
2386 lines
113 KiB

You are running Q-Chem version: 5.2.1
QCSCRATCH /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir should NOT be the same!
unset QCLOCALSCR ...
# job setting
local host: lcpq-curie.ups-tlse.fr
current dir: /mnt/beegfs/emonino/Be
input file: be_adc3.inp
output file:
nprocs : 0
nthreads : 1
# qchem installation setting
QC: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1
QCAUX: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/qcaux
QCPROG: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCPROG_S: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s
QCMPI: seq
# qchem directory setting
qcrun: qchem47917
QCSCRATCH: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCTMPDIR: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir
QCFILEPREF: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917
workdirs: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917
workdir0: /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917
partmpdirs =
# parallel setting
invalid QCMPI (seq) option
QCRSH: ssh
QCMPI: seq
QCMACHINEFILE: /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/bin/mpi/machines
# env setting
Running Job 1 of 1 be_adc3.inp
qchem be_adc3.inp_47917.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917/ 0
/share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/exe/qcprog.exe_s be_adc3.inp_47917.0 /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917/
Welcome to Q-Chem
A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
Yihan Shao, Zhengting Gan, E. Epifanovsky, A. T. B. Gilbert, M. Wormit,
J. Kussmann, A. W. Lange, A. Behn, Jia Deng, Xintian Feng, D. Ghosh,
M. Goldey, P. R. Horn, L. D. Jacobson, I. Kaliman, T. Kus, A. Landau,
Jie Liu, E. I. Proynov, R. M. Richard, R. P. Steele, E. J. Sundstrom,
H. L. Woodcock III, P. M. Zimmerman, D. Zuev, B. Albrecht, E. Alguire,
S. A. Baeppler, D. Barton, Z. Benda, Y. A. Bernard, E. J. Berquist,
K. B. Bravaya, H. Burton, D. Casanova, Chun-Min Chang, Yunqing Chen,
A. Chien, K. D. Closser, M. P. Coons, S. Coriani, S. Dasgupta,
A. L. Dempwolff, M. Diedenhofen, Hainam Do, R. G. Edgar, Po-Tung Fang,
S. Faraji, S. Fatehi, Qingguo Feng, K. D. Fenk, J. Fosso-Tande,
J. Gayvert, Qinghui Ge, A. Ghysels, G. Gidofalvi, J. Gomes,
J. Gonthier, A. Gunina, D. Hait, M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
P. H. P. Harbach, A. W. Hauser, M. F. Herbst, J. E. Herr,
E. G. Hohenstein, Z. C. Holden, Kerwin Hui, B. C. Huynh, T.-C. Jagau,
Hyunjun Ji, B. Kaduk, K. Khistyaev, Jaehoon Kim, P. Klunzinger, K. Koh,
D. Kosenkov, L. Koulias, T. Kowalczyk, C. M. Krauter, A. Kunitsa,
Ka Un Lao, A. Laurent, K. V. Lawler, Joonho Lee, D. Lefrancois,
S. Lehtola, D. S. Levine, Yi-Pei Li, You-Sheng Lin, Fenglai Liu,
E. Livshits, A. Luenser, P. Manohar, E. Mansoor, S. F. Manzer,
Shan-Ping Mao, Yuezhi Mao, N. Mardirossian, A. V. Marenich,
T. Markovich, L. A. Martinez-Martinez, S. A. Maurer, N. J. Mayhall,
S. C. McKenzie, J.-M. Mewes, P. Morgante, A. F. Morrison,
