! --- subroutine LTxSxR(n, m, L, S, R, C) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n, m double precision, intent(in) :: L(n,m), S(n,n), R(n,m) double precision, intent(out) :: C(m,m) integer :: i, j double precision :: accu_d, accu_nd double precision, allocatable :: tmp(:,:) ! L.T x S x R allocate(tmp(m,n)) call dgemm( 'T', 'N', m, n, n, 1.d0 & , L, size(L, 1), S, size(S, 1) & , 0.d0, tmp, size(tmp, 1) ) call dgemm( 'N', 'N', m, m, n, 1.d0 & , tmp, size(tmp, 1), R, size(R, 1) & , 0.d0, C, size(C, 1) ) deallocate(tmp) accu_d = 0.d0 accu_nd = 0.d0 do i = 1, m do j = 1, m if(j.eq.i) then accu_d += dabs(C(j,i)) else accu_nd += C(j,i) * C(j,i) endif enddo enddo accu_nd = dsqrt(accu_nd) print*, ' accu_d = ', accu_d print*, ' accu_nd = ', accu_nd end subroutine LTxR ! --- ! --- subroutine minimize_tc_orb_angles() BEGIN_DOC ! routine that minimizes the angle between left- and right-orbitals when degeneracies are found END_DOC implicit none logical :: good_angles integer :: i double precision :: thr_deg good_angles = .False. thr_deg = thr_degen_tc call print_energy_and_mos(good_angles) print *, ' Minimizing the angles between the TC orbitals' i = 1 do while (.not. good_angles) print *, ' iteration = ', i call routine_save_rotated_mos(thr_deg, good_angles) thr_deg *= 10.d0 i += 1 if(i .gt. 100) then print *, ' minimize_tc_orb_angles does not seem to converge ..' print *, ' Something is weird in the tc orbitals ...' print *, ' STOPPING' stop endif enddo print *, ' Converged ANGLES MINIMIZATION !!' call print_angles_tc() call print_energy_and_mos(good_angles) end ! --- subroutine routine_save_rotated_mos(thr_deg, good_angles) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: thr_deg logical, intent(out) :: good_angles integer :: i, j, k, n_degen_list, m, n, n_degen, ilast, ifirst double precision :: max_angle, norm double precision :: E_old, E_new, E_thr integer, allocatable :: list_degen(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: new_angles(:) double precision, allocatable :: mo_r_coef_old(:,:), mo_l_coef_old(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: mo_r_coef_good(:,:), mo_l_coef_good(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: mo_r_coef_new(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: fock_diag(:), s_mat(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: stmp(:,:), T(:,:), Snew(:,:), smat2(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: mo_l_coef_tmp(:,:), mo_r_coef_tmp(:,:), mo_l_coef_new(:,:) E_thr = 1d-04 E_old = TC_HF_energy allocate(mo_l_coef_old(ao_num,mo_num), mo_r_coef_old(ao_num,mo_num)) mo_r_coef_old = mo_r_coef mo_l_coef_old = mo_l_coef good_angles = .False. allocate(mo_l_coef_good(ao_num, mo_num), mo_r_coef_good(ao_num,mo_num)) print *, ' ***************************************' print *, ' ***************************************' print *, ' THRESHOLD FOR DEGENERACIES ::: ', thr_deg print *, ' ***************************************' print *, ' ***************************************' print *, ' Starting with the following TC energy gradient :', grad_non_hermit mo_r_coef_good = mo_r_coef mo_l_coef_good = mo_l_coef allocate(mo_r_coef_new(ao_num, mo_num)) mo_r_coef_new = mo_r_coef do i = 1, mo_num norm = 1.d0/dsqrt(overlap_mo_r(i,i)) do j = 1, ao_num mo_r_coef_new(j,i) *= norm enddo enddo allocate(list_degen(mo_num,0:mo_num), s_mat(mo_num,mo_num), fock_diag(mo_num)) do i = 1, mo_num fock_diag(i) = Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i) enddo ! compute the overlap between the left and rescaled right call build_s_matrix(ao_num, mo_num, mo_r_coef_new, mo_r_coef_new, ao_overlap, s_mat) ! call give_degen(fock_diag,mo_num,thr_deg,list_degen,n_degen_list) if(n_core_orb.ne.0)then call