord(nucl_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: en_distance_rescaled(elec_num,nucl_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, k
  double precision      :: coord(3)


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5

  do i=1, nucl_num
     coord(1:3) = nucl_coord(i,1:3)
     do k=1,walk_num
        info = qmckl_distance_rescaled(context, 'T', 'N', elec_num, 1_8, &
             elec_coord(1,k,1), elec_num*walk_num, coord, 3_8, &
             en_distance_rescaled(1,i,k), elec_num, rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_vector(i)+1))
        if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS) then
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_en_distance_rescaled_doc

3.2.3 Electron-electron rescaled distance gradients and Laplacian with respect to electron coordinates

The rescaled distances, represented by \(C_{i\alpha} = (1 - e^{-\kappa_\alpha R_{i\alpha}})/\kappa\) are differentiated with respect to the electron coordinates. This information is stored in the tensor en_distance_rescaled_gl. The initial three sequential elements of this three-index tensor provide the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) direction derivatives, while the fourth index corresponds to the Laplacian. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_en_distance_rescaled_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                                double* const distance_rescaled_gl,
                                                const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of nucleus types
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in Array of nucleus types
rescale_factor_en double[nucl_num] in The factors for rescaled distances
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_coord double[3][walk_num][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
nucl_coord double[3][nucl_num] in Nuclear coordinates
en_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num][4] out Electron-nucleus distance derivatives
function qmckl_compute_en_distance_rescaled_gl_doc(context, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, rescale_factor_en, walk_num, elec_coord, &
     nucl_coord, en_distance_rescaled_gl) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in)  :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: rescale_factor_en(nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: elec_coord(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: nucl_coord(nucl_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: en_distance_rescaled_gl(4,elec_num,nucl_num,walk_num)

  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info
  integer*8 :: i, k
  double precision :: coord(3)


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5

  do i=1, nucl_num
     coord(1:3) = nucl_coord(i,1:3)
     do k=1,walk_num
        info = qmckl_distance_rescaled_gl(context, 'T', 'T', elec_num, 1_8, &
             elec_coord(1,k,1), elec_num*walk_num, coord, 1_8, &
             en_distance_rescaled_gl(1,1,i,k), elec_num, rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_vector(i)+1))
        if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS) then
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_en_distance_rescaled_gl_doc

3.2.4 Electron-nucleus component

Calculate the electron-electron jastrow component factor_en using the a_vector coeffecients and the electron-nucleus rescaled distances en_distance_rescaled.

\[ f_{\alpha}(R_{i\alpha}) = - \sum_{i,j Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const factor_en,
                            const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en (context, &
            factor_en, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_en(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of unique nuclei
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in IDs of unique nuclei
aord_num int64_t in Number of coefficients
a_vector double[type_nucl_num][aord_num+1] in List of coefficients
en_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus distances
asymp_jasa double[type_nucl_num] in Type of nuclei
factor_en double[walk_num] out Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, type_nucl_num, &
     type_nucl_vector, aord_num, a_vector, &
     en_distance_rescaled, asymp_jasa, factor_en) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: aord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: a_vector(aord_num+1,type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: en_distance_rescaled(elec_num,nucl_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: asymp_jasa(type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_en(walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, p, nw
  double precision   :: x, power_ser


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if (type_nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if (aord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_7

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_en(nw) = 0.0d0
     do a = 1, nucl_num
        do i = 1, elec_num
           x = en_distance_rescaled(i, a, nw)

           factor_en(nw) = factor_en(nw) + a_vector(1, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * x / &
                (1.0d0 + a_vector(2, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * x) - asymp_jasa(type_nucl_vector(a)+1)

           do p = 2, aord_num
              x = x * en_distance_rescaled(i, a, nw)
              factor_en(nw) = factor_en(nw) + a_vector(p + 1, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * x
           end do

        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t type_nucl_num,
      const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
      const int64_t aord_num,
      const double* a_vector,
      const double* en_distance_rescaled,
      const double* asymp_jasa,
      double* const factor_en ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en (
         const qmckl_context context,
         const int64_t walk_num,
         const int64_t elec_num,
         const int64_t nucl_num,
         const int64_t type_nucl_num,
         const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
         const int64_t aord_num,
         const double* a_vector,
         const double* en_distance_rescaled,
         const double* asymp_jasa,
         double* const factor_en )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, type_nucl_num,
     type_nucl_vector, aord_num, a_vector, en_distance_rescaled,
     asymp_jasa, factor_en );

3.2.5 Derivative

Calculate the electron-electron jastrow component factor_en_gl derivative with respect to the electron coordinates using the en_distance_rescaled and en_distance_rescaled_gl which are already calculated previously.

The derivative is calculated in the function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl. The formula is given by: \[ \nabla_i f_{\alpha}(R_{i\alpha}) = \sum_{j=1}^{N_\text{elec}} \left[ \frac{ A_0\, \nabla_i C_{ij} }{(1 + A_1 C_{ij})^2} + \sum_{k=2}^{N^\alpha_{\text{ord}}} A_k\, k\, C_{ij}^{k-1}\,\nabla_i C_{ij} \right] \]

\[ \Delta_i f_{\alpha}(R_{i\alpha}) = \sum_{j=1}^{N_\text{elec}} \left[ \frac{ A_0\, \Delta_i C_{ij} }{(1 + A_1 C_{ij})^2} - \frac{ 2 A_0\, A_1 (\nabla_i C_{ij})^2}{(1 + A_1 C_{ij})^3} + \sum_{k=2}^{N^\alpha_{\text{ord}}} A_k\, k\, C_{ij}^{k-1} C_{ij}^{k-2} \left[ \Delta_i C_{ij} + (k-1)(\nabla_i C_{ij})^2 \right] \right] \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                    double* const factor_en_gl,
                                    const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl (context, &
            factor_en_gl, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_en_gl(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of unique nuclei
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in IDs of unique nuclei
aord_num int64_t in Number of coefficients
a_vector double[type_nucl_num][aord_num+1] in List of coefficients
en_distance_rescaled double[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus distances
en_distance_rescaled_gl double[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num][4] in Electron-nucleus distance derivatives
factor_en_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] out Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, type_nucl_num, &
     type_nucl_vector, aord_num, a_vector, &
     en_distance_rescaled, en_distance_rescaled_gl, factor_en_gl) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  implicit none

  integer (qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: aord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: a_vector(aord_num+1,type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: en_distance_rescaled(elec_num,nucl_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: en_distance_rescaled_gl(4, elec_num,nucl_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_en_gl(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, k, nw, ii
  double precision   :: x, x1, kf
  double precision   :: denom, invdenom, invdenom2, f
  double precision   :: grad_c2
  double precision   :: dx(4)


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if (aord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_7

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_en_gl(:,:,nw) = 0.0d0
     do a = 1, nucl_num
        do i = 1, elec_num

           x = en_distance_rescaled(i,a,nw)
           if(abs(x) < 1.d-12) continue

           denom = 1.0d0 + a_vector(2, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * x
           invdenom = 1.0d0 / denom
           invdenom2 = invdenom*invdenom

           dx(1) = en_distance_rescaled_gl(1,i,a,nw)
           dx(2) = en_distance_rescaled_gl(2,i,a,nw)
           dx(3) = en_distance_rescaled_gl(3,i,a,nw)
           dx(4) = en_distance_rescaled_gl(4,i,a,nw)

           f = a_vector(1, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * invdenom2
           grad_c2 = dx(1)*dx(1) + dx(2)*dx(2) + dx(3)*dx(3)

           factor_en_gl(i,1,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,1,nw) + f * dx(1)
           factor_en_gl(i,2,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,2,nw) + f * dx(2)
           factor_en_gl(i,3,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,3,nw) + f * dx(3)
           factor_en_gl(i,4,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,4,nw) &
                + f * (dx(4) - 2.d0 * a_vector(2, type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * grad_c2 * invdenom)

           kf = 2.d0
           x1 = x
           x = 1.d0
           do k=2, aord_num
              f = a_vector(k+1,type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * kf * x
              factor_en_gl(i,1,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,1,nw) + f * x1 * dx(1)
              factor_en_gl(i,2,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,2,nw) + f * x1 * dx(2)
              factor_en_gl(i,3,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,3,nw) + f * x1 * dx(3)
              factor_en_gl(i,4,nw) = factor_en_gl(i,4,nw) &
                   + f * (x1 * dx(4) + (kf-1.d0) * grad_c2)
              x = x*x1
              kf = kf + 1.d0
           end do

        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl_doc Test
/* Check if Jastrow is properly initialized */

  double fd[walk_num][4][elec_num];
  double delta_x = 0.001;

