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Configuration Sigma Vector Helpers

Generate the singly excited configurations on-the-fly

The algorithm is based on the work by Garniron et. al. (see thesis Chap 5). The basic idea is to generate \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s on-the-fly.

The algorithm is based on the idea of splitting the list of \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s into blocks associated with a selected determinant \(|D_I\rangle\).

Create a function to return a list of alphas

Here we create a list of \(|\alpha\rangle\)'s associated with the input determinant \(|D_I\rangle\).

  subroutine obtain_associated_alphaI(idxI, Icfg, alphasIcfg, NalphaIcfg, factor_alphaI)
  implicit none
  use bitmasks
  ! Documentation for alphasI
  ! Returns the associated alpha's for
  ! the input configuration Icfg.

  integer,intent(in)                 :: idxI ! The id of the Ith CFG
  integer(bit_kind),intent(in)       :: Icfg(N_int,2)
  integer,intent(out)                :: NalphaIcfg
  real*8 ,intent(out)                :: factor_alphaI(*)
  integer(bit_kind),intent(out)      :: alphasIcfg(N_int,2,*)
  logical,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tableUniqueAlphas
  integer                            :: listholes(mo_num)
  integer                            :: holetype(mo_num) ! 1-> SOMO 2->DOMO
  integer                            :: nholes
  integer                            :: nvmos
  integer                            :: listvmos(mo_num)
  integer                            :: vmotype(mo_num) ! 1 -> VMO 2 -> SOMO
  integer*8                          :: Idomo
  integer*8                          :: Isomo
  integer*8                          :: Jdomo
  integer*8                          :: Jsomo
  integer*8                          :: diffSOMO
  integer*8                          :: diffDOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffSOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffDOMO
  integer                            :: ndiffAll
  integer                            :: i
  integer                            :: j
  integer                            :: k
  integer                            :: hole
  integer                            :: p
  integer                            :: q
  integer                            :: countalphas
  logical                            :: pqAlreadyGenQ
  logical                            :: pqExistsQ
  Isomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,1))
  Idomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,2))
  !print*,"Input cfg"
  !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
  !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)

  !print*,n_act_orb, "monum=",mo_num," n_core=",n_core_orb

  ! find out all pq holes possible
  nholes = 0
  ! holes in SOMO
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 1
  end do
  ! holes in DOMO
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 2
  end do

  ! find vmos
  listvmos = -1
  vmotype = -1
  nvmos = 0
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     !print *,i,IBSET(0,i-1),POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))), POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1))))
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) .EQ. 0 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) .EQ. 0) then
        nvmos += 1
        listvmos(nvmos) = i
        vmotype(nvmos) = 1
     else if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) .EQ. 1 .AND. POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,(IBSET(0_8,i-1)))) .EQ. 0 ) then
        nvmos += 1
        listvmos(nvmos) = i
        vmotype(nvmos) = 2
     end if
  end do

  !print *,"Nvmo=",nvmos
  !print *,listvmos
  !print *,vmotype

  tableUniqueAlphas = .FALSE.

  ! Now find the allowed (p,q) excitations
  Isomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,1))
  Idomo = iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Icfg(1,2))
  !print *,"Isomo"
  !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
  !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)

  !print *,"Nholes=",nholes," Nvmos=",nvmos, " idxi=",idxI
  !do i = 1,nholes
  !   print *,i,"->",listholes(i)
  !do i = 1,nvmos
  !   print *,i,"->",listvmos(i)

  ! TODO cfg_seniority_index
  do i = 1,nholes
     p = listholes(i)
     do j = 1,nvmos
        q = listvmos(j)
        if(p == q) cycle
        if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
           ! SOMO -> VMO
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = Idomo
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
           ! SOMO -> SOMO
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBSET(Idomo,q-1)
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
           ! DOMO -> VMO
           Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
        else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
           ! DOMO -> SOMO
           Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
           Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
           Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
           Jdomo = IBSET(Jdomo,q-1)
           print*,"Something went wrong in obtain_associated_alphaI"

