Sold = dlmread('Slater_old.dat'); Sold_inv = dlmread('Slater_old_inv.dat'); S = dlmread('Slater.dat'); S_inv = dlmread('Slater_inv.dat'); dim = columns(S); cutoff = 1e-3; printf("\n") printf("============================================\n") printf("OLD Slater-matrix and inverse\n") printf("--------------------------------------------\n") printf("Determinant of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", det(Sold*Sold_inv-eye(dim))) printf("Trace of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", trace(Sold*Sold_inv-eye(dim))) printf("Norm of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", norm(Sold*Sold_inv-eye(dim))) printf("\n") printf("NEW Slater-matrix and inverse\n") printf("--------------------------------------------\n") printf("Determinant of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", det(S*S_inv-eye(dim))) printf("Trace of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", trace(S*S_inv-eye(dim))) printf("Norm of S x S_inv - Id : %f\n", norm(S*S_inv-eye(dim))) printf("\n") printf("Cutoff set to %e: S x S_inv - Id = \n", cutoff) printf("--------------------------------------------\n") res=S*S_inv-eye(dim); for i = 1:dim for j = 1:dim if (res(i,j) < cutoff)% && i!=j) res(i,j) = 0; endif endfor endfor format free; disp(res); printf("===========================================\n")