import numpy as np from functools import reduce def memoize(f): memo = {} def helper(x): if x not in memo: memo[x] = f(x) return memo[x] return helper @memoize def idx2_tri(iijj): ''' iijj should be a 2-tuple return triangular compound index for (0-indexed counting) ''' ij1=min(iijj) ij2=max(iijj) return ij1+(ij2*(ij2+1))//2 # return ij1+(ij2*(ij2-1))//2 def pad(arr_in,outshape): arr_out = np.zeros(outshape,dtype=np.complex128) dataslice = tuple(slice(0,arr_in.shape[dim]) for dim in range(len(outshape))) arr_out[dataslice] = arr_in return arr_out def makesq(vlist,n1,n2): ''' make hermitian matrices of size (n2 x n2) from from lower triangles vlist is n1 lower triangles in flattened form given: ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t],2,4) output a 2x4x4 array, where each 4x4 is the square constructed from the lower triangle [ [ [a b* d* g*] [b c e* h*] [d e f i*] [g h i j ] ], [ [k l* n* q*] [l m o* r*] [n o p s*] [q r s t ] ] ] ''' out=np.zeros([n1,n2,n2],dtype=np.complex128) n0 = vlist.shape[0] lmask=np.tri(n2,dtype=bool) for i in range(n0): out[i][lmask] = vlist[i].conj() out2=out.transpose([0,2,1]) for i in range(n0): out2[i][lmask] = vlist[i] return out2 def makesq3(vlist,n2): ''' make hermitian matrices of size (n2 x n2) from from lower triangles vlist is n1 lower triangles in flattened form given: ([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t],2,4) output a 2x4x4 array, where each 4x4 is the square constructed from the lower triangle [ [ [a b* d* g*] [b c e* h*] [d e f i*] [g h i j ] ], [ [k l* n* q*] [l m o* r*] [n o p s*] [q r s t ] ] ] ''' n0 = vlist.shape[0] out=np.zeros([n0,n2,n2],dtype=np.complex128) lmask=np.tri(n2,dtype=bool) for i in range(n0): out[i][lmask] = vlist[i].conj() out2=out.transpose([0,2,1]) for i in range(n0): out2[i][lmask] = vlist[i] return out2 def makesq2(vlist,n1,n2): out=np.zeros([n1,n2,n2],dtype=np.complex128) lmask=np.tri(n2,dtype=bool) tmp=np.zeros([n2,n2],dtype=np.complex128) tmp2=np.zeros([n2,n2],dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(n1): tmp[lmask] = vlist[i].conj() tmp2=tmp.T tmp2[lmask] = vlist[i] out[i] = tmp2.copy() return out def get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=None): ''' The unitary transformation that transforms the supercell basis k-mesh adapted basis. ''' from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf import lib latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors() if kmesh is None: # Guess kmesh scaled_k = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts).round(8) kmesh = (len(np.unique(scaled_k[:,0])), len(np.unique(scaled_k[:,1])), len(np.unique(scaled_k[:,2]))) R_rel_a = np.arange(kmesh[0]) R_rel_b = np.arange(kmesh[1]) R_rel_c = np.arange(kmesh[2]) R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c)) R_vec_abs = np.einsum('nu, uv -> nv', R_vec_rel, latt_vec) NR = len(R_vec_abs) phase = np.exp(1j*np.einsum('Ru, ku -> Rk', R_vec_abs, kpts)) phase /= np.sqrt(NR) # normalization in supercell # R_rel_mesh has to be construct exactly same to the Ts in super_cell function scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh) return scell, phase def mo_k2gamma(cell, mo_energy, mo_coeff, kpts, kmesh=None): ''' Transform MOs in Kpoints to the equivalents supercell ''' from pyscf import lib import scipy.linalg as la scell, phase = get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh) E_g = np.hstack(mo_energy) C_k = np.asarray(mo_coeff) Nk, Nao, Nmo = C_k.shape NR = phase.shape[0] # Transform AO indices C_gamma = np.einsum('Rk, kum -> Rukm', phase, C_k) C_gamma = C_gamma.reshape(Nao*NR, Nk*Nmo) E_sort_idx = np.argsort(E_g) E_g = E_g[E_sort_idx] C_gamma = C_gamma[:,E_sort_idx] s = scell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp') assert(abs(reduce(, (C_gamma.conj().T, s, C_gamma)) - np.eye(Nmo*Nk)).max() < 1e-7) # Transform MO indices E_k_degen = abs(E_g[1:] - E_g[:-1]).max() < 1e-5 if np.any(E_k_degen): degen_mask = np.append(False, E_k_degen) | np.append(E_k_degen, False) shift = min(E_g[degen_mask]) - .1 f =[:,degen_mask] * (E_g[degen_mask] - shift), C_gamma[:,degen_mask].conj().T) assert(abs(f.imag).max() < 1e-5) e, na_orb = la.eigh(f.real, s, type=2) C_gamma[:,degen_mask] = na_orb[:, e>0] if abs(C_gamma.imag).max() < 1e-7: print('!Warning Some complexe pollutions in MOs are present') C_gamma = C_gamma.real if abs(reduce(, (C_gamma.conj().T, s, C_gamma)) - np.eye(Nmo*Nk)).max() < 1e-7: print('!Warning Some complexe pollutions in MOs are present') s_k = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts) # overlap between k-point unitcell and gamma-point supercell s_k_g = np.einsum('kuv,Rk->kuRv', s_k, phase.conj()).reshape(Nk,Nao,NR*Nao) # The unitary transformation from k-adapted orbitals to gamma-point orbitals mo_phase = lib.einsum('kum,kuv,vi->kmi', C_k.conj(), s_k_g, C_gamma) return mo_phase def qp2rename(): import shutil qp2names={} qp2names['mo_coef_complex'] = 'C.qp' qp2names['bielec_ao_complex'] = 'W.qp' qp2names['kinetic_ao_complex'] = 'T.qp' qp2names['ne_ao_complex'] = 'V.qp' qp2names['overlap_ao_complex'] = 'S.qp' for old,new in qp2names.items(): shutil.move(old,new) shutil.copy('e_nuc','E.qp') def pyscf2QP(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8, print_ao_ints_bi=False, print_mo_ints_bi=False, print_ao_ints_df=True, print_mo_ints_df=False, print_ao_ints_mono=True, print_mo_ints_mono=False): ''' kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional) cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that ''' from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp import h5py mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold ovlp_threshold = int_threshold kin_threshold = int_threshold ne_threshold = int_threshold bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold natom = len(cell.atom_coords()) print('n_atom per kpt', natom) print('num_elec per kpt', cell.nelectron) mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff # Mo_coeff actif mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff) e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy) Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape print("n Kpts", Nk) print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo) print("n AOs per kpt", nao) naux = mf.with_df.auxcell.nao print("n df fitting functions", naux) with open('num_df','w') as f: f.write(str(naux)) # Write all the parameter need to creat a dummy EZFIO folder who will containt the integral after. # More an implentation detail than a real thing with open('param','w') as f: # Note the use of nmo_tot f.write(' '.join(map(str,(cell.nelectron*Nk, Nk*nmo, natom*Nk)))) with open('num_ao','w') as f: f.write(str(nao*Nk)) with open('kpt_num','w') as f: f.write(str(Nk)) # _ # |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._ # | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | | # | #Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol = shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5 e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk print('nucl_repul', e_nuc) with open('e_nuc','w') as f: f.write(str(e_nuc)) # __ __ _ # |\/| | | | _ _ |_ _ # | | |__| |__ (_) (/_ | _> # with open('mo_coef_complex','w') as outfile: c_kpts = np.reshape(mo_k,(Nk,nao,nmo)) for ik in range(Nk): shift1=ik*nao+1 shift2=ik*nmo+1 for i in range(nao): for j in range(nmo): cij = c_kpts[ik,i,j] if abs(cij) > mo_coef_threshold: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift1, j+shift2, cij.real, cij.imag)) # ___ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _ # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_) # _| if mf.cell.pseudo: v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) else: v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0: v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) ne_ao = ('ne',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold) ovlp_ao = ('overlap',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold) kin_ao = ('kinetic',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold) for name, intval_kpts_ao, thresh in (ne_ao, ovlp_ao, kin_ao): if print_ao_ints_mono: with open('%s_ao_complex' % name,'w') as outfile: for ik in range(Nk): shift=ik*nao+1 for i in range(nao): for j in range(i,nao): int_ij = intval_kpts_ao[ik,i,j] if abs(int_ij) > thresh: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag)) if print_mo_ints_mono: intval_kpts_mo = np.einsum('kim,kij,kjn->kmn',mo_k.conj(),intval_kpts_ao,mo_k) with open('%s_mo_complex' % name,'w') as outfile: for ik in range(Nk): shift=ik*nmo+1 for i in range(nmo): for j in range(i,nmo): int_ij = intval_kpts_mo[ik,i,j] if abs(int_ij) > thresh: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag)) # ___ _ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) | # _| # kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) with open('kconserv_complex','w') as outfile: for a in range(Nk): for b in range(Nk): for c in range(Nk): d = kconserv[a,b,c] outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (a+1,c+1,b+1,d+1)) intfile=h5py.File(mf.with_df._cderi,'r') j3c = intfile.get('j3c') naosq = nao*nao naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2 j3ckeys = list(j3c.keys()) j3ckeys.sort(key=lambda strkey:int(strkey)) # in new(?) version of PySCF, there is an extra layer of groups before the datasets # datasets used to be [/j3c/0, /j3c/1, /j3c/2, ...] # datasets now are [/j3c/0/0, /j3c/1/0, /j3c/2/0, ...] j3clist = [j3c.get(i+'/0') for i in j3ckeys] if j3clist==[None]*len(j3clist): # if using older version, stop before last level j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3ckeys] nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk) # dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j # output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs) j3arr=np.array([(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq3(i.value,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist]) nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0] if print_ao_ints_df: with open('df_ao_integral_array','w') as outfile: pass with open('df_ao_integral_array','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3arr): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) if print_mo_ints_df: kpair_list=[] for i in range(Nk): for j in range(Nk): if(i>=j): kpair_list.append((i,j,idx2_tri((i,j)))) j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij],mo_k[ki].conj(),mo_k[kj]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list]) with open('df_mo_integral_array','w') as outfile: pass with open('df_mo_integral_array','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3mo): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) # eri_4d_ao = np.zeros((Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao), dtype=np.complex) # for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): # for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): # if c > d: break # idx2_cd = idx2_tri(c,d) # for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): # if b > d: break # a = kconserv[b,c,d] # if idx2_tri(a,b) > idx2_cd: continue # if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue # ka = kpts[a] # v = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) # v *= 1./Nk # eri_4d_ao[a,:,b,:,c,:,d] = v # # eri_4d_ao = eri_4d_ao.reshape([Nk*nao]*4) if (print_ao_ints_bi or print_mo_ints_bi): if print_ao_ints_bi: with open('bielec_ao_complex','w') as outfile: pass if print_mo_ints_bi: with open('bielec_mo_complex','w') as outfile: pass for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): if c > d: break idx2_cd = idx2_tri((c,d)) for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): if b > d: break a = kconserv[b,c,d] if idx2_tri((a,b)) > idx2_cd: continue if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue ka = kpts[a] if print_ao_ints_bi: with open('bielec_ao_complex','a') as outfile: eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk for l in range(nao): ll=l+d*nao for j in range(nao): jj=j+c*nao if jj>ll: break idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll)) for k in range(nao): kk=k+b*nao if kk>ll: break for i in range(nao): ii=i+a*nao if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break v=eri_4d_ao_kpt[i,k,j,l] if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag)) if print_mo_ints_bi: with open('bielec_mo_complex','a') as outfile: eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]], [ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nmo,)*4) eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk for l in range(nmo): ll=l+d*nmo