import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_sphere_distribution(n, dmin, Ls, maxiter=1e4, allow_wall=True): """Get random points in a box with given dimensions and minimum separation. Parameters: - n: number of points - dmin: minimum distance - Ls: dimensions of box, shape (3,) array - maxiter: maximum number of iterations. - allow_wall: whether to allow points on wall; (if False: points need to keep distance dmin/2 from the walls.) Return: - ps: array (n, 3) of point positions, with 0 <= ps[:, i] < Ls[i] - n_iter: number of iterations - dratio: average nearest-neighbor distance, divided by dmin. Note: with a fill density (sphere volume divided by box volume) above about 0.53, it takes very long. (Random close-packed spheres have a fill density of 0.64). Author: Han-Kwang Nienhuys (2020) Copying: BSD, GPL, LGPL, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA See Stackoverflow: """ Ls = np.array(Ls).reshape(3) if not allow_wall: Ls -= dmin # filling factor; 0.64 is for random close-packed spheres # This is an estimate because close packing is complicated near the walls. # It doesn't work well for small L/dmin ratios. sphere_vol = np.pi/6*dmin**3 box_vol = + 0.5*dmin) fill_dens = n*sphere_vol/box_vol if fill_dens > 0.64: msg = f'Too many to fit in the volume, density {fill_dens:.3g}>0.64' raise ValueError(msg) # initial try ps = np.random.uniform(size=(n, 3)) * Ls # distance-squared matrix (diagonal is self-distance, don't count) dsq = ((ps - ps.reshape(n, 1, 3))**2).sum(axis=2) dsq[np.arange(n), np.arange(n)] = np.infty for iter_no in range(int(maxiter)): # find points that have too close neighbors close_counts = np.sum(dsq < dmin**2, axis=1) # shape (n,) n_close = np.count_nonzero(close_counts) if n_close == 0: break # Move the one with the largest number of too-close neighbors imv = np.argmax(close_counts) # new positions newp = np.random.uniform(size=3)*Ls ps[imv]= newp # update distance matrix new_dsq_row = ((ps - newp.reshape(1, 3))**2).sum(axis=-1) dsq[imv, :] = dsq[:, imv] = new_dsq_row dsq[imv, imv] = np.inf else: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed after {iter_no+1} iterations.') if not allow_wall: ps += dmin/2 dratio = (np.sqrt(dsq.min(axis=1))/dmin).mean() return ps, iter_no+1, dratio def generateElsAroundPoints(n,LS,dmin): """ Parameters: - n: number of points - LS: list of position of all atoms - dmin: minimum intra block distance - shift: inter block distance Return: - r: array (n, 3) of point positions, """ xs = None for Ls in LS: # Get list of random points around Ls distrib,a,b = get_sphere_distribution(n,dmin,Ls) if xs is None: xs = distrib[:,0] ys = distrib[:,1] zs = distrib[:,2] else: xs = np.concatenate((xs,distrib[:,0])) ys = np.concatenate((ys,distrib[:,1])) zs = np.concatenate((zs,distrib[:,2])) return((np.array((xs,ys,zs))).T) def getCoefList(Nord,Natom): assert(Nord < 11) dict = { 0 : lambda x,y:x-y-2, 1 : lambda x,y:x-y, 2 : lambda x,y:x-y, 3 : lambda x,y:x-y, 4 : lambda x,y:x-y, 5 : lambda x,y:x-y, 6 : lambda x,y:x-y, 7 : lambda x,y:x-y, 8 : lambda x,y:x-y, 9 : lambda x,y:x-y, 10 : lambda x,y:x-y, 11 : lambda x,y:x-y, } count = 0 for p in range(2,Nord+1): for k in range(p-1,-1,-1): lmax = dict[k](p,k) for l in range(lmax,-1,-1): if (p-k-l) & 1 is 0: count += 1 coeflista = np.random.rand(Nord+1,Natom) coeflistb = np.random.rand(Nord+1) coeflistc = np.random.rand(count,Natom) return (coeflista.reshape((Nord+1)*Natom),coeflistb,coeflistc.reshape(count*Natom)) #return (coeflista,coeflistb,coeflistc) def get_sphere_distribution(n, dmin, Ls, maxiter=1e4, allow_wall=True): """Get