# A Modern Fortran-based Parser This repository contains a modern Fortran-based input file parser. It uses a modified libfdf library. --- ## Get the code The library is included in this repository as a submodule. To clone the entire project, do `git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/TREX-CoE/fparser.git` ## Compilation The project contains two folders (a) modified-libfdf and (b) parser. Compile and install the modified-libfdf using the following set of commands `./configure --prefix=/usr/local FC=ifort CC=icc` `make` `sudo make install` In the parser folder, link the modified libfdf library with the interface Fortran file. `ifort -c interface.F90 m_keywords.F90 m_periodic_table.F90 /usr/local/lib/libfdf.a` ## Integrate parser in your code Just include the interface.F90 file and the keyword declaration module files in the existing Makefile of your code. --- ## Features of the parser (including inheritance from libfdf) - Blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored. - The order of keyword-value pairs does not matter - Multiple keyword-value pairs can be put in a single line - Keywords are case insensitive. - A default value can be set for keywords not present in the input file. ## Syntax 1. Include another input file for parser to read using: ` %include global.inp` 2. Include a data file for parser to read using: ` load label filename` 3. Here, depending upon the label, parser will provide the filename. For example, ` load basis cc-pvtz.gbs` 4. Read molecular coordinates directly from the input file using ```perl %block molecule 12 #benzene comment C 0.00000 1.40272 0 H 0.00000 2.49029 0 C -1.21479 0.70136 0 H -2.15666 1.24515 0 C -1.21479 -0.70136 0 H -2.15666 -1.24515 0 C 0.00000 -1.40272 0 H 0.00000 -2.49029 0 C 1.21479 -0.70136 0 H 2.15666 -1.24515 0 C 1.21479 0.70136 0 H 2.15666 1.24515 0 %endblock ``` 5. Read molecular coordinates from an external .xyz file using ` %block molecule < benzene.xyz ` 6. Group certain keywords using the %module construct ```perl %module DMC tau = 0.04 etrial = -15 Ha %endmodule ``` 7. Logical variables accept `true`, `TRUE`, `T`, `.true.` as valid keywords for `True`. The `fdf_boolean` function can also take "1" as true and "0" as false from the input. ` optimize_wavefunction true` 8. Single and Double precision numbers along with numbers in scientific format can be read using the `fdf_get()` function. `energy_tol = fdf_get('energy_tol', 0.00001d0)` 9. Floats/integers/strings/booleans can be parsed generically using the interface `fdf_get()` function. Strings are limited to 132 characters per line. ` sr_tau = fdf_get('sr_tau', 0.025d0)` ` nspin1 = fdf_get('nspin1', 1)` ` opt_method = fdf_get('opt_method', "sr_n")` ` multiple_adiag = fdf_get('multiple_adiag', .false.)` 10. Units can be specified to variables. Unit conversion is possible at the parsing. If the input file has `etrial = -15 Ha` entry, the `etrial` variable can be assigned values using the `fdf_physical` function with unit conversion. ` etrial = fdf_physical('etrial', -20.d0, 'eV')` 11. List of public functions available for parsing the data: Initiate `fdf_init` `fdf_shutdown` Single data `fdf_get` `fdf_integer` `fdf_single` `fdf_double` `fdf_string` `fdf_boolean` `fdf_physical` `fdf_convfac` `fdf_load_filename` Lists (data enclosed in []) `fdf_islist` `fdf_islinteger` `fdf_islreal` `fdf_list` `fdf_linteger` `fdf_ldouble` Returns the string associated with a mark line `fdf_getline` Test if a label is defined `fdf_defined` `fdf_isphysical` `fdf_isblock` `fdf_load_defined` Allow to overwrite things in the FDF `fdf_overwrite` `fdf_removelabel` `fdf_addline` Block reading (processing each line of data) `fdf_block, fdf_block_linecount` `fdf_bline, fdf_bbackspace, fdf_brewind, fdf_bclose` `fdf_bnintegers, fdf_bnreals, fdf_bnvalues, fdf_bnnames, fdf_bntokens` `fdf_bintegers, fdf_breals, fdf_bvalues, fdf_bnames, fdf_btokens` `fdf_bboolean, fdf_bphysical` `fdf_bnlists, fdf_bnilists, fdf_bnrlists, fdf_bnvlists` `fdf_bilists, fdf_brlists, fdf_bvlists` Match, search over blocks, and destroy block structure `fdf_bmatch, fdf_bsearch, fdf_substring_search` `fdf_setoutput, fdf_setdebug` --- ## Demonstration In the `parser` folder, we have included a sample `interface.F90` and `m_keywords.F90` files. In the `interface.F90` file, we have demonstrated how keyword-values pairs, simple data blocks, and data from external files can be read easily.