J. W. Mullinax, K. Nanda, T. S. Nguyen-Beck, R. Olivares-Amaya,
J. A. Parkhill, Zheng Pei, T. M. Perrine, F. Plasser, P. Pokhilko,
S. Prager, A. Prociuk, E. Ramos, D. R. Rehn, F. Rob, M. Scheurer,
M. Schneider, N. Sergueev, S. M. Sharada, S. Sharma, D. W. Small,
T. Stauch, T. Stein, Yu-Chuan Su, A. J. W. Thom, A. Tkatchenko,
T. Tsuchimochi, N. M. Tubman, L. Vogt, M. L. Vidal, O. Vydrov,
M. A. Watson, J. Wenzel, M. de Wergifosse, T. A. Wesolowski, A. White,
J. Witte, A. Yamada, Jun Yang, K. Yao, S. Yeganeh, S. R. Yost,
Zhi-Qiang You, A. Zech, Igor Ying Zhang, Xing Zhang, Yan Zhao,
Ying Zhu, B. R. Brooks, G. K. L. Chan, C. J. Cramer, M. S. Gordon,
W. J. Hehre, A. Klamt, M. W. Schmidt, C. D. Sherrill, D. G. Truhlar,
A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Baer, A. T. Bell, N. A. Besley, Jeng-Da Chai,
A. E. DePrince, III, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Dreuw, B. D. Dunietz,
T. R. Furlani, Chao-Ping Hsu, Yousung Jung, Jing Kong, D. S. Lambrecht,
WanZhen Liang, C. Ochsenfeld, V. A. Rassolov, L. V. Slipchenko,
J. E. Subotnik, T. Van Voorhis, J. M. Herbert, A. I. Krylov,
P. M. W. Gill, M. Head-Gordon
Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
R. D. Adamson, B. Austin, J. Baker, G. J. O. Beran, K. Brandhorst,
S. T. Brown, E. F. C. Byrd, A. K. Chakraborty, C.-L. Cheng,
Siu Hung Chien, D. M. Chipman, D. L. Crittenden, H. Dachsel,
R. J. Doerksen, A. D. Dutoi, L. Fusti-Molnar, W. A. Goddard III,
A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya, S. R. Gwaltney, G. Hawkins, A. Heyden,
S. Hirata, G. Kedziora, F. J. Keil, C. Kelley, Jihan Kim, R. A. King,
R. Z. Khaliullin, P. P. Korambath, W. Kurlancheek, A. M. Lee, M. S. Lee,
S. V. Levchenko, Ching Yeh Lin, D. Liotard, R. C. Lochan, I. Lotan,
P. E. Maslen, N. Nair, D. P. O'Neill, D. Neuhauser, E. Neuscamman,
C. M. Oana, R. Olson, B. Peters, R. Peverati, P. A. Pieniazek,
Y. M. Rhee, J. Ritchie, M. A. Rohrdanz, E. Rosta, N. J. Russ,
H. F. Schaefer III, N. E. Schultz, N. Shenvi, A. C. Simmonett, A. Sodt,
D. Stuck, K. S. Thanthiriwatte, V. Vanovschi, Tao Wang, A. Warshel,
C. F. Williams, Q. Wu, X. Xu, W. Zhang
Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
Q-Chem 5.2.1 for Intel X86 EM64T Linux
Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
Q-Chem begins on Tue Nov 3 11:51:56 2020
Scratch files written to /mnt/beegfs/tmpdir/qchem47917//
Jul1719 |scratch|qcdevops|jenkins|workspace|build_RNUM 6358
Processing $rem in /share/apps/common/q-chem/5.2.1/config/preferences:
NAlpha2: 6
NElect 4
Mult 3
Checking the input file for inconsistencies... ...done.
User input:
0 3
Be 0 0 0
BASIS = 6-31G
MEM_TOTAL = 4000
Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
I Atom X Y Z
1 Be 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
Molecular Point Group D2h NOp = 8
Largest Abelian Subgroup D2h NOp = 8
Nuclear Repulsion Energy = 0.00000000 hartrees
There are 3 alpha and 1 beta electrons
Q-Chem warning in module forms1/BasisType.C, line 1983:
You are not using the predefined 5D/6D in this basis set.
