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1442 lines
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!> Module that allows working with a configuration file
module m_config
implicit none
!> The double precision kind-parameter
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.0d0)
integer, parameter :: CFG_num_types = 4 !< Number of variable types
integer, parameter :: CFG_integer_type = 1 !< Integer type
integer, parameter :: CFG_real_type = 2 !< Real number type
integer, parameter :: CFG_string_type = 3 !< String type
integer, parameter :: CFG_logic_type = 4 !< Boolean/logical type
integer, parameter :: CFG_unknown_type = 0 !< Used before a variable is created
!> Indicates a variable has its default value
integer, parameter :: CFG_set_by_default = 1
!> Indicates a variable was set by a command line argument
integer, parameter :: CFG_set_by_arg = 2
!> Indicates a variable was set by reading a file
integer, parameter :: CFG_set_by_file = 3
!> Names of the types
character(len=10), parameter :: CFG_type_names(0:CFG_num_types) = &
[character(len=10) :: "storage", "integer", "real", "string ", "logical"]
integer, parameter :: CFG_name_len = 80 !< Maximum length of variable names
integer, parameter :: CFG_string_len = 200 !< Fixed length of string type
!> Maximum number of entries in a variable (if it's an array)
integer, parameter :: CFG_max_array_size = 1000
character, parameter :: tab_char = char(9)
!> The separator(s) for array-like variables (space, comma, ', ", and tab)
character(len=*), parameter :: CFG_separators = " ,'"""//tab_char
!> The separator for categories (stored in var_name)
character(len=*), parameter :: CFG_category_separator = "%"
!> The default string for data that is not yet stored
character(len=*), parameter :: unstored_data_string = "__UNSTORED_DATA_STRING"
!> The type of a configuration variable
type CFG_var_t
!> Name of the variable
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: var_name
!> Description of variable
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: description
!> Type of variable
integer :: var_type
!> Size of variable, 1 means scalar, > 1 means array
integer :: var_size
!> Whether the variable size is flexible
logical :: dynamic_size
!> Whether the variable's value has been requested
logical :: used
!> How the variable has been set (default, command line, file)
integer :: set_by = CFG_set_by_default
!> Data that has been read in for this variable
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: stored_data
! These are the arrays used for storage. In the future, a "pointer" based
! approach could be used.
real(dp), allocatable :: real_data(:)
integer, allocatable :: int_data(:)
character(len=CFG_string_len), allocatable :: char_data(:)
logical, allocatable :: logic_data(:)
end type CFG_var_t
!> The configuration that contains all the variables
type CFG_t
logical :: sorted = .false.
integer :: num_vars = 0
type(CFG_var_t), allocatable :: vars(:)
end type CFG_t
type coords
real(dp), allocatable :: cartesian(:,:)
integer :: natoms
character (len=3), allocatable :: elements(:)
character (len=CFG_string_len) :: comment
end type coords
!> Interface to add variables to the configuration
interface CFG_add
module procedure add_real, add_real_array
module procedure add_int, add_int_array
module procedure add_string, add_string_array
module procedure add_logic, add_logic_array
end interface CFG_add
!> Interface to get variables from the configuration
interface CFG_get
module procedure get_real, get_real_array
module procedure get_int, get_int_array
module procedure get_logic, get_logic_array
module procedure get_string, get_string_array
end interface CFG_get
!> Interface to get variables from the configuration
interface CFG_add_get
module procedure add_get_real, add_get_real_array
module procedure add_get_int, add_get_int_array
module procedure add_get_logic, add_get_logic_array
module procedure add_get_string, add_get_string_array
end interface CFG_add_get
! Public types
public :: CFG_t
public :: CFG_integer_type
public :: CFG_real_type
public :: CFG_string_type
public :: CFG_logic_type
public :: CFG_type_names
! Constants
public :: CFG_name_len
public :: CFG_string_len
public :: CFG_max_array_size
! Public methods
public :: CFG_add
public :: CFG_get
public :: CFG_add_get
public :: CFG_get_size
public :: CFG_get_type
public :: CFG_check
public :: CFG_sort
public :: CFG_write
public :: CFG_write_markdown
public :: CFG_read_file
public :: CFG_read_xyz
public :: CFG_update_from_arguments
public :: CFG_update_from_line
public :: CFG_clear
public :: coords
!> Read command line arguments. Both files and variables can be specified, for
!> example as: ./my_program config.cfg -n_runs=3
!> config files should have an extension .cfg or .txt
!> command line arguments should be preceded by a single dash
subroutine CFG_update_from_arguments(cfg, ignore_unknown)
type(CFG_t),intent(inout) :: cfg
!> Ignore unknown arguments (default: false)
logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_unknown
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: arg
integer :: ix, n
logical :: valid_syntax, strict
character(len=4) :: extension
strict = .true.; if (present(ignore_unknown)) strict = .not. ignore_unknown
do ix = 1, command_argument_count()
call get_command_argument(ix, arg)
n = len_trim(arg)
if (n > 3) extension = arg(n-3:)
! Look for arguments starting with a single dash
if (arg(1:1) == '-' .and. arg(2:2) /= '-') then
! This sets a variable
call parse_line(cfg, CFG_set_by_arg, arg(2:), valid_syntax)
