* Newton's method to find the optimal lambda *Compute the lambda value for the trust region* This subroutine uses the Newton method in order to find the optimal lambda. This constant is added on the diagonal of the hessian to shift the eiganvalues. It has a double role: - ensure that the resulting hessian is positive definite for the Newton method - constrain the step in the trust region, i.e., $||\textbf{x}(\lambda)|| \leq \Delta$, where $\Delta$ is the radius of the trust region. We search $\lambda$ which minimizes \begin{align*} f(\lambda) = (||\textbf{x}_{(k+1)}(\lambda)||^2 -\Delta^2)^2 \end{align*} or \begin{align*} \tilde{f}(\lambda) = (\frac{1}{||\textbf{x}_{(k+1)}(\lambda)||^2}-\frac{1}{\Delta^2})^2 \end{align*} and gives obviously 0 in both cases. \newline There are several cases: - If $\textbf{H}$ is positive definite the interval containing the solution is $\lambda \in (0, \infty)$ (and $-h_1 < 0$). - If $\textbf{H}$ is indefinite ($h_1 < 0$) and $\textbf{w}_1^T \cdot \textbf{g} \neq 0$ then the interval containing the solution is $\lambda \in (-h_1, \infty)$. - If $\textbf{H}$ is indefinite ($h_1 < 0$) and $\textbf{w}_1^T \cdot \textbf{g} = 0$ then the interval containing the solution is $\lambda \in (-h_1, \infty)$. The terms where $|h_i - \lambda| < 10^{-12}$ are not computed, so the term where $i = 1$ is automatically removed and this case becomes similar to the previous one. So to avoid numerical problems (cf. trust_region) we start the algorithm at $\lambda=\max(0 + \epsilon,-h_1 + \epsilon)$, with $\epsilon$ a little constant. The research must be restricted to the interval containing the solution. For that reason a little trust region in 1D is used. The Newton method to find the optimal $\lambda$ is : \begin{align*} \lambda_{(l+1)} &= \lambda_{(l)} - f^{''}(\lambda)_{(l)}^{-1} f^{'}(\lambda)_{(l)}^{} \\ \end{align*} $f^{'}(\lambda)_{(l)}$: the first derivative of $f$ with respect to $\lambda$ at the l-th iteration, $f^{''}(\lambda)_{(l)}$: the second derivative of $f$ with respect to $\lambda$ at the l-th iteration.\newline Noting the Newton step $y = - f^{''}(\lambda)_{(l)}^{-1} f^{'}(\lambda)_{(l)}^{}$ we constrain $y$ such as \begin{align*} y \leq \alpha \end{align*} with $\alpha$ a scalar representing the trust length (trust region in 1D) where the function $f$ or $\tilde{f}$ is correctly describe by the Taylor series truncated at the second order. Thus, if $y > \alpha$, the constraint is applied as \begin{align*} y^* = \alpha \frac{y}{|y|} \end{align*} with $y^*$ the solution in the trust region. The size of the trust region evolves in function of $\rho$ as for the trust region seen previously cf. trust_region, rho_model. The prediction of the value of $f$ or $\tilde{f}$ is done using the Taylor series truncated at the second order cf. "trust_region", "trust_e_model". The first and second derivatives of $f(\lambda) = (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2$ with respect to $\lambda$ are: \begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial \lambda} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = 2 \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{-2(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i+ \lambda)^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \lambda^2} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = 2 \left[ \left( \sum_{i=1}^n 6 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \right) + \left( \sum_{i=1}^n -2 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right)^2 \right] \end{align*} The first and second derivatives of $\tilde{f}(\lambda) = (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2$ with respect to $\lambda$ are: \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3}} {(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)}} {(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \\ &= 4 \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \left( \frac{1}{(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{1}{\Delta^2 (\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \lambda^2} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \left[ \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2} {(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^4} - 3 \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}} {(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} \right] \\ &- \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \left[ \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2} {(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2}{(\sum_ {i=1}^n\frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - 3 \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}} {(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right] \end{align*} Provided in qp_edit: | thresh_rho_2 | | thresh_cc | | nb_it_max_lambda | | version_lambda_search | | nb_it_max_pre_search | see qp_edit for more details Input: | n | integer | m*(m-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | w_i^T.v_grad(i) | | delta | double precision | delta for the trust region | Output: | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier to constrain the norm of the size of the Newton step | | | | lambda > 0 | Internal: | d1_N | double precision | value of d1_norm_trust_region | | d2_N | double precision | value of d2_norm_trust_region | | f_N | double precision | value of f_norm_trust_region | | prev_f_N | double precision | previous value of f_norm_trust_region | | f_R | double precision | (norm(x)^2 - delta^2)^2 or (1/norm(x)^2 - 1/delta^2)^2 | | prev_f_R | double precision | previous value of f_R | | model | double precision | predicted value of f_R