Requested basis set is 6-31G
There are 3 shells and 9 basis functions
Total memory of 4000 MB is distributed as follows:
MEM_STATIC is set to 100 MB
QALLOC/CCMAN JOB total memory use is 3900 MB
Warning: actual memory use might exceed 4000 MB
Total QAlloc Memory Limit 4000 MB
Mega-Array Size 98 MB
MEM_STATIC part 100 MB
A cutoff of 1.0D-11 yielded 6 shell pairs
There are 57 function pairs
Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.29E-01
Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e+00/1.000000e+00/1.000000e+00
Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
Guess from superposition of atomic densities
Warning: Energy on first SCF cycle will be non-variational
SAD guess density has 4.000000 electrons
An unrestricted Hartree-Fock SCF calculation will be
performed using Pulay DIIS extrapolation
SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0E-08
Cycle Energy DIIS Error
1 -14.5667639970 7.25E-09
2 -14.4885006378 1.29E-02
3 -14.4885006372 1.29E-02
4 -14.4885006356 1.29E-02
5 -14.4885006371 1.29E-02
6 -14.4885006366 1.29E-02
7 -14.4885006346 1.29E-02
8 -14.4885006347 1.29E-02
9 -14.4885006367 1.29E-02
10 -14.4885006395 1.29E-02
11 -14.4885006498 1.29E-02
12 -14.5037310348 5.15E-03
13 -14.5065309846 4.84E-04
14 -14.5065501507 7.24E-05
15 -14.5065505425 3.88E-06
16 -14.5065505427 1.18E-06
17 -14.5065505427 1.43E-06
18 -14.5065505427 1.65E-07
19 -14.5065505427 5.42E-09 Convergence criterion met
<S^2> = 2.0000
SCF time: CPU 0.05 s wall 0.17 s
SCF energy in the final basis set = -14.50655054
Total energy in the final basis set = -14.50655054
| |
| A D C M A N |
| |
| |
| Components: |
| |
| - libvmm - 1.3-trunk |
| Authors: |
| Evgeny Epifanovsky, Ilya Kaliman |
| |
| - libtensor - 2.5-trunk |
| Authors: |
| Evgeny Epifanovsky, Michael Wormit, Dmitry Zuev, Sam Manzer, |
| Ilya Kaliman |
| |
| - libwfa - 1.1-beta |
| Authors: |
| Felix Plasser, Stefanie Baeppler, Benjamin Thomitzni, Michael Wormit |
| |
| - libadc - 1.1-trunk |
| Authors: |
| Michael Wormit, Adrian L. Dempwolff, Philipp H. P. Harbach, |
| Caroline Krauter, Dirk Rehn, Matthias Schneider, Jan Wenzel |
| |
| - adcman - 2.6-trunk |
| Authors: |
| Michael Wormit, Adrian L. Dempwolff, Philipp H. P. Harbach, |
| Caroline Krauter, Daniel Lefrancois, Jan-Michael Mewes, Dirk Rehn, |
| Matthias Schneider, Jan Wenzel, Andreas Dreuw |
| |
| Authors of earlier versions of ADCMAN: |
| Andreas Dreuw, Jan Hendrik Starcke, Dirk Rehn, Michael Wormit |
| |
Alpha MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
-4.747 -0.389 -0.237
1 Ag 2 Ag 1 B2u
-- Virtual --
0.048 0.048 0.394 0.410 0.435 0.435
1 B1u 1 B3u 2 B2u 3 Ag 2 B1u 2 B3u
Beta MOs, Unrestricted
-- Occupied --
1 Ag
-- Virtual --
0.033 0.127 0.127 0.160 0.479 0.479 0.492 0.512
2 Ag 1 B1u 1 B3u 1 B2u 2 B1u 2 B3u 3 Ag 2 B2u
HF Summary
Energy: -14.5065505427 a.u.
Dip. moment [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
Total dipole [Debye]: 0.000000
<r^2> [a.u.]: [ 4.380829, 7.988336, 4.380829]
Total <r^2> [a.u.]: 16.749994
MP(2) Summary
MP energy contribution: -0.0013253714 a.u.
Total energy: -14.5078759141 a.u.
Dip. moment [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
Total dipole [Debye]: 0.000000
<r^2> [a.u.]: [ 4.384164, 7.993936, 4.384164]
Total <r^2> [a.u.]: 16.762265
MP(3) Summary
MP energy contribution: -0.0003131302 a.u.
