mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 21:06:34 +01:00
Merge pull request #55 from Thukisdo/dev
Merge random cycle generator into official repo
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
name: Compiles
branches: [ "main", "dev" ]
branches: [ "main", "dev" ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Fetch dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -yq g++-10 cmake libomp-dev liblapacke-dev libhdf5-dev libblas-dev libopenblas-dev
- name: Configure CMake
run: |
cmake -B ${{github.workspace}}/random_generator/build ${{github.workspace}}/random_generator \
- name: Build
# Build your program with the given configuration
run: |
cmake --build ${{github.workspace}}/random_generator/build --config ${{env.BUILD_TYPE}}
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Common build directories
# This one is often used by intellij ide
# IDE related
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project("TREX - Scherman-Morrison random generator" VERSION "0.1.0")
# Handle versioning
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/versioning.h.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/versioning.h")
find_package(HDF5 REQUIRED)
find_package(BLAS REQUIRED)
find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@


# Random cycle generator for QMC computations
TREX's QMCKL library provides an implementation of the Scherman-morrison formula.
This tool provides a way to generate random HDF5 datasets that can be used for
benchmarking those implementations.
Specifically, it reproduces "cycles" that are generated by QMCKL computations.
A cycle is a sequence of row updates on a matrix, that require multiple calls to
Scherman-morrison to update the corresponding inverse matrix.
Note that this tool main purpose is to generate splitting cycles ([More on this here](#More-on-splitting-cycles))
## Usage
This project uses cmake, so first set up a build directory and build the executable
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j 4
The executable can then be launched with
cd build
./bin/random_generator <output_file> <generation_mode>
Where generation mode is one of the following:
- matrix_size: Generate a dataset of increasing matrix sizes, stored as
| |-<number_of_splitting_updates>/
| | |-cycle_<xxx>/
| | |- ...
| | |-cycle_<xxx>
| | |- ...
| |-<number_of_splitting_updates>/
- update: Generate a dataset of increasing update count, stored as
| |-<number_of_splitting_updates>/
| | |-cycle_<xxx>/
| | |- ...
| | |-cycle_<xxx>
| | |- ...
| |-<number_of_splitting_updates>/
If you require another generation mode, please open an issue or modify the main accordingly.
# Cycle format
Cycles are stored in the following format:
|-slater_inverse_t: The transposed-inverse of the slater matrix to update
|-updates: A matrix containing all the (additive) updates to apply to the slater matrix
|-nupdates: The number of updates in the cycle
|-determinant: The determinant of the slater matrix before the updates
|-slater_matrix: The slater matrix to update
|-col_update_index: The index of the row to update in the slater matrix
|-condition_number: The condition number of the slater matrix before the updates
Note that the updates are not applied on columns of the transposed-inverse slater matrix, but on its rows.
As such, it is needed to transpose the slater matrix before applying the updates.
# More on matrix-update cycles
During QMC computation, a series of updates are applied on a matrix. One update affect an entire row/column
of the matrix. This series of successive updates is called a "cycle".
Instead of computing the inverse of this matrix from scratch (which is expansive),
it is possible to update the inverse by applying the Scherman-Morrison algorithm.
This tool generates a dataset containing a number of matrix-update cycles.
# More on splitting cycles
During the cycle, an update may render the matrix non-invertible. We will call such an update a "splitting update".
Some algorithm will then fail to apply the cycle, whereas smarter algorithms will succeed by delaying the update
(applying the remaining updates first), or by applying the half of the update and delaying the other half.
Those splitting updates lead to increased computation time, and are critical for performance evaluation.
As such, this tool is centered around generating splitting updates.
# How it works
The hardest case for Scherman-Morrison is when the matrix is almost-singular (splitting update).
To reproduce this case, we generate an update that render a given column colinear to another.
A naive implementation would produce a failure after checking that the determinant is close to zero.
To fix this, we add a small noise to this update, and follow it with another update that breaks the colinearity.
### Chained-updates
We use a basic implementation of this algorithm called the "Chained-updates".
It produces updates by traversing the matrix left-to-right, where splitting updates are made colinear
to the column to their right.
A normal update will then break the chain of any previous splitting updates.
We ensure that the final update of the cycle is non-splitting, to guarantee that the final matrix
is invertible.
### Pitfalls
This methods has two main downfalls:
- A cycle cannot have a single splitting update, since a normal update is required to break the chain.
- This is the best case scenario for implementation of Scherman-Morrison that postpone splitting updates.
We could make this harder by generating bi-directional chains.
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#pragma once
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include "EngineModeExecutor.hpp"
enum class EngineMode {
* @brief Main class responsible for starting the correct generation depending on the program arguments
* Adding a new generation mode is as simple as adding a new enum value to EngineMode and adapting the
* exec() method
class Engine {
Engine(int argc, char **argv);
int exec();
char *getExecutablePath() { return argv[0]; }
const std::filesystem::path &getOutputPath() const { return dataset_output_path; }
const char *const *getArgv() const { return argv; }
int getArgc() const { return argc; }
char **argv;
int argc;
EngineMode mode;
std::filesystem::path dataset_output_path;
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#pragma once
class Engine;
* @brief Interface for classes that execute a specific generation mode
* Subclassing this class allows one to easily add new custom generation modes to the engine.
* (This class is purposefully simple to allow for easy subclassing, try to keep it this way)
class EngineModeExecutor {
explicit EngineModeExecutor(Engine *parent_engine) : parent(parent_engine) {}
virtual ~EngineModeExecutor() = default;
* @brief Main method of the executor. This method is automatically called by the Engine class.
* @return The return code of the execution, 0 on success, non-zero on error.
virtual int exec() = 0;
* The engine that owns this executor
* Can be used to fetch the program arguments, etc.
Engine *parent;
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include "EngineModeExecutor.hpp"
* @brief Generates a dataset with matrices of increasing size and increasing number of splits.
* The total number of updates is fixed, and the number of splits is increasing.
* @TODO Add a method for customizing the executor's parameters
class MatrixSizeExecutor : public EngineModeExecutor {
using EngineModeExecutor::EngineModeExecutor;
int exec() override;
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include "EngineModeExecutor.hpp"
* @brief Generates a dataset where cycles contain a varying number of updates.
* The number of splitting updates varies between 2 and the number of updates.