  // Finite difference coefficients for gradients
  double coef[9] = { 1.0/280.0, -4.0/105.0,  1.0/5.0, -4.0/5.0,         0.0, 4.0/5.0, -1.0/5.0, 4.0/105.0, -1.0/280.0 };

  // Finite difference coefficients for Laplacian
  double coef2[9]= {-1.0/560.0,  8.0/315.0, -1.0/5.0,  8.0/5.0, -205.0/72.0, 8.0/5.0, -1.0/5.0, 8.0/315.0, -1.0/560.0 };

  qmckl_exit_code rc;

  int64_t walk_num;
  rc = qmckl_get_electron_walk_num(context, &walk_num);
  if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
    return rc;

  int64_t elec_num;
  rc = qmckl_get_electron_num(context, &elec_num);
  if (rc != QMCKL_SUCCESS) {
    return rc;

  double elec_coord[walk_num][elec_num][3];
  rc = qmckl_get_electron_coord (context, 'N', &(elec_coord[0][0][0]), 3*walk_num*elec_num);

  double temp_coord[walk_num][elec_num][3];
  memcpy(&(temp_coord[0][0][0]), &(elec_coord[0][0][0]), sizeof(temp_coord));

  double function_values[walk_num];

  memset(&(fd[0][0][0]), 0, sizeof(fd));

  for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num; i++) {
    for (int64_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
      for (int64_t m = -4; m <= 4; m++) {          // Apply finite difference displacement

        for (int64_t nw=0 ; nw<walk_num ; nw++) {
          temp_coord[nw][i][k] = elec_coord[nw][i][k] + (double) m * delta_x;

        // Update coordinates in the context
        rc = qmckl_set_electron_coord (context, 'N', walk_num, &(temp_coord[0][0][0]), walk_num*3*elec_num);
        assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

        // Call the provided function
        rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en(context, &(function_values[0]), walk_num);
        assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

        // Accumulate derivative using finite-difference coefficients
        for (int64_t nw=0 ; nw<walk_num ; nw++) {
          fd[nw][k][i] += coef [m + 4] * function_values[nw];
          fd[nw][3][i] += coef2[m + 4] * function_values[nw];
      for (int64_t nw=0 ; nw<walk_num ; nw++) {
        temp_coord[nw][i][k] = elec_coord[nw][i][k];

  // Reset coordinates in the context
  rc = qmckl_set_electron_coord (context, 'N', walk_num, &(elec_coord[0][0][0]), walk_num*3*elec_num);
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  // Normalize by the step size
  for (int64_t nw=0 ; nw<walk_num ; nw++) {
    for (int64_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
      for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num; i++) {
          fd[nw][k][i] /= delta_x;
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num; i++) {
      fd[nw][3][i] /= delta_x;

  double factor_en_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num];
  rc = qmckl_check(context,

  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  for (int nw = 0; nw < walk_num; nw++){
    for (int i = 0; i < elec_num; i++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
        printf("%.10f\t", fd[nw][k][i]);
        printf("%.10f\n", factor_en_gl[nw][k][i]);
        assert(fabs(fd[nw][k][i] - factor_en_gl[nw][k][i]) < 1.e-8);
      int k=3;
      if (fabs(fd[nw][k][i] - factor_en_gl[nw][k][i]) > 1.e-5) {
        printf("i=%d doc=%f hpc=%f\n", i, fd[nw][k][i], factor_en_gl[nw][k][i]);
      assert(fabs(fd[nw][k][i] - factor_en_gl[nw][k][i]) < 1.e-5);


  double en_distance_rescaled[walk_num][nucl_num][elec_num];
  rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_en_distance_rescaled(context,
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  double en_distance_rescaled_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num][nucl_num];
  rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_en_distance_rescaled_gl(context,
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  double factor_en_gl_doc[walk_num*4*elec_num];
  memset(&(factor_en_gl_doc[0]), 0, sizeof(factor_en_gl_doc));
  rc = qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl_doc(context, walk_num, elec_num,
       nucl_num, type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, aord_num, &(a_vector[0]),
       &(en_distance_rescaled[0][0][0]), &(en_distance_rescaled_gl[0][0][0][0]), &(factor_en_gl_doc[0]));
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  double factor_en_gl_hpc[walk_num*4*elec_num];
  memset(&(factor_en_gl_hpc[0]), 0, sizeof(factor_en_gl_hpc));
  rc = qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl_hpc(context, walk_num, elec_num,
       nucl_num, type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, aord_num, &(a_vector[0]),
       &(en_distance_rescaled[0][0][0]), &(en_distance_rescaled_gl[0][0][0][0]), &(factor_en_gl_hpc[0]));
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  for (int64_t i = 0; i < walk_num*4*elec_num; i++) {
    if (fabs(factor_en_gl_doc[i] - factor_en_gl_hpc[i]) > 1.e-12) {
      printf("i=%ld doc=%f hpc=%f\n", i, factor_en_gl_doc[i], factor_en_gl_hpc[i]);
    assert(fabs(factor_en_gl_doc[i] - factor_en_gl_hpc[i]) < 1.e-8);

3.3 Electron-electron-nucleus component

3.3.1 Electron-electron rescaled distances in \(J_\text{eeN}\)

een_rescaled_e stores the table of the rescaled distances between all pairs of electrons and raised to the power \(p\) defined by cord_num:

\[ [g_e(r)_{ij}]^p = \begin{cases} \exp\left(-p\,\kappa_\text{e}\, r_{ij}\right) & \text{for } i \ne j \\ 0 & \text{for } i = j \]

where \(r_{ij}\) is the matrix of electron-electron distances. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_een_distance_rescaled_e(qmckl_context context,
                                                double* const een_rescaled_e,
                                                const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
rescale_factor_ee double in Factor to rescale ee distances
ee_distance double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron distances for each walker
een_rescaled_e double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][elec_num] out Electron-electron rescaled distances for each walker
function qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num, rescale_factor_ee,  &
     ee_distance, een_rescaled_e) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)  , value :: rescale_factor_ee
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: ee_distance(elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: een_rescaled_e(elec_num,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, j, k, l, nw


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (cord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  do nw = 1, walk_num
     do l = 0, cord_num
        do j = 1, elec_num
           do i = 1, elec_num
              een_rescaled_e(i, j, l, nw) = dexp(-rescale_factor_ee * ee_distance(i, j, nw))**l
           end do
           een_rescaled_e(j, j, l, nw) = 0.d0
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_hpc (const qmckl_context context,
                                                  const int64_t walk_num,
                                                  const int64_t elec_num,
                                                  const int64_t cord_num,
                                                  const double rescale_factor_ee,
                                                  const double* ee_distance,
                                                  double* const een_rescaled_e ) {

return qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_doc (context,
                                                  een_rescaled_e ) ;
  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {

  if (walk_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;

  if (elec_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;

  if (cord_num < 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;

  // Prepare table of exponentiated distances raised to appropriate power
  // init

  const size_t elec_pairs = (size_t) (elec_num * (elec_num - 1)) / 2;
  const size_t len_een_ij = (size_t) elec_pairs * (cord_num + 1);

  // number of elements for the een_rescaled_e_ij[N_e*(N_e-1)/2][cord+1]
  // probably in C is better [cord+1, Ne*(Ne-1)/2]
  // elec_pairs = (elec_num * (elec_num - 1)) / 2;
  // len_een_ij = elec_pairs * (cord_num + 1);
  const size_t e2 = elec_num*elec_num;

#pragma omp parallel
    double* restrict een_rescaled_e_ij = calloc(len_een_ij,sizeof(double));

    for (size_t kk = 0; kk < elec_pairs ; ++kk) {
      een_rescaled_e_ij[kk]= 1.0;

#pragma omp for
  for (size_t nw = 0; nw < (size_t) walk_num; ++nw) {

    size_t kk = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) elec_num; ++i) {
      double* restrict ee1 = &een_rescaled_e_ij[kk + elec_pairs];
      const double* restrict ee2 = &ee_distance[i*elec_num + nw*e2];
#pragma omp simd
      for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
        ee1[j] = -rescale_factor_ee * ee2[j];
      ee1[i] = 0.;
      kk += i;

#pragma omp simd
    for (size_t k = elec_pairs; k < 2*elec_pairs; ++k) {
        een_rescaled_e_ij[k] = exp(een_rescaled_e_ij[k]);

    const double* const ee3 = &een_rescaled_e_ij[elec_pairs];
    for (size_t l = 2; l < (size_t) (cord_num+1); ++l) {
      double* restrict ee1 = &een_rescaled_e_ij[l*elec_pairs];
      const double* restrict ee2 = &een_rescaled_e_ij[(l-1)*elec_pairs];
#pragma omp simd
      for (size_t k = 0; k < elec_pairs; ++k) {
        // een_rescaled_e_ij(k, l + 1) = een_rescaled_e_ij(k, l + 1 - 1) * een_rescaled_e_ij(k, 2)