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 6 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 4.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep Ag ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 4.130e-02 3.269e-01 0.0001 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 3.487e-02 3.434e-01 -0.0002 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 4.137e-03 4.111e-02 -0.0002 n n n n n n n n
3 33 10 3.235e-10 3.206e-09 -0.0002 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.0002 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.1364 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.3689 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.3734 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.5415 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.6352 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.8474 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.9517 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 4.1850 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.2418 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 2 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 8.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B1g ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 4.128e-02 2.921e-01 -0.0005 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 1.429e-02 1.288e-01 -0.0006 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 1.924e-03 1.791e-02 -0.0006 n n n n n n n n
3 32 10 1.160e-15 6.849e-15 -0.0006 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.0006 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.1360 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.3688 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.3734 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.5410 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.6349 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.8474 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.9518 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 4.2005 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.2376 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 0 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 10.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B2g ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 6.306e-02 4.060e-01 4.5417 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
2 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
3 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
4 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
5 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
6 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
7 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
8 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
9 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
10 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
11 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
12 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
13 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
14 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
15 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
16 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
17 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
18 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
19 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
20 17 1 2.215e-02 2.084e-01 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
21 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
22 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
23 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
24 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
25 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
26 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
27 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
28 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
29 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
30 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
31 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
32 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
33 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
34 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
35 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
36 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
37 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
38 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
39 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
40 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
41 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
42 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
43 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
44 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
45 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
46 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
47 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
48 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
49 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
50 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
51 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
52 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
53 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
54 23 7 1.611e-02 1.022e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y n
55 25 9 1.055e-02 1.055e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y
56 25 9 1.055e-02 1.055e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y
57 25 9 1.055e-02 1.055e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y
58 25 9 1.055e-02 1.055e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y
59 25 9 1.055e-02 1.055e-01 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.5372 a.u. (not converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 2 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 8.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B3g ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 4.128e-02 2.921e-01 -0.0005 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 1.429e-02 1.288e-01 -0.0006 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 1.924e-03 1.791e-02 -0.0006 n n n n n n n n
3 32 10 1.161e-15 6.813e-15 -0.0006 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.0006 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.1360 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.3688 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.3734 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.5410 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.6349 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.8474 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.9518 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 4.2005 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.2376 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 0 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 10.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep Au ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 3.947e-02 2.747e-01 0.1759 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
2 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
3 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
4 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
5 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
6 20 9 1.281e-07 1.119e-06 0.1757 y y y y y y y y
7 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
8 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
9 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
10 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
11 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
12 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
13 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
14 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
15 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
16 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
17 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
18 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
19 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
20 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
21 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
22 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
23 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
24 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
25 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
26 21 1 6.764e-04 6.258e-03 0.0000 y n n n n n n n
27 31 10 9.292e-16 5.462e-15 -0.0000 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = -0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 0.0000 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 4 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 6.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B1u ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 4.550e-02 3.378e-01 0.1765 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 2.374e-02 1.950e-01 0.1760 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 1.621e-02 1.585e-01 0.1760 n n n n n n n n
3 34 10 1.072e-15 4.892e-15 0.1760 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = 0.1760 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.2111 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.4679 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.4805 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.5515 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.5951 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.8523 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.8849 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 4.2410 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.3283 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 6 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 4.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B2u ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 5.306e-02 3.373e-01 -0.0941 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 1.799e-02 1.254e-01 -0.1054 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 3.616e-02 3.616e-01 -0.1054 n n n n n n n n
3 40 0 9.666e-04 7.464e-03 -0.1054 n n n n n n n n
4 46 10 8.556e-14 4.482e-13 -0.1054 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = -0.1054 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.2107 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.2113 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.2966 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.3494 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.4016 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.4803 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.4806 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 0.5252 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 0.5950 a.u. (converged)
Less singles guess vectors found than requested: 4 (found), 10 (requested).
Adjusting number of doubles guess vectors to 6.
Starting Davidson for excited states of irrep B3u ...
It NVec Conv Avg. Norm Max. Norm Conv. states Remark
10 0 4.550e-02 3.378e-01 0.1765 n n n n n n n n Guess.
1 20 0 2.374e-02 1.950e-01 0.1760 n n n n n n n n
2 30 0 1.621e-02 1.585e-01 0.1760 n n n n n n n n
3 34 10 1.324e-15 9.193e-15 0.1760 y y y y y y y y Converged.
Davidson Summary:
State 0: excitation energy = 0.1760 a.u. (converged)
State 1: excitation energy = 0.2111 a.u. (converged)
State 2: excitation energy = 0.4679 a.u. (converged)
State 3: excitation energy = 0.4805 a.u. (converged)
State 4: excitation energy = 0.5515 a.u. (converged)
State 5: excitation energy = 0.5951 a.u. (converged)
State 6: excitation energy = 0.8523 a.u. (converged)
State 7: excitation energy = 0.8849 a.u. (converged)
State 8: excitation energy = 4.2410 a.u. (converged)
State 9: excitation energy = 4.3283 a.u. (converged)
Excited State Summary
Performing a spin-flip ADC calculation
Excited state 1 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) Ag R^2 = 5.51942e-14
Total energy: -14.6136121100 a.u.
