saving work in BSE section
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@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ Unless otherwise stated, atomic units are used, and we assume real quantities th
Let us consider an electronic system consisting of $n = n_\up + n_\dw$ electrons (where $n_\up$ and $n_\dw$ are the number of spin-up and spin-down electrons, respectively) and $N$ one-electron basis functions.
The number of spin-up and spin-down occupied orbitals are $O_\up = n_\up$ and $O_\dw = n_\dw$, respectively, and, assuming no linear dependencies in the one-electron basis set, there is $V_\up = N - O_\up$ and $V_\dw = N - O_\dw$ spin-up and spin-down virtual (\ie, unoccupied) orbitals.
The number of spin-conserved single excitations is then $S^\spc = S_{\up\up}^\spc + S_{\dw\dw}^\spc = O_\up V_\up + O_\dw V_\dw$, while the number of spin-flip excitations is $S^\spf = S_{\up\dw}^\spf + S_{\dw\up}^\spf = O_\up V_\dw + O_\dw V_\up$.
The number of spin-conserved (sc) single excitations is then $S^\spc = S_{\up\up}^\spc + S_{\dw\dw}^\spc = O_\up V_\up + O_\dw V_\dw$, while the number of spin-flip excitations is $S^\spf = S_{\up\dw}^\spf + S_{\dw\up}^\spf = O_\up V_\dw + O_\dw V_\up$.
Let us denote as $\MO{p_\sig}(\br)$ the $p$th (spin)orbital of spin $\sig$ (where $\sig =$ $\up$ or $\dw$) and $\e{p_\sig}{}$ its one-electron energy.
It is important to understand that, in a spin-conserved excitation the hole orbital $\MO{i_\sig}$ and particle orbital $\MO{a_\sig}$ have the same spin $\sig$.
In a spin-flip excitation, the hole and particle states, $\MO{i_\sig}$ and $\MO{a_\bsig}$, have opposite spins, $\sig$ and $\bsig$.
In a spin-flip (sf) excitation, the hole and particle states, $\MO{i_\sig}$ and $\MO{a_\bsig}$, have opposite spins, $\sig$ and $\bsig$.
In the following, we assume real quantities throughout this manuscript, $i$ and $j$ are occupied orbitals, $a$ and $b$ are unoccupied orbitals, $p$, $q$, $r$, and $s$ indicate arbitrary orbitals, and $m$ labels single excitations.
Moreover, we consider systems with collinear spins and a spin-independent hamiltonian without contributions such as spin-orbit interaction.
@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ The spin-$\sig$ component of the one-body Green's function reads \cite{ReiningBo
+ \sum_a \frac{\MO{a_\sig}(\br_1) \MO{a_\sig}(\br_2)}{\omega - \e{a_\sig}{} + i\eta}
where $\eta$ is a positive infinitesimal.
Based on the spin-up and spin-down components of $G$, one can easily compute the non-interacting polarizability (which is a sum over spins)
As readily seen in Eq.~\eqref{eq:G}, the Green's function can be evaluated at different levels of theory depending on the choice of orbitals and energies, $\MO{p_\sig}$ and $\e{p_\sig}{}$.
For example, $G_{\KS}^{\sig}$ is the independent-particle Green's function built with KS orbitals $\MO{p_\sig}^{\KS}(\br)$ and one-electron energies $\e{p_\sig}^{\KS}$.
Within self-consistent schemes, these quantities can be replaced by quasiparticle energies and orbitals evaluated within the $GW$ approximation (see below).
Based on the spin-up and spin-down components of $G$ defined in Eq.~\eqref{eq:G}, one can easily compute the non-interacting polarizability (which is a sum over spins)
\chi_0(\br_1,\br_2;\omega) = - \frac{i}{2\pi} \sum_\sig \int G^{\sig}(\br_1,\br_2;\omega+\omega') G^{\sig}(\br_1,\br_2;\omega') d\omega'
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ and subsequently the dielectric function
\epsilon(\br_1,\br_2;\omega) = \delta(\br_1 - \br_2) - \int \frac{\chi_0(\br_1,\br_3;\omega) }{\abs{\br_2 - \br_3}} d\br_3
where $\delta(\br_1 - \br_2)$ is the Dirac function.
where $\delta(\br)$ is the Dirac delta function.