from prev_f_R and y | | d_1 | double precision | value of the first derivative | | d_2 | double precision | value of the second derivative | | y | double precision | Newton's step, y = -f''^-1 . f' = lambda - prev_lambda | | prev_lambda | double precision | previous value of lambda | | t1,t2,t3 | double precision | wall time | | i | integer | index | | epsilon | double precision | little constant to avoid numerical problem | | rho_2 | double precision | (prev_f_R - f_R)/(prev_f_R - model), agreement between model and f_R | | version | integer | version of the root finding method | Function: | d1_norm_trust_region | double precision | first derivative with respect to lambda of (norm(x)^2 - Delta^2)^2 | | d2_norm_trust_region | double precision | first derivative with respect to lambda of (norm(x)^2 - Delta^2)^2 | | d1_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | first derivative with respect to lambda of (1/norm(x)^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 | | d2_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | second derivative with respect to lambda of (1/norm(x)^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 | | f_norm_trust_region | double precision | value of norm(x)^2 | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f subroutine trust_region_optimal_lambda(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,delta,lambda) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Research the optimal lambda to constrain the step size in the trust region !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(inout) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: delta double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) ! out double precision, intent(out) :: lambda ! Internal double precision :: d1_N, d2_N, f_N, prev_f_N double precision :: prev_f_R, f_R double precision :: model double precision :: d_1, d_2 double precision :: t1,t2,t3 integer :: i double precision :: epsilon double precision :: y double precision :: prev_lambda double precision :: rho_2 double precision :: alpha integer :: version ! Functions double precision :: d1_norm_trust_region,d1_norm_trust_region_omp double precision :: d2_norm_trust_region, d2_norm_trust_region_omp double precision :: f_norm_trust_region, f_norm_trust_region_omp double precision :: d1_norm_inverse_trust_region double precision :: d2_norm_inverse_trust_region double precision :: d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp double precision :: d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp print*,'' print*,'---Trust_newton---' call wall_time(t1) ! version_lambda_search ! 1 -> ||x||^2 - delta^2 = 0, ! 2 -> 1/||x||^2 - 1/delta^2 = 0 (better) !if (version_lambda_search == 1) then ! print*, 'Research of the optimal lambda by solving ||x||^2 - delta^2 = 0' !else ! print*, 'Research of the optimal lambda by solving 1/||x||^2 - 1/delta^2 = 0' !endif ! Version 2 is normally better #+END_SRC Resolution with the Newton method: #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f ! Initialization epsilon = 1d-4 lambda = max(0d0, -e_val(1)) ! Pre research of lambda to start near the optimal lambda ! by adding a constant epsilon and changing the constant to ! have ||x(lambda + epsilon)|| ~ delta, before setting ! lambda = lambda + epsilon !print*, 'Pre research of lambda:' !print*,'Initial lambda =', lambda f_N = f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda + epsilon) !print*,'||x(lambda)||=', dsqrt(f_N),'delta=',delta i = 1 ! To increase lambda if (f_N > delta**2) then !print*,'Increasing lambda...' do while (f_N > delta**2 .and. i <= nb_it_max_pre_search) ! Update the previous norm prev_f_N = f_N ! New epsilon epsilon = epsilon * 2d0 ! New norm f_N = f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda + epsilon) !print*, 'lambda', lambda + epsilon, '||x||', dsqrt(f_N), 'delta', delta ! Security if (prev_f_N < f_N) then print*,'WARNING, error: prev_f_N < f_N, exit' epsilon = epsilon * 0.5d0 i = nb_it_max_pre_search + 1 endif i = i + 1 enddo ! To reduce lambda else !print*,'Reducing lambda...' do while (f_N < delta**2 .and. i <= nb_it_max_pre_search) ! Update the previous norm prev_f_N = f_N ! New epsilon epsilon = epsilon * 0.5d0 ! New norm f_N = f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda + epsilon) !print*, 'lambda', lambda + epsilon, '||x||', dsqrt(f_N), 'delta', delta ! Security if (prev_f_N > f_N) then print*,'WARNING, error: prev_f_N > f_N, exit' epsilon = epsilon * 2d0 i = nb_it_max_pre_search + 1 endif i = i + 1 enddo endif !print*,'End of the pre research of lambda' ! New value of lambda lambda = lambda + epsilon !print*, 'e_val(1):', e_val(1) !print*, 'Staring point, lambda =', lambda ! thresh_cc, threshold for the research of the optimal lambda ! Leaves the loop when ABS(1d0-||x||^2/delta^2) > thresh_cc ! thresh_rho_2, threshold to cancel the step in the research ! of the optimal lambda, the step is cancelled if rho_2 < thresh_rho_2 !print*,'Threshold for the CC:', thresh_cc !print*,'Threshold for rho_2:', thresh_rho_2 !print*, 'w_1^T . g =', tmp_wtg(1) ! Debug !print*, 'Iteration rho_2 lambda delta ||x|| |1-(||x||^2/delta^2)|' ! Initialization i = 1 f_N = f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda) ! Value of the ||x(lambda)||^2 model = 0d0 ! predicted value of (||x||^2 - delta^2)^2 prev_f_N = 0d0 ! previous value of ||x||^2 prev_f_R = 0d0 ! previous value of (||x||^2 - delta^2)^2 f_R = 0d0 ! value of (||x||^2 - delta^2)^2 rho_2 = 0d0 ! (prev_f_R - f_R)/(prev_f_R - m) y = 0d0 ! step size prev_lambda = 0d0 ! previous lambda ! Derivatives if (version_lambda_search == 1) then d_1 = d1_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! first derivative of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2 d_2 = d2_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! second derivative of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2 else d_1 = d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! first derivative of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2 d_2 = d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! second derivative of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2 endif ! Trust length alpha = DABS((1d0/d_2)*d_1) ! Newton's method do while (i <= 100 .and. DABS(1d0-f_N/delta**2) > thresh_cc) !print*,'--------------------------------------' !print*,'Research of lambda, iteration:', i !print*,'--------------------------------------' ! Update of f_N, f_R and the derivatives prev_f_N = f_N if (version_lambda_search == 1) then prev_f_R = (prev_f_N - delta**2)**2 d_1 = d1_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! first derivative of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2 d_2 = d2_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! second derivative of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2 else prev_f_R = (1d0/prev_f_N - 1d0/delta**2)**2 d_1 = d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! first derivative of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2 d_2 = d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) ! second derivative of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2 endif !write(*,'(a,E12.5,a,E12.5)') ' 1st and 2nd derivative: ', d_1,', ', d_2 ! Newton's step y = -(1d0/DABS(d_2))*d_1 ! Constraint on y (the newton step) if (DABS(y) > alpha) then y = alpha * (y/DABS(y)) ! preservation of the sign of y endif !write(*,'(a,E12.5)') ' Step length: ', y ! Predicted value of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2, Taylor series model = prev_f_R + d_1 * y + 0.5d0 * d_2 * y**2 ! Updates lambda prev_lambda = lambda lambda = prev_lambda + y !print*,'prev lambda:', prev_lambda !print*,'new lambda:', lambda ! Checks if lambda is in (-h_1, \infty) if (lambda > MAX(0d0, -e_val(1))) then ! New value of ||x(lambda)||^2 f_N = f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda) ! New f_R if (version_lambda_search == 1) then f_R = (f_N - delta**2)**2 ! new value of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2 else f_R = (1d0/f_N - 1d0/delta**2)**2 ! new value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 -1/delta^2)^2 endif !if (version_lambda_search == 1) then ! print*,'Previous value of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2:', prev_f_R ! print*,'Actual value of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2:', f_R ! print*,'Predicted value of (||x(lambda)||^2 - delta^2)^2:', model !else ! print*,'Previous value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2:', prev_f_R ! print*,'Actual value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2:', f_R ! print*,'Predicted value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2:', model !endif !print*,'previous - actual:', prev_f_R - f_R !print*,'previous - model:', prev_f_R - model ! Check the gain if (DABS(prev_f_R - model) < thresh_model_2) then print*,'' print*,'WARNING: ABS(previous - model) <', thresh_model_2, 'rho_2 will tend toward infinity' print*,'' endif ! Will be deleted !if (prev_f_R - f_R <= 1d-16 .or. prev_f_R - model <= 1d-16) then ! print*,'' ! print*,'WARNING: ABS(previous - model) <= 1d-16, exit' ! print*,'' ! exit !endif ! Computes rho_2 rho_2 = (prev_f_R - f_R)/(prev_f_R - model) !print*,'rho_2:', rho_2 else rho_2 = 0d0 ! in order to reduce the size of the trust region, alpha, until lambda is in (-h_1, \infty) !print*,'lambda < -e_val(1) ===> rho_2 = 0' endif ! Evolution of the trust length, alpha if (rho_2 >= 0.75d0) then alpha = 2d0 * alpha elseif (rho_2 >= 0.5d0) then alpha = alpha elseif (rho_2 >= 0.25d0) then alpha = 0.5d0 * alpha else alpha = 0.25d0 * alpha endif !write(*,'(a,E12.5)') ' New trust length alpha: ', alpha ! cancellaion of the step if rho < 0.1 if (rho_2 < thresh_rho_2) then !0.1d0) then lambda = prev_lambda f_N = prev_f_N !print*,'Rho_2 <', thresh_rho_2,', cancellation of the step: lambda = prev_lambda' endif !print*,'' !print*,'lambda, ||x||, delta:' !print*, lambda, dsqrt(f_N), delta !print*,'CC:', DABS(1d0 - f_N/delta**2) !print*,'' i = i + 1 enddo ! if trust newton failed if (i > nb_it_max_lambda) then print*,'' print*,'######################################################' print*,'WARNING: i >', nb_it_max_lambda,'for the trust Newton' print*,'The research of the optimal lambda has failed' print*,'######################################################' print*,'' endif print*,'Number of iterations:', i print*,'Value of lambda:', lambda !print*,'Error on the trust region (1d0-f_N/delta**2) (Convergence criterion) :', 1d0-f_N/delta**2 print*,'Convergence criterion:', 1d0-f_N/delta**2 !print*,'Error on the trust region (||x||^2 - delta^2)^2):', (f_N - delta**2)**2 !print*,'Error on the trust region (1/||x||^2 - 1/delta^2)^2)', (1d0/f_N - 1d0/delta**2)**2 ! Time call wall_time(t2) t3 = t2 - t1 print*,'Time in trust_newton:', t3 print*,'---End trust_newton---' end subroutine #+END_SRC * OMP: First derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 *Function to compute the first derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2* This function computes the first derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 with respect to lambda. \begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial \lambda} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = -4 \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i+ \lambda)^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \end{align*} Provided: | mo_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | accu1 | double precision | first sum of the formula | | accu2 | double precision | second sum of the formula | | tmp_accu1 | double precision | temporary array for the first sum | | tmp_accu2 | double precision | temporary array for the second sum | | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | temporary array for W^t.