        // een_rescaled_e_ij[k+l*elec_pairs] = een_rescaled_e_ij[k + (l - 1)*elec_pairs] *
        //  een_rescaled_e_ij[k + elec_pairs];
        ee1[k] = ee2[k] * ee3[k];

    double* restrict const een_rescaled_e_ = &(een_rescaled_e[nw*(cord_num+1)*e2]);

    // prepare the actual een table
#pragma omp simd
    for (size_t i = 0; i < e2; ++i){
        een_rescaled_e_[i] = 1.0;

    for ( size_t l = 1; l < (size_t) (cord_num+1); ++l) {
      double* x = een_rescaled_e_ij + l*elec_pairs;
      double* const een_rescaled_e__ = &(een_rescaled_e_[l*e2]);
      double* een_rescaled_e_i = een_rescaled_e__;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) elec_num; ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
          een_rescaled_e_i[j] = *x;
          een_rescaled_e__[i + j*elec_num] = *x;
          x += 1;
        een_rescaled_e_i += elec_num;

    double* const x0 = &(een_rescaled_e[nw*e2*(cord_num+1)]);
    for (size_t l = 0; l < (size_t) (cord_num + 1); ++l) {
      double* x1 = &(x0[l*e2]);
      for (size_t j = 0; j < (size_t) elec_num; ++j) {
        *x1 = 0.0;
        x1 += 1+elec_num;

  } // OpenMP

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_doc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const double rescale_factor_ee,
      const double* ee_distance,
      double* const een_rescaled_e );
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_hpc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const double rescale_factor_ee,
      const double* ee_distance,
      double* const een_rescaled_e );
    qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e (
          const qmckl_context context,
          const int64_t walk_num,
          const int64_t elec_num,
          const int64_t cord_num,
          const double rescale_factor_ee,
          const double* ee_distance,
          double* const een_rescaled_e ) {

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
    return qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_hpc
    return qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_doc
      (context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num, rescale_factor_ee, ee_distance, een_rescaled_e);
    } Test

  double een_rescaled_e[walk_num][(cord_num + 1)][elec_num][elec_num];
  rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_een_distance_rescaled_e(context, &(een_rescaled_e[0][0][0][0]),elec_num*elec_num*(cord_num+1)*walk_num);


  double ee_distance[walk_num * elec_num * elec_num];
  rc = qmckl_get_electron_ee_distance(context, &(ee_distance[0]), walk_num*elec_num*elec_num);
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  double een_rescaled_e_doc[walk_num][cord_num+1][elec_num][elec_num];
  memset(&(een_rescaled_e_doc[0][0][0][0]), 0, sizeof(een_rescaled_e_doc));
  rc = qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e(context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num,
                                    rescale_factor_ee, &(ee_distance[0]), &(een_rescaled_e_doc[0][0][0][0]));
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  double een_rescaled_e_hpc[walk_num][cord_num+1][elec_num][elec_num];
  memset(&(een_rescaled_e_hpc[0][0][0][0]), 0, sizeof(een_rescaled_e_hpc));
  rc = qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_e_hpc(context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num,
                                        rescale_factor_ee, &(ee_distance[0]), &(een_rescaled_e_hpc[0][0][0][0]));
  assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);

  for (int64_t i = 0; i < walk_num; i++) {
    for (int64_t j = 0; j < cord_num+1; j++) {
      for (int64_t k = 0; k < elec_num; k++) {
        for (int64_t l = 0; l < elec_num; l++) {
          if (fabs(een_rescaled_e_doc[i][j][k][l] - een_rescaled_e_hpc[i][j][k][l]) > 1.e-12) {
            printf("i=%ld j=%ld k=%ld l=%ld doc=%f hpc=%f\n", i, j, k, l, een_rescaled_e_doc[i][j][k][l], een_rescaled_e_hpc[i][j][k][l]);
          assert(fabs(een_rescaled_e_doc[i][j][k][l] - een_rescaled_e_hpc[i][j][k][l]) < 1.e-8);

3.3.2 Electron-electron rescaled distances derivatives in \(J_\text{eeN}\)

een_rescaled_e_gl stores the table of the derivatives of the rescaled distances between all pairs of electrons and raised to the power \(p\) defined by cord_num. Here we take its derivatives required for the een jastrowchamp.

\[ \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[ {g_\text{e}(r)}\right]^p = -\frac{x}{r} \kappa_\text{e}\, p\,\left[ {g_\text{e}(r)}\right]^p \]

\[ \Delta \left[ {g_\text{e}(r)}\right]^p = \kappa_\text{e}\, p\,\left[ - \frac{2}{r} + \kappa_\text{e}\, p \right] \left[ {g_\text{e}(r)} \right]^p \]

Derivatives are set to zero at \(r_{ii}\) to avoid NaNs. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_een_distance_rescaled_e_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                                   double* const een_rescaled_e_gl,
                                                   const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
rescale_factor_ee double in Factor to rescale ee distances
coord_ee double[walk_num][3][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
ee_distance double[walk_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron distances
een_rescaled_e double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron distances
een_rescaled_e_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][4][elec_num] out Electron-electron rescaled distances
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num, rescale_factor_ee,  &
     coord_ee, ee_distance, een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_e_gl) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value  :: context
  integer(c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value  :: walk_num
  integer(c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value  :: elec_num
  integer(c_int64_t)    , intent(in), value  :: cord_num
  real(c_double)        , intent(in), value  :: rescale_factor_ee
  real(c_double)        , intent(in)  :: coord_ee(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real(c_double)        , intent(in)  :: ee_distance(elec_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real(c_double)        , intent(in)  :: een_rescaled_e(elec_num,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real(c_double)        , intent(out) :: een_rescaled_e_gl(elec_num,4,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)            :: info

  double precision, allocatable       :: elec_dist_gl(:,:,:)
  double precision                    :: x, kappa_l
  integer*8                           :: i, j, k, l, nw, ii

  double precision  :: rij_inv(elec_num)

  allocate(elec_dist_gl(elec_num, 4, elec_num))
  elec_dist_gl = 0.d0
  een_rescaled_e_gl = 0.d0


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (cord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  do nw = 1, walk_num

     ! Prepare table of exponentiated distances raised to appropriate power
     do j = 1, elec_num
        do i = 1, j-1
           rij_inv(i) = 1.0d0 / ee_distance(i, j, nw)
        rij_inv(j) = 0.0d0
        do i = j+1, elec_num
           rij_inv(i) = 1.0d0 / ee_distance(i, j, nw)
        do i = 1, elec_num
           do ii = 1, 3
              elec_dist_gl(i, ii, j) = (coord_ee(i, nw, ii) - coord_ee(j, nw, ii)) * rij_inv(i)
           end do
           elec_dist_gl(i, 4, j) = 2.0d0 * rij_inv(i)
        end do
     end do

     !   Not necessary: should be set to zero by qmckl_malloc
     een_rescaled_e_gl(:,:,:,0,nw) = 0.d0

     do l = 1, cord_num
        kappa_l = -dble(l) * rescale_factor_ee
        do j = 1, elec_num
           do i = 1, elec_num
              if (i /= j) then
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 1, j, l, nw) = kappa_l *  elec_dist_gl(i, 1, j) * een_rescaled_e(i,j,l,nw)
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 2, j, l, nw) = kappa_l *  elec_dist_gl(i, 2, j) * een_rescaled_e(i,j,l,nw)
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 3, j, l, nw) = kappa_l *  elec_dist_gl(i, 3, j) * een_rescaled_e(i,j,l,nw)
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 4, j, l, nw) = kappa_l * (elec_dist_gl(i, 4, j) + kappa_l) * een_rescaled_e(i,j,l,nw)
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 1, j, l, nw) = 0.d0
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 2, j, l, nw) = 0.d0
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 3, j, l, nw) = 0.d0
                 een_rescaled_e_gl(i, 4, j, l, nw) = 0.d0
              end if
           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl_doc
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl_hpc (const qmckl_context context,
                                                          const int64_t walk_num,
                                                          const int64_t elec_num,
                                                          const int64_t cord_num,
                                                          const double rescale_factor_ee,
                                                          const double* coord_ee,
                                                          const double* ee_distance,
                                                          const double* een_rescaled_e,
                                                          double* const een_rescaled_e_gl )
  if (walk_num <= 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;
  if (elec_num <= 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;
  if (cord_num < 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;

