mirror of https://github.com/TREX-CoE/qmckl.git synced 2024-12-22 12:23:56 +01:00

Add qmckl_adjugate_safe proxy function

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q-posev 2022-08-22 17:31:15 +02:00
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commit e8c7a69c5a
2 changed files with 156 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ assert(QMCKL_SUCCESS == test_qmckl_dgemm(context));
** ~qmckl_dgemm_safe~
"Size-safe" is a proxy function with the same functionality as ~qmckl_dgemm~
"Size-safe" proxy function with the same functionality as ~qmckl_dgemm~
but with 3 additional arguments. These arguments ~size_max_M~ (where ~M~ is a matix)
are required primarily for the Python API, where compatibility with
NumPy arrays implies that sizes of the input and output arrays are provided.
@ -1622,8 +1622,6 @@ integer function qmckl_adjugate_f(context, na, A, LDA, B, ldb, det_l) &
integer*8, intent(in) :: na
double precision, intent(inout) :: det_l
integer :: i,j
if (context == QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT) then
@ -2444,6 +2442,159 @@ qmckl_exit_code test_qmckl_adjugate(qmckl_context context);
assert(QMCKL_SUCCESS == test_qmckl_adjugate(context));
** ~qmckl_adjugate_safe~
"Size-safe" proxy function with the same functionality as ~qmckl_adjugate~
but with 2 additional arguments. These arguments ~size_max_M~ (where ~M~ is a matix)
are required primarily for the Python API, where compatibility with
NumPy arrays implies that sizes of the input and output arrays are provided.
#+NAME: qmckl_adjugate_safe_args
| Variable | Type | In/Out | Description |
| ~context~ | ~qmckl_context~ | in | Global state |
| ~n~ | ~int64_t~ | in | Number of rows and columns of the input matrix |
| ~A~ | ~double[][lda]~ | in | Array containing the $n \times n$ matrix $A$ |
| ~size_max_A~ | ~int64_t~ | in | Size of the matrix $A$ |
| ~lda~ | ~int64_t~ | in | Leading dimension of array ~A~ |
| ~B~ | ~double[][ldb]~ | out | Adjugate of $A$ |
| ~size_max_B~ | ~int64_t~ | in | Size of the matrix $B$ |
| ~ldb~ | ~int64_t~ | in | Leading dimension of array ~B~ |
| ~det_l~ | ~double~ | inout | determinant of $A$ |
- ~context~ is not ~QMCKL_NULL_CONTEXT~
- ~n > 0~
- ~lda >= m~
- ~A~ is allocated with at least $m \times m \times 8$ bytes
- ~ldb >= m~
- ~B~ is allocated with at least $m \times m \times 8$ bytes
- ~size_max_A >= m * m~
- ~size_max_B >= m * m~
#+CALL: generate_c_header(table=qmckl_adjugate_safe_args,rettyp="qmckl_exit_code",fname="qmckl_adjugate_safe")
#+BEGIN_src c :tangle (eval h_func) :comments org
qmckl_exit_code qmckl_adjugate_safe (
const qmckl_context context,
const int64_t n,
const double* A,
const int64_t size_max_A,
const int64_t lda,
double* const B,
const int64_t size_max_B,
const int64_t ldb,
double* det_l );
For small matrices (\le 5\times 5), we use specialized routines
for performance motivations. For larger sizes, we rely on the
LAPACK library.
#+begin_src f90 :tangle (eval f) :exports none
integer function qmckl_adjugate_safe_f(context, &
na, A, size_A, LDA, B, size_B, LDB, det_l) &
use qmckl
implicit none
integer(qmckl_context) , intent(in) :: context
double precision, intent(in) :: A (LDA,*)
integer*8, intent(in) :: size_A
integer*8, intent(in) :: LDA
double precision, intent(out) :: B (LDB,*)
integer*8, intent(in) :: size_B
integer*8, intent(in) :: LDB
integer*8, intent(in) :: na
double precision, intent(inout) :: det_l
integer, external :: qmckl_adjugate_f
if (size_A < na) then
if (size_B <= 0_8) then
info = qmckl_adjugate_f(context, na, A, LDA, B, LDB, det_l)
if (info == QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_4) then
if (info == QMCKL_INVALID_ARG_6) then
end function qmckl_adjugate_safe_f
*** C interface
#+CALL: generate_c_interface(table=qmckl_adjugate_safe_args,rettyp="qmckl_exit_code",fname="qmckl_adjugate_safe")
#+begin_src f90 :tangle (eval f) :comments org :exports none
integer(c_int32_t) function qmckl_adjugate_safe &
(context, n, A, size_A, lda, B, size_B, ldb, det_l) &
bind(C) result(info)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: context
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: n
real (c_double ) , intent(in) :: A(lda,*)
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: lda
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: size_A
real (c_double ) , intent(out) :: B(ldb,*)
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: ldb
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: size_B
real (c_double ) , intent(inout) :: det_l
integer(c_int32_t), external :: qmckl_adjugate_safe_f
info = qmckl_adjugate_safe_f &
(context, n, A, size_A, lda, B, size_B, ldb, det_l)
end function qmckl_adjugate_safe
#+CALL: generate_f_interface(table=qmckl_adjugate_safe_args,rettyp="qmckl_exit_code",fname="qmckl_adjugate_safe")
#+begin_src f90 :tangle (eval fh_func) :comments org :exports none
integer(c_int32_t) function qmckl_adjugate_safe &
(context, n, A, size_A, lda, B, size_B, ldb, det_l) &
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: context
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: n
real (c_double ) , intent(in) :: A(lda,*)
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: lda
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: size_A
real (c_double ) , intent(out) :: B(ldb,*)
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: ldb
integer (c_int64_t) , intent(in) , value :: size_B
real (c_double ) , intent(inout) :: det_l
end function qmckl_adjugate_safe
end interface
** ~qmckl_transpose~
Transposes a matrix: $A^\dagger_{ji} = A_{ij}$.
@ -2543,9 +2694,7 @@ qmckl_transpose (qmckl_context context,
assert (qmckl_context_destroy(context) == QMCKL_SUCCESS);
return 0;
# -*- mode: org -*-
# vim: syntax=c

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
%include typemaps.i
%apply int *OUTPUT { qmckl_exit_code *exit_code};
%apply double *OUTPUT { double* det_l};
/* Avoid passing file_name length as an additiona argument */
%apply (char *STRING, int LENGTH) { (const char* file_name, const int64_t size_max) };
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ import_array();
%apply ( double* IN_ARRAY1 , int64_t DIM1 ) { ( const double * A, const int64_t size_max_A) };
%apply ( double* IN_ARRAY1 , int64_t DIM1 ) { ( const double * B, const int64_t size_max_B) };
%apply ( double* ARGOUT_ARRAY1 , int64_t DIM1 ) { ( double* const C, const int64_t size_max_C) };
%apply ( double* ARGOUT_ARRAY1 , int64_t DIM1 ) { ( double* const B, const int64_t size_max_B) };
/* Handle properly get_point */