Excitation energy: -2.868708 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.9324, V2^2 = 0.0676
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.9353
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) B -0.1650
Excited state 2 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.26272e-15
Total energy: -14.5088296275 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.017431 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4962, V2^2 = 0.5038
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.6777
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3427
Excited state 3 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.88075e-15
Total energy: -14.5088296261 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.017431 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4962, V2^2 = 0.5038
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) B 0.6777
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3427
Excited state 4 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B2u R^2 = 2.14439e-14
Total energy: -14.5083784149 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.005153 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.9987, V2^2 = 0.0013
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.6948
1 (B2u) A 1 (B2u) B 0.6747
Excited state 5 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) Au R^2 = 3.75310e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 6 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.29243e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 7 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) Au R^2 = 4.03959e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 8 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B2g R^2 = 3.13237e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 9 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.04545e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 10 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) Au R^2 = 4.50877e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 11 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B2g R^2 = 3.04820e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: -0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: -0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 12 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.68251e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 13 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.07063e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 14 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) Au R^2 = 3.36553e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 15 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B2g R^2 = 5.46198e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 16 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) Au R^2 = 2.28655e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 17 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B2g R^2 = 1.93695e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 18 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.22708e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 19 (Au) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B2g R^2 = 2.78638e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 20 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) Au R^2 = 2.26365e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 21 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) Au R^2 = 4.09780e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 22 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) Au R^2 = 4.97970e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 23 (B2g) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) Au R^2 = 4.70332e-15
Total energy: -14.5081890442 a.u.
Excitation energy: 0.000000 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 0.0000
Excited state 24 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.37461e-15
Total energy: -14.3722370734 a.u.
Excitation energy: 3.699441 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4997, V2^2 = 0.5003
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.7008
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3443
Excited state 25 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.99413e-15
Total energy: -14.3722370716 a.u.
Excitation energy: 3.699441 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4997, V2^2 = 0.5003
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) B 0.7008
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3443
Excited state 26 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B2u R^2 = 1.95765e-13
Total energy: -14.3718280946 a.u.
Excitation energy: 3.710570 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.9829, V2^2 = 0.0171
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (B2u) B 0.6961
2 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.6856
Excited state 27 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B1g R^2 = 2.45137e-15
Total energy: -14.3321672751 a.u.
Excitation energy: 4.789796 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4854, V2^2 = 0.5146
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) B 0.6722
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 1 (B2u) B -0.3364
Excited state 28 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 1 (-) B3g R^2 = 3.18105e-15
Total energy: -14.3321672736 a.u.
Excitation energy: 4.789796 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4854, V2^2 = 0.5146
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) B -0.6722
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 1 (B2u) B 0.3364
Excited state 29 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) Ag R^2 = 4.78988e-14
Total energy: -14.2975003432 a.u.
Excitation energy: 5.733131 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0000
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.3364
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 1 (B1u) B -0.3364
Excited state 30 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B1g R^2 = 2.29954e-15
Total energy: -14.2970425336 a.u.
Excitation energy: 5.745589 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5085, V2^2 = 0.4915
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) B -0.6913
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 1 (B2u) B -0.3297
Excited state 31 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 2 (-) B3g R^2 = 2.30216e-15
Total energy: -14.2970425321 a.u.
Excitation energy: 5.745589 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5085, V2^2 = 0.4915
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) B 0.6913
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 1 (B2u) B 0.3297
Excited state 32 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) Ag R^2 = 1.47718e-13
Total energy: -14.2968986645 a.u.
Excitation energy: 5.749504 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.6573, V2^2 = 0.3427
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) B -0.7806
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B2u) B -0.2189
Excited state 33 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) Ag R^2 = 2.32613e-13
Total energy: -14.2116251493 a.u.
Excitation energy: 8.069914 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3892, V2^2 = 0.6108
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) B -0.5328
1 (B2u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.2996
Excited state 34 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) Ag R^2 = 2.05536e-13
Total energy: -14.1587452171 a.u.