give_degen_full_listcore(fock_diag, mo_num, list_core, n_core_orb, thr_deg, list_degen, n_degen_list) else call give_degen_full_list(fock_diag, mo_num, thr_deg, list_degen, n_degen_list) endif print *, ' fock_matrix_mo' do i = 1, mo_num print *, i, fock_diag(i), angle_left_right(i) enddo do i = 1, n_degen_list ! ifirst = list_degen(1,i) ! ilast = list_degen(2,i) ! n_degen = ilast - ifirst +1 n_degen = list_degen(i,0) if(n_degen .ge. 1000)n_degen = 1 ! convention for core orbitals if(n_degen .eq. 1) cycle allocate(stmp(n_degen,n_degen), smat2(n_degen,n_degen)) allocate(mo_r_coef_tmp(ao_num,n_degen), mo_l_coef_tmp(ao_num,n_degen), mo_l_coef_new(ao_num,n_degen)) allocate(T(n_degen,n_degen), Snew(n_degen,n_degen)) print*,'Right orbitals before' do j = 1, n_degen write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))') mo_r_coef_new(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) enddo print*,'Left orbitals before' do j = 1, n_degen write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')mo_l_coef(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) enddo if(angle_left_right(list_degen(i,1)).gt.80.d0.and.n_degen==2)then integer :: i_list, j_list i_list = list_degen(i,1) j_list = list_degen(i,2) print*,'Huge angle !!! == ',angle_left_right(list_degen(i,1)),angle_left_right(list_degen(i,2)) print*,'i_list = ',i_list print*,'i_list = ',j_list print*,'Swapping left/right orbitals' call print_strong_overlap(i_list, j_list) mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,1) = mo_r_coef_new(1:ao_num,i_list) mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,2) = mo_l_coef(1:ao_num,i_list) mo_l_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,1) = mo_l_coef(1:ao_num,j_list) mo_l_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,2) = mo_r_coef_new(1:ao_num,j_list) else do j = 1, n_degen print*,'i_list = ',list_degen(i,j) mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) = mo_r_coef_new(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) mo_l_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) = mo_l_coef(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) enddo endif print*,'Right orbitals ' do j = 1, n_degen write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) enddo print*,'Left orbitals ' do j = 1, n_degen write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')mo_l_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) enddo ! Orthogonalization of right functions print *, ' Orthogonalization of RIGHT functions' print *, ' ------------------------------------' call orthog_functions(ao_num, n_degen, mo_r_coef_tmp, ao_overlap) ! Orthogonalization of left functions print *, ' Orthogonalization of LEFT functions' print *, ' ------------------------------------' call orthog_functions(ao_num, n_degen, mo_l_coef_tmp, ao_overlap) print *, ' Overlap left-right ' call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_r_coef_tmp, mo_l_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) do j = 1, n_degen write(*,'(100(F8.4,X))') stmp(:,j) enddo call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_l_coef_tmp, mo_l_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'LEFT/LEFT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_r_coef_tmp, mo_r_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'RIGHT/RIGHT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo if(maxovl_tc) then T = 0.d0 Snew = 0.d0 call maxovl(n_degen, n_degen, stmp, T, Snew) !print*,'overlap after' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')Snew(:,j) !enddo call dgemm( 'N', 'N', ao_num, n_degen, n_degen, 1.d0 & , mo_l_coef_tmp, size(mo_l_coef_tmp, 1), T(1,1), size(T, 1) & , 0.d0, mo_l_coef_new, size(mo_l_coef_new, 1) ) call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_l_coef_new, mo_r_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'Overlap test' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo else mo_l_coef_new = mo_l_coef_tmp endif call impose_weighted_biorthog_svd(ao_num, n_degen, ao_overlap, mo_l_coef_new, mo_r_coef_tmp) !