%% COMMANDS %% %% \acresetall flushes the ’memory’ of the macro \ac (ie all "used" marks flushed) %% %% \ac{label} singular (first time Full Name + (ACRO) and mark as used) %% \acp{label} plural (as \ac but makes short and/or long forms into plurals) %% %% \acs{lable} short (ACRO) %% \acf{lable} “full acronym” (Full Name + (ACRO)) %% \acl{lable} long (_without_ ACRO) %% %% \acsp{label} short plural (ACROs) %% \acfp{label} “full acronym” plural (Full Names + (ACROs)) %% \aclp{label} long plural (_without_ ACRO) %% %% \acrodef{label}[acronym]{written out form} definition %% for example \acrodef{etacar}[$\eta$ Car]{Eta Carinae}, %% with the restriction that the label should be simple ASCII %% PACKAGE & OPTIONS %% acronym package must be loaded (in the preamble): %% \usepackage[option1,option2,etc.]{acronym} %% OPTIONS: %% footnote The option footnote makes the full name appear as a %% footnote. %% nohyperlinks If hyperref is loaded, all acronyms will link to their %% glossary entry. With the option nohyperlinks these %% linkscan be suppressed. %% printonlyused Only list used acronyms %% withpage In printonlyused-mode show the page number where %% each acronym was first used. %% smaller Make the acronym appear smaller. %% dua The option dua stands for “don’t use acronyms”. It %% leads to a redefinition of \ac and \acp, making the %% full name appear all the time and suppressing all %% acronyms but the explicity requested by \acf or \acfp. %% nolist The option nolist stands for “don’t write the list of %% acronyms”. %% INCLUSION %% \section*{Abbreviations} \label{sec:abbrev} \begin{acronym}[TRUST-IT] %width of the longest acronym should be matched here \acro{UT}{Universiteit Twente} \acro{CNRS}{Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique} \acro{SISSA}{Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di trieste} \acro{CINECA}{Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord Est italiano per il Calcolo Automatico} \acro{FZJ}{Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH} \acro{MPG}{Max Planck Gesellschaft zur forderung der wissenschaften} \acro{UVSQ}{Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-yvelines} \acro{Megware}{Megware computer vertrieb und service GmbH} \acro{STUBA}{Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave} \acro{UNIVIE}{Universität Wien} \acro{TUL}{Politechnika Łódzka} \acro{TRUST-IT}{TRUST-IT SRL} \end{acronym} \clearpage