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130 lines
4.1 KiB

! ---
subroutine rh_tcscf_simple()
implicit none
integer :: i, j, it, dim_DIIS
double precision :: t0, t1
double precision :: e_save, e_delta, rho_delta
double precision :: etc_tot, etc_1e, etc_2e, etc_3e, tc_grad
double precision :: er_DIIS
double precision, allocatable :: rho_old(:,:), rho_new(:,:)
allocate(rho_old(ao_num,ao_num), rho_new(ao_num,ao_num))
it = 0
e_save = 0.d0
dim_DIIS = 0
! ---
if(.not. bi_ortho) then
print *, ' grad_hermit = ', grad_hermit
call save_good_hermit_tc_eigvectors
TOUCH mo_coef
call save_mos
! ---
if(bi_ortho) then
PROVIDE level_shift_tcscf
PROVIDE mo_l_coef mo_r_coef
write(6, '(A4,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A4, 1X, A8)') &
'====', '================', '================', '================', '================', '================' &
, '================', '================', '================', '====', '========'
write(6, '(A4,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A4, 1X, A8)') &
' it ', ' SCF TC Energy ', ' E(1e) ', ' E(2e) ', ' E(3e) ', ' energy diff ' &
, ' gradient ', ' DIIS error ', ' level shift ', 'DIIS', ' WT (m)'
write(6, '(A4,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A16,1X, A4, 1X, A8)') &
'====', '================', '================', '================', '================', '================' &
, '================', '================', '================', '====', '========'
! first iteration (HF orbitals)
call wall_time(t0)
etc_tot = TC_HF_energy
etc_1e = TC_HF_one_e_energy
etc_2e = TC_HF_two_e_energy
etc_3e = 0.d0
if(three_body_h_tc) then
etc_3e = diag_three_elem_hf
tc_grad = grad_non_hermit
er_DIIS = maxval(abs(FQS_SQF_mo))
e_delta = dabs(etc_tot - e_save)
e_save = etc_tot
call wall_time(t1)
write(6, '(I4,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, I4,1X, F8.2)') &
it, etc_tot, etc_1e, etc_2e, etc_3e, e_delta, tc_grad, er_DIIS, level_shift_tcscf, dim_DIIS, (t1-t0)/60.d0
do while(tc_grad .gt. dsqrt(thresh_tcscf))
call wall_time(t0)
it += 1
if(it > n_it_tcscf_max) then
print *, ' max of TCSCF iterations is reached ', n_it_TCSCF_max
mo_l_coef = fock_tc_leigvec_ao
mo_r_coef = fock_tc_reigvec_ao
call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_l_coef(mo_l_coef)
call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_r_coef(mo_r_coef)
TOUCH mo_l_coef mo_r_coef
etc_tot = TC_HF_energy
etc_1e = TC_HF_one_e_energy
etc_2e = TC_HF_two_e_energy
etc_3e = 0.d0
if(three_body_h_tc) then
etc_3e = diag_three_elem_hf
tc_grad = grad_non_hermit
er_DIIS = maxval(abs(FQS_SQF_mo))
e_delta = dabs(etc_tot - e_save)
e_save = etc_tot
call ezfio_set_tc_scf_bitc_energy(etc_tot)
call wall_time(t1)
write(6, '(I4,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, F16.10,1X, I4,1X, F8.2)') &
it, etc_tot, etc_1e, etc_2e, etc_3e, e_delta, tc_grad, er_DIIS, level_shift_tcscf, dim_DIIS, (t1-t0)/60.d0
do while( (grad_hermit.gt.dsqrt(thresh_tcscf)) .and. (it.lt.n_it_tcscf_max) )
print*,'grad_hermit = ',grad_hermit
it += 1
print *, 'iteration = ', it
print *, '***'
print *, 'TC HF total energy = ', TC_HF_energy
print *, 'TC HF 1 e energy = ', TC_HF_one_e_energy
print *, 'TC HF 2 e energy = ', TC_HF_two_e_energy
print *, 'TC HF 3 body = ', diag_three_elem_hf
print *, '***'
print *, ''
call save_good_hermit_tc_eigvectors
TOUCH mo_coef
call save_mos
print *, ' TCSCF Simple converged !'
!call print_energy_and_mos(good_angles)
deallocate(rho_old, rho_new)
! ---