if (.not. valid_syntax) then
call handle_error("Invalid variable specified on command line")
end if
else if (arg(1:1) /= '-' .and. &
(extension == ".cfg" .or. extension == ".txt")) then
! Read a configuration file
call CFG_read_file(cfg, trim(arg))
else if (strict) then
print *, "This error message can be disabled by setting"
print *, "ignore_unknown = .true. for CFG_update_from_arguments"
call handle_error("Unknown argument: " // trim(arg))
end if
end do
end subroutine CFG_update_from_arguments
!> Update the configuration by parsing a line
subroutine CFG_update_from_line(cfg, line)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
logical :: valid_syntax
! This sets a variable
call parse_line(cfg, CFG_set_by_arg, line, valid_syntax)
if (.not. valid_syntax) then
call handle_error("CFG_set: invalid syntax")
end if
end subroutine CFG_update_from_line
!> This routine will be called if an error occurs in one of the subroutines of
!> this module.
subroutine handle_error(err_string)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: err_string
print *, "The following error occured in m_config:"
print *, trim(err_string)
! It is usually best to quit after an error, to make sure the error message
! is not overlooked in the program's output
error stop
end subroutine handle_error
!> Return the index of the variable with name 'var_name', or -1 if not found.
subroutine get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(out) :: ix
integer :: i
if (cfg%sorted) then
call binary_search_variable(cfg, var_name, ix)
! Linear search
do i = 1, cfg%num_vars
if (cfg%vars(i)%var_name == var_name) exit
end do
! If not found, set i to -1
if (i == cfg%num_vars + 1) i = -1
ix = i
end if
end subroutine get_var_index
!> Update the variables in the configartion with the values found in 'filename'
subroutine CFG_read_file(cfg, filename)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, parameter :: my_unit = 123
integer :: io_state
integer :: line_number
logical :: valid_syntax
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: line_fmt
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: line
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: category
open(my_unit, file=trim(filename), status="old", action="read")
write(line_fmt, "(A,I0,A)") "(A", CFG_string_len, ")"
category = "" ! Default category is empty
line_number = 0
read(my_unit, FMT=trim(line_fmt), ERR=998, end=999) line
line_number = line_number + 1
call parse_line(cfg, CFG_set_by_file, line, valid_syntax, category)
if (.not. valid_syntax) then
write(err_string, *) "Cannot read line ", line_number, &
" from ", trim(filename)
call handle_error(err_string)
end if
end do
! Error handling
998 write(err_string, "(A,I0,A,I0)") " IOSTAT = ", io_state, &
" while reading from " // trim(filename) // " at line ", &
call handle_error("CFG_read_file:" // err_string)
! Routine ends here if the end of "filename" is reached
999 close(my_unit, iostat=io_state)
end subroutine CFG_read_file
!> Update the variables in the configartion with the values found in 'filename.xyz'
subroutine CFG_read_xyz(coordinates, filename)
type(coords), intent(inout) :: coordinates
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, parameter :: my_unit = 786
integer :: io_state
integer :: line_number
logical :: valid_syntax
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: line_fmt
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: line
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: category
open(my_unit, file=trim(filename), status="old", action="read")
write(line_fmt, "(A,I0,A)") "(A", CFG_string_len, ")"
category = "" ! Default category is empty
line_number = 0
read(my_unit, FMT=trim(line_fmt), ERR=998, end=999) line
line_number = line_number + 1
if (line_number == 1) then
! parse the line and store the number as number of atoms
! coordinates%natoms = line !! conversion needed here remove debug line below
coordinates%natoms = 12
write(*,*) "Number of atoms from the xyz file", coordinates%natoms
elseif (line_number == 2) then
! parse the line and store the string as a comment
coordinates%comment = adjustl(line)
write(*,*) "Comment from the xyz file", coordinates%comment
! parse the line and store the variables
! call prepare_get_var(coordinates, "", CFG_string_type, 1, 1) ! first atom name & then position whr line starts
! call prepare_get_var(coordinates, "", CFG_real_type, 3, 2) ! 3 for x,y,z & 2 is where numbers start
! real_data = cfg%vars(ix)%real_data
! call parse_xyz(coordinates, line)
! coordinates%cartesian(3,coordinates%natoms)
end do
! Error handling
998 write(err_string, "(A,I0,A,I0)") " IOSTAT = ", io_state, &
" while reading from " // trim(filename) // " at line ", &
call handle_error("CFG_read_xyz:" // err_string)
! Routine ends here if the end of "filename" is reached
999 close(my_unit, iostat=io_state)
end subroutine CFG_read_xyz
!> Update the cfg by parsing xyz file line by line
subroutine parse_xyz(coordinates, line_arg)
type(coords), intent(inout) :: coordinates
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line_arg !< Line to parse
logical :: append
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: line
! character(len=CFG_name_len) :: var_name, category
! integer :: ix, equal_sign_ix
! Work on a copy
line = line_arg
call trim_comment(line, '#;')
! Skip empty lines
if (line == "") return
! if (ix <= 0) then
! ! Variable still needs to be created, for now store data as a string
! ! call prepare_store_var(coordinates, trim(var_name), CFG_unknown_type, 1, &
! ! "Not yet created", ix, .false.)
