François Coppens 225c841a88 * Fixed the 3x3 MaponiA3 C++ example. Update_index vector cannot have values that are smaller than 1 because the first colums in Fortran is stored at 1 and not 0.
* Started debugging reading from HDF5 formatted datasets. Slater_inv needs to be transposed before sent to Maponi. Algo fails at the last step. Correct Slater and Inverse fail to produce the identity matrix. Suspect that the matMul function is not working correctly eventhough it looks like it does.
2021-02-24 18:41:48 +01:00

47 lines
2.1 KiB

import h5py
import numpy as np
from parse import parse
def rl(rf):
return " ".join(rf.readline().split())
with h5py.File('datasets.hdf5', 'w') as f:
with open('datasets.short.dat', 'r') as rf:
line = rl(rf)
if not line or not line.startswith('#START_PACKET'):
cycle_id = parse('#CYCLE_ID: {:d}', rl(rf))[0]
slater_matrix_dim = parse('#SLATER_MATRIX_DIM: {:d}', rl(rf))[0]
nupdates = parse('#NUPDATES: {:d}', rl(rf))[0]
# Read matrices
slater_matrix = np.zeros((slater_matrix_dim,slater_matrix_dim))
slater_inverse = np.zeros((slater_matrix_dim,slater_matrix_dim))
for i in range(slater_matrix_dim*slater_matrix_dim):
res = parse('({i:d},{j:d}) {sla:e} {inv:e}', rl(rf))
slater_matrix[res['i']-1, res['j']-1] = res['sla']
slater_inverse[res['i']-1, res['j']-1] = res['inv']
# Read updates
col_update_index = np.zeros(nupdates, dtype='i')
updates = np.zeros((nupdates, slater_matrix_dim))
for n in range(nupdates):
col_update_index[n] = parse('#COL_UPDATE_INDEX: {:d}', rl(rf))[0]
for i in range(slater_matrix_dim):
res = parse('#COL_UPDATE_COMP_({i:d}): {x:e}', rl(rf))
updates[n][res['i']-1] = res['x']
cycle = f.create_group('cycle_{}'.format(cycle_id))
cycle.create_dataset("slater_matrix_dim", data=slater_matrix_dim)
cycle.create_dataset("nupdates", data=nupdates)
cycle.create_dataset("slater_matrix", data=slater_matrix, compression='gzip')
cycle.create_dataset("slater_inverse", data=slater_inverse, compression='gzip')
cycle.create_dataset("col_update_index", data=col_update_index)
cycle.create_dataset("updates", data=updates, compression='gzip')