* @TODO Add a method for customizing the executor's parameters
class UpdateCountExecutor : public EngineModeExecutor {
using EngineModeExecutor::EngineModeExecutor;
int exec() override;
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// This file provide a simple API to generate random cycles
// The goal of this api is to provide a way for other programs to generate random cycles at runtime
// instead of requiring a pre-generated dataset
// Don't use "pragma once" to ensure compatibility with any compiler
// This file is included from both C++ and C, so ensure everything here has C linkage
// if need be
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdint>
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
// Total number of updates in the cycle
uint32_t n_update;
// Dim is the number of rows
uint32_t dim;
// lds is the number of columns
uint32_t lds;
double *slater_inverse_t;
double *slater_matrix;
// Matrix containing all the updates !The updates are ADDITIVE!
double *updates;
// Determinant of the slater matrix
double determinant;
// Indices of the updates
uint32_t *col_update_index;
} Cycle;
Cycle *generateRandomCycle(uint32_t dim, uint32_t lds, uint32_t n_update, uint32_t n_splits,
double determinant_threshold, double splitting_update_noise_magnitude);
void freeCycle(Cycle **cycle);
// To match the previous opening bracket
#ifdef __cplusplus
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#pragma once
#include "Matrix.hpp"
#include "update_generation/UpdateMatrix.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
class Cycle {
Matrix &getSlaterMatrix() { return matrix; }
const Matrix &getSlaterMatrix() const { return matrix; }
Matrix &getSlaterInverse() { return matrix_invt; }
const Matrix &getSlaterInverseTransposed() const { return matrix_invt; }
UpdateMatrix &getUpdateMatrix() { return update_array; }
const UpdateMatrix &getUpdateMatrix() const { return update_array; }
Matrix matrix;
Matrix matrix_invt;
UpdateMatrix update_array;
}// namespace randomgen
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#pragma once
#include "Cycle.hpp"
#include "Matrix.hpp"
#include "update_generation/UpdateGenerator.hpp"
#include "update_generation/UpdateMatrix.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace randomgen {
class CycleGenerator {
* @brief Cycle generator
* @param x The size of the (squared) matrix
* @param y_padding The column padding to add to the matrix
* @param generator The generator used to generate the update vectors
* Note that this generator must be thread-safe and re-entrant
CycleGenerator(size_t x, size_t y_padding,
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateGenerator> update_generator);
void generateCycleMatrices(Cycle *res);
Cycle make(size_t n_update, size_t n_splits);
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateGenerator> update_generator;
MatrixGenerator matrix_generator;
size_t x, y_padding;
Cycle attemptToGenerateCycle(size_t n_update, size_t n_splits);
void finalizeCycle(Cycle &res) const;
}// namespace randomgen
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
namespace randomgen {
struct Matrix {
Matrix() = default;
Matrix(size_t x, size_t y);
Matrix(const Matrix &other);
Matrix &operator=(const Matrix &other);
Matrix(Matrix &&other) = default;
Matrix &operator=(Matrix &&other) = default;
Matrix inverse();
Matrix transpose();
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix &m);
double *data() { return array.get(); }
const double *data() const { return array.get(); }
void pad(size_t x_pad, size_t y_pad);
double computeDeterminant();
double getLastKnownDeterminant() const;
uint32_t x = 0, y = 0;
double determinant;
std::unique_ptr<double[]> array;
class MatrixGenerator {
Matrix operator()(size_t matrix_size, double vmin = -3, double vmax = 3);
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma once
#include "hdf5CycleOutputStream.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
* @brief A stream that stores cycles based on the matrices size
class SizedBasedCycleStream : public hdf5CycleOutputStream {
using hdf5CycleOutputStream::hdf5CycleOutputStream;
* @brief Returns the path as /matrix_size/splits_count/cycle_id
* @param cycle
* @return
std::string getPathFor(const Cycle &cycle) override;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#pragma once
#include "Cycle.hpp"
#include <filesystem>
#include <hdf5.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief This stream allows one to output multiple cycles to a single HDF5 file.
* The cycle storing algorithm is fixed, but this class can be subclassed to change where the cycles
* are stored in the final datasets.
* By default, this class stores the cycles per number of updates and number of splits.
class hdf5CycleOutputStream {
explicit hdf5CycleOutputStream(const std::filesystem::path &dataset_path);
virtual ~hdf5CycleOutputStream();
* @brief Output a cycle to the dataset.
* @param ds The stream to output to.
* @param cycle The cycle to output
* @return The stream passed as parameter.
friend hdf5CycleOutputStream &operator<<(hdf5CycleOutputStream &ds, const Cycle &cycle);
* @brief Creates the given path inside the dataset (parents folders included)
* @param path The path to create
* @return the id of the newly created group
* Freeing is the responsibility of the caller.
hid_t createGroup(const std::string &path);
hid_t file_id = -1;
// Each cycle is represented by a unique id
// This member is used to keep track of the current id
size_t last_unique_cycle_id = 0;
* Get the storage path for a given cycle.
* By default, this is /n_updates/n_splits
* @param cycle The cycle that will be stored
* @return The path at which the cycle must be stored.
virtual std::string getPathFor(const Cycle &cycle);
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "UpdatePlanner.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Generates an update plan using chained updates
* Updates are generated left-to-right, where each splitting update targets the column on its right.
* By ensuring that the last update is non-splitting, we can guarantee that the matrix remains invertible.
class ChainedUpdatePlanBuilder : public UpdatePlanner {
* @brief Produce a chain-update plan
* @param update_count The total number of updates in the plan
* @param split_count The number of splitting updates in the plan
* @return A new plan with the given parameters
UpdatePlan make(uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const override;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Describes single update, including its target column, whether it splits or not...
class UpdateDescriptor {
UpdateDescriptor() = default;
* @brief Construct a new UpdateDescriptor object
* @param splits If true, the update must splits (produce a singular matrix)
* @param column_index The column to update
* @param target_column_index The target column to use for the split (if the splits is False, this is ignored)
UpdateDescriptor(bool splits, uint32_t column_index, uint32_t target_column_index)
: splits(splits), column_index(column_index), target_column_index(target_column_index) {}
bool isSplitting() const { return splits; }
void setSplitting(bool new_split_value) { this->splits = new_split_value; }
uint32_t getColumnIndex() const { return column_index; }
void setColumnIndex(uint32_t new_column_index) { column_index = new_column_index; }
uint32_t getTargetColumnIndex() const { return target_column_index; }
void setTargetColumnIndex(uint32_t new_target_column_index) {
this->target_column_index = new_target_column_index;
bool splits = false;
uint32_t column_index = 0;
uint32_t target_column_index = 0;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include "UpdateMatrixGenerator.hpp"
#include "UpdatePlanner.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Main class for the generator module, capable of planning and generating updates
* This class is a utility class that combines a planner and a generator, into a single entry point for the module.
* It provides simplicity for the end user, while advanced user may want to use the planner and generator separately.
class UpdateGenerator {
* @brief Builds a new generator from a planner and an update generator
* Takes unique_ptr to ensure thread-safety and re-entry
* @param update_planner The planner to use for generating plans
* @param update_generator The generator used to build an UpdateMatrix from a plan
UpdateGenerator(std::shared_ptr<const UpdatePlanner> update_planner,
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateMatrixGenerator> update_generator);
* @brief Generate a new update plan to be fed to the generator at a later time
* Allows one to generate a plan that can be reused multiple times.
* This function is thread-safe and re-entrant.
* @param update_count The number of updates to plan for
* @param split_count The number of splitting updates inside the plan
* @return A new plan with the given parameters
UpdatePlan plan(uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const;
* @brief Run the generator on the given update plan
* This function is thread-safe and re-entrant.
* @param slater_matrix The slater matrix to use for the update generation
* @param y_padding The padding to add to the update matrix.
* Initially, the updates have the same length as a column of the slater matrix
* @param update_plan
* @return
UpdateMatrix make(const Matrix &slater_matrix, uint32_t y_padding,
const UpdatePlan &update_plan) const;
* @brief Plans and generate an update matrix from scratch.
* Note that a new plan is created each time this function is called. For maximum performance,
* consider using the plan() function to generate a plan in situations where the same plan can be reused
* multiple times.