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d1_norm_trust_region | double precision | first derivative with respect to lambda of (norm(x)^2 - Delta^2)^2 | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d1_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) use omp_lib include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the first derivative with respect to lambda of (||x(lambda)||^2 - Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: wtg,accu1,accu2 integer :: i,j double precision, allocatable :: tmp_accu1(:), tmp_accu2(:) ! Functions double precision :: d1_norm_trust_region_omp ! Allocation allocate(tmp_accu1(n), tmp_accu2(n)) ! OMP call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) ! OMP !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP SHARED(n,lambda, e_val, thresh_eig,& !$OMP tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2, tmp_wtg, accu1,accu2) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP MASTER accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu1(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu2(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (ABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu1(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu1 = accu1 + tmp_accu1(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (ABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu2(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu2 = accu2 + tmp_accu2(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) d1_norm_trust_region_omp = -4d0 * accu2 * (accu1 - delta**2) deallocate(tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2) end function #+END_SRC * OMP: Second derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 *Function to compute the second derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2* This function computes the second derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 with respect to lambda. \begin{align*} \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial \lambda^2} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = 2 \left[ \left( \sum_{i=1}^n 6 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \right) + \left( \sum_{i=1}^n -2 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right)^2 \right] \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \\ \text{accu3} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | accu1 | double precision | first sum of the formula | | accu2 | double precision | second sum of the formula | | accu3 | double precision | third sum of the formula | | tmp_accu1 | double precision | temporary array for the first sum | | tmp_accu2 | double precision | temporary array for the second sum | | tmp_accu2 | double precision | temporary array for the third sum | | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | temporary array for W^t.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d2_norm_trust_region | double precision | second derivative with respect to lambda of (norm(x)^2 - Delta^2)^2 | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d2_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) use omp_lib include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the second derivative with respect to lambda of (||x(lambda)||^2 - Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Functions double precision :: d2_norm_trust_region_omp double precision :: ddot ! Internal double precision :: accu1,accu2,accu3 double precision, allocatable :: tmp_accu1(:), tmp_accu2(:), tmp_accu3(:) integer :: i, j ! Allocation allocate(tmp_accu1(n), tmp_accu2(n), tmp_accu3(n)) call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) ! OMP !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP SHARED(n,lambda, e_val, thresh_eig,& !$OMP tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2, tmp_accu3, tmp_wtg, & !$OMP accu1, accu2, accu3) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) ! Initialization !$OMP MASTER accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 accu3 = 0d0 !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu1(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu2(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu3(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO ! Calculations ! accu1 !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (ABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu1(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu1 = accu1 + tmp_accu1(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER ! accu2 !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu2(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo !$OMP END DO ! accu3 !