for j in range(nmo): jj=j+c*nmo if jj>ll: break idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll)) for k in range(nmo): kk=k+b*nmo if kk>ll: break for i in range(nmo): ii=i+a*nmo if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break v=eri_4d_mo_kpt[i,k,j,l] if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag)) def testprintbi(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8): ''' kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional) cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that ''' from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp from import nist import h5py import scipy bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold natom = cell.natm nelec = cell.nelectron neleca,nelecb = cell.nelec atom_xyz = mf.cell.atom_coords() if not(mf.cell.unit.startswith(('B','b','au','AU'))): atom_xyz /= nist.BOHR # always convert to au strtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) atom_dset=qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_label',(natom,),dtype=strtype) for i in range(natom): atom_dset[i] = mf.cell.atom_pure_symbol(i) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_coord',data=atom_xyz) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_charge',data=mf.cell.atom_charges()) print('n_atom per kpt', natom) print('num_elec per kpt', nelec) mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff # Mo_coeff actif mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff) e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy) Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape print("n Kpts", Nk) print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo) print("n AOs per kpt", nao) naux = mf.with_df.auxcell.nao print("n df fitting functions", naux) #in old version: param << nelec*Nk, nmo*Nk, natom*Nk # ___ _ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) | # _| # kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/kconserv',data=np.transpose(kconserv+1,(0,2,1))) kcon_test = np.zeros((Nk,Nk,Nk),dtype=int) for a in range(Nk): for b in range(Nk): for c in range(Nk): kcon_test[a,c,b] = kconserv[a,b,c]+1 qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/kconserv_test',data=kcon_test) with open('K.qp','w') as outfile: for a in range(Nk): for b in range(Nk): for c in range(Nk): d = kconserv[a,b,c] outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (a+1,c+1,b+1,d+1)) intfile=h5py.File(mf.with_df._cderi,'r') j3c = intfile.get('j3c') naosq = nao*nao naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2 j3ckeys = list(j3c.keys()) j3ckeys.sort(key=lambda strkey:int(strkey)) # in new(?) version of PySCF, there is an extra layer of groups before the datasets # datasets used to be [/j3c/0, /j3c/1, /j3c/2, ...] # datasets now are [/j3c/0/0, /j3c/1/0, /j3c/2/0, ...] j3clist = [j3c.get(i+'/0') for i in j3ckeys] if j3clist==[None]*len(j3clist): # if using older version, stop before last level j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3ckeys] nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk) # dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j # output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs) j3arr=np.array([(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq3(i.value,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist]) nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0] df_ao_tmp = np.zeros((nao,nao,naux,nkpt_pairs),dtype=np.complex128) if print_ao_ints_df: with open('D.qp','w') as outfile: pass with open('D.qp','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3arr): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) df_ao_tmp[i,j,iaux,k]=v qph5.create_dataset('ao_two_e_ints/df_ao_integrals_real',data=df_ao_tmp.real) qph5.create_dataset('ao_two_e_ints/df_ao_integrals_imag',data=df_ao_tmp.imag) if print_mo_ints_df: kpair_list=[] for i in range(Nk): for j in range(Nk): if(i>=j): kpair_list.append((i,j,idx2_tri((i,j)))) j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij],mo_k[ki].conj(),mo_k[kj]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list]) df_mo_tmp = np.zeros((nmo,nmo,naux,nkpt_pairs),dtype=np.complex128) with open('D_mo.qp','w') as outfile: pass with open('D_mo.qp','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3mo): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) df_mo_tmp[i,j,iaux,k]=v qph5.create_dataset('mo_two_e_ints/df_mo_integrals_real',data=df_mo_tmp.real) qph5.create_dataset('mo_two_e_ints/df_mo_integrals_imag',data=df_mo_tmp.imag) # eri_4d_ao = np.zeros((Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao), dtype=np.complex) # for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): # for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): # if c > d: break # idx2_cd = idx2_tri(c,d) # for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): # if b > d: break # a = kconserv[b,c,d] # if idx2_tri(a,b) > idx2_cd: continue # if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue # ka = kpts[a] # v = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) # v *= 1./Nk # eri_4d_ao[a,:,b,:,c,:,d] = v # # eri_4d_ao = eri_4d_ao.reshape([Nk*nao]*4) with open('W.qp','w') as outfile: pass for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): if c > d: break idx2_cd = idx2_tri((c,d)) for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): if b > d: break a = kconserv[b,c,d] #if idx2_tri((a,b)) > idx2_cd: continue if a>d: continue #if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue ka = kpts[a] with open('W.qp','a') as outfile: eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk for l in range(nao): ll=l+d*nao for j in range(nao): jj=j+c*nao if jj>ll: break idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll)) for k in range(nao): kk=k+b*nao if kk>ll: break for i in range(nao): ii=i+a*nao if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break v=eri_4d_ao_kpt[i,k,j,l] if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag)) def pyscf2QP2(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8, print_ao_ints_bi=False, print_mo_ints_bi=False, print_ao_ints_df=True, print_mo_ints_df=False, print_ao_ints_mono=True, print_mo_ints_mono=False): ''' kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional) cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that ''' from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp from import nist import h5py import scipy qph5=h5py.File('qpdat.h5') qph5.create_group('nuclei') qph5.create_group('electrons') qph5.create_group('ao_basis') qph5.create_group('mo_basis') mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold ovlp_threshold = int_threshold kin_threshold = int_threshold ne_threshold = int_threshold bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold natom = cell.natm nelec = cell.nelectron neleca,nelecb = cell.nelec atom_xyz = mf.cell.atom_coords() if not(mf.cell.unit.startswith(('B','b','au','AU'))): atom_xyz /= nist.BOHR # always convert to au strtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) atom_dset=qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_label',(natom,),dtype=strtype) for i in range(natom): atom_dset[i] = mf.cell.atom_pure_symbol(i) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_coord',data=atom_xyz) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/nucl_charge',data=mf.cell.atom_charges()) print('n_atom per kpt', natom) print('num_elec per kpt', nelec) mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff # Mo_coeff actif mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff) e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy) Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape print("n Kpts", Nk) print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo) print("n AOs per kpt", nao) naux = mf.with_df.auxcell.nao print("n df fitting functions", naux) #in old version: param << nelec*Nk, nmo*Nk, natom*Nk qph5['electrons'].attrs['elec_alpha_num']=neleca*Nk qph5['electrons'].attrs['elec_beta_num']=nelecb*Nk qph5['mo_basis'].attrs['mo_num']=Nk*nmo qph5['ao_basis'].attrs['ao_num']=Nk*nao qph5['nuclei'].attrs['nucl_num']=Nk*natom qph5['nuclei'].attrs['kpt_num']=Nk qph5.create_group('ao_two_e_ints') qph5['ao_two_e_ints'].attrs['df_num']=naux qph5['ao_basis'].attrs['ao_basis']=mf.cell.basis ao_nucl=[mf.cell.bas_atom(i)+1 for i in range(nao)] qph5.create_dataset('ao_basis/ao_nucl',data=Nk*ao_nucl) # _ # |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._ # | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | | # | #Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol = shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5 e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk print('nucl_repul', e_nuc) qph5['nuclei'].attrs['nuclear_repulsion']=e_nuc # __ __ _ # |\/| | | | _ _ |_ _ # | | |__| |__ (_) (/_ | _> # mo_coef_blocked=scipy.linalg.block_diag(*mo_k) qph5.create_dataset('mo_basis/mo_coef_real',data=mo_coef_blocked.real) qph5.create_dataset('mo_basis/mo_coef_imag',data=mo_coef_blocked.imag) qph5.create_dataset('mo_basis/mo_coef_kpts_real',data=mo_k.real) qph5.create_dataset('mo_basis/mo_coef_kpts_imag',data=mo_k.imag) with open('C.qp','w') as outfile: c_kpts = np.reshape(mo_k,(Nk,nao,nmo)) for ik in range(Nk): shift1=ik*nao+1 shift2=ik*nmo+1 for i in range(nao): for j in range(nmo): cij = c_kpts[ik,i,j] if abs(cij) > mo_coef_threshold: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift1, j+shift2, cij.real, cij.imag)) # ___ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _ # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_) # _| if mf.cell.pseudo: v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) else: v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0: v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) ne_ao = ('V',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold) ovlp_ao = ('S',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold) kin_ao = ('T',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold) kin_ao_blocked=scipy.linalg.block_diag(*kin_ao[1]) ovlp_ao_blocked=scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ovlp_ao[1]) ne_ao_blocked=scipy.linalg.block_diag(*v_kpts_ao) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_kinetic_real',data=kin_ao_blocked.real) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_kinetic_imag',data=kin_ao_blocked.imag) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_overlap_real',data=ovlp_ao_blocked.real) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_overlap_imag',data=ovlp_ao_blocked.imag) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_n_e_real', data=ne_ao_blocked.real) qph5.create_dataset('ao_one_e_ints/ao_integrals_n_e_imag', data=ne_ao_blocked.imag) for name, intval_kpts_ao, thresh in (ne_ao, ovlp_ao, kin_ao): if print_ao_ints_mono: with open('%s.qp' % name,'w') as outfile: for ik in range(Nk): shift=ik*nao+1 for i in range(nao): for j in range(i,nao): int_ij = intval_kpts_ao[ik,i,j] if abs(int_ij) > thresh: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag)) if print_mo_ints_mono: intval_kpts_mo = np.einsum('kim,kij,kjn->kmn',mo_k.conj(),intval_kpts_ao,mo_k) with open('%s_mo.qp' % name,'w') as outfile: for ik in range(Nk): shift=ik*nmo+1 for i in range(nmo): for j in range(i,nmo): int_ij = intval_kpts_mo[ik,i,j] if abs(int_ij) > thresh: outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (i+shift, j+shift, int_ij.real, int_ij.imag)) # ___ _ # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) | # _| # kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/kconserv',data=np.transpose(kconserv+1,(0,2,1))) kcon_test = np.zeros((Nk,Nk,Nk),dtype=int) for a in range(Nk): for b in range(Nk): for c in range(Nk): kcon_test[a,c,b] = kconserv[a,b,c]+1 qph5.create_dataset('nuclei/kconserv_test',data=kcon_test) with open('K.qp','w') as outfile: for a in range(Nk): for b in range(Nk): for c in range(Nk): d = kconserv[a,b,c] outfile.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (a+1,c+1,b+1,d+1)) intfile=h5py.File(mf.with_df._cderi,'r') j3c = intfile.get('j3c') naosq = nao*nao naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2 j3ckeys = list(j3c.keys()) j3ckeys.sort(key=lambda strkey:int(strkey)) # in new(?) version of PySCF, there is an extra layer of groups before the datasets # datasets used to be [/j3c/0, /j3c/1, /j3c/2, ...] # datasets now are [/j3c/0/0, /j3c/1/0, /j3c/2/0, ...] j3clist = [j3c.get(i+'/0') for i in j3ckeys] if j3clist==[None]*len(j3clist): # if using older version, stop before last level