* This function is thread-safe and re-entrant.
* @param slater_matrix_t
* @param y_padding
* @param update_count
* @param split_count
* @return
UpdateMatrix make(const Matrix &slater_matrix_t, uint32_t y_padding, uint32_t update_count,
uint32_t split_count) const;
std::shared_ptr<const UpdatePlanner> planner;
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateMatrixGenerator> generator;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <span>
#include <vector>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Stores a set of updates, and provides methods to retrieve them. Include metadata about the updates,
* such as the number of splitting updates, etc..
* The updates are stored as a matrix of size n_update x update_length.
class UpdateMatrix {
* @brief Base class for the (Const) iterators. Provides facilities to traverse the update matrix.
* @tparam UMatrix the type of the update matrix, for const correctness
template<typename UMatrix>
class BaseIterator {
BaseIterator(UMatrix &parent_matrix, size_t update_index)
: update_index(update_index), parent_matrix(&parent_matrix) {}
BaseIterator operator+(int count) const {
BaseIterator res(*this);
res += count;
return res;
BaseIterator &operator+=(int count) {
update_index += count;
return *this;
BaseIterator &operator++() { return *this += 1; }
// We can implement the subtraction operators using the addition operators
BaseIterator operator-(int count) const { return *this + (-count); }
BaseIterator &operator-=(int count) { return *this += -count; }
BaseIterator operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
uint32_t update_index;
UMatrix *parent_matrix;
* @brief Const iterator on the updates
class ConstIterator : public BaseIterator<const UpdateMatrix> {
using BaseIterator::BaseIterator;
std::span<const double> operator*() const {
if (update_index >= parent_matrix->n_update or update_index < 0) {
throw std::out_of_range(
"UpdateMatrix::ConstIterator::operator*(): update_index out of range");
return parent_matrix->getUpdateSpan(update_index);
* @brief Const iterator on the updates
class Iterator : public BaseIterator<UpdateMatrix> {
using BaseIterator::BaseIterator;
std::span<double> operator*() const {
if (update_index >= parent_matrix->n_update or update_index < 0) {
throw std::out_of_range(
"UpdateMatrix::ConstIterator::operator*(): update_index out of range");
return parent_matrix->getUpdateSpan(update_index);
Iterator begin() { return {*this, 0}; }
ConstIterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
Iterator end() { return {*this, n_update}; }
ConstIterator end() const { return {*this, n_update}; }
UpdateMatrix() = default;
* @brief Construct a new matrix able to store updates of the given size
* @param n_update The total number of updates in the matrix
* @param n_splits The number of splitting updates
* @param update_length The length of each update
UpdateMatrix(uint32_t n_update, uint32_t n_splits, uint32_t update_length);
UpdateMatrix(const UpdateMatrix &other);
UpdateMatrix &operator=(const UpdateMatrix &other);
UpdateMatrix(UpdateMatrix &&other) = default;
UpdateMatrix &operator=(UpdateMatrix &&other) = default;
double *getRawUpdates() { return matrix.get(); }
const double *getRawUpdates() const { return matrix.get(); }
void setUpdate(uint32_t update_rank, const std::span<const double> &update,
uint32_t column_index);
std::span<double> getUpdateSpan(uint32_t index) {
std::span<double> res(getRawUpdates() + (index * update_length), update_length);
return res;
std::span<const double> getUpdateSpan(uint32_t index) const {
std::span<const double> res(getRawUpdates() + (index * update_length), update_length);
return res;
uint32_t getUpdateCount() const { return n_update; }
uint32_t getUpdateLength() const { return update_length; }
uint32_t getSplitCount() const { return n_splits; }
uint32_t *getUpdateIndices() const { return update_index.get(); }
// The number of update in this cycle, and the number of updates that are splits
// Note that n_update > 0, and n_splits < n_update
uint32_t n_update = 0, n_splits = 0;
uint32_t update_length = 0;
// We use unique ptr to limit the size of this class
// Thanks to this, this class fits into 32 bytes
std::unique_ptr<double[]> matrix;
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> update_index;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#pragma once
#include "UpdateMatrix.hpp"
#include "UpdatePlan.hpp"
#include "cycle_generation/Matrix.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <span>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Cycle updates generator that handles splitting and normal cycles
class UpdateMatrixGenerator {
* @brief Exception thrown when the update generator fails to generate an update after a set number of attempts
class FailedUpdateGeneration : std::runtime_error {
explicit FailedUpdateGeneration(size_t attempts);
* @brief Get the number of attempts that were made to generate an update before failing
* @return
size_t getAttemptedGenerationCount() const { return attempted_generation; }
const size_t attempted_generation;
* @brief Construct a new generator with the given thresholds
* @param noise_magnitude The magnitude of the noise added to splitting updates.
* The noise is added so that the final matrix is not singular.
* If the noise is too small, Scherman-Morrison will fail, if it is too large, the update may not trigger any splits.
* Tested with a value of 1e-6
* @param determinant_threshold
explicit UpdateMatrixGenerator(double noise_magnitude, double determinant_threshold = 1e-6)
: noise_magnitude(noise_magnitude), determinant_threshold(determinant_threshold) {}
* @brief Main function of the generator, takes a matrix as an input, and generate a series of update vectors
* Note that this method is thread-safe and re-entrant.
* @param slater_matrix The reference matrix
* @param update_plan The number of updates to generate
* @return An array of update vectors
UpdateMatrix make(const Matrix &slater_matrix, size_t y_padding,
const UpdatePlan &update_plan) const;
const double noise_magnitude;
const double determinant_threshold;
Matrix iterateOnPlan(const Matrix &m, UpdateMatrix *update_matrix,
const UpdatePlan &plan) const;
void attemptToGenerateUpdates(const UpdatePlan &plan, UpdateMatrix *res, const Matrix &m) const;
bool tryGenerateUpdates(UpdateMatrix *update_matrix, const UpdatePlan &plan,
const Matrix &m) const;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include "UpdateDescriptor.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace randomgen {
* @brief Collection of UpdateDescriptors, describing all the updates in a cycle
* This class describes the updates contained in a cycle, as a set of UpdateDescriptors.
* It can be fed to the UpdatePlanBuilder to generate a cycle.