Based on this latter ingredient, one can access the dynamically-screened Coulomb potential
@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ and the screened two-electron integrals (or spectral weights) are explicitly giv
\ERI{p_\sig q_\sig}{m} = \sum_{ia\sigp} \ERI{p_\sig q_\sig}{r_\sigp s_\sigp} (\bX{m}{\spc,\RPA}+\bY{m}{\spc,\RPA})_{i_\sigp a_\sigp}
In Eqs.~\eqref{eq:W_spectral} and \eqref{eq:sERI}, the RPA spin-conserved neutral excitations $\Om{m}{\spc,\RPA}$ and their corresponding eigenvectors, $\bX{m}{\spc,\RPA}$ and $\bY{m}{\spc,\RPA}$, are obtained by solving a linear response system of the form
In Eqs.~\eqref{eq:W_spectral} and \eqref{eq:sERI}, the spin-conserved RPA neutral excitations $\Om{m}{\spc,\RPA}$ and their corresponding eigenvectors, $\bX{m}{\spc,\RPA}$ and $\bY{m}{\spc,\RPA}$, are obtained by solving a linear response system of the form
@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ The spin structure of these matrices, though, is general
In the absence of instabilities, the linear eigenvalue problem \eqref{eq:LR-RPA} has particle-hole symmetry which means that the eigenvalues are obtained by pairs $\pm \Om{m}{}$.
In such a case, $(\bA{}{}-\bB{}{})^{1/2}$ is positive definite, and Eq.~\eqref{eq:LR-RPA} can be recast as a Hermitian problem of half the dimension
In such a case, $(\bA{}{}-\bB{}{})^{1/2}$ is positive definite, and Eq.~\eqref{eq:LR-RPA} can be recast as a Hermitian problem of half its original dimension
(\bA{}{} - \bB{}{})^{1/2} \cdot (\bA{}{} + \bB{}{}) \cdot (\bA{}{} - \bB{}{})^{1/2} \cdot \bZ{}{} = \bOm{2} \cdot \bZ{}{}
@ -159,10 +163,12 @@ where the excitation amplitudes are
\bX{}{} + \bY{}{} = \bOm{-1/2} \cdot (\bA{}{} - \bB{}{})^{1/2} \cdot \bZ{}{}
Within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA), the coupling terms between the resonant and anti-resonant parts, $\bA{}{}$ and $-\bA{}{}$, are neglected, which consists in setting $\bB{}{} = \bO$.
In such a case, Eq.~\eqref{eq:LR-RPA} reduces to straightforward Hermitian problem of the form:
In such a case, Eq.~\eqref{eq:LR-RPA} reduces to a straightforward Hermitian problem of the form:
\bA{}{} \cdot \bX{m}{} = \Om{m}{} \bX{m}{}
Note that, for spin-flip excitations, it is quite common to enforce the TDA especially when one considers a triplet reference as the first ``excited-state'' is usually the ground state of the closed-shell system (hence, corresponding to a negative excitation energy).
At the RPA level, the matrix elements of $\bA{}{}$ and $\bB{}{}$ are
@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ is, like the one-body Green's function, spin-diagonal, and its spectral represen
& + \sum_{am} \frac{\ERI{p_\sig a_\sig}{m} \ERI{q_\sig a_\sig}{m}}{\omega - \e{a_\sig} - \Om{m}{\spc,\RPA} + i \eta}
which the self-energy has been split in its exchange (x) and correlation (c) contributions.
where the self-energy has been split in its exchange (x) and correlation (c) contributions.
The Dyson equation linking the Green's function and the self-energy holds separately for each spin component
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ The Dyson equation linking the Green's function and the self-energy holds separa
& + \Sig{}{\xc,\sig}(\br_1,\br_2;\omega) - v^{\xc}(\br_1) \delta(\br_1 - \br_2)
where $G_{\KS}^{\sig}$ is the Kohn-Sham Green's function built with Kohn-Sham orbitals $\MO{p_\sig}^{\KS}(\br)$ and one-electron energies $\e{p_\sig}^{\KS}$ according to Eq.~\eqref{eq:G} and $v^{\xc}(\br)$ is the Kohn-Sham local exchange-correlation potential.
where $v^{\xc}(\br)$ is the KS (local) exchange-correlation potential.
The target quantities here are the quasiparticle energies $\eGW{p_\sig}$, \ie, the poles of $G$ [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:G}], which correspond to well-defined addition/removal energies (unlike the KS orbital energies).
Because the exchange-correlation part of the self-energy is, itself, constructed with the Green's function [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:Sig}], the present process is, by nature, self-consistent.
The same comment applies to the dynamically-screened Coulomb potential $W$ entering the definition of $\Sig{}{\xc}$ [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:Sig}] which is also constructed from $G$ [see Eqs.~\eqref{eq:chi0}, \eqref{eq:eps}, and \eqref{eq:W}].