#pragma omp parallel

    double* restrict elec_dist_gl0 = (double*) calloc(elec_num * elec_num, sizeof(double));
    double* restrict elec_dist_gl1 = (double*) calloc(elec_num * elec_num, sizeof(double));
    double* restrict elec_dist_gl2 = (double*) calloc(elec_num * elec_num, sizeof(double));
    double* restrict elec_dist_gl3 = (double*) calloc(elec_num * elec_num, sizeof(double));
    assert (elec_dist_gl0 != NULL);
    assert (elec_dist_gl1 != NULL);
    assert (elec_dist_gl2 != NULL);
    assert (elec_dist_gl3 != NULL);

#pragma omp for
    for (int64_t nw = 0; nw < walk_num; ++nw) {

      for (int64_t j=0; j<elec_num; ++j) {

        double rij_inv[elec_num];

#pragma omp simd
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num ; ++i) {
          rij_inv[i] = ee_distance[i+j*elec_num+nw*elec_num*elec_num];

        rij_inv[j] = 1.0;
#pragma omp simd
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num ; ++i) {
          rij_inv[i] = 1.0/rij_inv[i];
        rij_inv[j] = 0.0;

        const double xj = coord_ee[j+elec_num*nw];
        const double yj = coord_ee[j+elec_num*(nw+walk_num) ];
        const double zj = coord_ee[j+elec_num*(nw+walk_num*2)];

#pragma omp simd
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < elec_num ; ++i) {

          const double xi = coord_ee[i+elec_num*nw];
          const double yi = coord_ee[i+elec_num*(nw+walk_num) ];
          const double zi = coord_ee[i+elec_num*(nw+walk_num*2)];

          elec_dist_gl0[i + j * elec_num] = rij_inv[i] * (xi-xj);
          elec_dist_gl1[i + j * elec_num] = rij_inv[i] * (yi-yj);
          elec_dist_gl2[i + j * elec_num] = rij_inv[i] * (zi-zj);
          elec_dist_gl3[i + j * elec_num] = rij_inv[i] + rij_inv[i];

      double* restrict eegl = &een_rescaled_e_gl[elec_num*4*elec_num*(cord_num+1)*nw];
      memset(eegl, 0, 4*elec_num*elec_num*sizeof(double));

      for (int64_t l=1; l<=cord_num; ++l) {

        const double kappa_l  = -rescale_factor_ee * (double) l;

        for (int64_t j=0; j<elec_num; ++j) {

          double* restrict eegl =

          const double* restrict ee =

#pragma omp simd
          for (int64_t i=0; i<elec_num; ++i) {
            eegl[i           ] = kappa_l * ee[i] *  elec_dist_gl0[i+j*elec_num];
            eegl[i+elec_num  ] = kappa_l * ee[i] *  elec_dist_gl1[i+j*elec_num];
            eegl[i+elec_num*2] = kappa_l * ee[i] *  elec_dist_gl2[i+j*elec_num];
            eegl[i+elec_num*3] = kappa_l * ee[i] * (elec_dist_gl3[i+j*elec_num] + kappa_l);
          eegl[j           ] = 0.0;
          eegl[j+elec_num  ] = 0.0;
          eegl[j+elec_num*2] = 0.0;
          eegl[j+elec_num*3] = 0.0;


qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl (
         const qmckl_context context,
         const int64_t walk_num,
         const int64_t elec_num,
         const int64_t cord_num,
         const double rescale_factor_ee,
         const double* coord_ee,
         const double* ee_distance,
         const double* een_rescaled_e,
         double* const een_rescaled_e_gl )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_e_gl_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, cord_num, rescale_factor_ee,
    coord_ee, ee_distance, een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_e_gl );

3.3.3 Electron-nucleus rescaled distances in \(J_\text{eeN}\)

een_rescaled_n stores the table of the rescaled distances between electrons and nuclei raised to the power \(p\) defined by cord_num:

\[ [g_{\alpha}(R_{i\alpha})]^p = \exp\left(-p\, \kappa_\alpha\, R_{i\alpha}\right) \]

where \(R_{i\alpha}\) is the matrix of electron-nucleus distances. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_een_rescaled_n(qmckl_context context,
                                 double* const een_rescaled_n,
                                 const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of atoms
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of atom types
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in Types of atoms
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
rescale_factor_en double[nucl_num] in Factor to rescale ee distances
en_distance double[walk_num][elec_num][nucl_num] in Electron-nucleus distances
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] out Electron-nucleus rescaled distances
function qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_n( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, cord_num, rescale_factor_en,  &
     en_distance, een_rescaled_n) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: rescale_factor_en(nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: en_distance(nucl_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, a, k, l, nw


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if (cord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5

  do nw = 1, walk_num

     ! prepare the actual een table
     een_rescaled_n(:, :, 0, nw) = 1.0d0

     do a = 1, nucl_num
        do i = 1, elec_num
           een_rescaled_n(i, a, 1, nw) = dexp(-rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_vector(a)+1) * en_distance(a, i, nw))
        end do
     end do

     do l = 2, cord_num
        do a = 1, nucl_num
           do i = 1, elec_num
              een_rescaled_n(i, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n(i, a, l - 1, nw) * een_rescaled_n(i, a, 1, nw)
           end do
        end do
     end do

  end do

end function qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_n
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_een_rescaled_n_hpc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t type_nucl_num,
      int64_t* const type_nucl_vector,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const double* rescale_factor_en,
      const double* en_distance,
      double* const een_rescaled_n ) {

  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) {

  if (walk_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;

  if (elec_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;

  if (nucl_num <= 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;

  if (cord_num < 0) {
    return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5;

  // Prepare table of exponentiated distances raised to appropriate power
  for (int i = 0; i < (walk_num*(cord_num+1)*nucl_num*elec_num); ++i) {
    een_rescaled_n[i] = 1.0;

  for (int nw = 0; nw < walk_num; ++nw) {
    for (int a = 0; a < nucl_num; ++a) {
      for (int i = 0; i < elec_num; ++i) {
        een_rescaled_n[i + a*elec_num + nw * elec_num*nucl_num*(cord_num+1)] = 1.0;
        een_rescaled_n[i + a*elec_num + elec_num*nucl_num + nw*elec_num*nucl_num*(cord_num+1)] =
          exp(-rescale_factor_en[type_nucl_vector[a]] * en_distance[a + i*nucl_num + nw*elec_num*nucl_num]);

    for (int l = 2; l < (cord_num+1); ++l){
      for (int a = 0; a < nucl_num; ++a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elec_num; ++i) {
          een_rescaled_n[i + a*elec_num + l*elec_num*nucl_num + nw*elec_num*nucl_num*(cord_num+1)] =
            een_rescaled_n[i + a*elec_num + (l-1)*elec_num*nucl_num + nw*elec_num*nucl_num*(cord_num+1)] *
            een_rescaled_n[i + a*elec_num +       elec_num*nucl_num + nw*elec_num*nucl_num*(cord_num+1)];



3.3.4 Electron-nucleus rescaled distances derivatives in \(J_\text{eeN}\)

een_rescaled_n_gl stores the table of the derivatives of the rescaled distances between all electron-nucleus pairs and raised to the power \(p\) defined by cord_num. Here we take its derivatives required for the een jastrowchamp.

\[ \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p = -\frac{x}{R_{i\alpha}} \kappa_\alpha\, p\,\left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p \] \[ \Delta \left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p = \frac{2}{R_{i\alpha}} \kappa_\alpha\, p\,\left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p \right] + \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p \right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p \right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left[ {g_\alpha(R_{i\alpha})}\right]^p \right)^2 \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_een_rescaled_n_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                         double* const een_rescaled_n_gl,
                                         const int64_t size_max); Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of atoms
type_nucl_num int64_t in Number of atom types
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in Types of atoms
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
rescale_factor_en double[nucl_num] in Factor to rescale ee distances
coord_ee double[3][walk_num][elec_num] in Electron coordinates
coord_n double[3][nucl_num] in Nuclear coordinates
en_distance double[walk_num][elec_num][nucl_num] in Electron-nucleus distances
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus distances
een_rescaled_n_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] out Electron-nucleus rescaled distances
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_n_gl( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, &
     cord_num, rescale_factor_en, &
     coord_ee, coord_n, en_distance, een_rescaled_n, een_rescaled_n_gl) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: rescale_factor_en(nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: coord_ee(elec_num,walk_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: coord_n(nucl_num,3)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: en_distance(nucl_num,elec_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: een_rescaled_n_gl(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision,allocatable        :: elnuc_dist_gl(:,:,:)
  double precision                    :: x, ria_inv, kappa_l
  integer*8                           :: i, a, k, l, nw, ii

  allocate(elnuc_dist_gl(elec_num, 4, nucl_num))