class UpdatePlan {
using Iterator = std::vector<UpdateDescriptor>::iterator;
using ConstIterator = std::vector<UpdateDescriptor>::const_iterator;
UpdatePlan() = default;
UpdatePlan(uint32_t updates_count);
Iterator begin() { return updates_descriptors.begin(); }
Iterator end() { return updates_descriptors.end(); }
ConstIterator begin() const { return updates_descriptors.begin(); }
ConstIterator end() const { return updates_descriptors.end(); }
UpdateDescriptor &operator[](uint32_t index) { return updates_descriptors[index]; }
const UpdateDescriptor &operator[](uint32_t index) const { return updates_descriptors[index]; }
UpdateDescriptor &at(uint32_t index) { return updates_descriptors.at(index); }
const UpdateDescriptor &at(uint32_t index) const { return updates_descriptors.at(index); }
uint32_t size() const { return updates_descriptors.size(); }
uint32_t getSplitCount() const;
std::vector<UpdateDescriptor> updates_descriptors;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
#include "UpdatePlan.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace randomgen {
class UpdatePlanner {
virtual UpdatePlan make(uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const = 0;
}// namespace randomgen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Engine.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/Engine.hpp
MatrixSizeExecutor.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/MatrixSizeExecutor.hpp
UpdateCountExecutor.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdateCountExecutor.hpp versioning.h.in ../headers/cycle_generation/CApi.h)
target_include_directories(main PUBLIC ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR})
set_target_properties(main PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC cycle_generation OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX)
add_executable(c_api_test c_api_test.c)
target_include_directories(c_api_test PUBLIC ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR})
set_target_properties(c_api_test PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(c_api_test PUBLIC cycle_generation)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#include "Engine.hpp"
#include "MatrixSizeExecutor.hpp"
#include "UpdateCountExecutor.hpp"
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<EngineModeExecutor> makeExecutor(EngineMode mode, Engine *engine) {
// Create the correct executor for the given mode
// Note that the executor can use the engine to get access to the command line arguments
switch (mode) {
case EngineMode::kMatrixSize:
return std::make_unique<MatrixSizeExecutor>(engine);
case EngineMode::kUpdateCount:
return std::make_unique<UpdateCountExecutor>(engine);
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown engine mode");
void checkOutputPath(std::filesystem::path output_path) {
if (not std::filesystem::exists(output_path)) {
output_path = std::filesystem::absolute(output_path);
// ensure that the parent path exists
char answer = '\0';
while (answer != 'y' and answer != 'n') {
std::cout << "Warning ! A file named " << output_path
<< " Already exists !\n\tOverwrite ? (y/n) ";
std::string buffer;
std::cin >> buffer;
answer = buffer[0];
if (answer == 'n') { throw std::runtime_error("Aborted"); }
}// namespace
Engine::Engine(int argc, char **argv) : argv(argv), argc(argc) {
if (argc < 3) {
std::cout << "Missing arguments" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <dataset_output_path> "
<< "<update|matrix_size|...> (<args>)" << std::endl;
if (std::string(argv[2]) == "update") {
mode = EngineMode::kUpdateCount;
} else if (std::string(argv[2]) == "matrix_size") {
mode = EngineMode::kMatrixSize;
} else {
std::cout << "Error: Unknown mode: " << argv[2] << std::endl;
dataset_output_path = argv[1];
int Engine::exec() {
auto executor = makeExecutor(mode, this);
auto return_code = executor->exec();
return return_code;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#include "MatrixSizeExecutor.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>
#include "ChainedUpdatePlanner.hpp"
#include "CycleGenerator.hpp"
#include "SizedBasedCycleStream.hpp"
#include "Engine.hpp"
using namespace randomgen;
namespace {
size_t dumpCyclesToDatastream(hdf5CycleOutputStream &ds, std::vector<Cycle> &cycle_buffer) {
#pragma omp critical
for (auto &c: cycle_buffer) { ds << c; }
// Number of cycles that were dumped
size_t res = cycle_buffer.size();
return res;
void checkMultisizedParameters(const size_t starting_matrix_size, const size_t final_matrix_size,
const size_t update_count, const size_t max_split_count,
const size_t cycle_per_rank) {
if (starting_matrix_size > final_matrix_size) {
throw std::runtime_error("Starting matrix size must be smaller than final matrix size");
if (max_split_count > update_count) {
throw std::runtime_error("Update count must be smaller than max split count");
if (cycle_per_rank == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Cycle per rank must be greater than 0"); }
if (update_count > starting_matrix_size) {
throw std::runtime_error("Update count must be smaller than starting matrix size");
void generate_multisized_dataset(const std::filesystem::path &output_path,
const size_t starting_matrix_size,
const size_t final_matrix_size, const size_t update_count,
const size_t max_split_count, const size_t cycle_per_rank) {
checkMultisizedParameters(starting_matrix_size, final_matrix_size, update_count,
max_split_count, cycle_per_rank);
auto planner = std::make_shared<ChainedUpdatePlanBuilder>();
auto matrix_generator = std::make_shared<UpdateMatrixGenerator>(1e-3, 1e-6);
auto update_generator = std::make_shared<UpdateGenerator>(planner, matrix_generator);
SizedBasedCycleStream ds(output_path);
size_t total_rank_count = 0;
for (size_t i = starting_matrix_size; i <= final_matrix_size; i++) {
long splits_count = std::min(max_split_count, update_count - 1);
splits_count = std::max(splits_count, 0L);
total_rank_count += (splits_count + 1);
size_t generated_rank = 0;
size_t generated_cycles = 0;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(generated_cycles, generated_rank) \
shared(starting_matrix_size, final_matrix_size, update_generator, cycle_per_rank, \
max_split_count, update_count, ds, total_rank_count, std::cout)
// Generate this amount of cycles before dumping them
// This is to avoid contention
const size_t cycle_buffer_size = std::min(256UL, 2 * cycle_per_rank);
std::vector<Cycle> cycle_buffer;
// Iterate on the matrix size
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
for (size_t curr_size = starting_matrix_size; curr_size <= final_matrix_size; curr_size++) {
CycleGenerator generator(curr_size, 0, update_generator);
size_t splits_count = std::min(max_split_count, update_count - 1);
// Iterate on the number of splits
for (size_t n_splits = 0; n_splits <= splits_count; n_splits++) {
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
std::cout << "Generated " << generated_rank << "/" << total_rank_count << " ranks"
<< "(" << generated_cycles << ")" << std::endl;
// Generate cycle_per_rank matrices
for (size_t k = 0; k < cycle_per_rank; k++) {
cycle_buffer.push_back(generator.make(update_count, n_splits));
// If we have generated enough cycles, dump them
if (cycle_buffer.size() == cycle_buffer_size) {
// ensure the counter increase is atomic
size_t tmp = dumpCyclesToDatastream(ds, cycle_buffer);
#pragma omp atomic
generated_cycles += tmp;
#pragma omp atomic
generated_rank += 1;
}// namespace
int MatrixSizeExecutor::exec() {
constexpr size_t starting_matrix_size = 31;
constexpr size_t ending_matrix_size = 200;
constexpr size_t nbr_update = 31;