        pqAlreadyGenQ = .FALSE.
        ! First check if it can be generated before
        do k = 1, idxI-1
           diffSOMO = IEOR(Jsomo,iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,1,k)))
           diffDOMO = IEOR(Jdomo,iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,2,k)))
           ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO)
           ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO)
           if(POPCNT(IEOR(diffSOMO,diffDOMO)) .LE. 1 .AND. ndiffDOMO .LT. 3) then
              pqAlreadyGenQ = .TRUE.
              !print *,i,k,ndiffSOMO,ndiffDOMO
              !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
              !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
              !call debug_spindet(iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,1,k)),1)
              !call debug_spindet(iand(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),psi_configuration(1,2,k)),1)
        end do

        if(pqAlreadyGenQ) cycle

        pqExistsQ = .FALSE.
        ! now check if this exists in the selected list
        do k = idxI, N_configuration
           diffSOMO = IEOR(OR(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Jsomo),psi_configuration(1,1,k))
           diffDOMO = IEOR(OR(reunion_of_act_virt_bitmask(1,1),Jdomo),psi_configuration(1,2,k))
           ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO)
           ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO)
           if((ndiffSOMO + ndiffDOMO) .EQ. 0) then
              pqExistsQ = .TRUE.
        end do

        if(.NOT. pqExistsQ) then
           tableUniqueAlphas(p,q) = .TRUE.
           !print *,p,q
           !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
           !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
     end do
  end do

  !print *,tableUniqueAlphas(:,:)

  ! prune list of alphas
  Isomo = Icfg(1,1)
  Idomo = Icfg(1,2)
  Jsomo = Icfg(1,1)
  Jdomo = Icfg(1,2)
  NalphaIcfg = 0
  do i = 1, nholes
     p = listholes(i)
     do j = 1, nvmos
        q = listvmos(j)
        if(p .EQ. q) cycle
        if(tableUniqueAlphas(p,q)) then
           if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
              ! SOMO -> VMO
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = Idomo
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
              ! SOMO -> SOMO
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBSET(Idomo,q-1)
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 1) then
              ! DOMO -> VMO
              Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBSET(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
           else if(holetype(i) .EQ. 2 .AND. vmotype(j) .EQ. 2) then
              ! DOMO -> SOMO
              Jsomo = IBSET(Isomo,p-1)
              Jsomo = IBCLR(Jsomo,q-1)
              Jdomo = IBCLR(Idomo,p-1)
              Jdomo = IBSET(Jdomo,q-1)
              print*,"Something went wrong in obtain_associated_alphaI"

           NalphaIcfg += 1
           !print *,p,q,"|",holetype(i),vmotype(j),NalphaIcfg
           !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)
           !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
           alphasIcfg(1,1,NalphaIcfg) = Jsomo
           alphasIcfg(1,2,NalphaIcfg) = IOR(Jdomo,ISHFT(1_8,n_core_orb)-1)
     end do
  end do

  end subroutine

Given an \(\alpha\) CFG, return all the \(|I\rangle\) CFGs

Next step is to obtain the connected CFGs \(|I\rangle\) that belong to the selected space given a RI configuration \(|\alpha\rangle\).

subroutine obtain_connected_I_foralpha(idxI, Ialpha, connectedI, idxs_connectedI, nconnectedI, excitationIds, excitationTypes)
  implicit none
  use bitmasks
  ! Documentation for obtain_connected_I_foralpha
  ! This function returns all those selected configurations
  ! which are connected to the input configuration
  ! Ialpha by a single excitation.
  ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows:
  ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO
  ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO
  ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO
  ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO
  ! Order of operators
  ! \alpha> = a^\dag_p a_q |I> = E_pq |I>
  integer          ,intent(in)             :: idxI
  integer(bit_kind),intent(in)             :: Ialpha(N_int,2)
  integer(bit_kind),intent(out)            :: connectedI(N_int,2,*)
  integer          ,intent(out)            :: idxs_connectedI(*)
  integer,intent(out)                      :: nconnectedI
  integer,intent(out)                      :: excitationIds(2,*)
  integer,intent(out)                      :: excitationTypes(*)
  integer*8                                :: Idomo
  integer*8                                :: Isomo
  integer*8                                :: Jdomo
  integer*8                                :: Jsomo
  integer*8                                :: IJsomo
  integer*8                                :: diffSOMO
  integer*8                                :: diffDOMO
  integer                                  :: ndiffSOMO
  integer                                  :: ndiffDOMO
  integer :: i,j,k,l,p,q,nsomoJ,nsomoalpha,starti,endi,extyp,nholes
  integer :: listholes(mo_num)
  integer :: holetype(mo_num)