j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3ckeys] nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk) # dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j # output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs) j3arr=np.array([(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq3(i.value,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist]) nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0] df_ao_tmp = np.zeros((nao,nao,naux,nkpt_pairs),dtype=np.complex128) if print_ao_ints_df: with open('D.qp','w') as outfile: pass with open('D.qp','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3arr): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) df_ao_tmp[i,j,iaux,k]=v qph5.create_dataset('ao_two_e_ints/df_ao_integrals_real',data=df_ao_tmp.real) qph5.create_dataset('ao_two_e_ints/df_ao_integrals_imag',data=df_ao_tmp.imag) if print_mo_ints_df: kpair_list=[] for i in range(Nk): for j in range(Nk): if(i>=j): kpair_list.append((i,j,idx2_tri((i,j)))) j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij],mo_k[ki].conj(),mo_k[kj]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list]) df_mo_tmp = np.zeros((nmo,nmo,naux,nkpt_pairs),dtype=np.complex128) with open('D_mo.qp','w') as outfile: pass with open('D_mo.qp','a') as outfile: for k,kpt_pair in enumerate(j3mo): for iaux,dfbasfunc in enumerate(kpt_pair): for i,i0 in enumerate(dfbasfunc): for j,v in enumerate(i0): if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (i+1,j+1,iaux+1,k+1,v.real,v.imag)) df_mo_tmp[i,j,iaux,k]=v qph5.create_dataset('mo_two_e_ints/df_mo_integrals_real',data=df_mo_tmp.real) qph5.create_dataset('mo_two_e_ints/df_mo_integrals_imag',data=df_mo_tmp.imag) # eri_4d_ao = np.zeros((Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao,Nk,nao), dtype=np.complex) # for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): # for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): # if c > d: break # idx2_cd = idx2_tri(c,d) # for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): # if b > d: break # a = kconserv[b,c,d] # if idx2_tri(a,b) > idx2_cd: continue # if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue # ka = kpts[a] # v = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) # v *= 1./Nk # eri_4d_ao[a,:,b,:,c,:,d] = v # # eri_4d_ao = eri_4d_ao.reshape([Nk*nao]*4) if (print_ao_ints_bi or print_mo_ints_bi): if print_ao_ints_bi: with open('W.qp','w') as outfile: pass if print_mo_ints_bi: with open('W_mo.qp','w') as outfile: pass for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): if c > d: break idx2_cd = idx2_tri((c,d)) for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): if b > d: break a = kconserv[b,c,d] #if idx2_tri((a,b)) > idx2_cd: continue if a > d: continue #if ((c==d) and (a>b)): continue ka = kpts[a] if print_ao_ints_bi: with open('W.qp','a') as outfile: eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk for l in range(nao): ll=l+d*nao for j in range(nao): jj=j+c*nao if jj>ll: break idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll)) for k in range(nao): kk=k+b*nao if kk>ll: break for i in range(nao): ii=i+a*nao if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break v=eri_4d_ao_kpt[i,k,j,l] if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag)) if print_mo_ints_bi: with open('W_mo.qp','a') as outfile: eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]], [ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nmo,)*4) eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk for l in range(nmo): ll=l+d*nmo for j in range(nmo): jj=j+c*nmo if jj>ll: break idx2_jjll = idx2_tri((jj,ll)) for k in range(nmo): kk=k+b*nmo if kk>ll: break for i in range(nmo): ii=i+a*nmo if idx2_tri((ii,kk)) > idx2_jjll: break if ((jj==ll) and (ii>kk)): break v=eri_4d_mo_kpt[i,k,j,l] if (abs(v) > bielec_int_threshold): outfile.