constexpr size_t max_split_count = nbr_update - 1;
constexpr size_t cycle_per_rank = 20;
auto output_path = parent->getOutputPath();
generate_multisized_dataset(output_path, starting_matrix_size, ending_matrix_size, nbr_update,
max_split_count, cycle_per_rank);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#include "UpdateCountExecutor.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>
#include "ChainedUpdatePlanner.hpp"
#include "CycleGenerator.hpp"
#include "Engine.hpp"
#include "hdf5CycleOutputStream.hpp"
using namespace randomgen;
size_t dumpCyclesToDatastream(hdf5CycleOutputStream &ds, std::vector<Cycle> &cycle_buffer) {
#pragma omp critical
for (auto &c: cycle_buffer) { ds << c; }
// Number of cycles that were dumped
size_t res = cycle_buffer.size();
return res;
void generateUpdates(std::filesystem::path output_path, const size_t matrix_size,
const size_t y_padding, const size_t lower_update_count,
const size_t upper_update_count, const size_t max_split_count,
const size_t cycle_per_rank) {
auto planner = std::make_shared<ChainedUpdatePlanBuilder>();
auto matrix_generator = std::make_shared<UpdateMatrixGenerator>(1e-6, 1e-6);
auto update_generator = std::make_shared<UpdateGenerator>(planner, matrix_generator);
CycleGenerator generator(matrix_size, y_padding, update_generator);
hdf5CycleOutputStream ds(output_path);
// For pretty printing the progress
// The rank is a combination of (n_update, n_splits)
size_t total_rank = 0;
size_t current_rank = 0;
size_t cycle_counter = 0;
// Total number of ranks to compute
for (size_t i = lower_update_count; i <= upper_update_count; i++) {
size_t splits_count = std::min(max_split_count, i);
splits_count = std::max(splits_count - 2, 0UL);
total_rank += splits_count;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(total_rank, current_rank, cycle_counter, generator, ds, std::cout, \
lower_update_count, upper_update_count, max_split_count, cycle_per_rank)
// Generate this amount of cycles before dumping them
// This is to avoid contention
const size_t cycle_buffer_size = std::min(256UL, 2 * cycle_per_rank);
std::vector<Cycle> cycle_buffer;
// Some cycles take longer to generate than others
// (espcially cycles with more splits and / or more updates)
// So we use a dynamic scheduling
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
for (size_t n_update = lower_update_count; n_update <= upper_update_count; n_update++) {
size_t splits_count = std::min(max_split_count, n_update - 1);
// For each update count, generate all combinations of splits number
for (size_t n_splits = 2; n_splits <= splits_count; n_splits++) {
// Pretty print the progress :)
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
std::cout << "Generated rank " << current_rank << "/" << total_rank << " ("
<< cycle_counter << ")" << std::endl;
for (size_t k = 0; k < cycle_per_rank; k++) {
cycle_buffer.push_back(generator.make(n_update, n_splits));
// If we have generated enough cycles, dump them
if (cycle_buffer.size() == cycle_buffer_size) {
// ensure the counter increase is atomic
size_t tmp = dumpCyclesToDatastream(ds, cycle_buffer);
#pragma omp atomic
cycle_counter += tmp;
#pragma omp atomic
// Dump the remaining cycles still in the buffer
size_t tmp = dumpCyclesToDatastream(ds, cycle_buffer);
#pragma omp atomic
cycle_counter += tmp;
std::cout << "Generated rank " << current_rank << "/" << total_rank << " (" << cycle_counter
<< ")" << std::endl;
int UpdateCountExecutor::exec() {
// The generated matrix are square matrices...
// But we can pad them with zeros to make them rectangular (useful for optimal vectorization)
constexpr size_t matrix_size = 21;
constexpr size_t y_padding = 3;
// Start generating cycles with this number of updates
constexpr size_t lower_update_count = 1;
// The maximal number of updates per cycle to generate
constexpr size_t upper_update_count = 20;
// The maximum number of splits per cycle
// By default, this is capped to upper_update_count - 1
constexpr size_t max_split_count = upper_update_count - 1;
// The number of cycles to generate for each "rank"
// Where the rank is the combination (update_count, split_count)
constexpr size_t cycle_per_rank = 80;
auto output_path = parent->getOutputPath();
generateUpdates(output_path, matrix_size, y_padding, lower_update_count, upper_update_count,
max_split_count, cycle_per_rank);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include "CApi.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
int main() {
Cycle *cycle = generateRandomCycle(3, 5, 3, 2, 1e-3, 1e-3);
printf("%d\n", cycle->n_update);
printf("%d\n", cycle->dim);
printf("%d\n", cycle->lds);
printf("%f\n", cycle->determinant);
// Matrix:
for (int i = 0; i < cycle->dim; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cycle->lds; j++) {
printf("%f ", cycle->slater_matrix[i * cycle->lds + j]);
// update_array:
for (int i = 0; i < cycle->n_update; i++) {
printf("Update %i:\n", i);
for (int j = 0; j < cycle->lds; j++) { printf("%lf ", cycle->updates[i * cycle->lds + j]); }
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include "CApi.h"
#include "ChainedUpdatePlanner.hpp"
#include "CycleGenerator.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
namespace {
void convertMatrix(randomgen::Matrix source, double **destination) {
*destination = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * source.x * source.y);
std::copy(source.data(), source.data() + source.x * source.y, *destination);
void convertMatrices(randomgen::Cycle &cpp_cycle, Cycle *res) {// Copy the slater matrix
// Copy the inverse slater matrix
convertMatrix(cpp_cycle.getSlaterMatrix(), &res->slater_matrix);
convertMatrix(cpp_cycle.getSlaterInverseTransposed(), &res->slater_inverse_t);
void convertUpdates(randomgen::Cycle &cpp_cycle, Cycle *res) {
auto &update_matrix = cpp_cycle.getUpdateMatrix();
auto raw_updates = update_matrix.getRawUpdates();
res->updates = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * update_matrix.getUpdateCount() *
raw_updates + update_matrix.getUpdateCount() * update_matrix.getUpdateLength(),
res->col_update_index = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * update_matrix.getUpdateCount());
update_matrix.getUpdateIndices() + update_matrix.getUpdateCount(),
Cycle *convertCPPCycleToC(randomgen::Cycle &cpp_cycle) {
auto *res = (Cycle *) malloc(sizeof(Cycle));
res->lds = cpp_cycle.getSlaterMatrix().y;
res->dim = cpp_cycle.getSlaterMatrix().x;
res->n_update = cpp_cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount();
res->determinant = cpp_cycle.getSlaterMatrix().getLastKnownDeterminant();
convertMatrices(cpp_cycle, res);
convertUpdates(cpp_cycle, res);
return res;
}// namespace
// Those functions must have C linkage
extern "C" {
Cycle *generateRandomCycle(uint32_t dim, uint32_t lds, uint32_t n_update, uint32_t n_splits,
double determinant_threshold, double splitting_update_noise_magnitude) {
if (lds < dim) {
std::cerr << "generateRandomCycle: lds < dim" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
auto y_padding = lds - dim;
// We need to build a generator at every call, which is not optimal
auto planner = std::make_unique<randomgen::ChainedUpdatePlanBuilder>();
auto matrix_generator = std::make_unique<randomgen::UpdateMatrixGenerator>(
splitting_update_noise_magnitude, determinant_threshold);
auto update_generator = std::make_shared<randomgen::UpdateGenerator>(std::move(planner),
// This will generate a random cycle
// However, those class use smart pointers (that are private to the library)
// So we can't return them directly.
// This requires the additional step of converting the C++ class to a C struct.