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu2 = accu2 + tmp_accu2(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu3(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**4 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu3 = accu3 + tmp_accu3(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL d2_norm_trust_region_omp = 2d0 * (6d0 * accu3 * (- delta**2 + accu1) + (-2d0 * accu2)**2) deallocate(tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2, tmp_accu3) end function #+END_SRC * OMP: Function value of ||x||^2 *Compute the value of ||x||^2* This function computes the value of ||x(lambda)||^2 \begin{align*} ||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | Internal: | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | temporary array for W^T.v_grad | | tmp_fN | double precision | temporary array for the function | | i,j | integer | indexes | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function f_norm_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda) use omp_lib include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute ||x(lambda)||^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda ! functions double precision :: f_norm_trust_region_omp ! internal double precision, allocatable :: tmp_fN(:) integer :: i,j ! Allocation allocate(tmp_fN(n)) call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) ! OMP !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP SHARED(n,lambda, e_val, thresh_eig,& !$OMP tmp_fN, tmp_wtg, f_norm_trust_region_omp) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) ! Initialization !$OMP MASTER f_norm_trust_region_omp = 0d0 !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_fN(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO ! Calculations !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_fN(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n f_norm_trust_region_omp = f_norm_trust_region_omp + tmp_fN(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL deallocate(tmp_fN) end function #+END_SRC * First derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 Version without omp *Function to compute the first derivative of ||x||^2 - Delta* This function computes the first derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 with respect to lambda. \begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial \lambda} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = 2 \left(-2\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i+ \lambda)^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | accu1 | double precision | first sum of the formula | | accu2 | double precision | second sum of the formula | | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d1_norm_trust_region | double precision | first derivative with respect to lambda of (norm(x)^2 - Delta^2)^2 | | ddot | double precision | blas dot product | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d1_norm_trust_region(n,e_val,w,v_grad,lambda,delta) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the first derivative with respect to lambda of (||x(lambda)||^2 - Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: w(n,n) double precision, intent(in) :: v_grad(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: wtg, accu1, accu2 integer :: i, j ! Functions double precision :: d1_norm_trust_region double precision :: ddot ! Initialization accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 do i = 1, n wtg = 0d0 if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo !wtg = ddot(n,w(:,i),1,v_grad,1) accu1 = accu1 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo do i = 1, n wtg = 0d0 if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo !wtg = ddot(n,w(:,i),1,v_grad,1) accu2 = accu2 - 2d0 * wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo d1_norm_trust_region = 2d0 * accu2 * (accu1 - delta**2) end function #+END_SRC * Second derivative of (||x||^2 - Delta^2)^2 Version without OMP *Function to compute the second derivative of ||x||^2 - Delta* \begin{equation} \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial \lambda^2} (||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - \Delta^2)^2 = 2 \left[ \left( \sum_{i=1}^n 6 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \right) \left( - \Delta^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \right) + \left( \sum_{i=1}^n -2 \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \right)^2 \right] \end{equation} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \\ \text{accu3} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | accu1 | double precision | first sum of the formula | | accu2 | double precision | second sum of the formula | | accu3 | double precision | third sum of the formula | | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d2_norm_trust_region | double precision | second derivative with respect to lambda of norm(x)^2 - Delta^2 | | ddot | double precision | blas dot product | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d2_norm_trust_region(n,e_val,w,v_grad,lambda,delta) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the second derivative with respect to lambda of (||x(lambda)||^2 - Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: w(n,n) double precision, intent(in) :: v_grad(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Functions double precision :: d2_norm_trust_region double precision :: ddot ! Internal double precision :: wtg,accu1,accu2,accu3 integer :: i, j ! Initialization accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 accu3 = 0d0 do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo !wtg = ddot(n,w(:,i),1,v_grad,1) accu1 = accu1 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 !4 endif enddo do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo !wtg = ddot(n,w(:,i),1,v_grad,1) accu2 = accu2 - 2d0 * wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 !2 endif enddo do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo !wtg = ddot(n,w(:,i),1,v_grad,1) accu3 = accu3 + 6d0 * wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**4 !3 endif enddo d2_norm_trust_region = 2d0 * (accu3 * (- delta**2 + accu1) + accu2**2) end