  ! find out all pq holes possible
  nholes = 0
  ! holes in SOMO
  Isomo = psi_configuration(1,1,idxI)
  Idomo = psi_configuration(1,2,idxI)
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Isomo,IBSET(0_8,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 1
  end do
  ! holes in DOMO
  do i = n_core_orb+1,n_core_orb + n_act_orb
     if(POPCNT(IAND(Idomo,IBSET(0_8,i-1))) .EQ. 1) then
        nholes += 1
        listholes(nholes) = i
        holetype(nholes) = 2
  end do

  nconnectedI = 0

  p = 0
  q = 0
  do i=idxI+1,N_configuration
     Isomo = Ialpha(1,1)
     Idomo = Ialpha(1,2)
     Jsomo = psi_configuration(1,1,i)
     Jdomo = psi_configuration(1,2,i)
     !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)
     !print *,"-J--i=",i,Idomo,Jdomo,">",N_configuration
     !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
     diffSOMO = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo)
     diffDOMO = IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)
     ndiffSOMO = POPCNT(diffSOMO)
     ndiffDOMO = POPCNT(diffDOMO)
     if((ndiffSOMO + ndiffDOMO) .EQ. 0) cycle
     !print *,"-I--i=",i,diffSOMO,diffDOMO!Isomo,Jsomo,ndiffSOMO,ndiffDOMO
     !print *,POPCNT(IEOR(diffSOMO,diffDOMO)), ndiffDOMO
     if(POPCNT(IEOR(diffSOMO,diffDOMO)) .LE. 1 .AND. ndiffDOMO .LT. 3) then
     !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)
     !print *,"-J--i=",i,Idomo,Jdomo,">",N_configuration
     !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
        select case(ndiffDOMO)
        case (0)
           ! SOMO -> VMO
           !print *,"obt SOMO -> VMO"
           extyp = 3
           IJsomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo)
           p = TRAILZ(IAND(Isomo,IJsomo)) + 1
           IJsomo = IBCLR(IJsomo,p-1)
           q = TRAILZ(IJsomo) + 1
        case (1)
           ! DOMO -> VMO
           ! or
           ! SOMO -> SOMO
           nsomoJ = POPCNT(Jsomo)
           nsomoalpha = POPCNT(Isomo)
           if(nsomoJ .GT. nsomoalpha) then
              ! DOMO -> VMO
              !print *,"obt DOMO -> VMO"
              extyp = 2
              p = TRAILZ(IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)) + 1
              Isomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo)
              Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,p-1)
              q = TRAILZ(Isomo) + 1
              ! SOMO -> SOMO
              !print *,"obt SOMO -> SOMO"
              extyp = 1
              q = TRAILZ(IEOR(Idomo,Jdomo)) + 1
              Isomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo)
              Isomo = IBCLR(Isomo,q-1)
              p = TRAILZ(Isomo) + 1
           end if
        case (2)
           ! DOMO -> SOMO
           !print *,"obt DOMO -> SOMO"
           extyp = 4
           IJsomo = IEOR(Isomo, Jsomo)
           p = TRAILZ(IAND(Jsomo,IJsomo)) + 1
           IJsomo = IBCLR(IJsomo,p-1)
           q = TRAILZ(IJsomo) + 1
        case default
           print *,"something went wront in get connectedI"
        end select
        starti = psi_config_data(i,1)
        endi   = psi_config_data(i,2)
        nconnectedI += 1
        connectedI(:,:,nconnectedI) = psi_configuration(:,:,i)
        excitationTypes(nconnectedI) = extyp
        print *,"------ > output p,q in obt=",p,q
  end do

end subroutine obtain_connected_I_foralpha
      print *,TRAILZ(8)
      print *,IBCLR(8,TRAILZ(9))
      print *,TRAILZ(IBCLR(8,TRAILZ(9)))

