module Utils implicit none contains subroutine Read_dataset(filename, & cycle_id, & dim, & n_updates, & S, & S_inv, & Updates_index, & Updates) use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_double implicit none character (len = *), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(inout) :: cycle_id, dim, n_updates integer(c_int), allocatable, intent(inout) :: Updates_index(:) real(c_double), allocatable, intent(inout) :: S(:,:), S_inv(:,:) real(c_double), allocatable, intent(inout) :: Updates(:,:) integer :: i, j character (len = 32) :: ignore !! Start reading dataset from file open(unit = 1000, file = filename) read(1000,*) read(1000,*) ignore, cycle_id read(1000,*) ignore, dim read(1000,*) ignore,n_updates !! Initialise the arrays allocate(Updates_index(n_updates), & S(dim,dim), & S_inv(dim,dim), & Updates(dim,n_updates)) !! Read S and S_inv read(1000,*) do i=1,dim do j=1,dim !! For some reason S_inv needs to be read transposed & ! for S*S_inv to give the identity matrix read(1000,*) ignore, ignore, S(i,j), S_inv(j,i) end do end do !! Read Updates and Updates_index do j=1,n_updates read(1000,*) ignore, Updates_index(j) do i=1,dim read(1000,*) ignore, Updates(i,j) end do end do !! End of reading the dataset from file close(1000) end subroutine Read_dataset end module Utils