Excitation energy: 9.508850 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4431, V2^2 = 0.5569
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.6364
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3236
Excited state 35 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B3u R^2 = 3.22630e-15
Total energy: -14.1393896017 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.035543 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3203, V2^2 = 0.6797
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) B -0.5619
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3476
Excited state 36 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.95588e-15
Total energy: -14.1393895999 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.035543 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3203, V2^2 = 0.6797
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) B -0.5619
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3476
Excited state 37 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B2u R^2 = 2.12964e-13
Total energy: -14.1393139163 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.037603 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4175, V2^2 = 0.5825
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) B 0.5535
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3433
Excited state 38 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B2u R^2 = 6.93323e-13
Total energy: -14.1347828323 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.160900 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5882, V2^2 = 0.4118
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) B -0.7330
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3141
Excited state 39 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B3u R^2 = 3.83053e-15
Total energy: -14.1347666546 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.161340 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5773, V2^2 = 0.4227
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) B 0.7333
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3109
Excited state 40 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B1u R^2 = 3.56621e-15
Total energy: -14.1347666524 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.161340 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5773, V2^2 = 0.4227
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) B 0.7333
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B 0.3109
Excited state 41 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) Ag R^2 = 4.04358e-13
Total energy: -14.1065618692 a.u.
Excitation energy: 10.928831 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4405, V2^2 = 0.5595
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.6273
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.3058
Excited state 42 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B1g R^2 = 3.54731e-15
Total energy: -14.0402467819 a.u.
Excitation energy: 12.733357 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2384, V2^2 = 0.7616
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B 0.4697
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (B2u) B -0.2531
Excited state 43 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 3 (-) B3g R^2 = 3.13842e-15
Total energy: -14.0402467801 a.u.
Excitation energy: 12.733357 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2384, V2^2 = 0.7616
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B -0.4697
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (B2u) B 0.2531
Excited state 44 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) Ag R^2 = 1.84171e-13
Total energy: -14.0279023149 a.u.
Excitation energy: 13.069267 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0000
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (B3u) B 0.2488
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (B1u) B -0.2488
Excited state 45 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B1g R^2 = 3.20319e-15
Total energy: -14.0276935265 a.u.
Excitation energy: 13.074948 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2576, V2^2 = 0.7424
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B 0.4884
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) B -0.2465
Excited state 46 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 4 (-) B3g R^2 = 2.63165e-15
Total energy: -14.0276935247 a.u.
Excitation energy: 13.074948 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2576, V2^2 = 0.7424
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B -0.4884
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) B 0.2465
Excited state 47 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) Ag R^2 = 2.74021e-13
Total energy: -14.0276289093 a.u.
Excitation energy: 13.076706 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3299, V2^2 = 0.6701
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B2u) B -0.5483
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B2u) B 0.2757
Excited state 48 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) Ag R^2 = 4.48228e-13
Total energy: -13.9830136392 a.u.
Excitation energy: 14.290750 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2161, V2^2 = 0.7839
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B2u) B -0.3602
1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.2670
Excited state 49 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.32488e-15
Total energy: -13.9672144488 a.u.
Excitation energy: 14.720667 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0006, V2^2 = 0.9994
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.3414
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) B -0.3371
Excited state 50 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.08094e-15
Total energy: -13.9672144474 a.u.
Excitation energy: 14.720667 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0006, V2^2 = 0.9994
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.3414
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) B -0.3371
Excited state 51 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B2u R^2 = 8.41339e-13
Total energy: -13.9667090286 a.u.
Excitation energy: 14.734421 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.4974, V2^2 = 0.5026
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.6931
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) B -0.3356
Excited state 52 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B1g R^2 = 3.89197e-15
Total energy: -13.9566604927 a.u.
Excitation energy: 15.007855 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2499, V2^2 = 0.7501
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B -0.4833
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) B -0.2411
Excited state 53 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 5 (-) B3g R^2 = 3.74439e-15
Total energy: -13.9566604908 a.u.
Excitation energy: 15.007855 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2499, V2^2 = 0.7501
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B 0.4833
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) B 0.2411
Excited state 54 (B2u) [converged]
Term symbol: 11 (-) Ag R^2 = 3.67501e-13
Total energy: -13.9132388137 a.u.
Excitation energy: 16.189419 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0000
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.2327
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 1 (B1u) B -0.2327
Excited state 55 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B1g R^2 = 3.11806e-15
Total energy: -13.9130502856 a.u.
Excitation energy: 16.194549 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2530, V2^2 = 0.7470
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B 0.4901
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.2462
Excited state 56 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B3g R^2 = 2.86647e-15
Total energy: -13.9130502837 a.u.