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (ii+1,jj+1,kk+1,ll+1,v.real,v.imag)) #def testpyscf2QP(cell,mf, kpts, kmesh=None, cas_idx=None, int_threshold = 1E-8): # ''' # kpts = List of kpoints coordinates. Cannot be null, for gamma is other script # kmesh = Mesh of kpoints (optional) # cas_idx = List of active MOs. If not specified all MOs are actives # int_threshold = The integral will be not printed in they are bellow that # ''' # # from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo # from pyscf.pbc import tools # from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp # # mo_coef_threshold = int_threshold # ovlp_threshold = int_threshold # kin_threshold = int_threshold # ne_threshold = int_threshold # bielec_int_threshold = int_threshold # # natom = len(cell.atom_coords()) # print('n_atom per kpt', natom) # print('num_elec per kpt', cell.nelectron) # # mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff # # Mo_coeff actif # mo_k = np.array([c[:,cas_idx] for c in mo_coeff] if cas_idx is not None else mo_coeff) # e_k = np.array([e[cas_idx] for e in mf.mo_energy] if cas_idx is not None else mf.mo_energy) # # Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape # print("n Kpts", Nk) # print("n active Mos per kpt", nmo) # print("n AOs per kpt", nao) # # naux = mf.with_df.get_naoaux() # print("n df fitting functions", naux) # # # _ # # |\ | _ | _ _. ._ |_) _ ._ | _ o _ ._ # # | \| |_| (_ | (/_ (_| | | \ (/_ |_) |_| | _> | (_) | | # # | # # #Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung/cell.vol = # shift = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, kpts)*cell.nelectron * -.5 # e_nuc = (cell.energy_nuc() + shift)*Nk # # print('nucl_repul', e_nuc) # # # # ___ # # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |\/| _ ._ _ # # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> | | (_) | | (_) # # _| # # if mf.cell.pseudo: # v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_pp(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) # else: # v_kpts_ao = np.reshape(mf.with_df.get_nuc(kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) # if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0: # v_kpts_ao += np.reshape(ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)) # # ne_ao = ('ne',v_kpts_ao,ne_threshold) # ovlp_ao = ('overlap',np.reshape(mf.get_ovlp(cell=cell,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),ovlp_threshold) # kin_ao = ('kinetic',np.reshape(cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin',1,1,kpts=kpts),(Nk,nao,nao)),kin_threshold) # # # # ___ _ # # | ._ _|_ _ _ ._ _. | _ |_) o # # _|_ | | |_ (/_ (_| | (_| | _> |_) | # # _| # # # kconserv = tools.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) # # # import h5py # # intfile=h5py.File(mf.with_df._cderi,'r') # # j3c = intfile.get('j3c') # naosq = nao*nao # naotri = (nao*(nao+1))//2 # j3keys = list(j3c.keys()) # j3keys.sort(key=lambda x:int(x)) # j3clist = [j3c.get(i) for i in j3keys] # nkinvsq = 1./np.sqrt(Nk) # # # dimensions are (kikj,iaux,jao,kao), where kikj is compound index of kpts i and j # # output dimensions should be reversed (nao, nao, naux, nkptpairs) # j3arr=np.array([(pad(i.value.reshape([-1,nao,nao]),[naux,nao,nao]) if (i.shape[1] == naosq) else makesq(i.value,naux,nao)) * nkinvsq for i in j3clist]) # # nkpt_pairs = j3arr.shape[0] # # kpair_list=[] # for i in range(Nk): # for j in range(Nk): # if(i>=j): # kpair_list.append((i,j,idx2_tri((i,j)))) # j3mo = np.array([np.einsum('mij,ik,jl->mkl',j3arr[kij,:,:,:],mo_k[ki,:,:].conj(),mo_k[kj,:,:]) for ki,kj,kij in kpair_list]) # # # # eri_mo = np.zeros(4*[nmo*Nk],dtype=np.complex128) # eri_ao = np.zeros(4*[nao*Nk],dtype=np.complex128) # # for d, kd in enumerate(kpts): # for c, kc in enumerate(kpts): # for b, kb in enumerate(kpts): # a = kconserv[b,c,d] # ka = kpts[a] # eri_4d_ao_kpt = mf.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpts=[ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nao,)*4) # eri_4d_ao_kpt *= 1./Nk # for l in range(nao): # ll=l+d*nao # for j in range(nao): # jj=j+c*nao # for k in range(nao): # kk=k+b*nao # for i in range(nao): # ii=i+a*nao # v=eri_4d_ao_kpt[i,k,j,l] # eri_ao[ii,kk,jj,ll]=v # # eri_4d_mo_kpt = mf.with_df.ao2mo([mo_k[a], mo_k[b], mo_k[c], mo_k[d]], # [ka,kb,kc,kd],compact=False).reshape((nmo,)*4) # eri_4d_mo_kpt *= 1./Nk # for l in range(nmo): # ll=l+d*nmo # for j in range(nmo): # jj=j+c*nmo # for k in range(nmo): # kk=k+b*nmo # for i in range(nmo): # ii=i+a*nmo # v=eri_4d_mo_kpt[i,k,j,l] # eri_mo[ii,kk,jj,ll]=v # # return (mo_k,j3arr,j3mo,eri_ao,eri_mo,kpair_list)