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  if (elec_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3

  if (nucl_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4

  if (cord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5

  ! Prepare table of exponentiated distances raised to appropriate power
  een_rescaled_n_gl             = 0.0d0
  do nw = 1, walk_num

     ! prepare the actual een table
     do a = 1, nucl_num
        do i = 1, elec_num
           ria_inv = 1.0d0 / en_distance(a, i, nw)
           do ii = 1, 3
              elnuc_dist_gl(i, ii, a) = (coord_ee(i, nw, ii) - coord_n(a, ii)) * ria_inv
           end do
           elnuc_dist_gl(i, 4, a) = 2.0d0 * ria_inv
        end do
     end do

     do l = 0, cord_num
        do a = 1, nucl_num
           kappa_l = - dble(l) * rescale_factor_en(type_nucl_vector(a)+1)
           do i = 1, elec_num
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 1, a, l, nw) = kappa_l * elnuc_dist_gl(i, 1, a)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 2, a, l, nw) = kappa_l * elnuc_dist_gl(i, 2, a)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 3, a, l, nw) = kappa_l * elnuc_dist_gl(i, 3, a)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 4, a, l, nw) = kappa_l * elnuc_dist_gl(i, 4, a)

              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 4, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 4, a, l, nw)           &
                   + een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 1, a, l, nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 1, a, l, nw) &
                   + een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 2, a, l, nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 2, a, l, nw) &
                   + een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 3, a, l, nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 3, a, l, nw)

              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 1, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 1, a, l, nw) * &
                   een_rescaled_n(i, a, l, nw)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 2, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 2, a, l, nw) * &
                   een_rescaled_n(i, a, l, nw)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 3, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 3, a, l, nw) * &
                   een_rescaled_n(i, a, l, nw)
              een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 4, a, l, nw) = een_rescaled_n_gl(i, 4, a, l, nw) * &
                   een_rescaled_n(i, a, l, nw)
           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_rescaled_n_gl

3.3.5 Temporary arrays for electron-electron-nucleus Jastrow \(f_{een}\)

Prepare c_vector_full and lkpm_combined_index tables required for the calculation of the three-body jastrow factor_een and its derivative factor_een_gl.

The array tmp_c corresponds to the tensor \(P\) defined at the beginning of this section:

\[ P_{i\alpha}^{km} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} \]

\[ \nabla_i P_{i\alpha}^{km} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{\text{elec}}} \nabla_i \left[ g_\text{e}({r}_{ij}) \right]^k \left[ g_\alpha({R}_{j\alpha}) \right]^{m} \] Compute dimcvector

Computes the dimension of the vector of parameters.

\(N_{ord}\) Number of parameters
1 0
2 2
3 6
4 13
5 23
6 37
7 55
8 78
9 106
10 140
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t out Number of parameters per atom type
function qmckl_compute_dim_c_vector_doc( &
     context, cord_num, dim_c_vector) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(out)         :: dim_c_vector
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, a, k, l, p, lmax


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (cord_num < 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  dim_c_vector = 0

  do p = 2, cord_num
    do k = p - 1, 0, -1
      if (k .ne. 0) then
        lmax = p - k
        lmax = p - k - 2
      do l = lmax, 0, -1
        if (iand(p - k - l, 1_8) == 1) cycle
        dim_c_vector = dim_c_vector + 1
      end do
    end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_dim_c_vector_doc Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_tmp_c(qmckl_context context,
                              double* const tmp_c,
                              const int64_t size_max);

qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_dtmp_c(qmckl_context context,
                               double* const dtmp_c,
                               const int64_t size_max); Compute cvectorfull
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
nucl_num int64_t in Number of atoms
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of cord full table
type_nucl_num int64_t in dimension of cord full table
type_nucl_vector int64_t[nucl_num] in dimension of cord full table
c_vector double[dim_c_vector][type_nucl_num] in dimension of cord full table
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] out Full list of coefficients
function qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_doc( &
     context, nucl_num, dim_c_vector, type_nucl_num,  &
     type_nucl_vector, c_vector, c_vector_full) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: type_nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: type_nucl_vector(nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector(dim_c_vector, type_nucl_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, a, k, l, nw


  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (dim_c_vector < 0)              info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (type_nucl_num <= 0)            info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  do a = 1, nucl_num
    c_vector_full(a,1:dim_c_vector) = c_vector(1:dim_c_vector, type_nucl_vector(a)+1)
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_hpc (
          const qmckl_context context,
          const int64_t nucl_num,
          const int64_t dim_c_vector,
          const int64_t type_nucl_num,
          const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
          const double* c_vector,
          double* const c_vector_full ) {

  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;
  if (dim_c_vector < 0)              return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;
  if (type_nucl_num <= 0)            return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4;
  if (type_nucl_vector == NULL)      return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5;
  if (c_vector == NULL)              return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_6;
  if (c_vector_full == NULL)         return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_7;

  for (int i=0; i < dim_c_vector; ++i) {
    for (int a=0; a < nucl_num; ++a){
      c_vector_full[a + i*nucl_num] = c_vector[i + type_nucl_vector[a]*dim_c_vector];

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_doc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const int64_t type_nucl_num,
      const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
      const double* c_vector,
      double* const c_vector_full );
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_hpc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const int64_t type_nucl_num,
      const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
      const double* c_vector,
      double* const c_vector_full );
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_c_vector_full (
          const qmckl_context context,
          const int64_t nucl_num,
          const int64_t dim_c_vector,
          const int64_t type_nucl_num,
          const int64_t* type_nucl_vector,
          const double* c_vector,
          double* const c_vector_full ) {

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
      return qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_hpc
      return qmckl_compute_c_vector_full_doc
(context, nucl_num, dim_c_vector, type_nucl_num, type_nucl_vector, c_vector, c_vector_full);
    } Compute lkpmcombinedindex
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of cord full table
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] out Full list of combined indices
function qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_doc( &
     context, cord_num, dim_c_vector,  lkpm_combined_index) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(out)         :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, a, k, l, kk, p, lmax, m


  if (cord_num < 0)                  info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (dim_c_vector < 0)              info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  kk = 0
  do p = 2, cord_num
    do k = p - 1, 0, -1
      if (k /= 0) then
        lmax = p - k
        lmax = p - k - 2
      end if
      do l = lmax, 0, -1
        if (iand(p - k - l, 1_8) .eq. 1_8) cycle
        m = (p - k - l)/2
        kk = kk + 1
        lkpm_combined_index(kk, 1) = l
        lkpm_combined_index(kk, 2) = k
        lkpm_combined_index(kk, 3) = p
        lkpm_combined_index(kk, 4) = m
      end do
    end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_hpc (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ) {

  int kk, lmax, m;

  if (cord_num < 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2;
  if (dim_c_vector < 0) return QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3;

  kk = 0;
  for (int p = 2; p <= cord_num; ++p) {
    for (int k=(p-1); k >= 0; --k) {
      if (k != 0) {
        lmax = p - k;
      } else {
        lmax = p - k - 2;
      for (int l=lmax; l >= 0; --l) {
        if (((p - k - l) & 1) == 1) continue;
        m = (p - k - l)/2;
        lkpm_combined_index[kk                 ] = l;
        lkpm_combined_index[kk +   dim_c_vector] = k;
        lkpm_combined_index[kk + 2*dim_c_vector] = p;
        lkpm_combined_index[kk + 3*dim_c_vector] = m;
        kk = kk + 1;

qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ) {

    #ifdef HAVE_HPC
      return qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_hpc
      return qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_doc
        (context, cord_num, dim_c_vector, lkpm_combined_index);
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index_hpc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_lkpm_combined_index (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      int64_t* const lkpm_combined_index ); Compute tmpc
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
een_rescaled_e double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-electron rescaled factor
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
tmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] out vector of non-zero coefficients
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_tmp_c (const qmckl_context context,
                                     const int64_t cord_num,
                                     const int64_t elec_num,
                                     const int64_t nucl_num,
                                     const int64_t walk_num,
                                     const double* een_rescaled_e,
                                     const double* een_rescaled_n,
                                     double* const tmp_c )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_tmp_c_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_tmp_c_doc
    (context, cord_num, elec_num, nucl_num, walk_num,
     een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_n, tmp_c);
function qmckl_compute_tmp_c_doc( &
     context, cord_num, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     walk_num, een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_n, tmp_c) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value  :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_e(elec_num,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: tmp_c(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, j, a, l, kk, p, lmax, nw
  character                           :: TransA, TransB
  double precision                    :: alpha, beta
  integer*8                           :: M, N, K, LDA, LDB, LDC

