.. _module_pseudo: 
.. program:: pseudo 
.. default-role:: option 

This module defines the |EZFIO| parameters of the effective core potentials.
EZFIO parameters 
.. option:: nucl_charge_remove
    Nuclear charges removed per atom
.. option:: pseudo_klocmax
    Maximum value of k for the local component
.. option:: pseudo_n_k
    Number of gaussians in the local component
.. option:: pseudo_v_k
    Coefficients in the local component
.. option:: pseudo_dz_k
    Exponents in the local component
.. option:: pseudo_lmax
    Maximum angular momentum
.. option:: pseudo_kmax
    Maximum number of functions in the non-local component
.. option:: pseudo_n_kl
    Number of functions in the non-local component
.. option:: pseudo_v_kl
    Coefficients in the non-local component
.. option:: pseudo_dz_kl
    Exponents in the non-local component
.. option:: do_pseudo
    If `True`, pseudo-potentials are used.
    Default: False
.. option:: pseudo_grid_size
    Nb of points of the grid for the QMC interfaces
    Default: 1000
.. option:: pseudo_grid_rmax
    R_max of the QMC grid
    Default: 10.0
.. option:: ao_pseudo_grid
    Grid for the QMC interface
.. option:: mo_pseudo_grid
    Grid for the QMC interface