! ! coordinates%vars(ix)%stored_data = line
! else
! if (append) then
! coordinates%vars(ix)%stored_data = &
! trim(coordinates%vars(ix)%stored_data) // trim(line)
! else
! coordinates%vars(ix)%stored_data = line
! end if
! ! If type is known, read in values
! if (coordinates%vars(ix)%var_type /= CFG_unknown_type) then
! call read_variable(coordinates%vars(ix))
! end if
! end if
!! Store how the variable was set
! coordinates%vars(ix)%set_by = set_by
end subroutine parse_xyz
!> Update the cfg by parsing one line
subroutine parse_line(cfg, set_by, line_arg, valid_syntax, category_arg)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
integer, intent(in) :: set_by !< Where the line came from
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line_arg !< Line to parse
logical, intent(out) :: valid_syntax
character(len=CFG_name_len), intent(inout), optional :: category_arg !< The category
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: var_name, category
integer :: ix, equal_sign_ix
logical :: append
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: line
valid_syntax = .true.
! Work on a copy
line = line_arg
category = ""
if (present(category_arg)) category = category_arg
call trim_comment(line, '#;')
! Skip empty lines
if (line == "") return
! Locate the '=' sign
equal_sign_ix = scan(line, '=')
! if there is no '='-sign then a category is indicated
if (equal_sign_ix == 0) then
line = adjustl(line)
! The category name should appear like this: [category_name]
ix = scan(line, ']')
if (line(1:1) /= '[' .or. ix == 0) then
valid_syntax = .false.
if (present(category_arg)) category_arg = line(2:ix-1)
end if
end if
if (line(equal_sign_ix-1:equal_sign_ix) == '+=') then
append = .true.
var_name = line(1 : equal_sign_ix - 2) ! Set variable name
append = .false.
var_name = line(1 : equal_sign_ix - 1) ! Set variable name
end if
! If there are less than two spaces or a tab, reset to no category
if (var_name(1:2) /= " " .and. var_name(1:1) /= tab_char) then
category = ""
end if
! Replace leading tabs by spaces
ix = verify(var_name, tab_char) ! Find first non-tab character
var_name(1:ix-1) = ""
! Remove leading blanks
var_name = adjustl(var_name)
! Add category if it is defined
if (category /= "") then
var_name = trim(category) // CFG_category_separator // var_name
end if
line = line(equal_sign_ix + 1:) ! Set line to the values behind the '=' sign
! Find variable corresponding to name in file
call get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
if (ix <= 0) then
! Variable still needs to be created, for now store data as a string
call prepare_store_var(cfg, trim(var_name), CFG_unknown_type, 1, &
"Not yet created", ix, .false.)
cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data = line
if (append) then
cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data = &
trim(cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data) // trim(line)
cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data = line
end if
! If type is known, read in values
if (cfg%vars(ix)%var_type /= CFG_unknown_type) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
end if
end if
! Store how the variable was set
cfg%vars(ix)%set_by = set_by
end subroutine parse_line
subroutine read_variable(var)
type(CFG_var_t), intent(inout) :: var
integer :: n, n_entries
integer :: ix_start(CFG_max_array_size)
integer :: ix_end(CFG_max_array_size), stat
! Get the start and end positions of the line content, and the number of entries
call get_fields_string(var%stored_data, CFG_separators, &
CFG_max_array_size, n_entries, ix_start, ix_end)
if (var%var_size /= n_entries) then
if (.not. var%dynamic_size) then
! Allow strings of length 1 to be automatically concatenated
if (var%var_type == CFG_string_type .and. var%var_size == 1) then
var%char_data(1) = trim(var%stored_data(ix_start(1):ix_end(n_entries)))
return ! Leave routine
call handle_error("read_variable: variable [" // &
& trim(var%var_name) // "] has the wrong size")
end if
var%var_size = n_entries
call resize_storage(var)
end if
end if
do n = 1, n_entries
stat = 0
select case (var%var_type)
case (CFG_integer_type)
read(var%stored_data(ix_start(n):ix_end(n)), *, iostat=stat) var%int_data(n)
case (CFG_real_type)
read(var%stored_data(ix_start(n):ix_end(n)), *, iostat=stat) var%real_data(n)
case (CFG_string_type)
var%char_data(n) = trim(var%stored_data(ix_start(n):ix_end(n)))
case (CFG_logic_type)
read(var%stored_data(ix_start(n):ix_end(n)), *, iostat=stat) var%logic_data(n)
end select
if(stat /= 0) then
write (*, *) "** m_config error **"
write (*, *) "reading variable: ", trim(var%var_name)
write (*, *) "variable type: ", trim(CFG_type_names(var%var_type))
write (*, *) "parsing value: ", var%stored_data(ix_start(n):ix_end(n))
write (*, "(A,I0)") " iostat value: ", stat
end do
end subroutine read_variable
subroutine trim_comment(line, comment_chars)
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: line
character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment_chars
character :: current_char, need_char
integer :: n
! Strip comments, but only outside quoted strings (so that var = '#yolo' is
! valid when # is a comment char)
need_char = ""
do n = 1, len(line)
current_char = line(n:n)
if (need_char == "") then
if (current_char == "'") then
need_char = "'" ! Open string
else if (current_char == '"') then
need_char = '"' ! Open string
else if (index(comment_chars, current_char) /= 0) then
line = line(1:n-1) ! Trim line up to comment character
end if
else if (current_char == need_char) then
need_char = "" ! Close string
end if
end do
end subroutine trim_comment
subroutine CFG_check(cfg)
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg
integer :: n
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
do n = 1, cfg%num_vars
if (cfg%vars(n)%var_type == CFG_unknown_type) then
write(err_string, *) "CFG_check: unknown variable ", &
trim(cfg%vars(n)%var_name), " specified"
call handle_error(err_string)
end if
end do
end subroutine CFG_check
!> This routine writes the current configuration to a file with descriptions
subroutine CFG_write(cfg_in, filename, hide_unused, custom_first)
use iso_fortran_env
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg_in
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
!> Hide variables whose value was not requested
logical, intent(in), optional :: hide_unused
!> Show user-set variables first (default: false)
logical, intent(in), optional :: custom_first
logical :: hide_not_used, sort_set_by
type(CFG_t) :: cfg
integer :: i, j, n, io_state, myUnit
integer :: n_custom_set
integer, allocatable :: cfg_order(:)
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: name_format, var_name
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: category, prev_category
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
hide_not_used = .false.
if (present(hide_unused)) hide_not_used = hide_unused
sort_set_by = .false.
if (present(custom_first)) sort_set_by = custom_first
! Always print a sorted configuration
cfg = cfg_in
!if (.not. cfg%sorted) call CFG_sort(cfg)
write(name_format, FMT="(A,I0,A)") "(A,A", CFG_name_len, ",A)"
if (filename == "stdout") then
myUnit = output_unit
open(newunit=myUnit, FILE=filename, ACTION="WRITE")
end if
category = ""
prev_category = ""
if (sort_set_by) then
n = 0
do i = 1, cfg%num_vars
if (cfg%vars(i)%set_by /= CFG_set_by_default) then
n = n + 1
cfg_order(n) = i
end if
end do
n_custom_set = n
do i = 1, cfg%num_vars
if (cfg%vars(i)%set_by == CFG_set_by_default) then
n = n + 1
cfg_order(n) = i
end if
end do
n_custom_set = -1 ! To prevent undefined warning
cfg_order(:) = [(i, i = 1, cfg%num_vars)]
end if
do n = 1, cfg%num_vars
i = cfg_order(n)
if (.not. cfg%vars(i)%used .and. hide_not_used) cycle
if (cfg%vars(i)%var_type == CFG_unknown_type) cycle
if (sort_set_by .and. n == n_custom_set + 1) then
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") '# Variables below have default values'
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ''
end if
! Write category when it changes
call split_category(cfg%vars(i), category, var_name)
if (category /= prev_category .and. category /= '') then
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") '[' // trim(category) // ']'
prev_category = category
end if
! Indent if inside category
if (category /= "") then
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A,A,A)") " # ", &
trim(cfg%vars(i)%description), ":"
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A)") &
" " // trim(var_name) // " ="
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A,A,A)") "# ", &
trim(cfg%vars(i)%description), ":"
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A)") &
trim(var_name) // " ="
end if
select case(cfg%vars(i)%var_type)
case (CFG_integer_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,I0)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%int_data(j)
end do
case (CFG_real_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,F12.6)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%real_data(j)
end do
case (CFG_string_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A)") &
" '" // trim(cfg%vars(i)%char_data(j)) // "'"
end do
case (CFG_logic_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,L1)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%logic_data(j)
end do
end select
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
end do
if (myUnit /= output_unit) close(myUnit, ERR=999, IOSTAT=io_state)
call CFG_check(cfg_in)
998 continue
write(err_string, *) "CFG_write error: io_state = ", io_state, &
" while writing ", trim(var_name), " to ", filename
call handle_error(err_string)
999 continue ! If there was an error, the routine will end here
write(err_string, *) "CFG_write error: io_state = ", io_state, &
" while writing to ", filename
call handle_error(err_string)
end subroutine CFG_write
!> This routine writes the current configuration to a markdown file
subroutine CFG_write_markdown(cfg_in, filename, hide_unused)
use iso_fortran_env
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg_in
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
logical, intent(in), optional :: hide_unused
logical :: hide_not_used
integer :: i, j, io_state, myUnit
type(CFG_t) :: cfg
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: name_format, var_name
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: category, prev_category
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
hide_not_used = .false.