  TransA = 'N'
  TransB = 'N'
  alpha = 1.0d0
  beta  = 0.0d0


  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  M = elec_num
  N = nucl_num*(cord_num + 1)
  K = elec_num
  LDA = size(een_rescaled_e,1)
  LDB = size(een_rescaled_n,1)
  LDC = size(tmp_c,1)

  do nw=1, walk_num
    do i=0, cord_num-1
      info = qmckl_dgemm(context, TransA, TransB, M, N, K, alpha,     &
                         een_rescaled_e(1,1,i,nw),LDA*1_8,                     &
                         een_rescaled_n(1,1,0,nw),LDB*1_8,                     &
                         beta,                                       &
    end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_tmp_c_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_tmp_c_doc (
          const qmckl_context context,
          const int64_t cord_num,
          const int64_t elec_num,
          const int64_t nucl_num,
          const int64_t walk_num,
          const double* een_rescaled_e,
          const double* een_rescaled_n,
          double* const tmp_c ); Compute dtmpc
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
cord_num int64_t in Order of polynomials
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
een_rescaled_e_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][4][elec_num] in Electron-electron rescaled factor derivatives
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
dtmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] out vector of non-zero coefficients
qmckl_compute_dtmp_c (const qmckl_context context,
                      const int64_t cord_num,
                      const int64_t elec_num,
                      const int64_t nucl_num,
                      const int64_t walk_num,
                      const double* een_rescaled_e_gl,
                      const double* een_rescaled_n,
                      double* const dtmp_c )
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_dtmp_c_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_dtmp_c_doc
    (context, cord_num, elec_num, nucl_num, walk_num, een_rescaled_e_gl,
     een_rescaled_n, dtmp_c );
function qmckl_compute_dtmp_c_doc( &
     context, cord_num, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     walk_num, een_rescaled_e_gl, een_rescaled_n, dtmp_c) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_e_gl(elec_num,4,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: dtmp_c(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  double precision                    :: x
  integer*8                           :: i, j, a, l, kk, p, lmax, nw, ii
  character                           :: TransA, TransB
  double precision                    :: alpha, beta
  integer*8                           :: M, N, K, LDA, LDB, LDC


  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  TransA = 'N'
  TransB = 'N'
  alpha = 1.0d0
  beta  = 0.0d0

  M = 4*elec_num
  N = nucl_num*(cord_num + 1)
  K = elec_num
  LDA = 4*size(een_rescaled_e_gl,1)
  LDB = size(een_rescaled_n,1)
  LDC = 4*size(dtmp_c,1)

  do nw=1, walk_num
     do i=0, cord_num-1
        info = qmckl_dgemm(context,TransA, TransB, M, N, K, alpha,  &
             een_rescaled_e_gl(1,1,1,i,nw),LDA*1_8,            &
             een_rescaled_n(1,1,0,nw),LDB*1_8,                      &
             beta,                                                  &
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_dtmp_c_doc

3.3.6 Electron-electron-nucleus Jastrow \(f_{een}\)

Calculate the electron-electron-nuclear three-body jastrow component factor_een using the above prepared tables.

TODO: write equations. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een(qmckl_context context,
                             double* const factor_een,
                             const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een (context, &
            factor_een, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_een(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een
    end interface Compute naive
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
cord_num int64_t in order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of full coefficient vector
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] in full coefficient vector
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] in combined indices
een_rescaled_e double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
factor_een double[walk_num] out Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_naive( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, cord_num,&
     dim_c_vector, c_vector_full, lkpm_combined_index, &
     een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_n, factor_een) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_e(elec_num,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_een(walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, j, l, k, m, n, p, nw
  double precision :: cn


  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_een(nw) = 0.d0
     do n = 1, dim_c_vector
        l = lkpm_combined_index(n, 1)
        k = lkpm_combined_index(n, 2)
        p = lkpm_combined_index(n, 3)
        m = lkpm_combined_index(n, 4)

        do a = 1, nucl_num
           cn = c_vector_full(a, n)
           if (cn == 0.d0) cycle
           do j = 1, elec_num
              do i = 1, j-1
                 factor_een(nw) = factor_een(nw) + cn*( &
                      een_rescaled_e(i,j,k,nw) *       &
                      (een_rescaled_n(i,a,l,nw) + een_rescaled_n(j,a,l,nw)) * &
                      (een_rescaled_n(i,a,m,nw) * een_rescaled_n(j,a,m,nw)) )
              end do
           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_naive Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
cord_num int64_t in order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of full coefficient vector
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] in full coefficient vector
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] in combined indices
tmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in vector of non-zero coefficients
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled distances
factor_een double[walk_num] out Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, cord_num,   &
     dim_c_vector, c_vector_full, lkpm_combined_index, &
     tmp_c, een_rescaled_n, factor_een) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: tmp_c(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_een(walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, j, l, k, p, m, n, nw
  double precision :: accu, accu2, cn


  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  factor_een = 0.0d0

  if (cord_num == 0) return

  do nw =1, walk_num
     do n = 1, dim_c_vector
        l = lkpm_combined_index(n, 1)
        k = lkpm_combined_index(n, 2)
        m = lkpm_combined_index(n, 4)

        do a = 1, nucl_num
           cn = c_vector_full(a, n)
           if(cn == 0.d0) cycle

           accu = 0.0d0
           do j = 1, elec_num
              accu = accu + een_rescaled_n(j,a,m,nw) * tmp_c(j,a,m+l,k,nw)
           end do
           factor_een(nw) = factor_een(nw) + accu * cn
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_doc

3.3.7 Electron-electron-nucleus Jastrow \(f_{een}\) derivative

Calculate the electron-electron-nuclear three-body jastrow component factor_een_gl using the above prepared tables.

TODO: write equations. Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl(qmckl_context context,
                                     double* const factor_een_gl,
                                     const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad(qmckl_context context,
                                        double* const factor_een_grad,
                                        const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl (context, &
            factor_een_gl, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_een_gl(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl
    end interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad (context, &
            factor_een_grad, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: factor_een_grad(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad
    end interface Compute Naive
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
cord_num int64_t in order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of full coefficient vector
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] in full coefficient vector
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] in combined indices
een_rescaled_e double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
een_rescaled_e_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][elec_num][4][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled
een_rescaled_n_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
factor_een_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] out Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_naive( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, cord_num, dim_c_vector, &
     c_vector_full, lkpm_combined_index, een_rescaled_e, een_rescaled_n, &
     een_rescaled_e_gl, een_rescaled_n_gl, factor_een_gl)&
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_e(elec_num,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_e_gl(elec_num,4,elec_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n_gl(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_een_gl(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, j, l, k, m, n, nw
  double precision :: accu, accu2, cn
  double precision :: daccu(1:4), daccu2(1:4)


  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  factor_een_gl = 0.0d0

  do nw =1, walk_num
     do n = 1, dim_c_vector
        l = lkpm_combined_index(n, 1)
        k = lkpm_combined_index(n, 2)
        m = lkpm_combined_index(n, 4)

        do a = 1, nucl_num
           cn = c_vector_full(a, n)
           do j = 1, elec_num
              accu = 0.0d0
              accu2 = 0.0d0
              daccu = 0.0d0
              daccu2 = 0.0d0
              do i = 1, elec_num
                 accu = accu + een_rescaled_e(i, j, k, nw) * een_rescaled_n(i, a, m, nw)
                 accu2 = accu2 + een_rescaled_e(i, j, k, nw) * een_rescaled_n(i, a, m + l, nw)
                 daccu(1:4) = daccu(1:4) + een_rescaled_e_gl(j, 1:4, i, k, nw) *   &
                      een_rescaled_n(i, a, m, nw)
                 daccu2(1:4) = daccu2(1:4) + een_rescaled_e_gl(j, 1:4, i, k, nw) * &
                      een_rescaled_n(i, a, m + l, nw)
              end do
              factor_een_gl(j, 1:4, nw) = factor_een_gl(j, 1:4, nw) +   &
                   (accu * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 1:4, a, m + l, nw)      &
                   + daccu(1:4) * een_rescaled_n(j, a, m + l, nw)       &
                   + daccu2(1:4) * een_rescaled_n(j, a, m, nw)          &
                   + accu2 * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 1:4, a, m, nw)) * cn

              factor_een_gl(j, 4, nw) = factor_een_gl(j, 4, nw) + 2.0d0 * ( &
                   daccu (1) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 1, a, m + l, nw) +      &
                   daccu (2) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 2, a, m + l, nw) +      &
                   daccu (3) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 3, a, m + l, nw) +      &
                   daccu2(1) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 1, a, m, nw    ) +      &
                   daccu2(2) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 2, a, m, nw    ) +      &
                   daccu2(3) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j, 3, a, m, nw    ) ) * cn

