#+TITLE: TREX Reports latex template * Installation To use this template, create a new GitHub repository by using this one as a template. #+begin_important Make sure that both the /draft/ and /final/ branches are imported by checking the box when you create your repository. #+end_important In your new repository, start working on the /draft/ branch. When you submit the pdf for review, create a pull request to the /final/ branch from the /draft/ branch. The reviewers can then use the GitHub code-review system to make reviews of the document. When all the reviews are accepted, the pull request is accepted to the /final/ branch. #+begin_important When the versions of the file are changed, be sure that you create a git tag accordingly. #+end_important ** List of required LaTex Packages - lastpage - graphicx - fancyhdr - amsmath - amssymb - titlesec - colortbl - acronym - tocloft - hyperref - xcolor - xparse * Manual ** Initialization Edit the ~Makefile~ and provide: - the Work Package (~WP~) number - the ~NUMBER~ of the deliverable - a ~TITLE~ Create the main file with the adapted name: #+BEGIN_SRC sh make create #+END_SRC sh This will create a file named =D$(WP).$(NUMBER)-$(TITLE).tex=, which will be the main \LaTeX file. Now, you can compile the example provided using #+BEGIN_SRC sh make #+END_SRC sh The output =pdf= file will contain a starting example of the report. ** Meta-data Open the main =tex= file (=D$(WP).$(NUMBER)-$(TITLE).tex=), and fill in the macros in the prepared block. This information will be re-used in multiple places in the document. ** Title Page Search for the string ~TODO~ in the =01-title.tex= file. You will need to change the ~\Dissemination~ macro according to the chosen dissemination level. Default is /PU/. You will also need to check the appropriate box of the front page. Use ~$\boxtimes$~ for the checked box and ~$\Box$~ for the empty boxes. ** The main document The main text of your report will be written in the =05-content.tex= file. The references can be handled with bibtex in the =references.bib= file. The appendices should be written in the =appendix.tex= file. The images and figures should be put in the =images= directory. ** Versioning When the version changes, please create a git tag associated with the commit containing the change. ** Abbreviations Every time you use an abbreviation, don't do it inline in the text. We use the [[http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/acronym/acronym.pdf][acronym]] \LaTeX package which allows to define the acronym the 1st time it occurs in the text, and to create automatically a list of acronyms, keeping only the ones that were used in the text. To add a new acronym, add it in the =04-abbreviations.tex= file. For example: #+begin_src latex \acro{QMC}{Quantum Monte Carlo} #+end_src and to use it in the text, use the =\ac= macro, for example #+begin_src latex Thanks to the \ac{TREX} \ac{CoE}, \ac{QMC} methods will produce amazing results. #+end_src