BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, naord] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Expansion order for f_en END_DOC naord = 5 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, nbord] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Expansion order for f_ee END_DOC nbord = 5 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, ncord] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Expansion order for f_een END_DOC ncord = 5 END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [integer, dim_cord_vect] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Recomputes the length of the unique C coefficients END_DOC integer :: k, p, l, lmax dim_cord_vect = 0 do p = 2, ncord do k = 0, p - 1 if ( k /= 0 ) then lmax = p - k else lmax = p - k - 2 end if do l = iand(p - k, 1), lmax, 2 dim_cord_vect = dim_cord_vect + 1 end do end do end do END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, aord_vect, (naord + 1, typenuc)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, bord_vect, (nbord + 1)] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [double precision, cord_vect, (dim_cord_vect, typenuc)] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Read Jastow coefficients from file END_DOC PROVIDE naord PROVIDE nbord PROVIDE ncord character(len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME = "jast_coeffs.txt" integer :: i, fu, rc open(action='read', file=FILE_NAME, iostat=rc, newunit=fu) read(fu, *) aord_vect read(fu, *) bord_vect read(fu, *) cord_vect close(fu) END_PROVIDER BEGIN_PROVIDER [ double precision, cord_vect_lkp, (0:ncord-1, 0:ncord-1, 2:ncord, typenuc) ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Creates c-tensor with right order of the indexes p, k, l END_DOC integer :: alpha, l, k, p, lmax, cindex cord_vect_lkp = 0.0d0 cindex = 0 do alpha = 1, typenuc do p = 2, ncord do k = p - 1, 0, -1 if ( k /= 0 ) then lmax = p - k else lmax = p - k - 2 end if do l = lmax, 0, -1 if (iand(p - k - l, 1) == 1) cycle cindex = cindex + 1 cord_vect_lkp(l, k, p, alpha) = cord_vect(cindex, alpha) end do end do end do end do END_PROVIDER