Function to get the NSOMOs (seniority)

  function getNSOMO(Icfg) result(NSOMO)
    implicit none
    integer(bit_kind),intent(in)   :: Icfg(N_int,2)
    integer                        :: NSOMO
    integer                        :: i
    NSOMO = 0
    do i = 1,N_int
       NSOMO += POPCNT(Icfg(i,1))
  end function getNSOMO

Function to convert p,q to model space ids

This function converts the real orbital ids \(i,j\) to model space ids \(p,q\) which depend only on the number of somos.

subroutine convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds(Ialpha, Jcfg, p, q, extype, pmodel, qmodel)
  implicit none
  ! This function converts the orbital ids
  ! in real space to those used in model space
  ! in order to identify the matrices required
  ! for the calculation of MEs.
  ! The type of excitations are ordered as follows:
  ! Type 1 - SOMO -> SOMO
  ! Type 2 - DOMO -> VMO
  ! Type 3 - SOMO -> VMO
  ! Type 4 - DOMO -> SOMO
  integer(bit_kind),intent(in)         :: Ialpha(N_int,2)
  integer(bit_kind),intent(in)         :: Jcfg(N_int,2)
  integer,intent(in)                   :: p,q
  integer,intent(in)                   :: extype
  integer,intent(out)                  :: pmodel,qmodel
  integer*8                            :: Isomo
  integer*8                            :: Idomo
  integer*8                            :: Jsomo
  integer*8                            :: Jdomo
  integer*8                            :: mask
  integer*8                            :: Isomotmp
  integer*8                            :: Jsomotmp
  integer                              :: pos0,pos0prev

  ! TODO Flag (print) when model space indices is > 64
  Isomo = Ialpha(1,1)
  Idomo = Ialpha(1,2)
  Jsomo = Jcfg(1,1)
  Jdomo = Jcfg(1,2)
  pos0prev = 0
  pmodel = p
  qmodel = q

  if(p .EQ. q) then
     pmodel = 1
     qmodel = 1
     !print *,"input pq=",p,q,"extype=",extype
     !call debug_spindet(Isomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Idomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Jsomo,1)
     !call debug_spindet(Jdomo,1)
     select case(extype)
       case (1)
          ! SOMO -> SOMO
          ! remove all domos
          !print *,"type -> SOMO -> SOMO"
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1
          Isomotmp = IAND(Isomo,mask)
          pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomotmp,mask))
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1
          Isomotmp = IAND(Isomo,mask)
          qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomotmp,mask))
       case (2)
          ! DOMO -> VMO
          ! remove all domos except one at p
          !print *,"type -> DOMO -> VMO"
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1
          Jsomotmp = IAND(Jsomo,mask)
          pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomotmp,mask))
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1
          Jsomotmp = IAND(Jsomo,mask)
          qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomotmp,mask))
       case (3)
          ! SOMO -> VMO
          !print *,"type -> SOMO -> VMO"
          !Isomo = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo)
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1
          Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask)
          pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask))
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1
          Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask)
          qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask))
       case (4)
          ! DOMO -> SOMO
          ! remove all domos except one at p
          !print *,"type -> DOMO -> SOMO"
          !Isomo = IEOR(Isomo,Jsomo)
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,p) - 1
          Jsomo = IAND(Jsomo,mask)
          pmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Jsomo,mask))
          mask = ISHFT(1_8,q) - 1
          Isomo = IAND(Isomo,mask)
          qmodel = POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(Isomo,mask))
       case default
          print *,"something is wrong in convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds"
     end select
     !print *,p,q,"model ids=",pmodel,qmodel
end subroutine convertOrbIdsToModelSpaceIds
      integer :: i
      integer :: count
      integer :: mask
      integer :: isomo
      count = 0
      mask = ISHFT(1_8,5)-1
      print *,mask
      print *,POPCNT(mask)
      isomo = 144
      isomo = IAND(isomo,mask)
      print *,isomo
      print *,XOR(isomo,mask)
      print *,POPCNT(mask) - POPCNT(XOR(isomo,mask))
      print *,IBSET(0_8,4)-1
      print *,POPCNT(IBSET(0_8,4)-1) - POPCNT(IAND(716,IBSET(0_8,4)-1))
      print *,POPCNT(IBSET(0_8,8)-1) - POPCNT(IAND(716,IBSET(0_8,8)-1))