Excitation energy: 16.194549 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.2530, V2^2 = 0.7470
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B -0.4901
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) B -0.2462
Excited state 57 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.07310e-15
Total energy: -13.8732725941 a.u.
Excitation energy: 17.276955 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0998, V2^2 = 0.9002
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) B -0.3130
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) B 0.3079
Excited state 58 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.83416e-15
Total energy: -13.8732725925 a.u.
Excitation energy: 17.276955 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0998, V2^2 = 0.9002
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) B -0.3130
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) B 0.3079
Excited state 59 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 6 (-) B2u R^2 = 1.35322e-12
Total energy: -13.8729776189 a.u.
Excitation energy: 17.284982 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.5043, V2^2 = 0.4957
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.6320
1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) B 0.3115
Excited state 60 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.53082e-15
Total energy: -13.6607883516 a.u.
Excitation energy: 23.058946 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0007, V2^2 = 0.9993
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.3402
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B 0.3373
Excited state 61 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B1u R^2 = 3.36569e-15
Total energy: -13.6607883493 a.u.
Excitation energy: 23.058946 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0007, V2^2 = 0.9993
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.3402
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B 0.3373
Excited state 62 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B2u R^2 = 5.31554e-13
Total energy: -13.6607849087 a.u.
Excitation energy: 23.059039 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0017, V2^2 = 0.9983
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) B 0.3467
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B2u) B -0.3345
Excited state 63 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B1g R^2 = 2.88689e-15
Total energy: -13.6558771823 a.u.
Excitation energy: 23.192585 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0021, V2^2 = 0.9979
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) B 0.3414
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 2 (B2u) B -0.3354
Excited state 64 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 7 (-) B3g R^2 = 2.70957e-15
Total energy: -13.6558771801 a.u.
Excitation energy: 23.192585 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0021, V2^2 = 0.9979
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) B -0.3414
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 2 (B2u) B 0.3354
Excited state 65 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B1g R^2 = 1.93338e-15
Total energy: -13.6232552125 a.u.
Excitation energy: 24.080274 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0048, V2^2 = 0.9952
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) B 0.3423
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 2 (B2u) B 0.3395
Excited state 66 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B3g R^2 = 2.41860e-15
Total energy: -13.6232552104 a.u.
Excitation energy: 24.080274 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0048, V2^2 = 0.9952
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) B -0.3423
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 2 (B2u) B -0.3395
Excited state 67 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B2u R^2 = 1.63816e-12
Total energy: -13.5564685549 a.u.
Excitation energy: 25.897632 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0090, V2^2 = 0.9910
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.3486
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B2u) B -0.3369
Excited state 68 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B3u R^2 = 2.29312e-15
Total energy: -13.5563932654 a.u.
Excitation energy: 25.899680 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0050, V2^2 = 0.9950
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B3u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.3446
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B -0.3394
Excited state 69 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 8 (-) B1u R^2 = 2.47318e-15
Total energy: -13.5563932631 a.u.
Excitation energy: 25.899680 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0050, V2^2 = 0.9950
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 2 (B1u) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.3446
2 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 3 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B -0.3394
Excited state 70 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B2u R^2 = 4.36416e-10
Total energy: -10.3231922728 a.u.
Excitation energy: 113.879554 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.7663, V2^2 = 0.2337
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.8250
1 (Ag ) A 3 (Ag ) B -0.2926
Excited state 71 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B3u R^2 = 5.52005e-15
Total energy: -10.3077067582 a.u.
Excitation energy: 114.300936 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0000
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.2853
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B3u) B 0.2607
Excited state 72 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B1u R^2 = 6.81284e-15
Total energy: -10.3077067573 a.u.
Excitation energy: 114.300936 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0000
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.2853
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B1u) B 0.2607
Excited state 73 (B1g) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B3u R^2 = 6.84932e-15
Total energy: -10.2706007987 a.u.
Excitation energy: 115.310641 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0001, V2^2 = 0.9999
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B3u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.2939
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B3u) B -0.2805
Excited state 74 (B3g) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B1u R^2 = 4.45330e-15
Total energy: -10.2706007978 a.u.
Excitation energy: 115.310641 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0001, V2^2 = 0.9999
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B2u) A 1 (B1u) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.2939
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B1u) B -0.2805
Excited state 75 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B1g R^2 = 4.44090e-15
Total energy: -10.2671431319 a.u.