@ -245,25 +251,25 @@ In its simplest perturbative (\ie, one-shot) version, known as {\GOWO}, a single
\omega = \e{p_\sig}{} + \Sig{p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega) - V_{p_\sig}^{\xc}
where $\Sig{p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega) \equiv \Sig{p_\sig p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega)$ and its offspring quantities have been constructed at the Kohn-Sham level, and
where $\Sig{p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega) \equiv \Sig{p_\sig p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega)$ and its offspring quantities have been constructed at the KS level, and
V_{p_\sigma}^{\xc} = \int \MO{p_\sig}(\br) v^{\xc}(\br) \MO{p_\sig}(\br) d\br
Because, from a practical point of view, one is usually interested by the so-called quasiparticle solution (or peak), the quasiparticle equation \eqref{eq:QP-eq} is often linearized around $\omega = \e{p_\sig}^{\KS}$, yielding
= \e{p_\sig}^{\KS} + Z_{p_\sig} [\Sig{p_\sig p_\sig}{\xc}(\e{p_\sig}^{\KS}) - V_{p_\sig}^{\xc} ]
= \e{p_\sig}^{\KS} + Z_{p_\sig} [\Sig{p_\sig}{\xc}(\e{p_\sig}^{\KS}) - V_{p_\sig}^{\xc} ]
Z_{p_\sig} = \qty[ 1 - \left. \pdv{\Sig{p_\sig p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega)}{\omega} \right|_{\omega = \e{p_\sig}^{\KS}} ]^{-1}
Z_{p_\sig} = \qty[ 1 - \left. \pdv{\Sig{p_\sig}{\xc}(\omega)}{\omega} \right|_{\omega = \e{p_\sig}^{\KS}} ]^{-1}
is a renormalization factor which also represents the spectral weight of the quasiparticle solution.
In addition to the principal quasiparticle peak which, in a well-behaved case, contains most of the spectral weight, the frequency-dependent quasiparticle equation \eqref{eq:QP-eq} generates a finite number of satellite resonances with smaller weights.
Within the ``eigenvalue'' self-consistent $GW$ scheme (known as ev$GW$), several iterations are performed during which only the one-electron energies entering the definition of the Green's function [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:G}] are updated by the quasiparticle energies obtained at the previous iteration (the corresponding orbitals remain evaluated at the Kohn-Sham level).
Within the ``eigenvalue'' self-consistent $GW$ scheme (known as ev$GW$), several iterations are performed during which only the one-electron energies entering the definition of the Green's function [see Eq.~\eqref{eq:G}] are updated by the quasiparticle energies obtained at the previous iteration (the corresponding orbitals remain evaluated at the KS level).
Finally, within the quasiparticle self-consistent $GW$ scheme (qs$GW$), both the one-electron energies and the orbitals are updated until convergence is reached.
Finally, within the quasiparticle self-consistent $GW$ (qs$GW$) scheme, both the one-electron energies and the orbitals are updated until convergence is reached.
These are obtained via the diagonalization of an effective Fock matrix which includes explicitly a frequency-independent and hermitian self-energy defined as
\Tilde{\Sigma}_{p_\sig q_\sig}^{\xc} = \frac{1}{2} \qty[ \Sig{p_\sig q_\sig}{\xc}(\e{p_\sig}{}) + \Sig{q_\sig p_\sig}{\xc}(\e{p_\sig}{}) ]
@ -274,6 +280,9 @@ These are obtained via the diagonalization of an effective Fock matrix which inc
Like its TD-DFT cousin, BSE deals with the calculation of (neutral) optical excitations as measured by absorption spectroscopy. \cite{Salpeter_1951,Strinati_1988}
Using the BSE formalism, one can access the spin-conserved and spin-flip excitations.
In a nutshell, BSE builds on top of a $GW$ calculation by adding up excitonic effects (\ie, the electron-hole binding energy) to the $GW$ fundamental gap which is itself a corrected version of the KS gap.
The purpose of the underlying $GW$ calculation is to provide quasiparticle energies and a dynamically-screened Coulomb potential that are used to build the BSE Hamiltonian from which the vertical excitations of the system are going to be extracted.