function #+END_SRC * Function value of ||x||^2 Version without OMP *Compute the value of ||x||^2* This function computes the value of ||x(lambda)||^2 \begin{align*} ||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | f_norm_trust_region | double precision | value of norm(x)^2 | | ddot | double precision | blas dot product | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function f_norm_trust_region(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute ||x(lambda)||^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda ! function double precision :: f_norm_trust_region double precision :: ddot ! internal integer :: i,j ! Initialization f_norm_trust_region = 0d0 do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then f_norm_trust_region = f_norm_trust_region + tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo end function #+END_SRC * OMP: First derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 Version with OMP *Compute the first derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2* This function computes the value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3}} {(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)}} {(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \\ &= 4 \sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \left( \frac{1}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{1}{\Delta^2 (\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | tmp_accu1 | double precision | temporary array for the first sum | | tmp_accu2 | double precision | temporary array for the second sum | | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | temporary array for W^t.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d1_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | value of the first derivative | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) use omp_lib include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the first derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: accu1, accu2 integer :: i,j double precision, allocatable :: tmp_accu1(:), tmp_accu2(:) ! Functions double precision :: d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp ! Allocation allocate(tmp_accu1(n), tmp_accu2(n)) ! OMP call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) ! OMP !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP SHARED(n,lambda, e_val, thresh_eig,& !$OMP tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2, tmp_wtg, accu1, accu2) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP MASTER accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu1(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu2(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO ! !$OMP MASTER ! do i = 1, n ! if (ABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > 1d-12) then ! tmp_accu1(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 ! endif ! enddo ! !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu1(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu1 = accu1 + tmp_accu1(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER ! !$OMP MASTER ! do i = 1, n ! if (ABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > 1d-12) then ! tmp_accu2(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 ! endif ! enddo ! !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu2(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu2 = accu2 + tmp_accu2(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) d1_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp = 4d0 * accu2 * (1d0/accu1**3 - 1d0/(delta**2 * accu1**2)) deallocate(tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2) end #+END_SRC * OMP: Second derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 Version with OMP *Compute the first derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2* This function computes the value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 \begin{align*} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \lambda^2} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \left[ \frac{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^4} - 3 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} \right] \\ &- \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \left[ \frac{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - 3 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right] \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \\ \text{accu3} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | tmp_accu1 | double precision | temporary array for the first sum | | tmp_accu2 | double precision | temporary array for the second sum | | tmp_wtg(n) | double precision | temporary array for W^t.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d1_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | value of the first derivative | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp(n,e_val,tmp_wtg,lambda,delta) use omp_lib include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the second derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: tmp_wtg(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: accu1, accu2, accu3 integer :: i,j double precision, allocatable :: tmp_accu1(:), tmp_accu2(:), tmp_accu3(:) ! Functions double precision :: d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp ! Allocation allocate(tmp_accu1(n), tmp_accu2(n), tmp_accu3(n)) ! OMP call omp_set_max_active_levels(1) ! OMP !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP PRIVATE(i,j) & !$OMP SHARED(n,lambda, e_val, thresh_eig,& !$OMP tmp_accu1, tmp_accu2, tmp_accu3, tmp_wtg, & !$OMP accu1, accu2, accu3) & !$OMP DEFAULT(NONE) !$OMP MASTER accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 accu3 = 0d0 !