Excitation energy: 115.404728 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3316, V2^2 = 0.6684
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) B 0.4698
1 (Ag ) A 2 (B3u) B 0.3329
Excited state 76 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 9 (-) B3g R^2 = 4.82752e-15
Total energy: -10.2671431311 a.u.
Excitation energy: 115.404728 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.3316, V2^2 = 0.6684
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) B -0.4698
1 (Ag ) A 2 (B1u) B -0.3329
Excited state 77 (Ag) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B2u R^2 = 3.20551e-09
Total energy: -10.2664245780 a.u.
Excitation energy: 115.424281 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0867, V2^2 = 0.9133
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B2u) B -0.3690
1 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) B -0.2761
Excited state 78 (B3u) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B1g R^2 = 9.19281e-15
Total energy: -10.1799162793 a.u.
Excitation energy: 117.778292 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0132, V2^2 = 0.9868
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B3u) B -0.2696
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 1 (B2u) B 1 (B3u) B -0.1904
Excited state 79 (B1u) [converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) B3g R^2 = 4.89250e-15
Total energy: -10.1799162784 a.u.
Excitation energy: 117.778292 eV
Osc. strength: 0.000000
Trans. dip. moment [a.u.]: [ -0.000000, -0.000000, -0.000000]
<i|r^2|0> [a.u.]: [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
V1^2 = 0.0132, V2^2 = 0.9868
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
2 (Ag ) A 1 (Ag ) B 2 (Ag ) B 1 (B1u) B 0.2696
1 (B2u) A 1 (Ag ) B 1 (B1u) B 1 (B2u) B -0.1904
Excited state 80 (B2g) [not converged]
Term symbol: 10 (-) Au R^2 = 1.05528e-01
Total energy: -9.9710177455 a.u.
Excitation energy: 123.462710 eV
V1^2 = 0.0000, V2^2 = 1.0009
Important amplitudes:
occ i occ j vir a vir b v
1 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) A 1 (B3u) A 1 (B1u) B -0.2491
1 (Ag ) A 2 (Ag ) A 1 (B1u) A 1 (B3u) B 0.2487
Time of ADC calculation: CPU 25.26 s wall 24.97 s
Orbital Energies (a.u.)
Alpha MOs
-- Occupied --
-4.7471 -0.3893 -0.2370
-- Virtual --
0.0480 0.0480 0.3937 0.4099 0.4351 0.4351
Beta MOs
-- Occupied --
-- Virtual --
0.0333 0.1267 0.1267 0.1596 0.4792 0.4792 0.4919 0.5124
Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
Atom Charge (a.u.) Spin (a.u.)
1 Be 0.000000 2.000000
Sum of atomic charges = 0.000000
Sum of spin charges = 2.000000
Cartesian Multipole Moments
Charge (ESU x 10^10)
Dipole Moment (Debye)
X 0.0000 Y 0.0000 Z 0.0000
Tot 0.0000
Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
XX -5.8924 XY 0.0000 YY -10.7446
XZ 0.0000 YZ 0.0000 ZZ -5.8924
Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
XXX 0.0000 XXY 0.0000 XYY 0.0000
YYY 0.0000 XXZ 0.0000 XYZ 0.0000
YYZ 0.0000 XZZ 0.0000 YZZ 0.0000
ZZZ 0.0000
Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
XXXX -11.4774 XXXY 0.0000 XXYY -6.8979
XYYY 0.0000 YYYY -29.9098 XXXZ 0.0000
XXYZ 0.0000 XYYZ 0.0000 YYYZ 0.0000
XXZZ -3.8258 XYZZ 0.0000 YYZZ -6.8979
XZZZ 0.0000 YZZZ 0.0000 ZZZZ -11.4774
Translational Enthalpy: 0.889 kcal/mol
Rotational Enthalpy: 0.000 kcal/mol
Vibrational Enthalpy: 0.000 kcal/mol
gas constant (RT): 0.592 kcal/mol
Translational Entropy: 32.544 cal/mol.K
Rotational Entropy: 0.000 cal/mol.K
Vibrational Entropy: 0.000 cal/mol.K
Total Enthalpy: 1.481 kcal/mol
Total Entropy: 32.544 cal/mol.K
Archival summary:
Total job time: 28.65s(wall), 28.61s(cpu)
Tue Nov 3 11:52:25 2020
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