.. _save_ortho_mos: .. program:: save_ortho_mos ============== save_ortho_mos ============== Save orthonormalized MOs in the EZFIO. This program reads the current MOs, computes the corresponding overlap matrix in the MO basis and perform a Lowdin orthonormalization : :math:`MO_{new} = S^{-1/2} MO_{guess}`. Thanks to the Lowdin orthonormalization, the new MOs are the most similar to the guess MOs. Needs: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_label` Calls: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:func:`orthonormalize_mos` * :c:func:`save_mos` Touches: .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * :c:data:`mo_coef` * :c:data:`mo_label`