           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_naive Compute GL
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
cord_num int64_t in order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of full coefficient vector
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] in full coefficient vector
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] in combined indices
tmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Temporary intermediate tensor
dtmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] in vector of non-zero coefficients
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
een_rescaled_n_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] in Derivative of Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
factor_een_gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] out Derivative of Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     cord_num, dim_c_vector, c_vector_full, lkpm_combined_index, &
     tmp_c, dtmp_c, een_rescaled_n, een_rescaled_n_gl, factor_een_gl)&
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: tmp_c(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: dtmp_c(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n_gl(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_een_gl(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, j, l, k, m, n, nw, ii
  double precision :: accu, accu2, cn


  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  if (cord_num == 0) then
     factor_een_gl = 0.0d0
  end if

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_een_gl(:,:,nw) = 0.0d0
     do n = 1, dim_c_vector
        l = lkpm_combined_index(n, 1)
        k = lkpm_combined_index(n, 2)
        m = lkpm_combined_index(n, 4)

        do a = 1, nucl_num
           cn = c_vector_full(a, n)
           if(cn == 0.d0) cycle

           do ii = 1, 4
              do j = 1, elec_num
                 factor_een_gl(j,ii,nw) = factor_een_gl(j,ii,nw) + ( &
                      tmp_c (j,   a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,ii,a,m+l,nw) + &
                      tmp_c (j,   a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,ii,a,m  ,nw) + &
                      dtmp_c(j,ii,a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n   (j,   a,m+l,nw) + &
                      dtmp_c(j,ii,a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n   (j,   a,m  ,nw)   &
                      ) * cn
              end do
           end do

           cn = cn + cn
           do j = 1, elec_num
              factor_een_gl(j,4,nw) = factor_een_gl(j,4,nw) +  ( &
                   dtmp_c(j,1,a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,1,a,m+l,nw)  + &
                   dtmp_c(j,2,a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,2,a,m+l,nw)  + &
                   dtmp_c(j,3,a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,3,a,m+l,nw)  + &
                   dtmp_c(j,1,a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,1,a,m  ,nw)  + &
                   dtmp_c(j,2,a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,2,a,m  ,nw)  + &
                   dtmp_c(j,3,a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,3,a,m  ,nw)    &
                   ) * cn
           end do
        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const double* c_vector_full,
      const int64_t* lkpm_combined_index,
      const double* tmp_c,
      const double* dtmp_c,
      const double* een_rescaled_n,
      const double* een_rescaled_n_gl,
      double* const factor_een_gl ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const double* c_vector_full,
      const int64_t* lkpm_combined_index,
      const double* tmp_c,
      const double* dtmp_c,
      const double* een_rescaled_n,
      const double* een_rescaled_n_gl,
      double* const factor_een_gl ); 
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl(const qmckl_context context,
                                               const int64_t walk_num,
                                               const int64_t elec_num,
                                               const int64_t nucl_num,
                                               const int64_t cord_num,
                                               const int64_t dim_c_vector,
                                               const double *c_vector_full,
                                               const int64_t *lkpm_combined_index,
                                               const double *tmp_c,
                                               const double *dtmp_c,
                                               const double *een_rescaled_n,
                                               const double *een_rescaled_n_gl,
                                               double* const factor_een_gl)
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num,
     cord_num, dim_c_vector, c_vector_full,
     lkpm_combined_index, tmp_c, dtmp_c,
     een_rescaled_n, een_rescaled_n_gl,
} Compute Gradient only
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
nucl_num int64_t in Number of nuclei
cord_num int64_t in order of polynomials
dim_c_vector int64_t in dimension of full coefficient vector
c_vector_full double[dim_c_vector][nucl_num] in full coefficient vector
lkpm_combined_index int64_t[4][dim_c_vector] in combined indices
tmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Temporary intermediate tensor
dtmp_c double[walk_num][0:cord_num-1][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] in vector of non-zero coefficients
een_rescaled_n double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][elec_num] in Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
een_rescaled_n_gl double[walk_num][0:cord_num][nucl_num][4][elec_num] in Derivative of Electron-nucleus rescaled factor
factor_een_grad double[walk_num][3][elec_num] out Derivative of Electron-nucleus jastrow
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad_doc( &
     context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num, &
     cord_num, dim_c_vector, c_vector_full, lkpm_combined_index, &
     tmp_c, dtmp_c, een_rescaled_n, een_rescaled_n_gl, factor_een_grad) &
     bind(C) result(info)

  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: nucl_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: cord_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: dim_c_vector
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: c_vector_full(nucl_num,dim_c_vector)
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)          :: lkpm_combined_index(dim_c_vector,4)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: tmp_c(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: dtmp_c(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,0:cord_num-1,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n(elec_num,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: een_rescaled_n_gl(elec_num,4,nucl_num,0:cord_num,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: factor_een_grad(elec_num,3,walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i, a, j, l, k, m, n, nw, ii
  double precision :: accu, accu2, cn


  if (walk_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2
  if (elec_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_3
  if (nucl_num <= 0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4
  if (cord_num <  0)                 info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_5
  if (info /= QMCKL_SUCCESS)         return

  if (cord_num == 0) then
     factor_een_grad = 0.0d0
  end if

  do nw =1, walk_num
     factor_een_grad(:,:,nw) = 0.0d0
     do n = 1, dim_c_vector
        l = lkpm_combined_index(n, 1)
        k = lkpm_combined_index(n, 2)
        m = lkpm_combined_index(n, 4)

        do a = 1, nucl_num
           cn = c_vector_full(a, n)
           if(cn == 0.d0) cycle

           do ii = 1, 3
              do j = 1, elec_num
                 factor_een_grad(j,ii,nw) = factor_een_grad(j,ii,nw) + (           &
                      dtmp_c(j,ii,a,m  ,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n   (j,   a,m+l,nw) + &
                      dtmp_c(j,ii,a,m+l,k,nw) * een_rescaled_n   (j,   a,m  ,nw) + &
                      tmp_c(j,a,m  ,k,nw)     * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,ii,a,m+l,nw) + &
                      tmp_c(j,a,m+l,k,nw)     * een_rescaled_n_gl(j,ii,a,m  ,nw)   &
                      ) * cn
              end do
           end do

        end do
     end do
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const double* c_vector_full,
      const int64_t* lkpm_combined_index,
      const double* tmp_c,
      const double* dtmp_c,
      const double* een_rescaled_n,
      const double* een_rescaled_n_gl,
      double* const factor_een_grad ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const int64_t nucl_num,
      const int64_t cord_num,
      const int64_t dim_c_vector,
      const double* c_vector_full,
      const int64_t* lkpm_combined_index,
      const double* tmp_c,
      const double* dtmp_c,
      const double* een_rescaled_n,
      const double* een_rescaled_n_gl,
      double* const factor_een_grad ); 
qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad(const qmckl_context context,
                                               const int64_t walk_num,
                                               const int64_t elec_num,
                                               const int64_t nucl_num,
                                               const int64_t cord_num,
                                               const int64_t dim_c_vector,
                                               const double *c_vector_full,
                                               const int64_t *lkpm_combined_index,
                                               const double *tmp_c,
                                               const double *dtmp_c,
                                               const double *een_rescaled_n,
                                               const double *een_rescaled_n_gl,
                                               double* const factor_een_grad)
#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, nucl_num,
     cord_num, dim_c_vector, c_vector_full,
     lkpm_combined_index, tmp_c, dtmp_c,
     een_rescaled_n, een_rescaled_n_gl,
  1. Test
    /* Check if Jastrow is properly initialized */
      double factor_een_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl(context, &(factor_een_gl[0][0][0]),4*walk_num*elec_num);
      double factor_een_grad[walk_num][3][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_grad(context, &(factor_een_grad[0][0][0]),3*walk_num*elec_num);
      for (int nw=0 ; nw<walk_num ; nw++) {
        for (int k=0 ; k<3; k++) {
          for (int i=0 ; i<elec_num ; i++) {
            assert(fabs(factor_een_gl[nw][k][i] - factor_een_grad[nw][k][i]) < 1e-8);