if (present(hide_unused)) hide_not_used = hide_unused
! Always print a sorted configuration
cfg = cfg_in
if (.not. cfg%sorted) call CFG_sort(cfg)
write(name_format, FMT="(A,I0,A)") "(A,A", CFG_name_len, ",A)"
if (filename == "stdout") then
myUnit = output_unit
myUnit = 333
open(myUnit, FILE=filename, ACTION="WRITE")
end if
category = ""
prev_category = "X"
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") "# Configuration file (markdown format)"
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
do i = 1, cfg%num_vars
if (.not. cfg%vars(i)%used .and. hide_not_used) cycle
if (cfg%vars(i)%var_type == CFG_unknown_type) cycle
! Write category when it changes
call split_category(cfg%vars(i), category, var_name)
if (category /= prev_category) then
if (category == "") category = "No category"
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") '## ' // trim(category)
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
prev_category = category
end if
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") "* " // trim(cfg%vars(i)%description)
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A)") &
' ' // trim(var_name) // " ="
select case(cfg%vars(i)%var_type)
case (CFG_integer_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,I0)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%int_data(j)
end do
case (CFG_real_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,F12.6)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%real_data(j)
end do
case (CFG_string_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A)") &
" '" // trim(cfg%vars(i)%char_data(j)) // "'"
end do
case (CFG_logic_type)
do j = 1, cfg%vars(i)%var_size
write(myUnit, ADVANCE="NO", ERR=998, FMT="(A,L1)") &
" ", cfg%vars(i)%logic_data(j)
end do
end select
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
write(myUnit, ERR=998, FMT="(A)") ""
end do
if (myUnit /= output_unit) close(myUnit, ERR=999, IOSTAT=io_state)
call CFG_check(cfg_in)
998 continue
write(err_string, *) "CFG_write_markdown error: io_state = ", io_state, &
" while writing ", trim(var_name), " to ", filename
call handle_error(err_string)
999 continue ! If there was an error, the routine will end here
write(err_string, *) "CFG_write_markdown error: io_state = ", io_state, &
" while writing to ", filename
call handle_error(err_string)
end subroutine CFG_write_markdown
subroutine split_category(variable, category, var_name)
type(CFG_var_t), intent(in) :: variable
character(CFG_name_len), intent(out) :: category
character(CFG_name_len), intent(out) :: var_name
integer :: ix
ix = index(variable%var_name, CFG_category_separator)
if (ix == 0) then
category = ""
var_name = variable%var_name
category = variable%var_name(1:ix-1)
var_name = variable%var_name(ix+1:)
end if
end subroutine split_category
!> Resize the storage size of variable, which can be of type integer, logical,
!> real or character
subroutine resize_storage(variable)
type(CFG_var_t), intent(inout) :: variable
select case (variable%var_type)
case (CFG_integer_type)
deallocate( variable%int_data )
allocate( variable%int_data(variable%var_size) )
case (CFG_logic_type)
deallocate( variable%logic_data )
allocate( variable%logic_data(variable%var_size) )
case (CFG_real_type)
deallocate( variable%real_data )
allocate( variable%real_data(variable%var_size) )
case (CFG_string_type)
deallocate( variable%char_data )
allocate( variable%char_data(variable%var_size) )
end select
end subroutine resize_storage
!> Helper routine to store variables. This is useful because a lot of the same
!> code is executed for the different types of variables.
