! --- program rotate_tcscf_orbitals BEGIN_DOC ! TODO : Put the documentation of the program here END_DOC implicit none my_grid_becke = .True. my_n_pt_r_grid = 30 my_n_pt_a_grid = 50 touch my_grid_becke my_n_pt_r_grid my_n_pt_a_grid bi_ortho = .True. touch bi_ortho call maximize_overlap() end ! --- subroutine maximize_overlap() implicit none integer :: i, m, n double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd double precision, allocatable :: C(:,:), R(:,:), L(:,:), W(:,:), e(:) double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:) n = ao_num m = mo_num allocate(L(n,m), R(n,m), C(n,m), W(n,n), e(m)) L = mo_l_coef R = mo_r_coef C = mo_coef W = ao_overlap print*, ' fock matrix diag elements' do i = 1, m e(i) = Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i) print*, e(i) enddo ! --- print *, ' overlap before :' print *, ' ' allocate(S(m,m)) call LTxSxR(n, m, L, W, R, S) !print*, " L.T x R" !do i = 1, m ! write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,i) !enddo call LTxSxR(n, m, L, W, C, S) print*, " L.T x C" do i = 1, m write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,:) enddo call LTxSxR(n, m, C, W, R, S) print*, " C.T x R" do i = 1, m write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,:) enddo deallocate(S) ! --- call rotate_degen_eigvec_to_maximize_overlap(n, m, e, C, W, L, R) ! --- print *, ' overlap after :' print *, ' ' allocate(S(m,m)) call LTxSxR(n, m, L, W, R, S) !print*, " L.T x R" !do i = 1, m ! write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,i) !enddo call LTxSxR(n, m, L, W, C, S) print*, " L.T x C" do i = 1, m write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,:) enddo call LTxSxR(n, m, C, W, R, S) print*, " C.T x R" do i = 1, m write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') S(i,:) enddo deallocate(S) ! --- mo_l_coef = L mo_r_coef = R call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_l_coef(mo_l_coef) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_r_coef(mo_r_coef) ! --- deallocate(L, R, C, W, e) end subroutine maximize_overlap ! --- subroutine rotate_degen_eigvec_to_maximize_overlap(n, m, e0, C0, W0, L0, R0) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n, m double precision, intent(in) :: e0(m), W0(n,n), C0(n,m) double precision, intent(inout) :: L0(n,m), R0(n,m) integer :: i, j, k, kk, mm, id1, tot_deg double precision :: ei, ej, de, de_thr integer, allocatable :: deg_num(:) double precision, allocatable :: L(:,:), R(:,:), C(:,:), Lnew(:,:), Rnew(:,:), tmp(:,:) !double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:), Snew(:,:), T(:,:), Ttmp(:,:), Stmp(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: S(:,:), Snew(:,:), T(:,:), Ttmp(:,:), Stmp(:,:) !real*8 :: S(m,m), Snew(m,m), T(m,m) id1 = 700 allocate(S(id1,id1), Snew(id1,id1), T(id1,id1)) ! --- allocate( deg_num(m) ) do i = 1, m deg_num(i) = 1 enddo de_thr = thr_degen_tc do i = 1, m-1 ei = e0(i) ! already considered in degen vectors if(deg_num(i).eq.0) cycle do j = i+1, m ej = e0(j) de = dabs(ei - ej) if(de .lt. de_thr) then deg_num(i) = deg_num(i) + 1 deg_num(j) = 0 endif enddo enddo tot_deg = 0 do i = 1, m if(deg_num(i).gt.1) then print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i) tot_deg = tot_deg + 1 endif enddo if(tot_deg .eq. 0) then print *, ' no degen' return endif ! --- do i = 1, m mm = deg_num(i) if(mm .gt. 1) then allocate(L(n,mm), R(n,mm), C(n,mm)) do j = 1, mm L(1:n,j) = L0(1:n,i+j-1) R(1:n,j) = R0(1:n,i+j-1) C(1:n,j) = C0(1:n,i+j-1) enddo ! --- ! C.T x W0 x R allocate(tmp(mm,n), Stmp(mm,mm)) call dgemm( 'T', 'N', mm, n, n, 1.d0 & , C, size(C, 1), W0, size(W0, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp, size(tmp, 1) ) call dgemm( 'N', 'N', mm, mm, n, 1.d0 & , tmp, size(tmp, 1), R, size(R, 1) & , 0.d0, Stmp, size(Stmp, 1) ) deallocate(C, tmp) S = 0.d0 do k = 1, mm do kk = 1, mm S(kk,k) = Stmp(kk,k) enddo enddo deallocate(Stmp) !print*, " overlap bef" !do k = 1, mm ! write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') (S(k,kk), kk=1, mm) !enddo T = 0.d0 Snew = 0.d0 call maxovl(mm, mm, S, T, Snew) !print*, " overlap aft" !do k = 1, mm ! write(*, '(100(F16.10,X))') (Snew(k,kk), kk=1, mm) !enddo allocate(Ttmp(mm,mm)) Ttmp(1:mm,1:mm) = T(1:mm,1:mm) allocate(Lnew(n,mm), Rnew(n,mm)) call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, mm, mm, 1.d0 & , R, size(R, 1), Ttmp(1,1), size(Ttmp, 1) & , 0.d0, Rnew, size(Rnew, 1) ) call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, mm, mm, 1.d0 & , L, size(L, 1), Ttmp(1,1), size(Ttmp, 1) & , 0.d0, Lnew, size(Lnew, 1) ) deallocate(L, R) deallocate(Ttmp) ! --- do j = 1, mm L0(1:n,i+j-1) = Lnew(1:n,j) R0(1:n,i+j-1) = Rnew(1:n,j) enddo deallocate(Lnew, Rnew) endif enddo deallocate(S, Snew, T) end subroutine rotate_degen_eigvec_to_maximize_overlap ! --- subroutine fix_right_to_one() implicit none integer :: i, j, m, n, mm, tot_deg double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd double precision :: de_thr, ei, ej, de integer, allocatable :: deg_num(:) double precision, allocatable :: R0(:,:), L0(:,:), W(:,:), e0(:) double precision, allocatable :: R(:,:), L(:,:), S(:,:), Stmp(:,:), tmp(:,:) n = ao_num m = mo_num allocate(L0(n,m), R0(n,m), W(n,n), e0(m)) L0 = mo_l_coef R0 = mo_r_coef W = ao_overlap print*, ' fock matrix diag elements' do i = 1, m e0(i) = Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i) print*, e0(i) enddo ! --- allocate( deg_num(m) ) do i = 1, m deg_num(i) = 1 enddo de_thr = 1d-6 do i = 1, m-1 ei = e0(i) ! already considered in degen vectors if(deg_num(i).eq.0) cycle do j = i+1, m ej = e0(j) de = dabs(ei - ej) if(de .lt. de_thr) then deg_num(i) = deg_num(i) + 1 deg_num(j) = 0 endif enddo enddo deallocate(e0) tot_deg = 0 do i = 1, m if(deg_num(i).gt.1) then print *, ' degen on', i, deg_num(i) tot_deg = tot_deg + 1 endif enddo if(tot_deg .eq. 0) then print *, ' no degen' return endif ! --- do i = 1, m mm = deg_num(i) if(mm .gt. 1) then allocate(L(n,mm), R(n,mm)) do j = 1, mm L(1:n,j) = L0(1:n,i+j-1) R(1:n,j) = R0(1:n,i+j-1) enddo ! --- call impose_weighted_orthog_svd(n, mm, W, R) call impose_weighted_biorthog_qr(n, mm, thresh_biorthog_diag, thresh_biorthog_nondiag, R, W, L) ! --- do j = 1, mm L0(1:n,i+j-1) = L(1:n,j) R0(1:n,i+j-1) = R(1:n,j) enddo deallocate(L, R) endif enddo call check_weighted_biorthog_binormalize(n, m, L0, W, R0, thresh_biorthog_diag, thresh_biorthog_nondiag, .true.) deallocate(W, deg_num) mo_l_coef = L0 mo_r_coef = R0 deallocate(L0, R0) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_l_coef(mo_l_coef) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_r_coef(mo_r_coef) print *, ' orbitals are rotated ' return end subroutine fix_right_to_one ! ---