#!/usr/bin/env python import os import json def fix_json(s): """Properly termitates an incomplete JSON file""" s = s.replace(' ','') s = s.replace('\n','') s = s.replace('\t','') s = s.replace(",{}",'') tmp = [ c for c in s if c in "[]{}" ] tmp = "".join(tmp) tmp_old = "" while tmp != tmp_old: tmp_old = tmp tmp = tmp.replace("{}","") tmp = tmp.replace("[]","") while s[-1] in [ ',', '\n', ' ', '\t' ]: s = s[:-1] tmp = [ c for c in tmp ] tmp.reverse() for c in tmp: if c == '[': s += "]" elif c == '{': s += "}" return s def load(filename): """Loads a JSON file after calling the fix_json function.""" with open(filename,'r') as f: data = f.read() new_data = fix_json(data) return json.loads(new_data) def load_all(ezfio_filename): """Loads all JSON files of an EZFIO.""" d = {} prefix = ezfio_filename+'/json/' for filename in [ x for x in os.listdir(prefix) if x.endswith(".json")]: d[filename] = load(prefix+filename) return d def load_last(ezfio_filename): """Loads last JSON file of an EZFIO.""" d = {} prefix = ezfio_filename+'/json/' l = [ x for x in os.listdir(prefix) if x.endswith(".json")] l.sort() filename = l[-1] print(filename) return load(prefix+filename) def fix(ezfio_filename): """Fixes all JSON files in an EZFIO.""" d = load_all(ezfio_filename) prefix = ezfio_filename+'/json/' for filename in d.keys(): with open(prefix+filename, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(d[filename], json_file)