subroutine prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, var_type, var_size, &
description, ix, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, description
integer, intent(in) :: var_type, var_size
integer, intent(out) :: ix !< Index of variable
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
! Check if variable already exists
call get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
if (ix == -1) then ! Create a new variable
call ensure_free_storage(cfg)
cfg%sorted = .false.
ix = cfg%num_vars + 1
cfg%num_vars = cfg%num_vars + 1
cfg%vars(ix)%used = .false.
cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data = unstored_data_string
! Only allowed when the variable is not yet created
if (cfg%vars(ix)%var_type /= CFG_unknown_type) then
call handle_error("prepare_store_var: variable [" // &
& trim(var_name) // "] already exists")
end if
end if
cfg%vars(ix)%var_name = var_name
cfg%vars(ix)%description = description
cfg%vars(ix)%var_type = var_type
cfg%vars(ix)%var_size = var_size
if (present(dynamic_size)) then
cfg%vars(ix)%dynamic_size = dynamic_size
cfg%vars(ix)%dynamic_size = .false.
end if
select case (var_type)
case (CFG_integer_type)
allocate( cfg%vars(ix)%int_data(var_size) )
case (CFG_real_type)
allocate( cfg%vars(ix)%real_data(var_size) )
case (CFG_string_type)
allocate( cfg%vars(ix)%char_data(var_size) )
case (CFG_logic_type)
allocate( cfg%vars(ix)%logic_data(var_size) )
end select
end subroutine prepare_store_var
!> Helper routine to get variables. This is useful because a lot of the same
!> code is executed for the different types of variables.
subroutine prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, var_type, var_size, ix)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(in) :: var_type, var_size
integer, intent(out) :: ix
character(len=CFG_string_len) :: err_string
call get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
if (ix == -1) then
call handle_error("CFG_get: variable ["//var_name//"] not found")
else if (cfg%vars(ix)%var_type /= var_type) then
write(err_string, fmt="(A)") "CFG_get: variable [" &
// var_name // "] has different type (" // &
trim(CFG_type_names(cfg%vars(ix)%var_type)) // &
") than requested (" // trim(CFG_type_names(var_type)) // ")"
call handle_error(err_string)
else if (cfg%vars(ix)%var_size /= var_size) then
write(err_string, fmt="(A,I0,A,I0,A)") "CFG_get: variable [" &
// var_name // "] has different size (", cfg%vars(ix)%var_size, &
") than requested (", var_size, ")"
call handle_error(err_string)
else ! All good, variable will be used
cfg%vars(ix)%used = .true.
end if
end subroutine prepare_get_var
!> Add a configuration variable with a real value
subroutine add_real(cfg, var_name, real_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
real(dp), intent(in) :: real_data
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_real_type, 1, comment, ix)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%real_data(1) = real_data
end if
end subroutine add_real
!> Add a configuration variable with an array of type
! real
subroutine add_real_array(cfg, var_name, real_data, comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
real(dp), intent(in) :: real_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_real_type, &
size(real_data), comment, ix, dynamic_size)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%real_data = real_data
end if
end subroutine add_real_array
!> Add a configuration variable with an integer value
subroutine add_int(cfg, var_name, int_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
integer, intent(in) :: int_data
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_integer_type, 1, comment, ix)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%int_data(1) = int_data
end if
end subroutine add_int
!> Add a configuration variable with an array of type integer
subroutine add_int_array(cfg, var_name, int_data, comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
integer, intent(in) :: int_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_integer_type, &
size(int_data), comment, ix, dynamic_size)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%int_data = int_data
end if
end subroutine add_int_array
!> Add a configuration variable with an character value
subroutine add_string(cfg, var_name, char_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment, char_data
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_string_type, 1, comment, ix)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%char_data(1) = char_data
end if
end subroutine add_string
!> Add a configuration variable with an array of type character
subroutine add_string_array(cfg, var_name, char_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment, char_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_string_type, &
size(char_data), comment, ix, dynamic_size)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%char_data = char_data
end if
end subroutine add_string_array
!> Add a configuration variable with an logical value
subroutine add_logic(cfg, var_name, logic_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
logical, intent(in) :: logic_data
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_logic_type, 1, comment, ix)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%logic_data(1) = logic_data
end if
end subroutine add_logic
!> Add a configuration variable with an array of type logical
subroutine add_logic_array(cfg, var_name, logic_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
logical, intent(in) :: logic_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
integer :: ix
call prepare_store_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_logic_type, &
size(logic_data), comment, ix, dynamic_size)
if (cfg%vars(ix)%stored_data /= unstored_data_string) then
call read_variable(cfg%vars(ix))
cfg%vars(ix)%logic_data = logic_data
end if
end subroutine add_logic_array
!> Get a real array of a given name
subroutine get_real_array(cfg, var_name, real_data)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