// Which has a cost memory/performance wise
randomgen::CycleGenerator generator(dim, y_padding, update_generator);
randomgen::Cycle cpp_cycle = generator.make(n_update, n_splits);
auto converted = convertCPPCycleToC(cpp_cycle);
return converted;
void freeCycle(Cycle **cycle) {
if (cycle == nullptr or *cycle == nullptr) {
std::cerr << "freeCycle: cycle is nullptr !" << std::endl;
auto c = *cycle;
*cycle = nullptr;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
set(CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR ${INCLUDE_DIR}/cycle_generation)
Matrix.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/Matrix.hpp
hdf5CycleOutputStream.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/hdf5CycleOutputStream.hpp
SizedBasedCycleStream.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/SizedBasedCycleStream.hpp
CycleGenerator.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/CycleGenerator.hpp
target_include_directories(cycle_generation PUBLIC ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(cycle_generation PUBLIC update_generation ${HDF5_LIBRARIES}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "cycle_generation/CycleGenerator.hpp"
#include <utility>
namespace randomgen {
CycleGenerator::CycleGenerator(size_t x, size_t y_padding,
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateGenerator> update_generator)
: update_generator(std::move(update_generator)), x(x), y_padding(y_padding) {}
void CycleGenerator::generateCycleMatrices(Cycle *res) {
// Generate random matrices until we find one with a given determinant
do {
res->getSlaterMatrix() = matrix_generator(x);
} while (res->getSlaterMatrix().getLastKnownDeterminant() < 1e-5);
res->getSlaterInverse() = res->getSlaterMatrix().inverse();
Cycle CycleGenerator::attemptToGenerateCycle(size_t n_update, size_t n_splits) {
Cycle res{};
size_t attempt = 0;
constexpr size_t kMaxAttempts = 20;
auto plan = update_generator->plan(n_update, n_splits);
while (true) {
// Try to find a valid update vector
// If we can't, start from scratch
try {
res.getUpdateMatrix() =
update_generator->make(res.getSlaterMatrix().transpose(), y_padding, plan);
} catch (UpdateMatrixGenerator::FailedUpdateGeneration &e) {
// Abort after a certain number of attempts
if (attempt > kMaxAttempts) {
throw std::runtime_error("Could not generate a valid cycle in " +
std::to_string(attempt) + " attempts");
return res;
void CycleGenerator::finalizeCycle(Cycle &res) const {
// The inverse in the dataset must be transposed
// this allows the code of Scherman-morrison to be vectorized since column-updates becomes row-updates
res.getSlaterInverse() = res.getSlaterInverse().transpose();
res.getSlaterMatrix().pad(0, y_padding);
res.getSlaterInverse().pad(0, y_padding);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < res.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount(); i++) {
res.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateIndices()[i] += 1;
Cycle CycleGenerator::make(size_t n_update, size_t n_splits) {
Cycle res = attemptToGenerateCycle(n_update, n_splits);
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#include "cycle_generation/Matrix.hpp"
#include <lapacke.h>
namespace randomgen {
Matrix::Matrix(size_t x, size_t y) : x(x), y(y) { array = std::make_unique<double[]>(x * y); }
Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix &other) : Matrix(other.x, other.y) {
std::copy(other.array.get(), other.array.get() + x * y, array.get());
determinant = other.determinant;
Matrix &Matrix::operator=(const Matrix &other) {
if (this == &other) { return *this; }
// Realloc a matrix if the size is different
if (x * y != other.x * other.y) { array = std::make_unique<double[]>(other.x * other.y); }
x = other.x;
y = other.y;
std::copy(other.array.get(), other.array.get() + x * y, array.get());
return *this;
Matrix Matrix::inverse() {
// Return the inverse of this matrix using lapacke dgetrf + dgetri
Matrix inv = *this;
std::vector<int> ipiv(x);
auto info = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, x, y, inv.array.get(), x, ipiv.data());
if (info != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Matrix inversion failed"); }
auto info2 = LAPACKE_dgetri(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, x, inv.array.get(), x, ipiv.data());
if (info2 != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Matrix inversion failed"); }
return inv;
Matrix Matrix::transpose() {
Matrix res(x, y);
for (size_t i = 0; i < x; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < y; j++) { res.array[j * x + i] = array[i * y + j]; }
return res;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix &m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m.x; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m.y; j++) { os << m.array[i * m.y + j] << " "; }
os << std::endl;
return os;
void Matrix::pad(size_t x_pad, size_t y_pad) {
if (x_pad == 0 && y_pad == 0) { return; }
size_t new_size = (x + x_pad) * (y + y_pad);
std::unique_ptr<double[]> padded_data = std::make_unique<double[]>(new_size);
// Set the padding to 0
std::fill(padded_data.get(), padded_data.get() + (new_size), 0);
// Copy the old data to the new data
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) { padded_data[i * (y + y_pad) + j] = array[i * y + j]; }
x += x_pad;
y += y_pad;
this->array = std::move(padded_data);
double Matrix::computeDeterminant() {
// Returns the determinant of the input matrix using LAPACK
// Copy the matrix as lapack modifies it
std::unique_ptr<double[]> copy = std::make_unique<double[]>(x * y);
std::copy(array.get(), array.get() + (x * y), copy.get());
std::vector<int> pivot(x);
auto info = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, x, y, copy.get(), x, pivot.data());
if (info != 0) {
std::cout << "HERE!" << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Matrix inversion failed");
double det = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < y; ++i) { det *= array[i * x + i]; }
determinant = det;
return det;
double Matrix::getLastKnownDeterminant() const { return determinant; }
Matrix MatrixGenerator::operator()(size_t matrix_size, double vmin, double vmax) {
Matrix res{matrix_size, matrix_size};
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(vmin, vmax);
std::generate(res.array.get(), res.array.get() + (matrix_size * matrix_size),
[&]() { return dis(gen); });
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "cycle_generation/SizedBasedCycleStream.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
std::string SizedBasedCycleStream::getPathFor(const randomgen::Cycle &cycle) {
// Save the cycle based on the size of its matrix + number of splits
std::string res = "/";
res += std::to_string(cycle.getSlaterMatrix().x) + "/";
res += std::to_string(cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getSplitCount()) + "/";
res += "cycle_" + std::to_string(last_unique_cycle_id);
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include "cycle_generation/hdf5CycleOutputStream.hpp"
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace randomgen {
namespace {
void writeDeterminant(const Cycle &cycle,
hid_t cycle_gid) {// Write the determinant of the matrix
hid_t det_space = H5Screate_simple(1, std::vector<hsize_t>{1}.data(), nullptr);
hid_t determinant_loc =
H5Dcreate1(cycle_gid, "determinant", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, det_space, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (determinant_loc < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("H5Dcreate1"); }
double determinant = cycle.getSlaterMatrix().getLastKnownDeterminant();
H5Dwrite(determinant_loc, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, det_space, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, &determinant);
void writeMatrix(const Matrix &mat, hid_t group_id, hid_t slater_space,
const std::string &dataset_name) {
hid_t slater_matrix_loc = H5Dcreate1(group_id, dataset_name.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
slater_space, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (slater_matrix_loc < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("H5Dcreate1"); }
H5Dwrite(slater_matrix_loc, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, slater_space, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, mat.data());
void writeMatrices(const Cycle &cycle, hid_t group_gid) {
unsigned int y_size = cycle.getSlaterInverseTransposed().y,
x_size = cycle.getSlaterInverseTransposed().x;
// Write both the matrix and its inverse
auto slater_space = H5Screate_simple(2, std::vector<hsize_t>{x_size, y_size}.data(), nullptr);
writeMatrix(cycle.getSlaterMatrix(), group_gid, slater_space, "slater_matrix");
writeMatrix(cycle.getSlaterInverseTransposed(), group_gid, slater_space, "slater_inverse_t");
writeDeterminant(cycle, group_gid);
void writeUpdatesMetadata(const Cycle &cycle, hid_t cycle_gid) {// Write the number of updates
hid_t updates_count_space = H5Screate_simple(1, std::vector<hsize_t>{1}.data(), nullptr);
hid_t updates_count_loc = H5Dcreate1(cycle_gid, "nupdates", H5T_NATIVE_UINT32,
updates_count_space, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (updates_count_loc < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("H5Dcreate1"); }
auto update_count = cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount();
H5Dwrite(updates_count_loc, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, updates_count_space, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
// Write the columns of the updates matrix
hid_t updates_index = H5Screate_simple(
1, std::vector<hsize_t>{cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount()}.data(), nullptr);
hid_t updates_index_loc = H5Dcreate1(cycle_gid, "col_update_index", H5T_NATIVE_UINT32,
updates_index, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (updates_index_loc < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("H5Dcreate1"); }
