open Sexplib open Sexplib.Std open Qptypes let fail_msg str (ex,range) = let msg = match ex with | Failure msg -> msg | _ -> raise ex in let range = match range with | Sexp.Annotated.Atom (range,_) -> range | Sexp.Annotated.List (range,_,_) -> range in let open Sexp.Annotated in let start_pos = range.start_pos.offset and end_pos = range.end_pos.offset in let pre = String.sub str 0 start_pos and mid = String.sub str start_pos (end_pos-start_pos) and post = String.sub str (end_pos) ((String.length str)-(end_pos)) in let str = Printf.sprintf "%s ## %s ## %s" pre mid post in let str = str ~target:'(' ~replacement:' ' |> String_ext.split ~on:')' |> String_ext.strip |> List.filter (fun x -> match String_ext.substr_index ~pos:0 ~pattern:"##" x with | None -> false | Some _ -> true ) |> String.concat "\n" in Printf.eprintf "Error: (%s)\n\n %s\n\n" msg str let evaluate_sexp t_of_sexp s = let sexp = ("("^s^")") in match ( Sexp.of_string_conv sexp t_of_sexp ) with | `Result r -> Some r | `Error ex -> ( fail_msg sexp ex; None) let of_rst t_of_sexp s = Rst_string.to_string s |> String_ext.split ~on:'\n' |> List.filter (fun line -> String.contains line '=') |> (fun line -> "("^( ~target:'=' ~replacement:' ' line )^")" ) |> String.concat "" |> evaluate_sexp t_of_sexp