- Split SM2 into SM2 and SM2star so that keeps all updates for later when used in combination with the Woodbury kernels to improve the numerical accuracy to the same level as that of SM2.
* Written Unified Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury kernel that partitions
the updates in blocks of 3 and tries them with Woodbury 3x3.
The remainder of 2 or one are attempted with Woodbury 2x2 and SM2.
For now the unified kernel gives fails where pure SM2 does not.
I suspect there is something going wrong in how the updates are partitioned.
- Slagel-splitting in Maponi A3 is now working. A thourough analysis on the QMC=Chem datasets still has te be done.
- Acceptance tollerance in 'test_h5' on the residuals can be set at runtime now.
- Added a Verificarlo option to smvars.sh that sets the Verificarlo backend and uses LLVM for compilation.
- Fixed residual_max() to give the Max-norm.
- Updated gitignore
- Added python script to compute basic statistical observables from testruns
- Added test bash script to automate test_h5: the cycles in the dataset are not continues and test_h5 crashes if a cycle number is not present in the dataset.
- Added common threshold for all 3 standard SM algos.