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu1(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu2(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n tmp_accu3(i) = 0d0 enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu1(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu1 = accu1 + tmp_accu1(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu2(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu2 = accu2 + tmp_accu2(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP DO do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then tmp_accu3(i) = tmp_wtg(i)**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**4 endif enddo !$OMP END DO !$OMP MASTER do i = 1, n accu3 = accu3 + tmp_accu3(i) enddo !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL call omp_set_max_active_levels(4) d2_norm_inverse_trust_region_omp = 4d0 * (6d0 * accu2**2/accu1**4 - 3d0 * accu3/accu1**3) & - 4d0/delta**2 * (4d0 * accu2**2/accu1**3 - 3d0 * accu3/accu1**2) deallocate(tmp_accu1,tmp_accu2,tmp_accu3) end #+END_SRC * First derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 Version without OMP *Compute the first derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2* This function computes the value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial \lambda} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3}} {(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)}} {(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \\ &= 4 \sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \left( \frac{1}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - \frac{1}{\Delta^2 (\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right) \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d1_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | value of the first derivative | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d1_norm_inverse_trust_region(n,e_val,w,v_grad,lambda,delta) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the first derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: w(n,n) double precision, intent(in) :: v_grad(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: wtg, accu1, accu2 integer :: i,j ! Functions double precision :: d1_norm_inverse_trust_region accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo accu1 = accu1 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo accu2 = accu2 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo d1_norm_inverse_trust_region = 4d0 * accu2 * (1d0/accu1**3 - 1d0/(delta**2 * accu1**2)) end #+END_SRC * Second derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 Version without OMP *Compute the second derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2* This function computes the value of (1/||x(lambda)||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 \begin{align*} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \lambda^2} (1/||\textbf{x}(\lambda)||^2 - 1/\Delta^2)^2 &= 4 \left[ \frac{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^4} - 3 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} \right] \\ &- \frac{4}{\Delta^2} \left[ \frac{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3)})^2}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^3} - 3 \frac{\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4}}{(\sum_i \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \cdot \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2})^2} \right] \end{align*} \begin{align*} \text{accu1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^2} \\ \text{accu2} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^3} \\ \text{accu3} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(\textbf{w}_i^T \textbf{g})^2}{(h_i + \lambda)^4} \end{align*} Provided: | m_num | integer | number of MOs | Input: | n | integer | mo_num*(mo_num-1)/2 | | e_val(n) | double precision | eigenvalues of the hessian | | W(n,n) | double precision | eigenvectors of the hessian | | v_grad(n) | double precision | gradient | | lambda | double precision | Lagrange multiplier | | delta | double precision | Delta of the trust region | Internal: | wtg | double precision | temporary variable to store W^T.v_grad | | i,j | integer | indexes | Function: | d2_norm_inverse_trust_region | double precision | value of the first derivative | #+BEGIN_SRC f90 :comments org :tangle trust_region_optimal_lambda.irp.f function d2_norm_inverse_trust_region(n,e_val,w,v_grad,lambda,delta) include 'pi.h' !BEGIN_DOC ! Compute the second derivative of (1/||x||^2 - 1/Delta^2)^2 !END_DOC implicit none ! Variables ! in integer, intent(in) :: n double precision, intent(in) :: e_val(n) double precision, intent(in) :: w(n,n) double precision, intent(in) :: v_grad(n) double precision, intent(in) :: lambda double precision, intent(in) :: delta ! Internal double precision :: wtg, accu1, accu2, accu3 integer :: i,j ! Functions double precision :: d2_norm_inverse_trust_region accu1 = 0d0 accu2 = 0d0 accu3 = 0d0 do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo accu1 = accu1 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**2 endif enddo do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo accu2 = accu2 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**3 endif enddo do i = 1, n if (DABS(e_val(i)) > thresh_eig .and. DABS(e_val(i)+lambda) > thresh_eig) then wtg = 0d0 do j = 1, n wtg = wtg + w(j,i) * v_grad(j) enddo accu3 = accu3 + wtg**2 / (e_val(i) + lambda)**4 endif enddo d2_norm_inverse_trust_region = 4d0 * (6d0 * accu2**2/accu1**4 - 3d0 * accu3/accu1**3) & - 4d0/delta**2 * (4d0 * accu2**2/accu1**3 - 3d0 * accu3/accu1**2) end #+END_SRC