Pablo Oliveira 4bd61dd76c Add a standard Sherman-Morisson implementation
- It can serve as a baseline reference

- It can serve as a starting point for including the pivot
  and splitting techniques from Maponi and Slaggel without the full
  complexity of the MaponiA3 algorithm
2021-03-05 17:00:48 +01:00

112 lines
2.7 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "hdf5/serial/hdf5.h"
#include "hdf5/serial/H5Cpp.h"
#include "SM_MaponiA3.hpp"
#include "SM_Standard.hpp"
#include "Helpers.hpp"
using namespace H5;
//#define DEBUG
const H5std_string FILE_NAME( "datasets.hdf5" );
void read_int(H5File file, std::string key, unsigned int * data) {
DataSet ds = file.openDataSet(key);, PredType::STD_U32LE);
void read_double(H5File file, std::string key, double * data) {
DataSet ds = file.openDataSet(key);, PredType::IEEE_F64LE);
int test_cycle(H5File file, int cycle) {
/* Read the data */
std::string group = "cycle_" + std::to_string(cycle);
unsigned int dim, nupdates, col, i, j;
read_int(file, group + "/slater_matrix_dim", &dim);
read_int(file, group + "/nupdates", &nupdates);
double * slater_matrix = new double[dim*dim];
read_double(file, group + "/slater_matrix", slater_matrix);
double * slater_inverse = new double[dim*dim];
read_double(file, group + "/slater_inverse", slater_inverse);
slater_inverse = transpose(slater_inverse, dim);
unsigned int * col_update_index = new unsigned int[nupdates];
read_int(file, group + "/col_update_index", col_update_index);
double * updates = new double[nupdates*dim];
read_double(file, group + "/updates", updates);
/* Test */
#ifdef DEBUG
showMatrix(slater_matrix, dim, "OLD Slater");
#ifdef DEBUG
showMatrix(slater_inverse, dim, "OLD Inverse");
for (j = 0; j < nupdates; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
col = col_update_index[j];
slater_matrix[i*dim + (col - 1)] += updates[i + j*dim];
//MaponiA3(slater_inverse, dim, nupdates, updates, col_update_index);
SM(slater_inverse, dim, nupdates, updates, col_update_index);
#ifdef DEBUG
showMatrix(slater_matrix, dim, "NEW Slater");
#ifdef DEBUG
showMatrix(slater_inverse, dim, "NEW Inverse");
double * res = matMul(slater_matrix, slater_inverse, dim);
bool ok = is_identity(res, dim, 0.5e-4);
#ifdef DEBUG
showMatrix(res, dim, "Result");
delete [] res, updates, col_update_index,
slater_matrix, slater_inverse;
return ok;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Execute from within 'datasets/'" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "usage: test_external_h5 <cycle>" << std::endl;
return 1;
int cycle = std::stoi(argv[1]);
bool ok = test_cycle(file, cycle);
if (ok) {
std::cerr << "ok -- cycle " << std::to_string(cycle)
<< std::endl;
else {
std::cerr << "failed -- cycle " << std::to_string(cycle)
<< std::endl;
return ok;