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_l_coef_new, mo_r_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'LAST OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_l_coef_new, mo_l_coef_new, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'LEFT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, n_degen, mo_r_coef_tmp, mo_r_coef_tmp, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'RIGHT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, n_degen ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo do j = 1, n_degen !!! mo_l_coef_good(1:ao_num,j+ifirst-1) = mo_l_coef_new(1:ao_num,j) !!! mo_r_coef_good(1:ao_num,j+ifirst-1) = mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) mo_l_coef_good(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) = mo_l_coef_new(1:ao_num,j) mo_r_coef_good(1:ao_num,list_degen(i,j)) = mo_r_coef_tmp(1:ao_num,j) enddo deallocate(stmp, smat2) deallocate(mo_r_coef_tmp, mo_l_coef_tmp, mo_l_coef_new) deallocate(T, Snew) enddo !allocate(stmp(mo_num, mo_num)) !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, mo_num, mo_l_coef_good, mo_r_coef_good, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'LEFT/RIGHT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, mo_num ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, mo_num, mo_l_coef_good, mo_l_coef_good, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'LEFT/LEFT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, mo_num ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo !call build_s_matrix(ao_num, mo_num, mo_r_coef_good, mo_r_coef_good, ao_overlap, stmp) !print*,'RIGHT/RIGHT OVERLAP ' !do j = 1, mo_num ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo mo_r_coef = mo_r_coef_good mo_l_coef = mo_l_coef_good call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_l_coef(mo_l_coef) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_r_coef(mo_r_coef) TOUCH mo_l_coef mo_r_coef ! check if TC energy has changed E_new = TC_HF_energy E_thr = thresh_de_tc_angles if(dabs(E_new - E_old) .gt. E_thr) then mo_r_coef = mo_r_coef_old mo_l_coef = mo_l_coef_old deallocate(mo_l_coef_old, mo_r_coef_old) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_l_coef(mo_l_coef) call ezfio_set_bi_ortho_mos_mo_r_coef(mo_r_coef) TOUCH mo_l_coef mo_r_coef print*, ' TC energy bef rotation = ', E_old print*, ' TC energy aft rotation = ', E_new print*, ' the rotation is refused' stop endif allocate(new_angles(mo_num)) new_angles(1:mo_num) = dabs(angle_left_right(1:mo_num)) max_angle = maxval(new_angles) good_angles = max_angle.lt.thresh_lr_angle print *, ' max_angle = ', max_angle deallocate(new_angles) deallocate(mo_l_coef_old, mo_r_coef_old) deallocate(mo_l_coef_good, mo_r_coef_good) deallocate(mo_r_coef_new) end ! --- subroutine build_s_matrix(m, n, C1, C2, overlap, smat) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: m, n double precision, intent(in) :: C1(m,n), C2(m,n), overlap(m,m) double precision, intent(out) :: smat(n,n) integer :: i, j, k, l double precision, allocatable :: S_tmp(:,:) smat = 0.d0 !do i = 1, n ! do j = 1, n ! do k = 1, m ! do l = 1, m ! smat(i,j) += C1(k,i) * overlap(l,k) * C2(l,j) ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo !enddo ! C1.T x overlap allocate(S_tmp(n,m)) call dgemm( 'T', 'N', n, m, m, 1.d0 & , C1, size(C1, 1), overlap, size(overlap, 1) & , 0.d0, S_tmp, size(S_tmp, 1) ) ! C1.T x overlap x C2 call dgemm( 'N', 'N', n, n, m, 1.d0 & , S_tmp, size(S_tmp, 1), C2(1,1), size(C2, 1) & , 0.d0, smat, size(smat, 