mirror of https://github.com/TREX-CoE/fparser.git synced 2024-10-02 06:21:08 +02:00
2021-03-26 04:07:08 +01:00

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4.1 KiB

! Licence information goes here
#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
# include "config.h"
#define THIS_FILE "keywords.F90"
! This file is a part of parser module of CHAMP
! It contains the variables, their default values, a short descriptions.
! The variables are initiazed with their default values here.
! These values will be changed by the parsed input
! Ravindra Shinde
MODULE keywords
use iso_fortran_env
use periodic_table, only: atom_t, element
implicit none
public :: title
public :: path_pool
public :: file_input, file_output
public :: file_basis
public :: file_molecule
public :: file_determinants
public :: etrial, energy_trial
public :: tau ! time-step in dmc
public :: nelec ! number of electrons
public :: nup, nalpha ! number of up-spin electrons
public :: ndown, nbeta ! number of down-spin electrons
public :: ncent, natoms, ncenters, ncentres ! number of atoms/centers
public :: iwctype ! specify atom-type for each atom
public :: cent !atom_coords ! atom positions
public :: ndet, ndeterminants ! number of determinants in wavefunction
public :: cdet !det_coeffs ! coefficients of determinants
public :: iworbd ! which orbitals enter in which determinants
public :: nspin1
public :: optimize_wave
public :: optimize_ci
public :: ncore
public :: nextorb
public :: sr_tau
public :: sr_eps
public :: energy_tol
public :: opt_method
public :: multiple_adiag
private :: sp, dp
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0)
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
! declarations
character(len=132) :: title
character(len=132) :: path_pool
character(len=132) :: file_input, file_output
character(len=132) :: file_basis
character(len=132) :: file_molecule
character(len=132) :: file_determinants
real(dp), target :: etrial
real(dp), pointer :: energy_trial => etrial
integer :: nelec
integer, target :: nup
integer, pointer :: nalpha => nup
integer, target :: ndown
integer, pointer :: nbeta => ndown
integer, target :: nctype
integer, pointer :: ntypes_atom => nctype
integer, target :: ncent
integer, pointer :: natoms => ncent, ncenters => ncent, ncentres => ncent
integer :: iwctype
integer, allocatable :: iworbd(:,:) ! to store orbital mapping in determinants
real(dp), allocatable :: cent(:,:)
integer, target :: ndet
integer, pointer :: ndeterminants => ndet
real(dp), allocatable :: cdet(:)
integer :: nspin1
logical :: optimize_wave
logical :: optimize_ci
logical :: multiple_adiag
integer :: ncore
integer :: nextorb
real(dp) :: sr_tau, tau
real(dp) :: sr_eps
real(dp) :: energy_tol
character(len=20) :: opt_method
end module