The Dyson equation that links the generalized four-point susceptibility $L^{\sig\sigp}(\br_1,\br_2;\br_1',\br_2';\omega)$ and the BSE kernel $\Xi^{\sig\sigp}(\br_3,\br_5;\br_4,\br_6;\omega)$ is
@ -301,7 +310,7 @@ Within the $GW$ approximation, the BSE kernel is
- \delta_{\sig\sigp} W(\br_3,\br_4;\omega) \delta(\br_3 - \br_6) \delta(\br_4 - \br_6)
where, as usual, we have not considered the higher-order terms in $W$ by neglecting the derivative $\partial W/\partial G$. \cite{Hanke_1980, Strinati_1982, Strinati_1984, Strinati_1988}
Within the static approximation which consists in neglecting the frequency dependence of the dynamically-screened Coulomb potential, the spin-conserved and spin-flip optical excitation at the BSE level are obtained by solving a similar linear response problem
Within the static approximation which consists in neglecting the frequency dependence of the dynamically-screened Coulomb potential, the spin-conserved and spin-flip BSE optical excitations are obtained by solving the usual Casida-like linear response (eigen)problem:
@ -320,7 +329,7 @@ Within the static approximation which consists in neglecting the frequency depen
\bY{m}{\BSE} \\
Defining $W^{\stat}_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s_\sigp} = W_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s_\sigp}(\omega = 0)$, we have
Defining $W^{\stat}_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s_\sigp} = W_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s_\sigp}(\omega = 0)$, the general expressions of the BSE matrix elements are
@ -330,7 +339,7 @@ Defining $W^{\stat}_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s_\sigp} = W_{p_\sig q_\sig,r_\sigp s
\B{i_\sig a_\tau,j_\sigp b_\taup}{\BSE} & = \B{i_\sig a_\tau,j_\sigp b_\taup}{\RPA} - \delta_{\sig \sigp} W^{\stat}_{i_\sig b_\taup,j_\sigp a_\tau}
from which we obtain, at the BSE level, the following expressions
from which we obtain, at the BSE level, the following expressions for the spin-conserved and spin-flip excitations:
@ -338,11 +347,7 @@ from which we obtain, at the BSE level, the following expressions
\B{i_\sig a_\sig,j_\sigp b_\sigp}{\spc,\BSE} & = \B{i_\sig a_\sig,j_\sigp b_\sigp}{\spc,\RPA} - \delta_{\sig \sigp} W^{\stat}_{i_\sig b_\sigp,j_\sigp a_\sig}
for the spin-conserved excitations and
\A{i_\sig a_\bsig,j_\sig b_\bsig}{\spf,\BSE} & = \A{i_\sig a_\bsig,j_\sig b_\bsig}{\spf,\RPA} - W^{\stat}_{i_\sig j_\sig,b_\bsig a_\bsig}
@ -350,7 +355,12 @@ for the spin-conserved excitations and
\B{i_\sig a_\bsig,j_\bsig b_\sig}{\spf,\BSE} & = - W^{\stat}_{i_\sig b_\sig,j_\bsig a_\bsig}
for the spin-flip excitations.
At this stage, it is of particular interest to discuss the form of the spin-flip matrix elements defined in Eqs.~\eqref{eq:LR_BSE-Asf} and \eqref{eq:LR_BSE-Bsf}.
As readily seen from Eq.~\eqref{eq:LR_RPA-Asf}, at the RPA level, the spin-flip excitations are given by the difference of one-electron energies, hence missing out on key exchange and correlation effects.
This is also the case at the TD-DFT level when one relies on (semi-)local functionals.
This explains why most of spin-flip TD-DFT calculations are performed with hybrid functionals containing a substantial amount of Hartree-Fock exchange as only the exact exchange integral of the form $\ERI{i_\sig j_\sig}{b_\bsig a_\bsig}$ survive spin-symmetry requirements.
At the BSE level, these matrix elements are, of course, also present thanks to the contribution of $W^{\stat}_{i_\sig j_\sig,b_\bsig a_\bsig}$ but it also includes correlation effects as evidenced in Eq.~\eqref{eq:W_spectral}.
\subsection{Dynamical correction}
@ -511,7 +521,6 @@ and
\Om{m}{\dBSE} = \Om{m}{(0)} + Z_{m} \Om{m}{(1)}
\subsection{Oscillator strengths}
@ -528,7 +537,7 @@ and the total oscillator strength is given by
f_{m}^{\spc} = \frac{2}{3} \Om{m}{\spc} \qty[ \qty(\mu_{x,m}^{\spc})^2 + \qty(\mu_{x,m}^{\spc})^2 + \qty(\mu_{x,m}^{\spc})^2 ]
For spin-flip transitions, we have $f_{m}^{\spf} = 0$ as the transition matrix elements $(i_\sig|x|a_\bsig)$ vanish.
For spin-flip transitions, we have $f_{m}^{\spf} = 0$ as the transition matrix elements $(i_\sig|x|a_\bsig)$ vanish via integration over the spin coordinate.
\subsection{Spin contamination}
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