#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import sys, getopt from jastlib import getCoefList, get_sphere_distribution, generateElsAroundPoints def main(argv): Natom = 2 Ratio = 5 inputfile = '' outputfile = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"ha:r:",["atom=","ratio="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print('test.py -a -r ') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('test.py -a -r ') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-a", "--atom"): Natom = int(arg) elif opt in ("-r", "--ratio"): Ratio = int(arg) Nelec = Ratio Nord = 5 L1 = 20.0 n = Natom # number of points dmin = 0.1 # min dist between points Ls = np.array([L1,L1,L1]) # lengths of the box shift = -10.0 kappa = 2.0 filename_atom = "geometry.txt" filename_coeffsa = "jast_coeffs.txt" (coeffsa, coeffsb, coeffsc) = getCoefList(Nord,n) coeffsall = np.concatenate((coeffsa,coeffsb,coeffsc)) atomList,_,_ = get_sphere_distribution(n, dmin, Ls, maxiter=1e4, allow_wall=True) L1 = 15.0 n = Nelec # number of points dmin = 0.1 # min dist between points Ls = np.array([L1,L1,L1]) # lengths of the box shift = -10.0 kappa = 2.0 filename_elec = "elec_coord.txt" rlist = generateElsAroundPoints(n,atomList,dmin) # Save file np.savetxt(filename_elec,rlist) np.savetxt(filename_atom,atomList) np.savetxt(filename_coeffsa,coeffsall) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])