1) ) deallocate(S_tmp) end ! --- subroutine orthog_functions(m, n, coef, overlap) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: m, n double precision, intent(in) :: overlap(m,m) double precision, intent(inout) :: coef(m,n) double precision, allocatable :: stmp(:,:) integer :: j, k allocate(stmp(n,n)) call build_s_matrix(m, n, coef, coef, overlap, stmp) ! print*,'overlap before' ! do j = 1, n ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) ! enddo call impose_orthog_svd_overlap(m, n, coef, overlap) call build_s_matrix(m, n, coef, coef, overlap, stmp) do j = 1, n ! --- ! TODO: MANU check ici !coef(1,:m) *= 1.d0/dsqrt(stmp(j,j)) do k = 1, m coef(k,j) *= 1.d0/dsqrt(stmp(j,j)) enddo ! --- enddo call build_s_matrix(m, n, coef, coef, overlap, stmp) !print*,'overlap after' !do j = 1, n ! write(*,'(100(F16.10,X))')stmp(:,j) !enddo deallocate(stmp) end ! --- subroutine print_angles_tc() implicit none integer :: i, j double precision :: left, right print *, ' product of norms, angle between vectors' do i = 1, mo_num left = overlap_mo_l(i,i) right = overlap_mo_r(i,i) ! print*,Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i),left*right,angle_left_right(i) print *, left*right, angle_left_right(i) enddo end ! --- subroutine print_energy_and_mos(good_angles) implicit none logical, intent(out) :: good_angles integer :: i print *, ' ' print *, ' TC energy = ', TC_HF_energy print *, ' TC SCF energy gradient = ', grad_non_hermit print *, ' Max angle Left/right = ', max_angle_left_right call print_angles_tc() if(max_angle_left_right .lt. thresh_lr_angle) then print *, ' Maximum angle BELOW 45 degrees, everthing is OK !' good_angles = .true. ! else if(max_angle_left_right .gt. thresh_lr_angle .and. max_angle_left_right .lt. 75.d0) then ! print *, ' Maximum angle between thresh_lr_angle and 75 degrees, this is not the best for TC-CI calculations ...' ! good_angles = .false. ! else if(max_angle_left_right .gt. 75.d0) then ! print *, ' Maximum angle between ABOVE 75 degrees, YOU WILL CERTAINLY FIND TROUBLES IN TC-CI calculations ...' ! good_angles = .false. endif ! ! print *, ' Diag Fock elem, product of left/right norm, angle left/right ' ! do i = 1, mo_num ! write(*, '(I3,X,100(F16.10,X))') i, Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i), overlap_mo_l(i,i)*overlap_mo_r(i,i), angle_left_right(i) ! enddo end ! --- subroutine sort_by_tc_fock implicit none integer, allocatable :: iorder(:) double precision, allocatable :: mo_l_tmp(:,:), mo_r_tmp(:,:),fock(:) allocate(iorder(mo_num),fock(mo_num),mo_l_tmp(ao_num, mo_num),mo_r_tmp(ao_num,mo_num)) integer :: i mo_l_tmp = mo_l_coef mo_r_tmp = mo_r_coef do i = 1, mo_num iorder(i) = i fock(i) = Fock_matrix_tc_mo_tot(i,i) enddo call dsort(fock,iorder,mo_num) do i = 1, mo_num mo_l_coef(1:ao_num,i) = mo_l_tmp(1:ao_num,iorder(i)) mo_r_coef(1:ao_num,i) = mo_r_tmp(1:ao_num,iorder(i)) enddo touch mo_l_coef mo_r_coef end subroutine print_strong_overlap(i_list, j_list) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i_list,j_list double precision :: o_i, o_j,o_ij double precision :: s_mat_r(2,2),s_mat_l(2,2) o_i = dsqrt(overlap_mo_r(i_list, i_list)) o_j = dsqrt(overlap_mo_r(j_list, j_list)) o_ij = overlap_mo_r(j_list, i_list) s_mat_r(1,1) = o_i*o_i s_mat_r(2,1) = o_ij/(o_i * o_j) s_mat_r(2,2) = o_j*o_j s_mat_r(1,2) = s_mat_r(2,1) print*,'Right overlap matrix ' write(*,'(2(F10.5,X))')s_mat_r(1:2,1) write(*,'(2(F10.5,X))')s_mat_r(1:2,2) o_i = dsqrt(overlap_mo_l(i_list, i_list)) o_j = dsqrt(overlap_mo_l(j_list, j_list)) o_ij = overlap_mo_l(j_list, i_list) s_mat_l(1,1) = o_i*o_i s_mat_l(2,1) = o_ij/(o_i * o_j) s_mat_l(2,2) = o_j*o_j s_mat_l(1,2) = s_mat_l(2,1) print*,'Left overlap matrix ' write(*,'(2(F10.5,X))')s_mat_l(1:2,1) write(*,'(2(F10.5,X))')s_mat_l(1:2,2) end