H5Dwrite(updates_index_loc, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, updates_index, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
void writeUpdateMatrix(const Cycle &cycle, hid_t cycle_gid) {// Write the updates matrix
unsigned int y_size = cycle.getSlaterInverseTransposed().y;
hid_t update_space = H5Screate_simple(
2, std::vector<hsize_t>{cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount(), y_size}.data(),
hid_t update_loc =
H5Dcreate1(cycle_gid, "updates", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, update_space, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (update_loc < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("H5Dcreate1"); }
H5Dwrite(update_loc, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, update_space, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
void writeUpdates(const Cycle &cycle, hid_t cycle_id) {
writeUpdatesMetadata(cycle, cycle_id);
writeUpdateMatrix(cycle, cycle_id);
}// namespace
hdf5CycleOutputStream::hdf5CycleOutputStream(const fs::path &dataset_path) {
// Create a new file
file_id = H5Fcreate(dataset_path.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if (file_id < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not create dataset file"); }
hdf5CycleOutputStream::~hdf5CycleOutputStream() {
if (file_id >= 0) { H5Fclose(file_id); }
file_id = -1;
hid_t hdf5CycleOutputStream::createGroup(const std::string &path) {
// Needed to create the parent directories automatically
auto lcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl, 1);
hid_t group_id = H5Gcreate2(file_id, path.c_str(), lcpl, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
return group_id;
std::string hdf5CycleOutputStream::getPathFor(const Cycle &cycle) {
std::string res = "/";
res += std::to_string(cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getUpdateCount()) + "/";
res += std::to_string(cycle.getUpdateMatrix().getSplitCount()) + "/";
res += "cycle_" + std::to_string(last_unique_cycle_id);
return res;
hdf5CycleOutputStream &operator<<(hdf5CycleOutputStream &ds, const Cycle &cycle) {
// Build the path to the new dataset inside the file
std::string cycle_path = ds.getPathFor(cycle);
hid_t group_id = ds.createGroup(cycle_path);
writeMatrices(cycle, group_id);
writeUpdates(cycle, group_id);
return ds;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
set(CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR ${INCLUDE_DIR}/cycle_generation/update_generation)
UpdateDescriptor.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdateDescriptor.hpp
UpdateMatrix.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdateMatrix.hpp
UpdatePlan.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdatePlan.hpp
UpdateMatrixGenerator.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdateGenerator.hpp
UpdateGenerator.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/UpdateGenerator.hpp
ChainedUpdatePlanner.cpp ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/ChainedUpdatePlanner.hpp
set_target_properties(update_generation PROPERTIES
target_include_directories(update_generation PUBLIC ${CURRENT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${INCLUDE_DIR})
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include "ChainedUpdatePlanner.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
namespace randomgen {
namespace {
* @brief Iterate on a plan and reorders the split to ensure the last update does not split
* @param plan
void reorderSplits(UpdatePlan *plan) {
// Find the first non-splitting updates
size_t first_non_split = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < plan->size(); ++i) {
if (not plan->operator[](i).isSplitting()) {
first_non_split = i;
if (first_non_split == -1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Reordering Failure: No non-splitting update available for "
"reordering was found in the plan");
// Swap the first non-splitting update with the last splitting update
plan->operator[](plan->size() - 1).setSplitting(false);
* @brief Check the order of the splitting updates in the plan, and maybe reorder them if the last update is
* a splitting update
* @param plan
* @param splits
void maybeReorderSplits(UpdatePlan *plan, const size_t splits) {
if (plan->size() < 2 or splits == 0) { return; }
// Ensure that the cycle is broken by the last update
// Should look something like [..., splits, doesn't splits]
bool invalid_chain = plan->at(plan->size() - 1).isSplitting();
if (not invalid_chain) { return; }
// If the chain is invalid, reorder the splits
* @brief Make a plan where updates are generated left-to-right, and splitting updates are based on the right column
* This allows the colinearity of the updates to be broken by the next update, effectively ensuring that the final matrix
* is not singular
* @param plan
* @param splits
void makeChainedUpdatePlan(UpdatePlan *plan, const size_t n_update, const size_t splits) {
std::vector<bool> split_order(plan->size(), false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < splits; ++i) { split_order[i] = true; }
std::shuffle(split_order.begin(), split_order.end(), std::mt19937{std::random_device{}()});
for (size_t i = 0; i < plan->size(); ++i) {
auto &update_desc = plan->at(i);
// Always split by
update_desc.setTargetColumnIndex(i + 1);
maybeReorderSplits(plan, splits);
}// namespace
UpdatePlan ChainedUpdatePlanBuilder::make(uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const {
if (split_count >= update_count)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot have more splits than updates");
UpdatePlan res(update_count);
makeChainedUpdatePlan(&res, update_count, split_count);
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#include "UpdateDescriptor.hpp"
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include "UpdateGenerator.hpp"
#include <utility>
namespace randomgen {
UpdateGenerator::UpdateGenerator(std::shared_ptr<const UpdatePlanner> update_planner,
std::shared_ptr<const UpdateMatrixGenerator> update_generator)
: planner(std::move(update_planner)), generator(std::move(update_generator)) {}
UpdatePlan UpdateGenerator::plan(uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const {
return planner->make(update_count, split_count);
UpdateMatrix UpdateGenerator::make(const Matrix &slater_matrix, uint32_t y_padding,
const UpdatePlan &update_plan) const {
return generator->make(slater_matrix, y_padding, update_plan);
UpdateMatrix UpdateGenerator::make(const Matrix &slater_matrix_t, uint32_t y_padding,
uint32_t update_count, uint32_t split_count) const {
auto new_plan = plan(update_count, split_count);
return make(slater_matrix_t, y_padding, new_plan);
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include "UpdateMatrix.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
UpdateMatrix::UpdateMatrix(const UpdateMatrix &other)
: UpdateMatrix(other.n_update, other.n_splits, other.update_length) {}
UpdateMatrix::UpdateMatrix(uint32_t n_update, uint32_t n_splits, uint32_t update_length)
: n_update(n_update), n_splits(n_splits), update_length(update_length) {
matrix = std::make_unique<double[]>(n_update * update_length);
update_index = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(n_update);
UpdateMatrix &UpdateMatrix::operator=(const UpdateMatrix &other) {
if (this == &other) { return *this; }
// Reallocate arrays if needed
if (n_update * update_length != other.n_update * other.update_length) {
matrix = std::make_unique<double[]>(other.n_update * other.update_length);
if (n_update != other.n_update) { update_index = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(other.n_update); }
n_update = other.n_update;
n_splits = other.n_splits;
update_length = other.update_length;
std::copy(other.matrix.get(), other.matrix.get() + n_update * update_length, matrix.get());
std::copy(other.update_index.get(), other.update_index.get() + n_update, update_index.get());
return *this;
void UpdateMatrix::setUpdate(uint32_t update_rank, const std::span<const double> &update,
uint32_t column_index) {
// Fetch the view where the update must be stored inside the update matrix
auto update_span = getUpdateSpan(update_rank);
if (update.size() > update_span.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Update vector is too large");
std::copy(update.begin(), update.end(), update_span.begin());
update_index.get()[update_rank] = column_index;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#include "UpdateMatrixGenerator.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
namespace {
std::vector<double> tryGenerateNonSplittingUpdate(const UpdateDescriptor &descriptor,
const Matrix ¤t_matrix) {
size_t kMaxAttempts = 100;
size_t attempts = 0;
Matrix copy = current_matrix;
std::vector<double> update(current_matrix.x);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 5);
while (true) {
// Generate a new update vector
std::generate(update.begin(), update.end(), [&]() { return dis(gen); });
// Check if the update vector is a valid update
for (int i = 0; i < current_matrix.x; i++) {
copy.array[i * current_matrix.y + descriptor.getColumnIndex()] += update[i];
// After the update is applied, the determinant of the matrix should be > 10e-3
double absolute_det = std::abs(copy.computeDeterminant());
if (absolute_det > 1e-3) { break; }
// Reverse the update
for (int i = 0; i < current_matrix.x; i++) {
copy.array[i * current_matrix.y + descriptor.getColumnIndex()] -= update[i];
if (attempts > kMaxAttempts) {
throw UpdateMatrixGenerator::FailedUpdateGeneration(attempts);
return update;
std::vector<double> &addRandomNoise(std::vector<double> &update, const double noise_magnitude) {
// We add a noise of magnitude 1e-6 to the update vector so the resulting columns are not perfectly collinear
// Which ensures the matrix stays invertible.