real(dp), intent(inout) :: real_data(:)
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_real_type, &
size(real_data), ix)
real_data = cfg%vars(ix)%real_data
end subroutine get_real_array
!> Get a integer array of a given name
subroutine get_int_array(cfg, var_name, int_data)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(inout) :: int_data(:)
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_integer_type, &
size(int_data), ix)
int_data = cfg%vars(ix)%int_data
end subroutine get_int_array
!> Get a character array of a given name
subroutine get_string_array(cfg, var_name, char_data)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: char_data(:)
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_string_type, &
size(char_data), ix)
char_data = cfg%vars(ix)%char_data
end subroutine get_string_array
!> Get a logical array of a given name
subroutine get_logic_array(cfg, var_name, logic_data)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
logical, intent(inout) :: logic_data(:)
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_logic_type, &
size(logic_data), ix)
logic_data = cfg%vars(ix)%logic_data
end subroutine get_logic_array
!> Get a real value of a given name
subroutine get_real(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
real(dp), intent(out) :: res
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_real_type, 1, ix)
res = cfg%vars(ix)%real_data(1)
end subroutine get_real
!> Get a integer value of a given name
subroutine get_int(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(inout) :: res
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_integer_type, 1, ix)
res = cfg%vars(ix)%int_data(1)
end subroutine get_int
!> Get a logical value of a given name
subroutine get_logic(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
logical, intent(out) :: res
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_logic_type, 1, ix)
res = cfg%vars(ix)%logic_data(1)
end subroutine get_logic
!> Get a character value of a given name
subroutine get_string(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
character(len=*), intent(out) :: res
integer :: ix
call prepare_get_var(cfg, var_name, CFG_string_type, 1, ix)
res = cfg%vars(ix)%char_data(1)
end subroutine get_string
!> Get or add a real array of a given name
subroutine add_get_real_array(cfg, var_name, real_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
real(dp), intent(inout) :: real_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
call add_real_array(cfg, var_name, real_data, comment, dynamic_size)
call get_real_array(cfg, var_name, real_data)
end subroutine add_get_real_array
!> Get or add a integer array of a given name
subroutine add_get_int_array(cfg, var_name, int_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
integer, intent(inout) :: int_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
call add_int_array(cfg, var_name, int_data, comment, dynamic_size)
call get_int_array(cfg, var_name, int_data)
end subroutine add_get_int_array
!> Get or add a character array of a given name
subroutine add_get_string_array(cfg, var_name, char_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: char_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
call add_string_array(cfg, var_name, char_data, comment, dynamic_size)
call get_string_array(cfg, var_name, char_data)
end subroutine add_get_string_array
!> Get or add a logical array of a given name
subroutine add_get_logic_array(cfg, var_name, logic_data, &
comment, dynamic_size)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
logical, intent(inout) :: logic_data(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: dynamic_size
call add_logic_array(cfg, var_name, logic_data, comment, dynamic_size)
call get_logic_array(cfg, var_name, logic_data)
end subroutine add_get_logic_array
!> Get or add a real value of a given name
subroutine add_get_real(cfg, var_name, real_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
real(dp), intent(inout) :: real_data
call add_real(cfg, var_name, real_data, comment)
call get_real(cfg, var_name, real_data)
end subroutine add_get_real
!> Get or add a integer value of a given name
subroutine add_get_int(cfg, var_name, int_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
integer, intent(inout) :: int_data
call add_int(cfg, var_name, int_data, comment)
call get_int(cfg, var_name, int_data)
end subroutine add_get_int
!> Get or add a logical value of a given name
subroutine add_get_logic(cfg, var_name, logical_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
logical, intent(inout) :: logical_data
call add_logic(cfg, var_name, logical_data, comment)
call get_logic(cfg, var_name, logical_data)
end subroutine add_get_logic
!> Get a character value of a given name
subroutine add_get_string(cfg, var_name, string_data, comment)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name, comment
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: string_data
call add_string(cfg, var_name, string_data, comment)
call get_string(cfg, var_name, string_data)
end subroutine add_get_string
!> Get the size of a variable
subroutine CFG_get_size(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(out) :: res
integer :: ix
call get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
if (ix /= -1) then
res = cfg%vars(ix)%var_size
res = -1
call handle_error("CFG_get_size: variable ["//var_name//"] not found")
end if
end subroutine CFG_get_size
!> Get the type of a given variable of a configuration type
subroutine CFG_get_type(cfg, var_name, res)
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(out) :: res
integer :: ix
call get_var_index(cfg, var_name, ix)
if (ix /= -1) then
res = cfg%vars(ix)%var_type
res = -1
call handle_error("CFG_get_type: variable ["//var_name//"] not found")
end if
end subroutine CFG_get_type
!> Routine to ensure that enough storage is allocated for the configuration
!> type. If not the new size will be twice as much as the current size. If no
!> storage is allocated yet a minumum amount of starage is allocated.