random points in a box with given dimensions and minimum separation. Parameters: - n: number of points - dmin: minimum distance - Ls: dimensions of box, shape (3,) array - maxiter: maximum number of iterations. - allow_wall: whether to allow points on wall; (if False: points need to keep distance dmin/2 from the walls.) Return: - ps: array (n, 3) of point positions, with 0 <= ps[:, i] < Ls[i] - n_iter: number of iterations - dratio: average nearest-neighbor distance, divided by dmin. Note: with a fill density (sphere volume divided by box volume) above about 0.53, it takes very long. (Random close-packed spheres have a fill density of 0.64). Author: Han-Kwang Nienhuys (2020) Copying: BSD, GPL, LGPL, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA See Stackoverflow: """ Ls = np.array(Ls).reshape(3) if not allow_wall: Ls -= dmin # filling factor; 0.64 is for random close-packed spheres # This is an estimate because close packing is complicated near the walls. # It doesn't work well for small L/dmin ratios. sphere_vol = np.pi/6*dmin**3 box_vol = + 0.5*dmin) fill_dens = n*sphere_vol/box_vol if fill_dens > 0.64: msg = f'Too many to fit in the volume, density {fill_dens:.3g}>0.64' raise ValueError(msg) # initial try ps = np.random.uniform(size=(n, 3)) * Ls # distance-squared matrix (diagonal is self-distance, don't count) dsq = ((ps - ps.reshape(n, 1, 3))**2).sum(axis=2) dsq[np.arange(n), np.arange(n)] = np.infty for iter_no in range(int(maxiter)): # find points that have too close neighbors close_counts = np.sum(dsq < dmin**2, axis=1) # shape (n,) n_close = np.count_nonzero(close_counts) if n_close == 0: break # Move the one with the largest number of too-close neighbors imv = np.argmax(close_counts) # new positions newp = np.random.uniform(size=3)*Ls ps[imv]= newp # update distance matrix new_dsq_row = ((ps - newp.reshape(1, 3))**2).sum(axis=-1) dsq[imv, :] = dsq[:, imv] = new_dsq_row dsq[imv, imv] = np.inf else: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed after {iter_no+1} iterations.') if not allow_wall: ps += dmin/2 dratio = (np.sqrt(dsq.min(axis=1))/dmin).mean() return ps, iter_no+1, dratio def scalingee(r,kappa=1.0): return (numpy.ones_like(r) - numpy.exp(-kappa*r))/kappa def scalingen(r,kappa=1.0): return numpy.exp(-kappa*r) if False: Nord = 5 L1 = 2.0 n = 2 # number of points dmin = 0.1 # min dist between points Ls = np.array([L1,L1,L1]) # lengths of the box shift = -10.0 kappa = 2.0 filename_atom = str(n) + "_geometry.txt" filename_elec = str(n) filename_coeffs = str(n) + "_jast_coeffs.txt" (coeffsa, coeffsb, coeffsc) = getCoefList(Nord,n) coeffsall = np.concatenate((coeffsa,coeffsb,coeffsc)) print(coeffsa.shape,coeffsb.shape,coeffsc.shape) atomList,_,_ = get_sphere_distribution(n, dmin, Ls, maxiter=1e4, allow_wall=True) #print(atomList) L1 = 5.0 n = 5 # number of points dmin = 0.1 # min dist between points Ls = np.array([L1,L1,L1]) # lengths of the box shift = -10.0 kappa = 2.0 filename_elec = filename_elec + "_" + str(n) + "_elec_coord.txt" #rlist = generateBlockRandomPointsAtShftApart(n,L1,dmin,shift) rlist = generateElsAroundPoints(n,atomList,dmin) # Save file np.savetxt(filename_elec,rlist) np.savetxt(filename_atom,atomList) np.savetxt(filename_coeffs,coeffsall) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xs = rlist.T[0] ys = rlist.T[1] zs = rlist.T[2] ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, marker='o') rijScaled = np.array([[(lambda xval, yval: np.linalg.norm(xval-yval))(xval,yval) for yval in rlist] for xval in rlist]) plt.imshow(rijScaled) plt.colorbar()