// First generate a random vector
std::vector<double> noise(update.size());
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 100);
std::generate(noise.begin(), noise.end(), [&]() { return dis(gen); });
// Compute the norm
double norm = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < update.size(); i++) { norm += noise[i] * noise[i]; }
// Coefficient to have a magnitude of 1e-6
// No need to update the noise vector, just multiply it in place
norm = noise_magnitude / sqrt(norm);
for (size_t i = 0; i < update.size(); i++) { update[i] += noise[i] * norm; }
return update;
std::vector<double> generate_splitting_update(const UpdateDescriptor &descriptor,
const Matrix &m, const double noise_magnitude) {
size_t target_index = descriptor.getTargetColumnIndex();
constexpr double lambda = 1;
std::vector<double> update(m.x);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m.x; i++) {
update[i] = (lambda * m.array[i * m.y + target_index]) // Target column
- m.array[i * m.y + descriptor.getColumnIndex()];// Current column
// Add a small random noise to the update vector to break the singularity
update = addRandomNoise(update, noise_magnitude);
return update;
* The updates may be padded with extra zeros, so we need to check the generated update size
void maybePadUpdate(std::vector<double> &update_vec, uint32_t padded_size) {
if (padded_size == update_vec.size()) return;
if (padded_size < update_vec.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Padded update size is smaller than the original update size");
size_t old_size = update_vec.size();
for (size_t i = old_size; i < padded_size; i++) { update_vec[i] = 0; }
void updateSlaterMatrix(
Matrix &slater_matrix, const UpdateDescriptor &descriptor,
const std::vector<double> &
update_vec) {// We found the correct update vector, so return it + update the current matrix
for (int i = 0; i < slater_matrix.y; i++) {
slater_matrix.array[i * slater_matrix.y + descriptor.getColumnIndex()] += update_vec[i];
std::vector<double> makePotentialUpdate(const UpdateDescriptor &descriptor,
const Matrix &slater_matrix, uint32_t padded_size,
double noise_magnitude) {
std::vector<double> res;
if (descriptor.isSplitting()) {
res = generate_splitting_update(descriptor, slater_matrix, noise_magnitude);
} else {
res = tryGenerateNonSplittingUpdate(descriptor, slater_matrix);
maybePadUpdate(res, padded_size);
return res;
}// namespace
// Alias for the exception throw when the generation fails to find a correct update.
// This exception is not make for runtime error !
using FailedUpdateGeneration = UpdateMatrixGenerator::FailedUpdateGeneration;
FailedUpdateGeneration::FailedUpdateGeneration(size_t attempts)
: std::runtime_error("Failed to generate a valid update after " + std::to_string(attempts) +
" attempts"),
attempted_generation(attempts) {}
Matrix UpdateMatrixGenerator::iterateOnPlan(const Matrix &m, UpdateMatrix *update_matrix,
const UpdatePlan &plan) const {
// This matrix represents the matrix after the nth update
// At the beginning, it is the same as the input matrix
Matrix current_slater_matrix = m;
// Iterate on the plan, generating fitting updates
for (uint32_t rank = 0; const auto &descriptor: plan) {
// Randomly generate a potential update
const auto padded_size = update_matrix->getUpdateLength();
auto update_vec =
makePotentialUpdate(descriptor, current_slater_matrix, padded_size, noise_magnitude);
update_matrix->setUpdate(rank, update_vec, descriptor.getColumnIndex());
updateSlaterMatrix(current_slater_matrix, descriptor, update_vec);
return current_slater_matrix;
bool UpdateMatrixGenerator::tryGenerateUpdates(UpdateMatrix *update_matrix,
const UpdatePlan &plan, const Matrix &m) const {
Matrix resulting_matrix = iterateOnPlan(m, update_matrix, plan);
// Check if the final matrix is invertible or not
const double det = resulting_matrix.getLastKnownDeterminant();
if (fabs(det) < determinant_threshold) { return false; }
return true;
void UpdateMatrixGenerator::attemptToGenerateUpdates(const UpdatePlan &plan, UpdateMatrix *res,
const Matrix &m) const {
size_t attempts = 0;
constexpr size_t max_attempts = 10;
// Attempt to generate all the updates until we find a valid series, or we reached the maximum number of attempts
while (true) {
bool success = tryGenerateUpdates(res, plan, m);
if (success) { return; }
if (attempts >= max_attempts) { throw FailedUpdateGeneration(attempts); }
UpdateMatrix UpdateMatrixGenerator::make(const Matrix &m, size_t y_padding,
const UpdatePlan &plan) const {
size_t update_length = m.x + y_padding;
UpdateMatrix res(plan.size(), plan.getSplitCount(), update_length);
attemptToGenerateUpdates(plan, &res, m);
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "UpdatePlan.hpp"
namespace randomgen {
UpdatePlan::UpdatePlan(uint32_t updates_count) { updates_descriptors.resize(updates_count); }
uint32_t UpdatePlan::getSplitCount() const {
uint32_t res = 0;
for (const auto &update: updates_descriptors) { res += update.isSplitting(); }
return res;
}// namespace randomgen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include "Engine.hpp"
#include "versioning.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::cout << PROJECT_NAME << " version " << PROJECT_VER << std::endl;
Engine engine(argc, argv);
return engine.exec();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Private header used for versioning the project
#pragma once
Reference in New Issue
Block a user