subroutine ensure_free_storage(cfg)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
type(CFG_var_t), allocatable :: cfg_copy(:)
integer, parameter :: min_dyn_size = 100
integer :: cur_size, new_size
if (allocated(cfg%vars)) then
cur_size = size(cfg%vars)
if (cur_size < cfg%num_vars + 1) then
new_size = 2 * cur_size
cfg_copy = cfg%vars
cfg%vars(1:cur_size) = cfg_copy
end if
end if
end subroutine ensure_free_storage
!> Routine to find the indices of entries in a string
subroutine get_fields_string(line, delims, n_max, n_found, ixs_start, ixs_end)
!> The line from which we want to read
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
!> A string with delimiters. For example delims = " ,'"""//tab_char
character(len=*), intent(in) :: delims
!> Maximum number of entries to read in
integer, intent(in) :: n_max
!> Number of entries found
integer, intent(inout) :: n_found
!> On return, ix_start(i) holds the starting point of entry i
integer, intent(inout) :: ixs_start(n_max)
!> On return, ix_end(i) holds the end point of entry i
integer, intent(inout) :: ixs_end(n_max)
integer :: ix, ix_prev
ix_prev = 0
n_found = 0
do while (n_found < n_max)
! Find the starting point of the next entry (a non-delimiter value)
ix = verify(line(ix_prev+1:), delims)
if (ix == 0) exit
n_found = n_found + 1
ixs_start(n_found) = ix_prev + ix ! This is the absolute position in 'line'
! Get the end point of the current entry (next delimiter index minus one)
ix = scan(line(ixs_start(n_found)+1:), delims) - 1
if (ix == -1) then ! If there is no last delimiter,
ixs_end(n_found) = len(line) ! the end of the line is the endpoint
ixs_end(n_found) = ixs_start(n_found) + ix
end if
ix_prev = ixs_end(n_found) ! We continue to search from here
end do
end subroutine get_fields_string
!> Performa a binary search for the variable 'var_name'
subroutine binary_search_variable(cfg, var_name, ix)
type(CFG_t), intent(in) :: cfg
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name
integer, intent(out) :: ix
integer :: i_min, i_max, i_mid
i_min = 1
i_max = cfg%num_vars
ix = - 1
do while (i_min < i_max)
i_mid = i_min + (i_max - i_min) / 2
if ( llt(cfg%vars(i_mid)%var_name, var_name) ) then
i_min = i_mid + 1
i_max = i_mid
end if
end do
! If not found, binary_search_variable is not set here, and stays -1
if (i_max == i_min .and. cfg%vars(i_min)%var_name == var_name) then
ix = i_min
ix = -1
end if
end subroutine binary_search_variable
!> Sort the variables for faster lookup
subroutine CFG_sort(cfg)
type(CFG_t), intent(inout) :: cfg
call qsort_config(cfg%vars(1:cfg%num_vars))
cfg%sorted = .true.
end subroutine CFG_sort
!> Simple implementation of quicksort algorithm to sort the variable list alphabetically.
recursive subroutine qsort_config(list)
type(CFG_var_t), intent(inout) :: list(:)
integer :: split_pos
if (size(list) > 1) then
call parition_var_list(list, split_pos)
call qsort_config( list(:split_pos-1) )
call qsort_config( list(split_pos:) )
end if
end subroutine qsort_config
!> Helper routine for quicksort, to perform partitioning
subroutine parition_var_list(list, marker)
type(CFG_var_t), intent(inout) :: list(:)
integer, intent(out) :: marker
integer :: left, right, pivot_ix
type(CFG_var_t) :: temp
character(len=CFG_name_len) :: pivot_value
left = 0
right = size(list) + 1
! Take the middle element as pivot
pivot_ix = size(list) / 2
pivot_value = list(pivot_ix)%var_name
do while (left < right)
right = right - 1
do while (lgt(list(right)%var_name, pivot_value))
right = right - 1
end do
left = left + 1
do while (lgt(pivot_value, list(left)%var_name))
left = left + 1
end do
if (left < right) then
temp = list(left)
list(left) = list(right)
list(right) = temp
end if
end do
if (left == right) then
marker = left + 1
marker = left
end if
end subroutine parition_var_list
!> Clear all data from a CFG_t object, so that it can be reused. Note that
!> this also happens automatically when such an object goes out of scope.
subroutine CFG_clear(cfg)
implicit none
type(CFG_t) :: cfg
cfg%sorted = .false.
cfg%num_vars = 0
if(allocated(cfg%vars)) then
end subroutine CFG_clear
end module m_config