open Sexplib.Std open Qptypes module GaussianPrimitive_local : sig type t = { expo : AO_expo.t ; r_power : R_power.t ; } [@@deriving sexp] val of_expo_r_power : AO_expo.t -> R_power.t -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { expo : AO_expo.t ; r_power : R_power.t ; } [@@deriving sexp] let of_expo_r_power dz n = { expo = dz ; r_power = n } let to_string p = Printf.sprintf "(%d, %22e)" (R_power.to_int p.r_power) (AO_expo.to_float p.expo) end module GaussianPrimitive_non_local : sig type t = { expo : AO_expo.t ; r_power : R_power.t ; proj : Positive_int.t } [@@deriving sexp] val of_proj_expo_r_power : Positive_int.t -> AO_expo.t -> R_power.t -> t val to_string : t -> string end = struct type t = { expo : AO_expo.t ; r_power : R_power.t ; proj : Positive_int.t } [@@deriving sexp] let of_proj_expo_r_power p dz n = { expo = dz ; r_power = n ; proj = p } let to_string p = Printf.sprintf "(%d, %22e, %d)" (R_power.to_int p.r_power) (AO_expo.to_float p.expo) (Positive_int.to_int p.proj) end type t = { element : Element.t ; n_elec : Positive_int.t ; local : (GaussianPrimitive_local.t * AO_coef.t ) list ; non_local : (GaussianPrimitive_non_local.t * AO_coef.t ) list } [@@deriving sexp] let empty e = { element = e; n_elec = Positive_int.of_int 0; local = []; non_local = []; } (** Transform the local component of the pseudopotential to a string *) let to_string_local = function | [] -> "" | t -> "Local component:" :: ( Printf.sprintf "%20s %8s %20s" "Coeff." "r^n" "Exp." ) :: ( (fun (l,c) -> Printf.sprintf "%20f %8d %20f" (AO_coef.to_float c) (R_power.to_int l.GaussianPrimitive_local.r_power) (AO_expo.to_float l.GaussianPrimitive_local.expo) ) t ) |> String.concat "\n" (** Transform the non-local component of the pseudopotential to a string *) let to_string_non_local = function | [] -> "" | t -> "Non-local component:" :: ( Printf.sprintf "%20s %8s %20s %8s" "Coeff." "r^n" "Exp." "Proj") :: ( (fun (l,c) -> let p = Positive_int.to_int l.GaussianPrimitive_non_local.proj in Printf.sprintf "%20f %8d %20f |%d><%d|" (AO_coef.to_float c) (R_power.to_int l.GaussianPrimitive_non_local.r_power) (AO_expo.to_float l.GaussianPrimitive_non_local.expo) p p ) t ) |> String.concat "\n" (** Transform the Pseudopotential to a string *) let to_string t = Printf.sprintf "%s %d electrons removed" (Element.to_string t.element) (Positive_int.to_int t.n_elec) :: to_string_local t.local :: to_string_non_local t.non_local :: [] |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") |> String.concat "\n" (** Find an element in the file *) let find in_channel element = seek_in in_channel 0; let loop, element_read, old_pos = ref true, ref None, ref (pos_in in_channel) in while !loop do try let buffer = old_pos := pos_in in_channel; try input_line in_channel |> String_ext.split ~on:' ' |> List.hd with _ -> raise End_of_file in element_read := Some (Element.of_string buffer); loop := !element_read <> (Some element) with | Element.ElementError _ -> () | End_of_file -> loop := false done ; seek_in in_channel !old_pos; !element_read (** Read the Pseudopotential in GAMESS format *) let read_element in_channel element = match find in_channel element with | Some e when e = element -> begin let rec read result = try let line = input_line in_channel in if (String.trim line = "") then result else read (line::result) with _ -> result in let data = read [] |> List.rev in let debug_data = String.concat "\n" data in let decode_first_line = function | first_line :: rest -> begin let first_line_split = String_ext.split first_line ~on:' ' |> List.filter (fun x -> (String.trim x) <> "") in match first_line_split with | e :: "GEN" :: n :: p -> { element = Element.of_string e ; n_elec = int_of_string n |> Positive_int.of_int ; local = [] ; non_local = [] }, rest | _ -> failwith ( Printf.sprintf "Unable to read Pseudopotential : \n%s\n" debug_data ) end | _ -> failwith ("Error reading pseudopotential\n"^debug_data) in let rec loop create_primitive accu = function | (0,rest) -> List.rev accu, rest | (n,line::rest) -> begin match String_ext.split line ~on:' ' |> List.filter (fun x -> String.trim x <> "") with | c :: i :: e :: [] -> let i = int_of_string i in let elem = ( create_primitive (float_of_string e |> AO_expo.of_float) (i-2 |> R_power.of_int), float_of_string c |> AO_coef.of_float ) in loop create_primitive (elem::accu) (n-1, rest) | _ -> failwith ("Error reading pseudopotential\n"^debug_data) end | _ -> failwith ("Error reading pseudopotential\n"^debug_data) in let decode_local (pseudo,data) = let decode_local_n n rest = let result, rest = loop GaussianPrimitive_local.of_expo_r_power [] (Positive_int.to_int n,rest) in { pseudo with local = result }, rest in match data with | n :: rest -> let n = String.trim n |> int_of_string |> Positive_int.of_int in decode_local_n n rest | _ -> failwith ("Unable to read (non-)local pseudopotential\n"^debug_data) in let decode_non_local (pseudo,data) = let decode_non_local_n proj n (pseudo,data) = let result, rest = loop (GaussianPrimitive_non_local.of_proj_expo_r_power proj) [] (Positive_int.to_int n, data) in { pseudo with non_local = pseudo.non_local @ result }, rest in let rec new_proj (pseudo,data) proj = match data with | n :: rest -> let n = String.trim n |> int_of_string |> Positive_int.of_int in let result = decode_non_local_n proj n (pseudo,rest) and proj_next = (Positive_int.to_int proj)+1 |> Positive_int.of_int in new_proj result proj_next | _ -> pseudo in new_proj (pseudo,data) (Positive_int.of_int 0) in decode_first_line data |> decode_local |> decode_non_local end | _ -> empty element include To_md5 let to_md5 = to_md5 sexp_of_t