mirror of https://github.com/TREX-CoE/fparser.git synced 2024-10-02 06:21:08 +02:00

test program file added

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Ravindra Shinde 2021-02-08 09:52:08 +01:00
parent bc4a93e049
commit 6de5df2119

src/temp.f90 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
! ... subroutine field_count: accepts two string (one of them is optional)
! and one integer and count the number of fields
! in the string separated by a blank or a tab
! character. if the optional string is specified
! (it has anyway len=1) it is assumed as the
! separator character.
! ignores any character following the exclamation
! mark (fortran comment)
! ... subroutine con_cam: counts the number of fields in a string
! separated by the optional character
! ... subroutine field_compare: accepts two strings and one integer. counts the
! fields contained in the first string and
! compares it with the integer.
! if they are less than the integer calls the
! routine error and show by the second string the
! name of the field where read-error occurred.
module parser
integer, parameter :: stdin = 5 ! unit connected to standard input
integer :: stdout = 6 ! unit connected to standard output
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(16,200)
public :: parse_unit, field_count, read_line, get_field
public :: version_parse, version_compare
integer :: parse_unit = 5 ! normally 5, but can be set otherwise
subroutine field_count( num, line, car )
implicit none
integer, intent(out) :: num
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=1), optional, intent(in) :: car
character(len=1) :: sep1, sep2
integer :: j
num = 0
if ( .not. present(car) ) then
sep1 = char(32) ! ... blank character
sep2 = char(9) ! ... tab character
do j = 2, max( len( line ), 256 )
if ( line(j:j) == '!' .or. line(j:j) == char(0) ) then
if ( line(j-1:j-1) /= sep1 .and. line(j-1:j-1) /= sep2 ) then
num = num + 1
end if
end if
if ( ( line(j:j) == sep1 .or. line(j:j) == sep2 ) .and. &
( line(j-1:j-1) /= sep1 .and. line(j-1:j-1) /= sep2 ) ) then
num = num + 1
end if
end do
sep1 = car
do j = 2, max( len( line ), 256 )
if ( line(j:j) == '!' .or. &
line(j:j) == char(0) .or. line(j:j) == char(32) ) then
if ( line(j-1:j-1) /= sep1 ) num = num + 1
end if
if ( line(j:j) == sep1 .and. line(j-1:j-1) /= sep1 ) num = num + 1
end do
end if
end subroutine field_count
subroutine read_line( line, nfield, field, end_of_file, error )
use mp, only : mp_bcast
use mp_images, only : intra_image_comm
use io_global, only : ionode, ionode_id
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(out) :: line
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: field
integer, optional, intent(in) :: nfield
logical, optional, intent(out) :: end_of_file, error
logical :: tend, terr
if( len( line ) < 256 ) then
call errore(' read_line ', ' input line too short ', max(len(line),1) )
end if
tend = .false.
terr = .false.
if ( ionode ) then
30 read (parse_unit, fmt='(a256)', err=15, end=10) line
if( line == ' ' .or. line(1:1) == '#' ) go to 30
go to 20
10 tend = .true.
go to 20
15 terr = .true.
20 continue
end if
call mp_bcast( tend, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
call mp_bcast( terr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
call mp_bcast( line, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
if( present(end_of_file) ) then
end_of_file = tend
else if( tend ) then
call infomsg(' read_line ', ' end of file ' )
end if
if( present(error) ) then
error = terr
else if( terr ) then
call infomsg(' read_line ', ' read error ' )
end if
if( present(field) .and. .not.(tend.or.terr) ) &
&call field_compare( line, nfield, field )
end subroutine read_line
subroutine field_compare( str, nf, var )
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: var
integer, intent(in) :: nf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer :: nc
call field_count( nc, str )
if( nc < nf ) &
call errore( ' field_compare ', &
& ' wrong number of fields: ' // trim( var ), 1 )
end subroutine field_compare
subroutine con_cam(num, line, car)
character(len=*) :: line
character(len=1) :: sep
character(len=1), optional :: car
integer :: num, j
num = 0
if (len(line) .gt. 256 ) then
write( stdout,*) 'riga ', line
write( stdout,*) 'lunga ', len(line)
num = -1
end if
write( stdout,*) '1riga ', line
write( stdout,*) '1lunga ', len(line)
if ( .not. present(car) ) then
sep=char(32) !char(32) is the blank character
end if
do j=2, max(len(line),256)
if ( line(j:j) == '!' .or. line(j:j) == char(0)) then
end if
if ( (line(j:j) .eq. sep) .and. &
(line(j-1:j-1) .ne. sep) ) then
num = num + 1
end if
end do
end subroutine con_cam
subroutine get_field(n, field, str, sep)
! extract whitespace-separated nth block from string
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
character(len=*),intent(out) :: field
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
character(len=1),optional,intent(in) :: sep
integer :: i,j,z ! block start and end
integer :: k ! block counter
character(len=1) :: sep1, sep2
!print*, "------------- parser start -------------"
!print '(3a)', "string: -->", str,"<--"
if(present(sep)) then
sep1 = sep
sep2 = sep ! redundant, but easy
sep1 = char(32) ! ... blank character
sep2 = char(9) ! ... tab char
k = 1 ! counter for the required block
do i = 1,len(str)
! look for the beginning of the required block
z = max(i-1,1)
!print '(2a1,3i4,2l)', str(i:i), str(z:z), i,z,k,n,&
! (str(i:i) == sep1 .or. str(i:i) == sep2), (str(z:z) /= sep1 .and. str(z:z) /= sep2)
if( k == n) exit
if( (str(i:i) == sep1 .or. str(i:i) == sep2) &
.and. &
(str(z:z) /= sep1 .and. str(z:z) /= sep2) &
) &
k = k+1
!print*, "i found: ",i
do j = i,len(str)
! look for the beginning of the next block
z = max(j-1,1)
if( (str(j:j) == sep1 .or. str(j:j) == sep2) &
.and. &
(str(z:z) /= sep1 .and. str(z:z) /= sep2) &
) &
k = k+1
if( k >n) exit
!print*, "j found: ",j
if (j <= len(str)) then
! if we are here, the reqired block was followed by a separator
! and another field, we have to trash one char (a separator)
field = trim(adjustl(str(i:j-1)))
!print*, "taking: ",i,j-2
! if we are here, it was the last block in str, we have to take
! all the remaining chars
field = trim(adjustl(str(i:len(str))))
!print*, "taking from ",i
!print*, "------------- parser end -------------"
end subroutine get_field
end module parser