3.4 Total Jastrow

3.4.1 Value

Value of the total Jastrow factor: \(\exp(J)\) Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_value(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const value,
                            const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_value (context, &
            value, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: value(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_value
    end interface Compute
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
f_ee double[walk_num] in ee component
f_en double[walk_num] in eN component
f_een double[walk_num] in eeN component
value double[walk_num] out Total Jastrow factor
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_doc(context, &
     walk_num, f_ee, f_en, f_een, value) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: f_ee(walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: f_en(walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: f_een(walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: value(walk_num)
  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                  :: info

  integer*8 :: i


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  do i = 1, walk_num
     value(i) = f_ee(i) + f_en(i) + f_een(i)
  end do

  do i = 1, walk_num
     ! Flush to zero to avoid floating-point exception
     if (value(i) < -100.d0) then
       value(i) = 0.d0
       value(i) = dexp(value(i))
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const double* f_ee,
      const double* f_en,
      const double* f_een,
      double* const value ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const double* f_ee,
      const double* f_en,
      const double* f_een,
      double* const value ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_hpc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const double* f_ee,
      const double* f_en,
      const double* f_een,
      double* const value ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value (
          const qmckl_context context,
          const int64_t walk_num,
          const double* factor_ee,
          const double* factor_en,
          const double* factor_een,
          double* const value)

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_value_doc
    (context, walk_num, factor_ee, factor_en, factor_een, value);

3.4.2 Derivatives

Gradients and Laplacian of the total Jastrow factor: \[ \nabla \left[ e^{J(\mathbf{r})} \right] = e^{J(\mathbf{r})} \nabla J(\mathbf{r}) \] \[ \Delta \left[ e^{J(\mathbf{r})} \right] = e^{J(\mathbf{r})} \left[ \Delta J(\mathbf{r}) + \nabla J(\mathbf{r}) \cdot \nabla J(\mathbf{r}) \right] \] Get
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_gl(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const gl,
                            const int64_t size_max);

qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_grad(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const grad,
                            const int64_t size_max);
qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_grad(qmckl_context context,
                            double* const grad,
                            const int64_t size_max);
  1. Fortran interface
       integer(qmckl_exit_code) function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_gl (context, &
            gl, size_max) bind(C)
         use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         implicit none
         integer (qmckl_context) , intent(in), value :: context
         integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value       :: size_max
         real(c_double),   intent(out)               :: gl(size_max)
       end function qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_gl
    end interface Compute GL
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
value double[walk_num] in Total Jastrow
gl_ee double[walk_num][4][elec_num] in ee component
gl_en double[walk_num][4][elec_num] in eN component
gl_een double[walk_num][4][elec_num] in eeN component
gl double[walk_num][4][elec_num] out Total Jastrow factor
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_doc(context, &
     walk_num, elec_num, value, gl_ee, gl_en, gl_een, gl) &
     bind(C) result(info)
  use qmckl
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: value(walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: gl_ee(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: gl_en(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: gl_een(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: gl(elec_num,4,walk_num)

  integer(qmckl_exit_code)                 :: info
  integer*8 :: i, j, k


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  do k = 1, walk_num
     do j=1,4
        do i = 1, elec_num
           gl(i,j,k) = gl_ee(i,j,k) + gl_en(i,j,k) + gl_een(i,j,k)
        end do
     end do
     do i = 1, elec_num
        gl(i,4,k) = gl(i,4,k) + &
             gl(i,1,k) * gl(i,1,k) + &
             gl(i,2,k) * gl(i,2,k) + &
             gl(i,3,k) * gl(i,3,k)
     end do
     gl(:,:,k) = gl(:,:,k) * value(k)
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* gl_een,
      double* const gl ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* gl_een,
      double* const gl ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_hpc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* gl_een,
      double* const gl ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* gl_een,
      double* const gl)

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_gl_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, value, gl_ee, gl_en, gl_een, gl);
  1. Test
    printf("Total Jastrow derivatives\n");
    /* Check if Jastrow is properly initialized */
      double factor_ee_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                       qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_ee_gl(context, &(factor_ee_gl[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*4)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      double factor_en_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                       qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_en_gl(context, &(factor_en_gl[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*4)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      double factor_een_gl[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                       qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_factor_een_gl(context, &(factor_een_gl[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*4)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      double total_j_deriv[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                       qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_gl(context, &(total_j_deriv[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*4)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      double total_j[walk_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                       qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_value(context, &(total_j[0]), walk_num)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      for (int64_t k=0 ; k< walk_num ; ++k) {
        for (int64_t m=0 ; m<4; ++m) {
          for (int64_t e=0 ; e<elec_num; ++e) {
            if (m < 3) { /* test only gradients */
              if (fabs(total_j_deriv[k][m][e]/total_j[k] - (factor_ee_gl[k][m][e] + factor_en_gl[k][m][e] + factor_een_gl[k][m][e])) > 1e-12) {
                printf("k = %ld\n", k);
                printf("m = %ld\n", m);
                printf("e = %ld\n", e);
                printf("total_j_deriv/total_j = %20.15e\n", total_j_deriv[k][m][e]/total_j[k]);
                printf("factor_ee_gl + factor_en_gl + factor_een_gl = %20.15e\n", factor_ee_gl[k][m][e] + factor_en_gl[k][m][e] + factor_een_gl[k][m][e]);
              assert (fabs(total_j_deriv[k][m][e]/total_j[k] - (factor_ee_gl[k][m][e] + factor_en_gl[k][m][e] + factor_een_gl[k][m][e])) < 1.e-8);
 Compute Gradient only
Variable Type In/Out Description
context qmckl_context in Global state
walk_num int64_t in Number of walkers
elec_num int64_t in Number of electrons
value double[walk_num] in Total Jastrow
gl_ee double[walk_num][4][elec_num] in ee component
gl_en double[walk_num][4][elec_num] in eN component
grad_een double[walk_num][3][elec_num] in eeN component
grad double[walk_num][3][elec_num] out Total Jastrow factor
function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_doc(context, &
     walk_num, elec_num, value, gl_ee, gl_en, grad_een, grad) &
     result(info) bind(C)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use qmckl
  implicit none
  integer(qmckl_context), intent(in), value :: context
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: walk_num
  integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in)  , value :: elec_num
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: value(walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: gl_ee(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: gl_en(elec_num,4,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(in)          :: grad_een(elec_num,3,walk_num)
  real    (c_double ) , intent(out)         :: grad(elec_num,3,walk_num)

  integer(qmckl_exit_code) :: info
  integer*8 :: i, j, k


  if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then

  if (walk_num <= 0) then
     info = QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_2

  do k = 1, walk_num
     do j=1,3
        do i = 1, elec_num
           grad(i,j,k) = gl_ee(i,j,k) + gl_en(i,j,k) + grad_een(i,j,k)
        end do
     end do
     grad(:,:,k) = grad(:,:,k) * value(k)
  end do

end function qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_doc
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* grad_een,
      double* const grad ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_doc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* grad_een,
      double* const grad ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_hpc (
      Type Variable,
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* grad_een,
      double* const grad ); 
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad (
      const qmckl_context context,
      const int64_t walk_num,
      const int64_t elec_num,
      const double* value,
      const double* gl_ee,
      const double* gl_en,
      const double* grad_een,
      double* const grad)

#ifdef HAVE_HPC
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_hpc
  return qmckl_compute_jastrow_champ_grad_doc
    (context, walk_num, elec_num, value, gl_ee, gl_en, grad_een, grad);
  1. Test
    printf("Total Jastrow gradient only\n");
    /* Check if Jastrow is properly initialized */
      double total_j_grad[walk_num][3][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                      qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_grad(context, &(total_j_grad[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*3)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      double total_j_deriv[walk_num][4][elec_num];
      rc = qmckl_check(context,
                      qmckl_get_jastrow_champ_gl(context, &(total_j_deriv[0][0][0]), walk_num*elec_num*4)
      assert(rc == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
      for (int64_t k=0 ; k< walk_num ; ++k) {
        for (int64_t m=0 ; m<3; ++m) {
          for (int64_t e=0 ; e<elec_num; ++e) {
            if (fabs(total_j_grad[k][m][e] - total_j_deriv[k][m][e]) > 1e-12) {
              printf("%ld %ld %ld\n", k, m, e);
              printf("total_j_deriv = %20.15e\n", total_j_deriv[k][m][e]);
              printf("total_j_grad  = %20.15e\n", total_j_grad[k][m][e]);
            assert (fabs(total_j_deriv[k][m][e] - total_j_grad[k][m][e]) < 1.e-8);

Author: TREX CoE

Created: 2024-12-20 Fri 14:06
